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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / ANALYSIS / AliAnalysisTask.cxx
d3106602 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
16/* $Id$ */
17// Author: Andrei Gheata, 31/05/2006
20// AliAnalysysTask - Class representing a basic analysis task. Any
21// user-defined task should derive from it and implement the Exec() virtual
22// method.
25// A specific user analysis task have to derive from this class. The list of
26// specific input and output slots have to be defined in the derived class ctor:
28// UserTask::UserTask(name, title)
29// {
30// DefineInput(0, TTree::Class());
31// DefineInput(1, TH1::Class());
32// ...
33// DefineOutput(0, TTree::Class());
34// DefineOutput(1, MyObject::Class());
35// ...
36// }
38// An existing data contaner (AliAnalysisDataContainer) can be connected to the
39// input/output slots of an analysis task. Containers should not be defined and
40// connected by the derived analysis task, but from the level of AliAnalysisManager:
42// AliAnalysisManager::ConnectInput(AliAnalysisTask *task, Int_t islot,
43// AliAnalysisDataContainer *cont)
44// AliAnalysisManager::ConnectOutput(AliAnalysisTask *task, Int_t islot,
45// AliAnalysisDataContainer *cont)
46// To connect a slot to a data container, the data types declared by both must
47// match.
327eaf46 48//
c52c2132 49// The method ConnectInputData() has to be overloaded by the derived class in order to
50// set the branch address or connect to a branch address in case the input
51// slots are connected to trees.
327eaf46 52// Example:
c52c2132 53// MyAnalysisTask::ConnectInputData(Option_t *)
327eaf46 54// {
c52c2132 55// // One should first check if the branch address was taken by some other task
56// char ** address = (char **)GetBranchAddress(0, "ESD");
57// if (address) {
58// fESD = (AliESD*)(*address);
59// } else {
60// fESD = new AliESD();
61// SetBranchAddress(0, "ESD", &fESD);
62// }
63// }
9b33830a 65// The method LocalInit() may be implemented to call locally (on the client)
66// all initialization methods of the class. It is not mandatory and was created
67// in order to minimize the complexity and readability of the analysis macro.
68// DO NOT create in this method the histigrams or task output objects that will
69// go in the task output containers. Use CreateOutputObjects for that.
71// The method CreateOutputObjects() has to be implemented an will contain the
c52c2132 72// objects that should be created only once per session (e.g. output
73// histograms)
75// void MyAnalysisTask::CreateOutputObjects()
77 // create histograms
78// fhPt = new TH1F("fhPt","This is the Pt distribution",15,0.1,3.1);
79// fhPt->SetStats(kTRUE);
80// fhPt->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("P_{T} [GeV]");
81// fhPt->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#frac{dN}{dP_{T}}");
82// fhPt->GetXaxis()->SetTitleColor(1);
83// fhPt->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle);
327eaf46 84// }
86// The method Terminate() will be called by the framework once at the end of
c52c2132 87// data processing. Overload this if needed. DO NOT ASSUME that the pointers
88// to histograms defined in CreateOutputObjects() are valid, since this is
89// not true in case of PROOF. Restore the pointer values like:
91//void MyAnalysisTask::Terminate(Option_t *)
93// fhPt = (TH1F*)GetOutputData(0);
94// ...
327eaf46 97//
d3106602 98//==============================================================================
0b28fd57 100#include <Riostream.h>
c5a87c56 101#include <TFile.h>
c52c2132 102#include <TClass.h>
b1310ef5 103#include <TTree.h>
8e6e6fe8 104#include <TROOT.h>
d3106602 105
d3106602 106#include "AliAnalysisTask.h"
107#include "AliAnalysisDataSlot.h"
108#include "AliAnalysisDataContainer.h"
c5a87c56 109#include "AliAnalysisManager.h"
d3106602 110
37a26056 115 :fReady(kFALSE),
327eaf46 116 fInitialized(kFALSE),
37a26056 117 fNinputs(0),
118 fNoutputs(0),
119 fOutputReady(NULL),
120 fPublishedData(NULL),
121 fInputs(NULL),
122 fOutputs(NULL)
d3106602 123{
124// Default constructor.
