]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - MUON/AliMUONPedestal.cxx
PHOS trigger QA is added (B.Polishchuk)
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / MUON / AliMUONPedestal.cxx
5253c153 1/**************************************************************************
2* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3* *
4* Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5* Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6* *
7* Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8* documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9* without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10* copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11* appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12* about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13* provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
16// $Id$
18#include "AliMUONPedestal.h"
19#include "AliMUONErrorCounter.h"
20#include "AliMUONVStore.h"
21#include "AliMUON2DMap.h"
22#include "AliMUONCalibParamND.h"
f3cfa63e 23#include "AliMpConstants.h"
5253c153 24#include <TString.h>
5253c153 25#include <TTimeStamp.h>
26#include <TMath.h>
27#include <TTree.h>
28#include <TFile.h>
29#include <TH1F.h>
ff496840 30#include <THashList.h>
5253c153 31#include <Riostream.h>
33#include <sstream>
36/// \class AliMUONPedestal
38/// Implementation of the pedestal computing
40/// add
43/// \author Alberto Baldisseri, JL Charvet (05/05/2009)
46/// \cond CLASSIMP
48/// \endcond
52: TObject(),
f3cfa63e 53//fN(0),
f9e83f1d 54fNCurrentEvents(0),
ff496840 56fSorting(0),
5253c153 57fNEvents(0),
f3cfa63e 61fNManuConfig(0),
d9e6dc5e 62fConfig(1),
a54854fc 63fErrorBuspatchTable(new AliMUON2DMap(kFALSE)),
64fManuBuspatchTable(new AliMUON2DMap(kFALSE)),
1b15b395 65fManuBPoutofconfigTable(new AliMUON2DMap(kFALSE)),
5253c153 66fDate(new TTimeStamp()),
f3cfa63e 68fHistoFileName(),
a54854fc 69fPedestalStore(new AliMUON2DMap(kTRUE)),
f3cfa63e 70fIndex(-1),
5253c153 72{
73/// Default constructor
5253c153 74}
5253c153 75
71432c59 76//______________________________________________________________________________
77AliMUONPedestal::AliMUONPedestal(TRootIOCtor* /*dummy*/)
78: TObject(),
99/// Root IO constructor
5253c153 102//______________________________________________________________________________
105/// Destructor
a54854fc 106 delete fErrorBuspatchTable;
107 delete fManuBuspatchTable;
dbbb2c64 108 delete fPedestalStore;
1b15b395 109 delete fManuBPoutofconfigTable;
5253c153 110}
1b15b395 112//______________________________________________________________________________
f3cfa63e 113const char*
114AliMUONPedestal::GetHistoFileName() const
116 /// Return the name of file we use to store histograms
117 return fHistoFileName.Data();
121void AliMUONPedestal::LoadConfig(const char* dbfile)
1b15b395 122{
123 /// Load MUONTRK configuration from ascii file "dbfile" (in DetDB)
125 Int_t manuId;
126 Int_t busPatchId;
f3cfa63e 128 ifstream filein(dbfile,ios::in);
f3cfa63e 129
130 while (!filein.eof())
1b15b395 131 {
f3cfa63e 132 filein >> busPatchId >> manuId;
1b15b395 133
1b15b395 134 AliMUONVCalibParam* ped =
135 static_cast<AliMUONVCalibParam*>(fPedestalStore ->FindObject(busPatchId, manuId));
137 if (!ped) {
f3cfa63e 138 fNManuConfig++;
1b15b395 139 fNChannel+=64;
f3cfa63e 140 ped = new AliMUONCalibParamND(2, AliMpConstants::ManuNofChannels(),busPatchId, manuId, -1.); // put default wise -1, not connected channel
1b15b395 141 fPedestalStore ->Add(ped);
