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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / TOF / AliTOFtrackerV2.cxx
115179c6 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
17// //
18// AliTOFtrackerV2 Class //
19// Task: Perform association of the ESD tracks to TOF Clusters //
20// and Update ESD track with associated TOF Cluster parameters //
21// //
22// -- Authors : S. Arcelli, C. Zampolli (Bologna University and INFN) //
23// -- Contacts: Annalisa.De.Caro@cern.ch //
24// -- : Chiara.Zampolli@bo.infn.it //
25// -- : Silvia.Arcelli@bo.infn.it //
26// //
29#include <Rtypes.h>
30#include <TROOT.h>
32#include <TClonesArray.h>
33#include <TObjArray.h>
34#include <TGeoManager.h>
35#include <TTree.h>
37#include "AliGeomManager.h"
38#include "AliESDtrack.h"
39#include "AliESDEvent.h"
40#include "AliESDpid.h"
dc35cb26 41#include "AliESDTOFCluster.h"
115179c6 42#include "AliLog.h"
43#include "AliTrackPointArray.h"
44#include "AliCDBManager.h"
46#include "AliTOFRecoParam.h"
47#include "AliTOFReconstructor.h"
115179c6 48#include "AliTOFGeometry.h"
49#include "AliTOFtrackerV2.h"
50#include "AliTOFtrack.h"
dc35cb26 52#include "AliESDTOFHit.h"
115179c6 54extern TGeoManager *gGeoManager;
60 fkRecoParam(0x0),
115179c6 61 fN(0),
62 fNseeds(0),
63 fNseedsTOF(0),
64 fnunmatch(0),
65 fnmatch(0),
115179c6 66 fSeeds(new TObjArray(100)),
dc35cb26 67 fClustersESD(new TClonesArray("AliESDTOFCluster")),
68 fHitsESD(new TClonesArray("AliESDTOFHit")),
986d445d 69 fEvent(0),
70 fNsteps(0)
115179c6 71{
72 //AliTOFtrackerV2 main Ctor
dc35cb26 73 for (Int_t ii=0; ii<kMaxCluster; ii++){
74 fClusters[ii]=0x0;
75 fWrittenInPos[ii] = -1;
76 }
115179c6 77
986d445d 78 for(Int_t isp=0;isp < AliPID::kSPECIESC;isp++)
79 fTimesAr[isp] = NULL;
81 for (Int_t ii=0; ii<4; ii++)
82 fTrackPos[ii] = NULL;
115179c6 83}
85AliTOFtrackerV2::~AliTOFtrackerV2() {
86 //
87 // Dtor
88 //
90 if(!(AliCDBManager::Instance()->GetCacheFlag())){
91 delete fkRecoParam;
92 }
115179c6 93 if (fSeeds){
94 fSeeds->Delete();
95 delete fSeeds;
96 fSeeds=0x0;
97 }
dc35cb26 99 if (fClustersESD){
100 fClustersESD->Delete();
101 delete fClustersESD;
102 fClustersESD=0x0;
103 }
104 if (fHitsESD){
105 fHitsESD->Delete();
106 delete fHitsESD;
107 fHitsESD=0x0;
115179c6 108 }
986d445d 110 for(Int_t isp=0;isp < AliPID::kSPECIESC;isp++){
111 if(fTimesAr[isp]) delete[] fTimesAr[isp];
112 fTimesAr[isp] = NULL;
113 }
116 for (Int_t ii=0; ii<4; ii++)
117 if(fTrackPos[ii])
118 delete [] fTrackPos[ii];
115179c6 119}
121void AliTOFtrackerV2::GetPidSettings(AliESDpid *esdPID) {
122 //
123 // Sets TOF resolution from RecoParams
124 //
125 if (fkRecoParam)
126 esdPID->GetTOFResponse().SetTimeResolution(fkRecoParam->GetTimeResolution());
127 else
128 AliWarning("fkRecoParam not yet set; cannot set PID settings");
131Int_t AliTOFtrackerV2::PropagateBack(AliESDEvent * const event) {
132 //
133 // Gets seeds from ESD event and Match with TOF Clusters
134 //
136 //Update the matched ESD tracks
137 // needed in case of call of TOF info before of the selection of matching and in case of no clusters available at all
dc35cb26 138
139 fEvent = event;
115179c6 140
141 if (fN==0) {
142 AliInfo("No TOF recPoints to be matched with reconstructed tracks");
143 return 0;
144 }
146 // initialize RecoParam for current event
147 AliDebug(1,"Initializing params for TOF");
149 fkRecoParam = AliTOFReconstructor::GetRecoParam(); // instantiate reco param from STEER...