d3106602 125}
128AliAnalysisTask::AliAnalysisTask(const char *name, const char *title)
37a26056 129 :TTask(name,title),
130 fReady(kFALSE),
327eaf46 131 fInitialized(kFALSE),
37a26056 132 fNinputs(0),
133 fNoutputs(0),
134 fOutputReady(NULL),
135 fPublishedData(NULL),
136 fInputs(NULL),
137 fOutputs(NULL)
d3106602 138{
37a26056 139// Constructor.
d3106602 140 fInputs = new TObjArray(2);
141 fOutputs = new TObjArray(2);
145AliAnalysisTask::AliAnalysisTask(const AliAnalysisTask &task)
37a26056 146 :TTask(task),
147 fReady(task.fReady),
327eaf46 148 fInitialized(task.fInitialized),
37a26056 149 fNinputs(task.fNinputs),
150 fNoutputs(task.fNoutputs),
151 fOutputReady(NULL),
152 fPublishedData(NULL),
153 fInputs(NULL),
154 fOutputs(NULL)
d3106602 155{
156// Copy ctor.
d3106602 157 fInputs = new TObjArray((fNinputs)?fNinputs:2);
158 fOutputs = new TObjArray((fNoutputs)?fNoutputs:2);
159 fPublishedData = 0;
160 Int_t i;
161 for (i=0; i<fNinputs; i++) fInputs->AddAt(task.GetInputSlot(i),i);
162 fOutputReady = new Bool_t[(fNoutputs)?fNoutputs:2];
163 for (i=0; i<fNoutputs; i++) {
164 fOutputReady[i] = IsOutputReady(i);
165 fOutputs->AddAt(task.GetOutputSlot(i),i);
166 }
172// Dtor.
c52c2132 173 if (fTasks) fTasks->Clear();
d3106602 174 if (fInputs) {fInputs->Delete(); delete fInputs;}
175 if (fOutputs) {fOutputs->Delete(); delete fOutputs;}
179AliAnalysisTask& AliAnalysisTask::operator=(const AliAnalysisTask& task)
181// Assignment
37a26056 182 if (&task == this) return *this;
183 TTask::operator=(task);
184 fReady = task.IsReady();
327eaf46 185 fInitialized = task.IsInitialized();
37a26056 186 fNinputs = task.GetNinputs();
187 fNoutputs = task.GetNoutputs();
188 fInputs = new TObjArray((fNinputs)?fNinputs:2);
189 fOutputs = new TObjArray((fNoutputs)?fNoutputs:2);
190 fPublishedData = 0;
191 Int_t i;
192 for (i=0; i<fNinputs; i++) fInputs->AddAt(new AliAnalysisDataSlot(*task.GetInputSlot(i)),i);
193 fOutputReady = new Bool_t[(fNoutputs)?fNoutputs:2];
194 for (i=0; i<fNoutputs; i++) {
195 fOutputReady[i] = IsOutputReady(i);
196 fOutputs->AddAt(new AliAnalysisDataSlot(*task.GetOutputSlot(i)),i);
197 }
d3106602 198 return *this;
202Bool_t AliAnalysisTask::AreSlotsConnected()
204// Check if all input/output slots are connected. If this is the case fReady=true
205 fReady = kFALSE;
206 if (!fNinputs || !fNoutputs) return kFALSE;
207 Int_t i;
208 AliAnalysisDataSlot *slot;
209 for (i=0; i<fNinputs; i++) {
210 slot = (AliAnalysisDataSlot*)fInputs->At(i);
211 if (!slot) {
c52c2132 212 Error("AreSlotsConnected", "Input slot %d of task %s not defined !",i,GetName());
d3106602 213 return kFALSE;
214 }
215 if (!slot->IsConnected()) return kFALSE;
216 }
217 for (i=0; i<fNoutputs; i++) {
218 slot = (AliAnalysisDataSlot*)fOutputs->At(i);
219 if (!slot) {
c52c2132 220 Error("AreSlotsConnected", "Output slot %d of task %s not defined !",i,GetName());
d3106602 221 return kFALSE;
222 }
223 if (!slot->IsConnected()) return kFALSE;
224 }
225 fReady = kTRUE;
226 return kTRUE;
327eaf46 230void AliAnalysisTask::CheckNotify(Bool_t init)
d3106602 231{
232// Check if data is available from all inputs. Change the status of the task
233// accordingly. This method is called automatically for all tasks connected
234// to a container where the data was published.
