]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - MUON/MUONRecoCheck.C
With Magali: improve handling of static data members with frame and palette data.
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / MUON / MUONRecoCheck.C
b8dc484b 1/**************************************************************************
48217459 2* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3* *
4* Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5* Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6* *
7* Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8* documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9* without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10* copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11* appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12* about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13* provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
b8dc484b 15
e54bf126 16// $Id$
18/// \ingroup macros
19/// \file MUONRecoCheck.C
20/// \brief Utility macro to check the muon reconstruction.
22/// Reconstructed tracks are compared to reference tracks. The reference tracks
23/// are built from AliTrackReference for the hit in chamber (0..9) and from
24/// kinematics (TreeK) for the vertex parameters.
26/// \author Jean-Pierre Cussonneau, Subatech
b8dc484b 28// ROOT includes
29#include "TClonesArray.h"
30#include "TH1.h"
b8dc484b 31#include "TFile.h"
33// STEER includes
a99c3449 34#include "AliCDBManager.h"
b8dc484b 35
36// MUON includes
a99c3449 37#include "AliMUONCDB.h"
b8dc484b 38#include "AliMUONConstants.h"
39#include "AliMUONTrack.h"
40#include "AliMUONRecoCheck.h"
41#include "AliMUONTrackParam.h"
8cde4af5 42#include "AliMUONTrackExtrap.h"
a99c3449 43#include "AliMUONRecoParam.h"
48217459 44#include "AliMUONVTrackStore.h"
b8dc484b 45
46Int_t TrackCheck( Bool_t *compTrack);
a99c3449 48void MUONRecoCheck (Int_t nEvent = -1, char * pathSim="./generated/", char * esdFileName="AliESDs.root",
49 const char* ocdbPath = "local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB")
e54bf126 50{
b8dc484b 51
c59f70b9 52 Bool_t compTrack[10];
b8dc484b 53 Bool_t compTrackOK[10];
96ebe67e 54 Int_t nClusterOk = 0;
b8dc484b 55 Int_t testTrack = 0;
56 Int_t iTrack = 0;
48217459 57 AliMUONTrack* trackOK(0x0);
b8dc484b 58 Int_t trackID = 0;
61fed964 59 Double_t maxChi2 = 999.;
b8dc484b 60 AliMUONTrackParam *trackParam;
b8dc484b 61 Double_t x1,y1,z1,pX1,pY1,pZ1,p1;
62 Double_t x2,y2,z2,pX2,pY2,pZ2,p2;
48217459 63
b8dc484b 64 // File for histograms and histogram booking
65 TFile *histoFile = new TFile("MUONRecoCheck.root", "RECREATE");
48217459 66
b8dc484b 67 TH1F *hReconstructible = new TH1F("hReconstructible"," Nb of reconstructible tracks ",15,-0.5,14.5);
68 TH1F *hReco = new TH1F("hReco"," Nb of reconstructed tracks / evt",15,-0.5,14.5);
96ebe67e 69 TH1F *hNClusterComp = new TH1F("hNClusterComp"," Nb of compatible clusters / track ",15,-0.5,14.5);
b8dc484b 70 TH1F *hTestTrack = new TH1F("hTestTrack"," Reconstruction requirement / track",15,-0.5,14.5);
71 TH1F *hTrackRefID = new TH1F("hTrackRefID"," track reference ID ",100,-0.5,99.5);
96ebe67e 73 TH1F *hResMomVertex = new TH1F("hResMomVertex"," delta P vertex (GeV/c)",100,-10.,10);
74 TH1F *hResMomFirstCluster = new TH1F("hResMomFirstCluster"," delta P first cluster (GeV/c)",100,-10.,10);