151 if (fkRecoParam == 0x0) {
152 AliFatal("No Reco Param found for TOF!!!");
153 }
155 //Initialise some counters
157 fNseeds=0;
158 fNseedsTOF=0;
115179c6 159
160 Int_t ntrk=event->GetNumberOfTracks();
161 fNseeds = ntrk;
163 //Load ESD tracks into a local Array of ESD Seeds
b08af685 164 for (Int_t i=0; i<fNseeds; i++){
115179c6 165 fSeeds->AddLast(event->GetTrack(i));
b08af685 166 event->GetTrack(i)->SetESDEvent(event);
167 }
115179c6 168 //Prepare ESD tracks candidates for TOF Matching
169 CollectESD();
171 if (fNseeds==0 || fNseedsTOF==0) {
172 AliInfo("No seeds to try TOF match");
dc35cb26 173 fSeeds->Clear();
dc35cb26 174 fClustersESD->Clear();
175 fHitsESD->Clear();
115179c6 176 return 0;
177 }
179 // clusterize before of matching
dc35cb26 180 Clusterize(); // fN might change
115179c6 181
182 //Second Step with Looser Matching Criterion
dc35cb26 183 MatchTracks();
115179c6 184
dc35cb26 185 // switch array from ALL to filter for ESD (moving from all fClusterESD to filtered AliESDEvent->GetESDTOFClusters())
186 TClonesArray* esdTOFHitArr = event->GetESDTOFHits();
187 TClonesArray* esdTOFClArr = event->GetESDTOFClusters();
115179c6 188
dc35cb26 189 AliInfo(Form("TOF before the matching: hits = %i and clusters = %i",esdTOFHitArr->GetEntriesFast(),fClustersESD->GetEntriesFast()));
191 while(esdTOFHitArr->GetEntriesFast()){ // remove all hits
192 delete esdTOFHitArr->RemoveAt(esdTOFHitArr->GetEntriesFast()-1);
115179c6 193 }
dc35cb26 194 for(Int_t i=0;i < fHitsESD->GetEntriesFast();i++){
195 AliESDTOFHit *hitToStored = (AliESDTOFHit *) fHitsESD->At(i);
196 AliESDTOFHit *hitNew = new ( (*esdTOFHitArr)[esdTOFHitArr->GetEntriesFast()] ) AliESDTOFHit(*hitToStored);
197 hitNew->SetESDTOFClusterIndex(hitToStored->GetESDTOFClusterIndex());
198 }
200 AliInfo(Form("TOF after the matching: hits = %i and clusters = %i",esdTOFHitArr->GetEntriesFast(),esdTOFClArr->GetEntriesFast()));
202 // Sort tof cluster
203 for (Int_t i=0; i<fNseeds; i++) {
204 AliESDtrack *t =(AliESDtrack*)fSeeds->At(i);
205 if ((t->GetStatus()&AliESDtrack::kTOFout)==0)continue;
206 t->SortTOFcluster();
207 }
115179c6 209
dc35cb26 210 fSeeds->Clear();
dc35cb26 211 fClustersESD->Clear();
212 fHitsESD->Clear();
115179c6 213 return 0;
217void AliTOFtrackerV2::CollectESD() {
218 //prepare the set of ESD tracks to be matched to clusters in TOF
220 Int_t seedsTOF1=0;
221 Int_t seedsTOF3=0;
222 Int_t seedsTOF2=0;
986d445d 224 AliTOFtrack track;
115179c6 226 for (Int_t i=0; i<fNseeds; i++) {
228 AliESDtrack *t =(AliESDtrack*)fSeeds->At(i);
229 if ((t->GetStatus()&AliESDtrack::kTPCout)==0)continue;
986d445d 231 track = *t; // New
232 Float_t x = (Float_t)track.GetX(); //New
115179c6 233
234 // TRD 'good' tracks
235 if ( ( (t->GetStatus()&AliESDtrack::kTRDout)!=0 ) ) {
986d445d 237 AliDebug(1,Form(" Before propagation till inner TOF radius, ESDtrackLength=%f, TOFtrackLength=%f",t->GetIntegratedLength(),track.GetIntegratedLength()));
