]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - ITS/AliITSVertexer.cxx
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / ITS / AliITSVertexer.cxx
308c2f7c 1#include "AliLog.h"
2#include "AliMultiplicity.h"
32e63e47 3#include "AliITSgeomTGeo.h"
27167524 4#include "AliITSVertexer.h"
27167524 5#include "AliITSLoader.h"
27167524 6#include "AliITSMultReconstructor.h"
d325d83f 7#include "AliITSRecPointContainer.h"
a65111f1 8#include "AliRunLoader.h"
27167524 9
10const Float_t AliITSVertexer::fgkPipeRadius = 3.0;
c5f0f3c1 11
15// Base class for primary vertex reconstruction //
d681bb2d 16// AliESDVertexer is a class for full 3D primary vertex finding //
0c1383c1 17// derived classes: AliITSvertexer3D, AliITSVertexerZ. //
3acc14d5 18// AliITSVertexerCosmics //
c5f0f3c1 19//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8c42830a 21/* $Id$ */
c5f0f3c1 23//______________________________________________________________________
27167524 24AliITSVertexer::AliITSVertexer():AliVertexer(),
a65111f1 25fLadders(NULL),
308c2f7c 26fLadOnLay2(0),
1ff24d0a 27fComputeMultiplicity(kFALSE),
06a7cbee 28fDetTypeRec(NULL),
8c32ba44 29fMinTrackletsForPilup(0),
6b4d9537 33fNoVertices(0),
308c2f7c 35fFirstEvent(0),
06a7cbee 36fLastEvent(-1)
27167524 37{
308c2f7c 38 // Default Constructor
27167524 39 SetLaddersOnLayer2();
8c32ba44 40 SetMinTrackletsForPilup();
8c42830a 41 for(Int_t i=0; i<kNSPDMod;i++) fUseModule[i]=kTRUE;
c5f0f3c1 42}
27167524 44//______________________________________________________________________
45AliITSVertexer::~AliITSVertexer() {
46 // Destructor
6b4d9537 47 if(fLadders) delete [] fLadders;
48 if (fNoVertices > 0){
49 delete []fVertArray;
50 fVertArray = NULL;
51 fNoVertices = 0;
52 }
27167524 53}
6b4d9537 55//______________________________________________________________________
56void AliITSVertexer::ResetVertex(){
57 // Resets vertex related data members
58 if(fNoVertices > 0){
59 if(fVertArray) delete []fVertArray;
60 fVertArray = NULL;
61 fNoVertices = 0;
62 }
63 fIsPileup=kFALSE;
64 fNTrpuv=-2;
65 fZpuv=-99999.;
32e449be 68//______________________________________________________________________
308c2f7c 69void AliITSVertexer::FindMultiplicity(TTree *itsClusterTree){
32e449be 70 // Invokes AliITSMultReconstructor to determine the
71 // charged multiplicity in the pixel layers
72 if(fMult){delete fMult; fMult = 0;}
6873ed43 73
32e449be 74 Bool_t success=kTRUE;
52b373f6 75 Bool_t cosmics=kFALSE;
32e449be 76 if(!fCurrentVertex)success=kFALSE;
77 if(fCurrentVertex && fCurrentVertex->GetNContributors()<1)success=kFALSE;
52b373f6 78 if(fCurrentVertex && strstr(fCurrentVertex->GetTitle(),"cosmics")) {
79 success=kFALSE;
80 cosmics=kTRUE;
81 }
9b373e9a 82
ff44c37c 83 // get the FastOr bit mask
84 TBits fastOrFiredMap = fDetTypeRec->GetFastOrFiredMap();
adc4b00f 85 TBits firedChipMap = fDetTypeRec->GetFiredChipMap(itsClusterTree);
9b373e9a 87 AliITSMultReconstructor multReco;
32e449be 89 if(!success){
52b373f6 90 if(!cosmics) {
3b1d8321 91 AliDebug(1,"Tracklets multiplicity not determined because the primary vertex was not found");
92 AliDebug(1,"Just counting the number of cluster-fired chips on the SPD layers");
52b373f6 93 }
9b373e9a 94 if (!itsClusterTree) {
95 AliError(" Invalid ITS cluster tree !\n");