327eaf46 235 if (init) fInitialized = kFALSE;
b1310ef5 236 Bool_t single_shot = IsPostEventLoop();
efd53803 237 AliAnalysisDataContainer *cinput;
d3106602 238 for (Int_t islot=0; islot<fNinputs; islot++) {
efd53803 239 cinput = GetInputSlot(islot)->GetContainer();
b1310ef5 240 if (!cinput->GetData() || (single_shot && !cinput->IsPostEventLoop())) {
d3106602 241 SetActive(kFALSE);
242 return;
243 }
244 }
245 SetActive(kTRUE);
327eaf46 246 if (fInitialized) return;
247 TDirectory *cursav = gDirectory;
c52c2132 248 ConnectInputData();
327eaf46 249 if (cursav) cursav->cd();
250 fInitialized = kTRUE;
d3106602 251}
254Bool_t AliAnalysisTask::ConnectInput(Int_t islot, AliAnalysisDataContainer *cont)
256// Connect an input slot to a data container.
257 AliAnalysisDataSlot *input = GetInputSlot(islot);
258 if (!input) {
c52c2132 259 Error("ConnectInput","Input slot %i not defined for analysis task %s", islot, GetName());
d3106602 260 return kFALSE;
261 }
262 // Check type matching
263 if (!input->GetType()->InheritsFrom(cont->GetType())) {
c52c2132 264 Error("ConnectInput","Data type %s for input %i of task %s not matching container %s of type %s",input->GetType()->GetName(), islot, GetName(), cont->GetName(), cont->GetType()->GetName());
d3106602 265 return kFALSE;
266 }
267 // Connect the slot to the container as input
268 if (!input->ConnectContainer(cont)) return kFALSE;
269 // Add this to the list of container consumers
270 cont->AddConsumer(this, islot);
271 AreSlotsConnected();
272 return kTRUE;
276Bool_t AliAnalysisTask::ConnectOutput(Int_t islot, AliAnalysisDataContainer *cont)
278// Connect an output slot to a data container.
279 AliAnalysisDataSlot *output = GetOutputSlot(islot);
280 if (!output) {
c52c2132 281 Error("ConnectOutput","Output slot %i not defined for analysis task %s", islot, GetName());
d3106602 282 return kFALSE;
283 }
284 // Check type matching
285 if (!output->GetType()->InheritsFrom(cont->GetType())) {
c52c2132 286 Error("ConnectOutput","Data type %s for output %i of task %s not matching container %s of type %s",output->GetType()->GetName(), islot, GetName(), cont->GetName(), cont->GetType()->GetName());
d3106602 287 return kFALSE;
288 }
289 // Connect the slot to the container as output
290 if (!output->ConnectContainer(cont)) return kFALSE;
b1310ef5 291 // Set event loop type the same as for the task
292 cont->SetPostEventLoop(IsPostEventLoop());
d3106602 293 // Declare this as the data producer
294 cont->SetProducer(this, islot);
295 AreSlotsConnected();
296 return kTRUE;
300void AliAnalysisTask::DefineInput(Int_t islot, TClass *type)
302// Define an input slot and its type.
303 AliAnalysisDataSlot *input = new AliAnalysisDataSlot(type, this);
304 if (fNinputs<islot+1) fNinputs = islot+1;
6ae18197 305 fInputs->AddAtAndExpand(input, islot);
d3106602 306}
309void AliAnalysisTask::DefineOutput(Int_t islot, TClass *type)
311// Define an output slot and its type.
d3106602 312 AliAnalysisDataSlot *output = new AliAnalysisDataSlot(type, this);
313 if (fNoutputs<islot+1) {
314 fNoutputs = islot+1;
315 if (fOutputReady) delete [] fOutputReady;
316 fOutputReady = new Bool_t[fNoutputs];
317 memset(fOutputReady, 0, fNoutputs*sizeof(Bool_t));
318 }
6ae18197 319 fOutputs->AddAtAndExpand(output, islot);
d3106602 320}
323TClass *AliAnalysisTask::GetInputType(Int_t islot) const
325// Retreive type of a given input slot.