065a2d7d 143 if ( ! fManuBuspatchTable->FindObject(busPatchId,manuId) )
1b15b395 144 {
145 // New (buspatch,manu)
065a2d7d 146 AliMUONErrorCounter* manuCounter = new AliMUONErrorCounter(busPatchId,manuId);
1b15b395 147 fManuBuspatchTable->Add(manuCounter);
148 }
149 }
150 }
5253c153 152//______________________________________________________________________________
153void AliMUONPedestal::MakePed(Int_t busPatchId, Int_t manuId, Int_t channelId, Int_t charge)
b9c33bca 155 static Int_t warn=0;
5253c153 156 /// Compute pedestals values
157 AliMUONVCalibParam* ped =
158 static_cast<AliMUONVCalibParam*>(fPedestalStore ->FindObject(busPatchId, manuId));
1b15b395 160 if (!ped)
161 {
162 if(fConfig)
163 { // Fill out_of_config (buspatch,manu) table
164 if (!(static_cast<AliMUONErrorCounter*>(fManuBPoutofconfigTable->FindObject(busPatchId,manuId))))
165 fManuBPoutofconfigTable->Add(new AliMUONErrorCounter(busPatchId,manuId));
b9c33bca 166 if(warn<10) cout << " !!! WARNING : busPatchId = " << busPatchId << " manuId = " << manuId << " not in the Detector configuration " << endl;
167 else if(warn==10) cout << " !!! see .log file for an exhaustive list of (busPatchId, manuId) out of Detector configuration \n" << endl;
168 warn++;
169 (*fFilcout) << " !!! WARNING : busPatchId = " << busPatchId << " manuId = " << manuId << " not in the Detector configuration " << endl;
1b15b395 170 }
171 else {fNManu++;}
172 fNChannel+=64;
173 // put default wise -1, not connected channel
f3cfa63e 174 ped = new AliMUONCalibParamND(2, AliMpConstants::ManuNofChannels(),busPatchId, manuId, -1.);
1b15b395 175 fPedestalStore ->Add(ped);
176 }
5253c153 177
178 // Initialization for the first value
1b15b395 179 if (ped->ValueAsDouble(channelId, 0) == -1)
180 {
181 if(fConfig && channelId == 0){fNManu++;}
182 ped->SetValueAsDouble(channelId, 0, 0.);
183 }
5253c153 184 if (ped->ValueAsDouble(channelId, 1) == -1) ped->SetValueAsDouble(channelId, 1, 0.);
186 Double_t pedMean = ped->ValueAsDouble(channelId, 0) + (Double_t) charge;
187 Double_t pedSigma = ped->ValueAsDouble(channelId, 1) + (Double_t) charge*charge;
189 ped->SetValueAsDouble(channelId, 0, pedMean);
190 ped->SetValueAsDouble(channelId, 1, pedSigma);
5431405e 191
5431405e 192 AliMUONErrorCounter* manuCounter;
a54854fc 193 if (!(manuCounter = static_cast<AliMUONErrorCounter*>(fManuBuspatchTable->FindObject(busPatchId,manuId))))
5431405e 194 {
195 // New (buspatch,manu)
196 manuCounter = new AliMUONErrorCounter(busPatchId,manuId);
a54854fc 197 fManuBuspatchTable->Add(manuCounter);
5431405e 198 }
199 else
200 {
201 // Existing buspatch
202 manuCounter->Increment();
203 }
5253c153 204}
5253c153 205//______________________________________________________________________________
dbbb2c64 206void AliMUONPedestal::Finalize()
5253c153 207{
f3cfa63e 208 /// final polishing of the store
5253c153 210 Double_t pedMean;
211 Double_t pedSigma;
f9e83f1d 212 Double_t pedSigmalimit=0.5;
5253c153 213 Int_t busPatchId;
214 Int_t manuId;
215 Int_t channelId;
5253c153 217 // print in logfile
218 if (fErrorBuspatchTable->GetSize())
5253c153 219 {
f9e83f1d 220 cout<<"\nWarning: Buspatches with less statistics (due to parity errors)"<<endl;
221 (*fFilcout)<<"\nWarning: Buspatches with less statistics (due to parity errors)"<<endl;
1b15b395 222 TIter nextParityError(fErrorBuspatchTable->CreateIterator());
223 AliMUONErrorCounter* parityerror;
224 while((parityerror = static_cast<AliMUONErrorCounter*>(nextParityError())))
225 {