96 return;
97 }
98 multReco.LoadClusterFiredChips(itsClusterTree);
99 Short_t nfcL1 = multReco.GetNFiredChips(0);
100 Short_t nfcL2 = multReco.GetNFiredChips(1);
d7c5c1e4 101 fMult = new AliMultiplicity(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,nfcL1,nfcL2,fastOrFiredMap);
adc4b00f 102 fMult->SetFiredChipMap(firedChipMap);
d325d83f 103 AliITSRecPointContainer* rcont = AliITSRecPointContainer::Instance();
104 fMult->SetITSClusters(0,rcont->GetNClustersInLayer(1,itsClusterTree));
105 for(Int_t kk=2;kk<=6;kk++){
106 fMult->SetITSClusters(kk-1,rcont->GetNClustersInLayerFast(kk));
107 }
32e449be 108 return;
109 }
308c2f7c 110
32e449be 111 if (!itsClusterTree) {
308c2f7c 112 AliError(" Invalid ITS cluster tree !\n");
32e449be 113 return;
114 }
115 Double_t vtx[3];
116 fCurrentVertex->GetXYZ(vtx);
117 Float_t vtxf[3];
118 for(Int_t i=0;i<3;i++)vtxf[i]=vtx[i];
9b373e9a 119 multReco.SetHistOn(kFALSE);
120 multReco.Reconstruct(itsClusterTree,vtxf,vtxf);
121 Int_t notracks=multReco.GetNTracklets();
968e8539 122 Float_t *tht = new Float_t [notracks];
32e449be 123 Float_t *phi = new Float_t [notracks];
fa9ed8e9 124 Float_t *dtht = new Float_t [notracks];
32e449be 125 Float_t *dphi = new Float_t [notracks];
de4c520e 126 Int_t *labels = new Int_t[notracks];
0939e22a 127 Int_t *labelsL2 = new Int_t[notracks];
9b373e9a 128 for(Int_t i=0;i<multReco.GetNTracklets();i++){
129 tht[i] = multReco.GetTracklet(i)[0];
130 phi[i] = multReco.GetTracklet(i)[1];
fa9ed8e9 131 dtht[i] = multReco.GetTracklet(i)[3];
9b373e9a 132 dphi[i] = multReco.GetTracklet(i)[2];
fa9ed8e9 133 labels[i] = static_cast<Int_t>(multReco.GetTracklet(i)[4]);
134 labelsL2[i] = static_cast<Int_t>(multReco.GetTracklet(i)[5]);
32e449be 135 }
9b373e9a 136 Int_t nosingleclus=multReco.GetNSingleClusters();
968e8539 137 Float_t *ths = new Float_t [nosingleclus];
138 Float_t *phs = new Float_t [nosingleclus];
d7c5c1e4 139 Int_t *labelss = new Int_t [nosingleclus];
968e8539 140 for(Int_t i=0;i<nosingleclus;i++){
9b373e9a 141 ths[i] = multReco.GetCluster(i)[0];
142 phs[i] = multReco.GetCluster(i)[1];
b7bd9ab6 143 labelss[i] = (Int_t)multReco.GetCluster(i)[2];
968e8539 144 }
9b373e9a 145 Short_t nfcL1 = multReco.GetNFiredChips(0);
146 Short_t nfcL2 = multReco.GetNFiredChips(1);
d7c5c1e4 147 fMult = new AliMultiplicity(notracks,tht,phi,dtht,dphi,labels,labelsL2,nosingleclus,ths,phs,labelss,nfcL1,nfcL2,fastOrFiredMap);
adc4b00f 148 fMult->SetFiredChipMap(firedChipMap);
d325d83f 149 AliITSRecPointContainer* rcont = AliITSRecPointContainer::Instance();
150 fMult->SetITSClusters(0,rcont->GetNClustersInLayer(1,itsClusterTree));
151 for(Int_t kk=2;kk<=6;kk++){
152 fMult->SetITSClusters(kk-1,rcont->GetNClustersInLayerFast(kk));
153 }
968e8539 154 delete [] tht;
32e449be 155 delete [] phi;
fa9ed8e9 156 delete [] dtht;
32e449be 157 delete [] dphi;
968e8539 158 delete [] ths;
159 delete [] phs;
d6fc37c1 160 delete [] labels;
0939e22a 161 delete [] labelsL2;
d7c5c1e4 162 delete [] labelss;
308c2f7c 163
32e449be 164 return;
c5f0f3c1 166
27167524 167//______________________________________________________________________
168void AliITSVertexer::SetLaddersOnLayer2(Int_t ladwid){
169 // Calculates the array of ladders on layer 2 to be used with a
170 // given ladder on layer 1
