]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - STEER/AliExternalTrackParam.h
Fatal message signaling the absence of calibration data
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / STEER / AliExternalTrackParam.h
3/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
6/* $Id$ */
49d13e89 8/*****************************************************************************
9 * "External" track parametrisation class *
10 * *
11 * external param0: local Y-coordinate of a track (cm) *
12 * external param1: local Z-coordinate of a track (cm) *
13 * external param2: local sine of the track momentum azimuthal angle *
14 * external param3: tangent of the track momentum dip angle *
15 * external param4: 1/pt (1/(GeV/c)) *
16 * *
17 * The parameters are estimated at an exact position x in a local coord. *
18 * system rotated by angle alpha with respect to the global coord.system. *
19 * Origin: I.Belikov, CERN, Jouri.Belikov@cern.ch *
20 *****************************************************************************/
a5e407e9 21#include "TObject.h"
6c94f330 22#include "TMath.h"
a5e407e9 23
49d13e89 24const Double_t kAlmost1=0.999;
25const Double_t kAlmost0=1e-33;
26const Double_t kVeryBig=1./kAlmost0;
5773defd 28const Double_t kB2C=0.299792458e-3;
29const Double_t kAlmost0Field=1.e-13;
7b5ef2e6 30const Double_t kMostProbablePt=0.35;
5773defd 31
f76701bf 32class AliESDVertex;
51ad6848 33
ee5dba5e 34Double_t ApproximateBetheBloch(Double_t);
a5e407e9 36class AliExternalTrackParam: public TObject {
51ad6848 37 public:
38 AliExternalTrackParam();
6c94f330 39 AliExternalTrackParam(const AliExternalTrackParam &);
51ad6848 40 AliExternalTrackParam(Double_t x, Double_t alpha,
41 const Double_t param[5], const Double_t covar[15]);
1530f89c 42 virtual ~AliExternalTrackParam(){}
ac3eaff4 43
6c94f330 44 void Set(Double_t x,Double_t alpha,
45 const Double_t param[5], const Double_t covar[15]);
ed5f2849 46
47 static void SetMostProbablePt(Double_t pt) { fgMostProbablePt=pt; }
48 static Double_t GetMostProbablePt() { return fgMostProbablePt; }
c9ec41e8 50 void Reset();
ed5f2849 51 void ResetCovariance(Double_t s2);
c9ec41e8 52
49d13e89 53 const Double_t *GetParameter() const {return fP;}
54 const Double_t *GetCovariance() const {return fC;}
6c94f330 55
56 Double_t GetAlpha() const {return fAlpha;}
c7bafca9 57 Double_t GetX() const {return fX;}
2d57349e 58 Double_t GetY() const {return fP[0];}
59 Double_t GetZ() const {return fP[1];}
6c94f330 60 Double_t GetSnp() const {return fP[2];}
61 Double_t GetTgl() const {return fP[3];}
62 Double_t Get1Pt() const {return fP[4];}
64 Double_t GetSigmaY2() const {return fC[0];}
65 Double_t GetSigmaZY() const {return fC[1];}
66 Double_t GetSigmaZ2() const {return fC[2];}
67 Double_t GetSigmaSnpY() const {return fC[3];}
68 Double_t GetSigmaSnpZ() const {return fC[4];}
69 Double_t GetSigmaSnp2() const {return fC[5];}
70 Double_t GetSigmaTglY() const {return fC[6];}
71 Double_t GetSigmaTglZ() const {return fC[7];}
72 Double_t GetSigmaTglSnp() const {return fC[8];}
73 Double_t GetSigmaTgl2() const {return fC[9];}
74 Double_t GetSigma1PtY() const {return fC[10];}
75 Double_t GetSigma1PtZ() const {return fC[11];}
76 Double_t GetSigma1PtSnp() const {return fC[12];}
77 Double_t GetSigma1PtTgl() const {return fC[13];}