115179c6 238
239 // TRD 'good' tracks, already propagated at 371 cm
240 if ( x >= AliTOFGeometry::Rmin() ) {
986d445d 242 if ( track.PropagateToInnerTOF() ) {
115179c6 243
244 AliDebug(1,Form(" TRD propagated track till rho = %fcm."
245 " And then the track has been propagated till rho = %fcm.",
986d445d 246 x, (Float_t)track.GetX()));
115179c6 247
986d445d 248 track.SetSeedIndex(i);
249 t->UpdateTrackParams(&track,AliESDtrack::kTOFin);
115179c6 250 fNseedsTOF++;
251 seedsTOF1++;
986d445d 253 AliDebug(1,Form(" After propagation till inner TOF radius, ESDtrackLength=%f, TOFtrackLength=%f",t->GetIntegratedLength(),track.GetIntegratedLength()));
115179c6 254 }
115179c6 255 }
256 else { // TRD 'good' tracks, propagated rho<371cm
986d445d 258 if ( track.PropagateToInnerTOF() ) {
115179c6 259
260 AliDebug(1,Form(" TRD propagated track till rho = %fcm."
261 " And then the track has been propagated till rho = %fcm.",
986d445d 262 x, (Float_t)track.GetX()));
115179c6 263
986d445d 264 track.SetSeedIndex(i);
265 t->UpdateTrackParams(&track,AliESDtrack::kTOFin);
115179c6 266 fNseedsTOF++;
267 seedsTOF3++;
986d445d 269 AliDebug(1,Form(" After propagation till inner TOF radius, ESDtrackLength=%f, TOFtrackLength=%f",t->GetIntegratedLength(),track.GetIntegratedLength()));
115179c6 270 }
115179c6 271 }
115179c6 272 }
274 else { // Propagate the rest of TPCbp
986d445d 276 AliDebug(1,Form(" Before propagation till inner TOF radius, ESDtrackLength=%f, TOFtrackLength=%f",t->GetIntegratedLength(),track.GetIntegratedLength()));
115179c6 277
986d445d 278 if ( track.PropagateToInnerTOF() ) {
115179c6 279
280 AliDebug(1,Form(" TPC propagated track till rho = %fcm."
281 " And then the track has been propagated till rho = %fcm.",
986d445d 282 x, (Float_t)track.GetX()));
115179c6 283
986d445d 284 track.SetSeedIndex(i);
285 t->UpdateTrackParams(&track,AliESDtrack::kTOFin);
115179c6 286 fNseedsTOF++;
287 seedsTOF2++;
986d445d 289 AliDebug(1,Form(" After propagation till inner TOF radius, ESDtrackLength=%f, TOFtrackLength=%f",t->GetIntegratedLength(),track.GetIntegratedLength()));
115179c6 290 }
115179c6 291 }
292 }
294 AliInfo(Form("Number of TOF seeds = %d (kTRDout371 = %d, kTRDoutLess371 = %d, !kTRDout = %d)",fNseedsTOF,seedsTOF1,seedsTOF3,seedsTOF2));
115179c6 296}
299void AliTOFtrackerV2::MatchTracks() {
300 //
301 //Match ESD tracks to clusters in TOF
302 //
304 // Parameters used/regulating the reconstruction
305 static Float_t detDepth=18.;
306 static Float_t padDepth=0.5;
308 const Float_t kSpeedOfLight= 2.99792458e-2; // speed of light [cm/ps]