226 cout<<" bp "<<parityerror->BusPatch()<<": events used = "<<fNEvents-parityerror->Events()<<endl;
227 (*fFilcout)<<" bp "<<parityerror->BusPatch()<<": events used = "<<fNEvents-parityerror->Events()<<endl;
228 }
5253c153 229 }
5253c153 230
f9e83f1d 231 Int_t nADC4090=0;
232 Int_t nADCmax=0;
1b15b395 233 // iterator over pedestal
5253c153 234 TIter next(fPedestalStore ->CreateIterator());
235 AliMUONVCalibParam* ped;
237 while ( ( ped = dynamic_cast<AliMUONVCalibParam*>(next() ) ) )
dbbb2c64 238 {
1b15b395 239 busPatchId = ped->ID0();
240 manuId = ped->ID1();
241 if(manuId==0)
242 {
f9e83f1d 243 cout << "Warning: ManuId = " << manuId << " !!! in BP = " << busPatchId << endl;
244 (*fFilcout) << "Warning: ManuId = " << manuId << " !!! in BP = " << busPatchId << endl;
1b15b395 245 }
246 Int_t eventCounter;
247 // Correct the number of events for buspatch with errors
248 AliMUONErrorCounter* errorCounter;
249 if ((errorCounter = (AliMUONErrorCounter*)fErrorBuspatchTable->FindObject(busPatchId)))
250 {
251 eventCounter = fNEvents - errorCounter->Events();
252 }
253 else
254 {
255 eventCounter = fNEvents;
256 }
1b15b395 257 Int_t occupancy=0; // channel missing in raw data or read but rejected (case of parity error)
258 // value of (buspatch, manu) occupancy
259 AliMUONErrorCounter* manuCounter;
260 manuCounter = static_cast<AliMUONErrorCounter*>(fManuBuspatchTable->FindObject(busPatchId,manuId));
261 if(eventCounter>0)occupancy = manuCounter->Events()/64/eventCounter;
262 if(occupancy>1)
263 {
f9e83f1d 264 cout << "Warning: ManuId = " << manuId << " !!! in BP = " << busPatchId << " occupancy (>1) = " << occupancy << endl;
265 (*fFilcout) << "Warning: ManuId = " << manuId << " !!! in BP = " << busPatchId << " occupancy (>1) = " << occupancy <<endl;
1b15b395 266 }
5253c153 267
1b15b395 268 for (channelId = 0; channelId < ped->Size() ; ++channelId)
269 {
f9e83f1d 270 pedMean = ped->ValueAsDouble(channelId, 0);
1b15b395 271
f9e83f1d 272 if (pedMean >= 0) // connected channels
1b15b395 273 {
274 ped->SetValueAsDouble(channelId, 0, pedMean/(Double_t)eventCounter);
275 pedMean = ped->ValueAsDouble(channelId, 0);
276 pedSigma = ped->ValueAsDouble(channelId, 1);
f9e83f1d 277 ped->SetValueAsDouble(channelId, 1, TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(pedSigma/(Double_t)eventCounter - pedMean*pedMean)));
279 if(eventCounter < fNEvthreshold )
280 { nADCmax++; ped->SetValueAsDouble(channelId, 0, ADCMax());
281 ped->SetValueAsDouble(channelId, 1, ADCMax());}
282 if( ped->ValueAsDouble(channelId, 1) < pedSigmalimit )
283 { nADC4090++; ped->SetValueAsDouble(channelId, 0, ADCMax()-5);
284 ped->SetValueAsDouble(channelId, 1, ADCMax()-5);}
285 if(manuId == 0 || occupancy>1)
286 { nADCmax++; ped->SetValueAsDouble(channelId, 0, ADCMax());
f3cfa63e 287 ped->SetValueAsDouble(channelId, 1, ADCMax());
f9e83f1d 288 if(occupancy>1 && channelId==0)ped->SetValueAsDouble(channelId, 0, ADCMax()+occupancy);}
1b15b395 289 }
290 else
f9e83f1d 291 { nADCmax++; ped->SetValueAsDouble(channelId, 0, ADCMax());
292 ped->SetValueAsDouble(channelId, 1, ADCMax());}
1b15b395 293 }
dbbb2c64 294 }
f9e83f1d 295 if(nADCmax>0)
296 { char* detail=Form("Warning: Nb of Channels with bad Pedestal (Ped=4095) = %d over %d",nADCmax,fNChannel);
297 printf("%s\n",detail);
298 (*fFilcout) << detail << endl; }
299 if(nADC4090>0)
300 { char* detail=Form("Warning: Nb of Channels with PedSigma<0.5 (Ped=4090) = %d over %d",nADC4090,fNChannel);
301 printf("%s\n",detail);
302 (*fFilcout) << detail << endl; }
dbbb2c64 303}