a65111f1 171 if(ladwid == fLadOnLay2 && fLadders)return;
27167524 172 fLadOnLay2=ladwid;
32e63e47 173 Int_t ladtot1=AliITSgeomTGeo::GetNLadders(1);
27167524 174 if(fLadders) delete [] fLadders;
175 fLadders=new UShort_t[ladtot1];
178 Double_t pos1[3],pos2[3];
32e63e47 179 Int_t mod1=AliITSgeomTGeo::GetModuleIndex(2,1,1);
180 AliITSgeomTGeo::GetTranslation(mod1,pos1); // position of the module in the MRS
27167524 181 Double_t phi0=TMath::ATan2(pos1[1],pos1[0]);
182 if(phi0<0) phi0+=2*TMath::Pi();
32e63e47 183 Int_t mod2=AliITSgeomTGeo::GetModuleIndex(2,2,1);
184 AliITSgeomTGeo::GetTranslation(mod2,pos2);
27167524 185 Double_t phi2=TMath::ATan2(pos2[1],pos2[0]);
186 if(phi2<0) phi2+=2*TMath::Pi();
187 Double_t deltaPhi= phi0-phi2; // phi width of a layer2 module
189 for(Int_t i= 0; i<ladtot1;i++){
32e63e47 190 Int_t modlad= AliITSgeomTGeo::GetModuleIndex(1,i+1,1);
27167524 191 Double_t posmod[3];
32e63e47 192 AliITSgeomTGeo::GetTranslation(modlad,posmod);
27167524 193 Double_t phimod=TMath::ATan2(posmod[1],posmod[0]);
194 if(phimod<0) phimod+=2*TMath::Pi();
195 Double_t phi1= phimod+deltaPhi*double(fLadOnLay2);
196 if(phi1<0) phi1+=2*TMath::Pi();
197 if(phi1>2*TMath::Pi()) phi1-=2*TMath::Pi();
198 Double_t philad1=phi0-phi1;
199 UShort_t lad1;
200 Double_t ladder1=(philad1)/(deltaPhi) +1.;
201 if(ladder1<1){ladder1=40+ladder1;}
202 lad1=int(ladder1+0.5);
203 fLadders[i]=lad1;
204 }
308c2f7c 207
209void AliITSVertexer::Init(TString filename){
210 // Initialize the vertexer in case of
211 // analysis of an entire file
33c3c91a 212 AliRunLoader *rl = AliRunLoader::Instance();
308c2f7c 213 if(!rl){
3457dd2d 214 AliFatal("Run Loader not found");
215 return;
308c2f7c 216 }
217 if (fLastEvent < 0) SetLastEvent(rl->GetNumberOfEvents()-1);
219 AliITSLoader* itsloader = (AliITSLoader*) rl->GetLoader("ITSLoader");
220 if(!filename.Contains("default"))itsloader->SetVerticesFileName(filename);
221 if(!filename.Contains("null"))itsloader->LoadVertices("recreate");
27167524 223
c5f0f3c1 224//______________________________________________________________________
225void AliITSVertexer::WriteCurrentVertex(){
226 // Write the current AliVertex object to file fOutFile
33c3c91a 227 AliRunLoader *rl = AliRunLoader::Instance();
41b19549 228 AliITSLoader* itsLoader = (AliITSLoader*) rl->GetLoader("ITSLoader");
88cb7938 229 fCurrentVertex->SetName("Vertex");
230 // const char * name = fCurrentVertex->GetName();
41b19549 231 // itsLoader->SetVerticesContName(name);
232 Int_t rc = itsLoader->PostVertex(fCurrentVertex);
233 rc = itsLoader->WriteVertices();
c5f0f3c1 234}
de4c520e 235
308c2f7c 236//______________________________________________________________________
237void AliITSVertexer::FindVertices(){
238 // computes the vertices of the events in the range FirstEvent - LastEvent
33c3c91a 240 AliRunLoader *rl = AliRunLoader::Instance();
308c2f7c 241 AliITSLoader* itsloader = (AliITSLoader*) rl->GetLoader("ITSLoader");
242 itsloader->LoadRecPoints("read");
243 for(Int_t i=fFirstEvent;i<=fLastEvent;i++){
244 rl->GetEvent(i);
245 TTree* cltree = itsloader->TreeR();
246 FindVertexForCurrentEvent(cltree);
247 if(fCurrentVertex){
248 WriteCurrentVertex();
249 }
250 else {
251 AliDebug(1,Form("Vertex not found for event %d",i));
252 }
253 }