310 Float_t dY=AliTOFGeometry::XPad();
311 Float_t dZ=AliTOFGeometry::ZPad();
313 Float_t sensRadius = fkRecoParam->GetSensRadius();
314 Float_t stepSize = fkRecoParam->GetStepSize();
315 Float_t scaleFact = fkRecoParam->GetWindowScaleFact();
316 Float_t dyMax=fkRecoParam->GetWindowSizeMaxY();
317 Float_t dzMax=fkRecoParam->GetWindowSizeMaxZ();
318 Float_t dCut=10.;//fkRecoParam->GetDistanceCut(); // This is to be loaded by OCDB. It should be 10cm always.
319 Double_t maxChi2=fkRecoParam->GetMaxChi2TRD();
320 Bool_t timeWalkCorr = fkRecoParam->GetTimeWalkCorr();
321 AliDebug(1,"++++++++++++++TOF Reconstruction Parameters:++++++++++++++");
322 AliDebug(1,Form("TOF sens radius: %f",sensRadius));
323 AliDebug(1,Form("TOF step size: %f",stepSize));
324 AliDebug(1,Form("TOF Window scale factor: %f",scaleFact));
325 AliDebug(1,Form("TOF Window max dy: %f",dyMax));
326 AliDebug(1,Form("TOF Window max dz: %f",dzMax));
327 AliDebug(1,Form("TOF distance Cut: %f",dCut));
328 AliDebug(1,Form("TOF Max Chi2: %f",maxChi2));
329 AliDebug(1,Form("Time Walk Correction? : %d",timeWalkCorr));
331 //Match ESD tracks to clusters in TOF
dc35cb26 332 TClonesArray* TOFClArr = fClustersESD; // use temporary array
333 TClonesArray* esdTOFClArr = fEvent->GetESDTOFClusters();
334 TClonesArray* esdTOFHitArr = fEvent->GetESDTOFHits();
115179c6 335
986d445d 336 if(Int_t(detDepth/stepSize) > fNsteps){ // create array for each step
337 // Get the number of propagation steps
338 fNsteps =(Int_t)(detDepth/stepSize);
115179c6 339
986d445d 340 for(Int_t isp=0;isp < AliPID::kSPECIESC;isp++){
341 if(fTimesAr[isp]) delete[] fTimesAr[isp];
342 }
344 for(Int_t isp=0;isp < AliPID::kSPECIESC;isp++){
345 fTimesAr[isp] = new Double_t[fNsteps];
346 }
348 for (Int_t ii=0; ii<4; ii++)
349 if(fTrackPos[ii])
350 delete [] fTrackPos[ii];
352 for (Int_t ii=0; ii<4; ii++) fTrackPos[ii] = new Float_t[fNsteps];
353 }
115179c6 354
986d445d 355
357 AliDebug(1,Form(" Number of steps to be done %d",fNsteps));
359 AliDebug(1,"++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++");
dc35cb26 360
115179c6 361 // Some init
362 const Int_t kNclusterMax = 1000; // related to fN value
363 TGeoHMatrix global[kNclusterMax];
dc35cb26 364 Int_t clind[kNclusterMax];
365 Bool_t isClusterMatchable[kNclusterMax]; // true if track and cluster were already matched (set to false below upto nc < kNclusterMax)
986d445d 367 AliTOFtrack trackTOFin;
115179c6 368
369 //The matching loop
986d445d 370 for (Int_t iseed=0; iseed<fSeeds->GetEntriesFast(); iseed++) {
371 AliESDtrack *t =(AliESDtrack*)fSeeds->At(iseed); // ciao replace with loop on ESD + kTOFin
372 if( (t->GetStatus()&AliESDtrack::kTOFin) == 0 ) continue;
374 trackTOFin = *t;
115179c6 375
115179c6 376 for (Int_t ii=0; ii<4; ii++)
986d445d 377 for (Int_t jj=0; jj<fNsteps; jj++) fTrackPos[ii][jj]=0.;
115179c6 378
dc35cb26 379 for (Int_t ii=0; ii<kNclusterMax; ii++) clind[ii]=-1;
380 for (Int_t ii=0; ii<kNclusterMax; ii++) global[ii] = 0x0;
381 for (Int_t ii=0; ii<kNclusterMax; ii++) isClusterMatchable[ii] = kFALSE;