48217459 75
a99c3449 76 AliMUONRecoCheck rc(esdFileName, pathSim);
78 // load necessary data from OCDB
79 AliCDBManager::Instance()->SetDefaultStorage(ocdbPath);
80 AliCDBManager::Instance()->SetRun(rc.GetRunNumber());
81 AliMUONCDB::LoadField();
82 AliMUONRecoParam* recoParam = AliMUONCDB::LoadRecoParam();
83 if (!recoParam) return;
a0bfad0e 84
a0bfad0e 85 // set the magnetic field for track extrapolations
f7a1cc68 86 AliMUONTrackExtrap::SetField();
a99c3449 88 // get sigma cut from recoParam to associate clusters with TrackRefs
89 Double_t sigmaCut = (recoParam->ImproveTracks()) ? recoParam->GetSigmaCutForImprovement() : recoParam->GetSigmaCutForTracking();
48217459 90
91 Int_t nevents = rc.NumberOfEvents();
b8dc484b 92
edcc5b56 93 if (nevents < nEvent || nEvent < 0) nEvent = nevents;
b8dc484b 94
95 Int_t ievent;
96 Int_t nReconstructibleTracks = 0;
97 Int_t nReconstructedTracks = 0;
98 Int_t nReconstructibleTracksCheck = 0;
48217459 99
100 for (ievent=0; ievent<nEvent; ievent++)
101 {
b8dc484b 102 if (!(ievent%10)) printf(" **** event # %d \n",ievent);
b8dc484b 103
a99c3449 104 AliMUONVTrackStore* trackStore = rc.ReconstructedTracks(ievent, kFALSE);
48217459 105 AliMUONVTrackStore* trackRefStore = rc.ReconstructibleTracks(ievent);
b8dc484b 106
48217459 107 hReconstructible->Fill(trackRefStore->GetSize());
108 hReco->Fill(trackStore->GetSize());
110 nReconstructibleTracks += trackRefStore->GetSize();
111 nReconstructedTracks += trackStore->GetSize();
113 TIter next(trackRefStore->CreateIterator());
114 AliMUONTrack* trackRef;
116 while ( ( trackRef = static_cast<AliMUONTrack*>(next()) ) )
117 {
61fed964 118 maxChi2 = 999.;
b8dc484b 119 testTrack = 0;
48217459 120 trackOK = 0x0;
b8dc484b 121 for (Int_t ch = 0; ch < AliMUONConstants::NTrackingCh(); ch++)
48217459 122 {
123 compTrackOK[ch] = kFALSE;
b8dc484b 124 }
48217459 125
126 TIter next2(trackStore->CreateIterator());
127 AliMUONTrack* trackReco;
129 while ( ( trackReco = static_cast<AliMUONTrack*>(next2()) ) )
130 {
61fed964 131 // check if trackRef is compatible with trackReco
132 if (trackReco->GetNClusters() > 1) {
134 // check cluster by cluster if trackReco contain info at each cluster
c59f70b9 135 trackRef->CompatibleTrack(trackReco,sigmaCut,compTrack);
61fed964 136
137 iTrack = TrackCheck(compTrack);
139 if (iTrack > testTrack)
140 {
141 nClusterOk = 0;
142 for (Int_t ch = 0; ch < AliMUONConstants::NTrackingCh(); ch++)
143 {
144 if (compTrack[ch]) nClusterOk++;
145 compTrackOK[ch] = compTrack[ch];
146 }
147 testTrack = iTrack;
148 trackOK = trackReco;
149 }
151 } else {
153 // check only parameters at the z position of the first trackRef
154 AliMUONTrackParam *refParam = (AliMUONTrackParam*) trackRef->GetTrackParamAtCluster()->First();
155 AliMUONTrackParam recoParam(*((AliMUONTrackParam*) trackReco->GetTrackParamAtCluster()->First()));
61fed964 156 Double_t chi2;
4ea3f013 157 if (AliMUONTrackExtrap::ExtrapToZCov(&recoParam, refParam->GetZ()) &&
158 refParam->CompatibleTrackParam(recoParam, sigmaCut, chi2) && chi2 < maxChi2)
159 {
61fed964 160 maxChi2 = chi2;
161 trackOK = trackReco;
61fed964 162 }
164 }
48217459 165
48217459 166 }
b8dc484b 168 hTestTrack->Fill(testTrack);
edcc5b56 169 trackID = trackRef->GetMCLabel();
b8dc484b 170 hTrackRefID->Fill(trackID);
48217459 171