326 AliAnalysisDataSlot *input = GetInputSlot(islot);
327 if (!input) {
c52c2132 328 Error("GetInputType","Input slot %d not defined for analysis task %s", islot, GetName());
d3106602 329 return NULL;
330 }
331 return (input->GetType());
335TClass *AliAnalysisTask::GetOutputType(Int_t islot) const
337// Retreive type of a given output slot.
338 AliAnalysisDataSlot *output = GetOutputSlot(islot);
339 if (!output) {
c52c2132 340 Error("GetOutputType","Output slot %d not defined for analysis task %s", islot, GetName());
d3106602 341 return NULL;
342 }
343 return (output->GetType());
347TObject *AliAnalysisTask::GetInputData(Int_t islot) const
349// Retreive input data for a slot if ready. Normally called by Exec() and
350// the object has to be statically cast to the appropriate type.
351 AliAnalysisDataSlot *input = GetInputSlot(islot);
352 if (!input) {
c52c2132 353 Error("GetInputData","Input slot %d not defined for analysis task %s", islot, GetName());
d3106602 354 return NULL;
355 }
356 return (input->GetData());
c52c2132 359//______________________________________________________________________________
360TObject *AliAnalysisTask::GetOutputData(Int_t islot) const
362// Retreive output data for a slot. Normally called in UserTask::Terminate to
363// get a valid pointer to data even in case of Proof.
364 AliAnalysisDataSlot *output = GetOutputSlot(islot);
365 if (!output) {
366 Error("GetOutputData","Input slot %d not defined for analysis task %s", islot, GetName());
367 return NULL;
368 }
369 return (output->GetData());
327eaf46 372//______________________________________________________________________________
373char *AliAnalysisTask::GetBranchAddress(Int_t islot, const char *branch) const
375// Check if a branch with a given name from the specified input is connected
376// to some address. Call this in Init() before trying to call SetBranchAddress()
377// since the adress may be set by other task.
378 return (char *)GetInputSlot(islot)->GetBranchAddress(branch);
382Bool_t AliAnalysisTask::SetBranchAddress(Int_t islot, const char *branch, void *address) const
384// Connect an object address to a branch of the specified input.
385 return GetInputSlot(islot)->SetBranchAddress(branch, address);
b1310ef5 388//______________________________________________________________________________
389void AliAnalysisTask::EnableBranch(Int_t islot, const char *bname) const
391// Call this in ConnectInputData() to enable only the branches needed by this
392// task. "*" will enable everything.
393 AliAnalysisDataSlot *input = GetInputSlot(islot);
394 if (!input || !input->GetType()->InheritsFrom(TTree::Class())) {
395 Error("EnableBranch", "Wrong slot type #%d for task %s: not TTree-derived type", islot, GetName());
396 return;
397 }
398 TTree *tree = (TTree*)input->GetData();
399 if (!strcmp(bname, "*")) {
400 tree->SetBranchStatus("*",1);
401 return;
402 }
403 AliAnalysisDataSlot::EnableBranch(bname, tree);
8508e09f 405
8d7d3b59 407void AliAnalysisTask::FinishTaskOutput()
8508e09f 408{
8d7d3b59 409// Optional method that is called in SlaveTerminate phase.
410// Used for calling aditional methods just after the last event was processed ON
411// THE WORKING NODE. The call is made also in local case.
412// Do NOT delete output objects here since they will have to be sent for
413// merging in PROOF mode - use class destructor for cleanup.
8508e09f 414}
b1310ef5 415
327eaf46 416//______________________________________________________________________________
c52c2132 417void AliAnalysisTask::ConnectInputData(Option_t *)
327eaf46 418{
c52c2132 419// Overload and connect your branches here.
327eaf46 420}
9b33830a 422//______________________________________________________________________________
423void AliAnalysisTask::LocalInit()
425// The method LocalInit() may be implemented to call locally (on the client)
426// all initialization methods of the class. It is not mandatory and was created
427// in order to minimize the complexity and readability of the analysis macro.