dbbb2c64 304//______________________________________________________________________________
305void AliMUONPedestal::MakeASCIIoutput(ostream& out) const
1b15b395 307 /// put pedestal store in the output stream
dbbb2c64 308
309 out<<"//===========================================================================" << endl;
f3cfa63e 310 out<<"// Pedestal file calculated by "<< fPrefixDA.Data() << endl;
dbbb2c64 311 out<<"//===========================================================================" << endl;
f9e83f1d 312 out<<"// * Run : " << fRunNumber << endl;
313 out<<"// * Date : " << fDate->AsString("l") <<endl;
314 out<<"// * Statictics : " << fNEvents << endl;
1b15b395 315 if(fConfig)
f9e83f1d 316 out<<"// * Nb of MANUS : " << fNManuConfig << " read in the Det. config. " << endl;
317 out<<"// * Nb of MANUS : " << fNManu << " read in raw data " << endl;
318 out<<"// * Nb of MANUS : " << fNChannel/64 << " written in pedestal file " << endl;
319 out<<"// * Nb of channels: " << fNChannel << endl;
320 out<<"//"<<endl;
321 out<<"// * Below " << fNEvthreshold << " events=> Ped.&sig.=4095" << endl;
322 out<<"// * PedSigma < 0.5 => Ped.&sig.=4090" << endl;
dbbb2c64 324 if (fErrorBuspatchTable->GetSize())
dbbb2c64 325 {
1b15b395 326 out<<"//"<<endl;
327 out<<"// * Buspatches with less statistics (due to parity errors)"<<endl;
328 TIter next(fErrorBuspatchTable->CreateIterator());
329 AliMUONErrorCounter* parityerror;
330 while((parityerror = static_cast<AliMUONErrorCounter*>(next())))
331 {
f9e83f1d 332 if(fNEvents-parityerror->Events()>fNEvthreshold)
333 { out<<"// BusPatch = "<<parityerror->BusPatch()<<"\t Nevents used = "<<fNEvents-parityerror->Events()<<endl; }
334 else
335 { out<<"// BusPatch = "<<parityerror->BusPatch()<<"\t Nevents used = "<<fNEvents-parityerror->Events()<< " (Ped.&sig.=4095)" << endl; }
1b15b395 336 }
337 }
f3cfa63e 338 Int_t writitle=0;
339 Int_t occupancy=1;
340 if(occupancy)
1b15b395 341 {
f3cfa63e 342 TIter next(fPedestalStore ->CreateIterator());
343 AliMUONVCalibParam* ped;
344 while ( ( ped = dynamic_cast<AliMUONVCalibParam*>(next() ) ) )
1b15b395 345 {
f3cfa63e 346 Int_t busPatchId = ped->ID0();
347 Int_t manuId = ped->ID1();
348 Double_t pedMean = ped->ValueAsDouble(0, 0); // check pedestal value for channelId=0
1b15b395 349
f3cfa63e 350 if(pedMean>ADCMax())
351 {
352 writitle++;
353 if(writitle==1){
354 out<<"//"<<endl;
f9e83f1d 355 out<<"// * Puzzling (Buspatch,Manu) read in raw data ? (Ped.&sig.=4095)"<<endl;}
1ccd531d 356 occupancy=TMath::Nint(pedMean-ADCMax());
f3cfa63e 357 ped->SetValueAsDouble(0, 0, ADCMax());
f9e83f1d 358 out<<"// BusPatch = "<< busPatchId <<"\t ManuId = "<< manuId << "\t occupancy = " << occupancy << endl;
f3cfa63e 359 }
361 if (manuId==0 || (fConfig && static_cast<AliMUONErrorCounter*>(fManuBPoutofconfigTable->FindObject(busPatchId,manuId))))
362 {
363 writitle++;
364 if(writitle==1){
365 out<<"//"<<endl;
f9e83f1d 366 out<<"// * Puzzling (Buspatch,Manu) read in raw data ? (Ped.&sig.=4095)"<<endl;}
f3cfa63e 367 out<<"// BusPatch = "<< busPatchId <<"\t ManuId = "<< manuId << "\t missing in the mapping" << endl;
368 }
1b15b395 369 }
dbbb2c64 370 }
dbbb2c64 371 out<<"//"<<endl;
372 out<<"//---------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
373 out<<"//---------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
374 out<<"// BP MANU CH. MEAN SIGMA"<<endl;
375 out<<"//---------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
5253c153 376
ff496840 377 TIter next(fPedestalStore->CreateIterator());