61fed964 172 if (testTrack == 4 || maxChi2 < 5.*sigmaCut*sigmaCut) { // tracking requirements verified, track is found
48217459 173 nReconstructibleTracksCheck++;
96ebe67e 174 hNClusterComp->Fill(nClusterOk);
48217459 175 trackParam = trackRef->GetTrackParamAtVertex();
176 x1 = trackParam->GetNonBendingCoor();
177 y1 = trackParam->GetBendingCoor();
178 z1 = trackParam->GetZ();
179 pX1 = trackParam->Px();
180 pY1 = trackParam->Py();
181 pZ1 = trackParam->Pz();
182 p1 = trackParam->P();
184 // printf(" Ref. track at vertex: x,y,z: %f %f %f px,py,pz,p: %f %f %f %f \n",x1,y1,z1,pX1,pY1,pZ1,p1);
185 trackReco = trackOK;
fa5e35be 186 trackParam = new AliMUONTrackParam(*((AliMUONTrackParam*)(trackReco->GetTrackParamAtVertex())));
48217459 187 x2 = trackParam->GetNonBendingCoor();
188 y2 = trackParam->GetBendingCoor();
189 z2 = trackParam->GetZ();
190 pX2 = trackParam->Px();
191 pY2 = trackParam->Py();
192 pZ2 = trackParam->Pz();
193 p2 = trackParam->P();
194 delete trackParam;
195 // printf(" Reconst. track at vertex: x,y,z: %f %f %f px,py,pz: %f %f %f %f \n",x2,y2,z2,pX2,pY2,pZ2,p2);
197 hResMomVertex->Fill(p2-p1);
96ebe67e 199 trackParam = (AliMUONTrackParam*) trackRef->GetTrackParamAtCluster()->First();
48217459 200 x1 = trackParam->GetNonBendingCoor();
201 y1 = trackParam->GetBendingCoor();
202 z1 = trackParam->GetZ();
203 pX1 = trackParam->Px();
204 pY1 = trackParam->Py();
205 pZ1 = trackParam->Pz();
206 p1 = trackParam->P();
96ebe67e 207 // printf(" Ref. track at 1st cluster: x,y,z: %f %f %f px,py,pz: %f %f %f \n",x1,y1,z1,pX1,pY1,pZ1);
208 trackParam = (AliMUONTrackParam*) trackOK->GetTrackParamAtCluster()->First();
48217459 209 x2 = trackParam->GetNonBendingCoor();
210 y2 = trackParam->GetBendingCoor();
211 z2 = trackParam->GetZ();
212 pX2 = trackParam->Px();
213 pY2 = trackParam->Py();
214 pZ2 = trackParam->Pz();
215 p2 = trackParam->P();
96ebe67e 216 // printf(" Reconst. track at 1st cluster: x,y,z: %f %f %f px,py,pz: %f %f %f \n",x2,y2,z2,pX2,pY2,pZ2);
48217459 217
96ebe67e 218 hResMomFirstCluster->Fill(p2-p1);
b8dc484b 219
220 }
221 } // end loop track ref.
b8dc484b 222
48217459 223 } // end loop on event
b8dc484b 225 printf(" nb of reconstructible tracks: %d \n", nReconstructibleTracks);
226 printf(" nb of reconstructed tracks: %d \n", nReconstructedTracks);
227 printf(" nb of reconstructible tracks which are reconstructed: %d \n", nReconstructibleTracksCheck);
229 histoFile->Write();
230 histoFile->Close();
234Int_t TrackCheck( Bool_t *compTrack)
236 // Apply reconstruction requirements
237 // Return number of validated conditions
238 // If all the tests are verified then TrackCheck = 4 (good track)
239 Int_t iTrack = 0;
96ebe67e 240 Int_t nCompClustersInLastStations = 0;
b8dc484b 241
242 // apply reconstruction requirements
96ebe67e 243 if (compTrack[0] || compTrack[1]) iTrack++; // at least one compatible cluster in st. 0
244 if (compTrack[2] || compTrack[3]) iTrack++; // at least one compatible cluster in st. 1
245 if (compTrack[4] || compTrack[5]) iTrack++; // at least one compatible cluster in st. 2
b8dc484b 246 for (Int_t ch = 6; ch < AliMUONConstants::NTrackingCh(); ch++) {
96ebe67e 247 if (compTrack[ch]) nCompClustersInLastStations++;
b8dc484b 248 }
96ebe67e 249 if (nCompClustersInLastStations > 2) iTrack++; // at least 3 compatible clusters in st. 3 & 4
b8dc484b 250
251 return iTrack;
48217459 252
b8dc484b 253}