428// DO NOT create in this method the histigrams or task output objects that will
429// go in the task output containers. Use CreateOutputObjects for that.
327eaf46 432//______________________________________________________________________________
c52c2132 433void AliAnalysisTask::CreateOutputObjects()
327eaf46 434{
981f2614 435// Called once per task either in PROOF or local mode. Overload to put some
436// task initialization and/or create your output objects here.
c5a87c56 439//______________________________________________________________________________
13ef3bb0 440TFile *AliAnalysisTask::OpenFile(Int_t iout, Option_t *option) const
c5a87c56 441{
442// This method has to be called INSIDE the user redefined CreateOutputObjects
443// method, before creating each object corresponding to the output containers
444// that are to be written to a file. This need to be done in general for the big output
445// objects that may not fit memory during processing.
446// - 'option' is the file opening option.
448// NOTE !: The method call will be ignored in PROOF mode, in which case the
449// results have to be streamed back to the client and written just before Terminate()
452// Example:
453// void MyAnaTask::CreateOutputObjects() {
454// OpenFile(0); // Will open the file for the object to be written at output #0
455// fAOD = new TTree("AOD for D0toKPi");
456// OpenFile(1);
457// now some histos that should go in the file of the second output container
458// fHist1 = new TH1F("my quality check hist1",...);
459// fHist2 = new TH2F("my quality check hist2",...);
460// }
13ef3bb0 462 if (iout<0 || iout>=fNoutputs) {
463 Error("OpenFile", "No output slot for task %s with index %d", GetName(), iout);
464 return NULL;
465 }
466 // We allow file opening also on the slaves (AG)
8d7d3b59 467 AliAnalysisManager *mgr = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager();
c5a87c56 468 AliAnalysisDataContainer *cont = GetOutputSlot(iout)->GetContainer();
13ef3bb0 469 TFile *f = NULL;
8d7d3b59 470 if (!strlen(cont->GetFileName())) {
471 Error("OpenFile", "No file name specified for container %s", cont->GetName());
472 return f;
473 }
474 if (mgr->GetAnalysisType()==AliAnalysisManager::kProofAnalysis && cont->IsSpecialOutput())
475 f = mgr->OpenProofFile(cont->GetFileName(),option);
8e6e6fe8 476 else {
477 // Check first if the file is already opened
478 f = (TFile*)gROOT->GetListOfFiles()->FindObject(cont->GetFileName());
479 if (!f) f = new TFile(cont->GetFileName(), option);
480 }
8d7d3b59 481 if (f && !f->IsZombie()) {
482 cont->SetFile(f);
483 return f;
484 }
485 cont->SetFile(NULL);
13ef3bb0 486 return NULL;
c5a87c56 487}
981f2614 489//______________________________________________________________________________
490Bool_t AliAnalysisTask::Notify()
492// Overload this IF you need to treat input file change.
493 return kTRUE;
327eaf46 494}
aee5ee44 496//______________________________________________________________________________
497Bool_t AliAnalysisTask::NotifyBinChange()
499// Overload this IF you need to treat bin change in event mixing.
500 return kTRUE;
327eaf46 503//______________________________________________________________________________
c52c2132 504void AliAnalysisTask::Terminate(Option_t *)
327eaf46 505{
c52c2132 506// Method called by the framework at the end of data processing.
327eaf46 508
d3106602 509//______________________________________________________________________________
510Bool_t AliAnalysisTask::PostData(Int_t iout, TObject *data, Option_t *option)
512// Post output data for a given ouput slot in the corresponding data container.
513// Published data becomes owned by the data container.
514// If option is specified, the container connected to the output slot must have
515// an associated file name defined. The option represents the method to open the file.
516 fPublishedData = 0;
517 AliAnalysisDataSlot *output = GetOutputSlot(iout);
518 if (!output) {
c52c2132 519 Error("PostData","Output slot %i not defined for analysis task %s", iout, GetName());
d3106602 520 return kFALSE;
521 }
522 if (!output->IsConnected()) {
c52c2132 523 Error("PostData","Output slot %i of analysis task %s not connected to any data container", iout, GetName());
d3106602 524 return kFALSE;
525 }
526 if (!fOutputReady) {
527 fOutputReady = new Bool_t[fNoutputs];
528 memset(fOutputReady, 0, fNoutputs*sizeof(Bool_t));
529 }
530 fOutputReady[iout] = kTRUE;
531 fPublishedData = data;
532 return (output->GetContainer()->SetData(data, option));
536void AliAnalysisTask::SetUsed(Bool_t flag)
538// Set 'used' flag recursively to task and all daughter tasks.