78 Double_t GetSigma1Pt2() const {return fC[14];}
c9ec41e8 80 Double_t GetSign() const {return (fP[4]>0) ? 1 : -1;}
81 Double_t GetP() const;
6c94f330 82 Double_t GetPt() const {
83 return (TMath::Abs(fP[4])>kAlmost0) ? 1./fP[4]:TMath::Sign(kVeryBig,fP[4]);
84 }
1d99986f 85 Double_t Get1P() const;
1530f89c 86 Double_t GetC(Double_t b) const {return fP[4]*b*kB2C;}
87 void GetDZ(Double_t x,Double_t y,Double_t z,Double_t b,Float_t dz[2]) const;
c7bafca9 88 Double_t GetD(Double_t xv, Double_t yv, Double_t b) const;
49d13e89 89 Double_t GetLinearD(Double_t xv, Double_t yv) const;
ee5dba5e 90 Bool_t CorrectForMaterial(Double_t d, Double_t x0, Double_t mass,
91 Double_t (*f)(Double_t)=ApproximateBetheBloch);
49d13e89 92 Double_t GetPredictedChi2(Double_t p[2],Double_t cov[3]) const;
1e023a36 93
4b189f98 94 Double_t
95 GetPredictedChi2(Double_t p[3],Double_t covyz[3],Double_t covxyz[3]) const;
1e023a36 96 Bool_t
97 PropagateTo(Double_t p[3],Double_t covyz[3],Double_t covxyz[3],Double_t b);
49d13e89 99 Bool_t Update(Double_t p[2],Double_t cov[3]);
100 Bool_t Rotate(Double_t alpha);
101 Bool_t PropagateTo(Double_t x, Double_t b);
102 Bool_t Propagate(Double_t alpha, Double_t x, Double_t b) {
103 if (Rotate(alpha))
104 if (PropagateTo(x,b)) return kTRUE;
105 return kFALSE;
106 }
052daaff 107 void Propagate(Double_t len,Double_t x[3],Double_t p[3],Double_t bz) const;
108 Bool_t Intersect(Double_t pnt[3], Double_t norm[3], Double_t bz) const;
49d13e89 109
c7bafca9 110 void GetHelixParameters(Double_t h[6], Double_t b) const;
111 Double_t GetDCA(const AliExternalTrackParam *p, Double_t b,
112 Double_t &xthis,Double_t &xp) const;
113 Double_t PropagateToDCA(AliExternalTrackParam *p, Double_t b);
f76701bf 114 Bool_t PropagateToDCA(const AliESDVertex *vtx, Double_t b, Double_t maxd);
c7bafca9 115
b1149664 116 void GetDirection(Double_t d[3]) const;
c9ec41e8 117 Bool_t GetPxPyPz(Double_t *p) const;
118 Bool_t GetXYZ(Double_t *p) const;
119 Bool_t GetCovarianceXYZPxPyPz(Double_t cv[21]) const;
120 Bool_t GetPxPyPzAt(Double_t x, Double_t b, Double_t p[3]) const;
121 Bool_t GetXYZAt(Double_t x, Double_t b, Double_t r[3]) const;
7cf7bb6c 122 Bool_t GetYAt(Double_t x, Double_t b, Double_t &y) const;
6c94f330 123 Bool_t GetZAt(Double_t x, Double_t b, Double_t &z) const;
c9ec41e8 124 void Print(Option_t* option = "") const;
c194ba83 125 Double_t GetSnpAt(Double_t x,Double_t b) const;
6c94f330 126
128 Double_t &Par(Int_t i) {return fP[i];}
129 Double_t &Cov(Int_t i) {return fC[i];}
c9ec41e8 131private:
bad5ac2c 132 Double32_t fX; // X coordinate for the point of parametrisation
133 Double32_t fAlpha; // Local <-->global coor.system rotation angle
134 Double32_t fP[5]; // The track parameters
135 Double32_t fC[15]; // The track parameter covariance matrix
c9ec41e8 136
ed5f2849 137 static Double32_t fgMostProbablePt; // "Most probable" pt
138 // (to be used if Bz=0)
139 ClassDef(AliExternalTrackParam, 6)
51ad6848 140};
ed5f2849 142inline void AliExternalTrackParam::ResetCovariance(Double_t s2) {
143 //
144 // Reset the covarince matrix to "something big"
145 //
146 fC[0]*= s2;
147 fC[1] = 0.; fC[2]*= s2;
148 fC[3] = 0.; fC[4] = 0.; fC[5]*= s2;
149 fC[6] = 0.; fC[7] = 0.; fC[8] = 0.; fC[9]*= s2;
150 fC[10]= 0.; fC[11]= 0.; fC[12]= 0.; fC[13]= 0.; fC[14]*=s2;
51ad6848 153#endif