378 AliMUONVCalibParam* ped;
1b15b395 379
ff496840 380 // Sorting
381 if (fSorting)
382 {
383 cout << " ..... sorting pedestal values ....." << endl;
384 THashList pedtable(100,2);
385 while ( ( ped = dynamic_cast<AliMUONVCalibParam*>(next() ) ) )
386 {
387 pedtable.Add(ped);
388 }
389 pedtable.Sort();
390 // iterator over sorted pedestal
391 TIter nextSorted(&pedtable);
392 while ( (ped = (AliMUONVCalibParam*)(nextSorted()) ) )
393 {
394 Int_t busPatchId = ped->ID0();
395 Int_t manuId = ped->ID1();
396 for ( Int_t channelId = 0; channelId < ped->Size(); ++channelId )
397 {
398 Double_t pedMean = ped->ValueAsDouble(channelId, 0);
399 Double_t pedSigma = ped->ValueAsDouble(channelId, 1);
400 out << "\t" << busPatchId << "\t" << manuId <<"\t"<< channelId << "\t" << pedMean <<"\t"<< pedSigma << endl;
401 }
402 }
403 }
404 else
405 {
406 while ( ( ped = dynamic_cast<AliMUONVCalibParam*>(next() ) ) )
1b15b395 407 {
ff496840 408 Int_t busPatchId = ped->ID0();
409 Int_t manuId = ped->ID1();
410 for ( Int_t channelId = 0; channelId < ped->Size(); ++channelId )
411 {
412 Double_t pedMean = ped->ValueAsDouble(channelId, 0);
413 Double_t pedSigma = ped->ValueAsDouble(channelId, 1);
414 out << "\t" << busPatchId << "\t" << manuId <<"\t"<< channelId << "\t" << pedMean <<"\t"<< pedSigma << endl;
415 }
1b15b395 416 }
5253c153 417 }
dbbb2c64 418}
421void AliMUONPedestal::MakeControlHistos()
f3cfa63e 423 /// Create control histograms
dbbb2c64 424 if (fIndex>=0) return; // Pedestal run (fIndex=-1)
426 Double_t pedMean;
427 Double_t pedSigma;
f9e83f1d 428 Double_t evt;
dbbb2c64 429 Int_t busPatchId;
430 Int_t manuId;
431 Int_t channelId;
433// histo
434 TFile* histoFile = 0;
435 TTree* tree = 0;
436 TH1F* pedMeanHisto = 0;
437 TH1F* pedSigmaHisto = 0;
f3cfa63e 439 fHistoFileName=Form("%s.root",fPrefixDA.Data());
dbbb2c64 440 histoFile = new TFile(fHistoFileName,"RECREATE","MUON Tracking pedestals");
f3cfa63e 442 Int_t nx = ADCMax()+1;
dbbb2c64 443 Int_t xmin = 0;
f3cfa63e 444 Int_t xmax = ADCMax();
eae882b9 445 pedMeanHisto = new TH1F("pedmean_allch","Pedestal mean all channels",nx,xmin,xmax);
dbbb2c64 446 pedMeanHisto->SetDirectory(histoFile);
dbbb2c64 448 nx = 201;
449 xmin = 0;
450 xmax = 200;
eae882b9 451 pedSigmaHisto = new TH1F("pedsigma_allch","Pedestal sigma all channels",nx,xmin,xmax);
dbbb2c64 452 pedSigmaHisto->SetDirectory(histoFile);
454 tree = new TTree("t","Pedestal tree");
455 tree->Branch("bp",&busPatchId,"bp/I");
456 tree->Branch("manu",&manuId,",manu/I");
457 tree->Branch("channel",&channelId,",channel/I");
458 tree->Branch("pedMean",&pedMean,",pedMean/D");
459 tree->Branch("pedSigma",&pedSigma,",pedSigma/D");
f9e83f1d 460 tree->Branch("nevt",&evt,",evt/D");
dbbb2c64 461
462 // iterator over pedestal
463 TIter next(fPedestalStore ->CreateIterator());
464 AliMUONVCalibParam* ped;
f9e83f1d 465 AliMUONErrorCounter* manuCounter;
dbbb2c64 466
467 while ( ( ped = dynamic_cast<AliMUONVCalibParam*>(next() ) ) )
468 {
469 busPatchId = ped->ID0();
470 manuId = ped->ID1();
472 for ( channelId = 0; channelId < ped->Size(); ++channelId )
473 {
474 pedMean = ped->ValueAsDouble(channelId, 0);
475 pedSigma = ped->ValueAsDouble(channelId, 1);
f9e83f1d 476 manuCounter = static_cast<AliMUONErrorCounter*>(fManuBuspatchTable->FindObject(busPatchId,manuId));
477 evt = manuCounter->Events()/64;
dbbb2c64 478
479 pedMeanHisto->Fill(pedMean);
480 pedSigmaHisto->Fill(pedSigma);
481 tree->Fill();
482 }
5253c153 483 }
dbbb2c64 484
485 histoFile->Write();
486 histoFile->Close();
4af2c34a 488}