539 if (TestBit(kTaskUsed)==flag) return;
540 TObject::SetBit(kTaskUsed,flag);
541 Int_t nd = fTasks->GetSize();
542 AliAnalysisTask *task;
543 for (Int_t i=0; i<nd; i++) {
544 task = (AliAnalysisTask*)fTasks->At(i);
545 task->SetUsed(flag);
546 }
550Bool_t AliAnalysisTask::CheckCircularDeps()
552// Check for illegal circular dependencies, e.g. a daughter task should not have
553// a hierarchical parent as subtask.
554 if (IsChecked()) return kTRUE;
555 SetChecked();
556 TList *tasks = GetListOfTasks();
557 Int_t ntasks = tasks->GetSize();
558 AliAnalysisTask *task;
559 for (Int_t i=0; i<ntasks; i++) {
560 task = (AliAnalysisTask*)tasks->At(i);
561 if (task->CheckCircularDeps()) return kTRUE;
562 }
563 SetChecked(kFALSE);
564 return kFALSE;
568void AliAnalysisTask::PrintTask(Option_t *option, Int_t indent) const
570// Print task info.
571 AliAnalysisTask *thistask = (AliAnalysisTask*)this;
572 TString opt(option);
573 opt.ToLower();
574 Bool_t dep = (opt.Contains("dep"))?kTRUE:kFALSE;
575 TString ind;
576 Int_t islot;
577 AliAnalysisDataContainer *cont;
578 for (Int_t i=0; i<indent; i++) ind += " ";
579 if (!dep || (dep && IsChecked())) {
b1310ef5 580 printf("%s\n", Form("%stask: %s ACTIVE=%i POST_LOOP=%i", ind.Data(), GetName(),IsActive(),IsPostEventLoop()));
d3106602 581 if (dep) thistask->SetChecked(kFALSE);
582 else {
583 for (islot=0; islot<fNinputs; islot++) {
584 printf("%s", Form("%s INPUT #%i: %s <- ",ind.Data(),islot, GetInputType(islot)->GetName()));
585 cont = GetInputSlot(islot)->GetContainer();
586 if (cont) printf(" [%s]\n", cont->GetName());
587 else printf(" [NO CONTAINER]\n");
588 }
589 for (islot=0; islot<fNoutputs; islot++) {
590 printf("%s", Form("%s OUTPUT #%i: %s -> ",ind.Data(),islot, GetOutputType(islot)->GetName()));
591 cont = GetOutputSlot(islot)->GetContainer();
592 if (cont) printf(" [%s]\n", cont->GetName());
593 else printf(" [NO CONTAINER]\n");
594 }
595 }
596 }
597 PrintContainers(option, indent+3);
601void AliAnalysisTask::PrintContainers(Option_t *option, Int_t indent) const
603// Print containers info.
604 AliAnalysisDataContainer *cont;
605 TString ind;
606 for (Int_t i=0; i<indent; i++) ind += " ";
607 Int_t islot;
608 for (islot=0; islot<fNoutputs; islot++) {
609 cont = GetOutputSlot(islot)->GetContainer();
efd53803 610 if (cont) cont->PrintContainer(option, indent);
d3106602 611 }
efd53803 613
b1310ef5 615void AliAnalysisTask::SetPostEventLoop(Bool_t flag)
efd53803 616{
b1310ef5 617// Set the task execution mode - run after event loop or not. All output
efd53803 618// containers of this task will get the same type.
b1310ef5 619 TObject::SetBit(kTaskPostEventLoop,flag);
efd53803 620 AliAnalysisDataContainer *cont;
621 Int_t islot;
622 for (islot=0; islot<fNoutputs; islot++) {
623 cont = GetOutputSlot(islot)->GetContainer();
b1310ef5 624 if (cont) cont->SetPostEventLoop(flag);
efd53803 625 }