fc9b31a7 383 Double_t timesOr[AliPID::kSPECIESC]; t->GetIntegratedTimes(timesOr,AliPID::kSPECIESC); // in ps
115179c6 384
385 // Determine a window around the track
386 Double_t x,par[5];
986d445d 387 trackTOFin.GetExternalParameters(x,par);
115179c6 388 Double_t cov[15];
986d445d 389 trackTOFin.GetExternalCovariance(cov);
115179c6 390
391 if (cov[0]<0. || cov[2]<0.) {
392 AliWarning(Form("Very strange track (%d)! At least one of its covariance matrix diagonal elements is negative!",iseed));
115179c6 393 continue;
394 }
396 Double_t dphi=
397 scaleFact*
398 ((5*TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(cov[0])) + 0.5*dY + 2.5*TMath::Abs(par[2]))/sensRadius);
399 Double_t dz=
400 scaleFact*
401 (5*TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(cov[2])) + 0.5*dZ + 2.5*TMath::Abs(par[3]));
986d445d 403 Double_t phi=TMath::ATan2(par[0],x) + trackTOFin.GetAlpha();
115179c6 404 if (phi<-TMath::Pi())phi+=2*TMath::Pi();
405 if (phi>=TMath::Pi())phi-=2*TMath::Pi();
406 Double_t z=par[1];
408 //upper limit on window's size.
409 if (dz> dzMax) dz=dzMax;
410 if (dphi*sensRadius> dyMax) dphi=dyMax/sensRadius;
413 // find the clusters in the window of the track
414 Int_t nc=0;
dc35cb26 415 for (Int_t k=FindClusterIndex(z-dz); k<TOFClArr->GetEntriesFast(); k++) {
115179c6 416
417 if (nc>=kNclusterMax) {
418 AliWarning("No more matchable clusters can be stored! Please, increase the corresponding vectors size.");
419 break;
420 }
dc35cb26 422 AliESDTOFCluster *c=(AliESDTOFCluster *) TOFClArr->At(k);
115179c6 423 if (c->GetZ() > z+dz) break;
424 if (!c->GetStatus()) {
425 AliDebug(1,"Cluster in channel declared bad!");
426 continue; // skip bad channels as declared in OCDB
427 }
dc35cb26 429
115179c6 430 Double_t dph=TMath::Abs(c->GetPhi()-phi);
431 if (dph>TMath::Pi()) dph-=2.*TMath::Pi();
432 if (TMath::Abs(dph)>dphi) continue;
986d445d 434 Double_t yc=(c->GetPhi() - trackTOFin.GetAlpha())*c->GetR();
115179c6 435 Double_t p[2]={yc, c->GetZ()};
436 Double_t cov2[3]= {dY*dY/12., 0., dZ*dZ/12.};
986d445d 437 if (trackTOFin.AliExternalTrackParam::GetPredictedChi2(p,cov2) > maxChi2)continue;
115179c6 438
439 clind[nc] = k;
440 Char_t path[200];
dc35cb26 441 Int_t ind[5]; AliTOFGeometry::GetVolumeIndices(c->GetTOFchannel(),ind);
442 AliTOFGeometry::GetVolumePath(ind,path);
115179c6 443 gGeoManager->cd(path);
444 global[nc] = *gGeoManager->GetCurrentMatrix();
445 nc++;
446 }
dc35cb26 448
115179c6 449 if (nc == 0 ) {
450 AliDebug(1,Form("No available clusters for the track number %d",iseed));
451 fnunmatch++;
115179c6 452 continue;
453 }
455 AliDebug(1,Form(" Number of available TOF clusters for the track number %d: %d",iseed,nc));
457 //start fine propagation
115179c6 459 Int_t nStepsDone = 0;
986d445d 460 for( Int_t istep=0; istep<fNsteps; istep++){
115179c6 461
462 // First of all, propagate the track...
463 Float_t xs = AliTOFGeometry::RinTOF()+istep*stepSize;
986d445d 464 if (!(trackTOFin.PropagateTo(xs))) break;
115179c6 465
466 // ...and then, if necessary, rotate the track
467 Double_t ymax = xs*TMath::Tan(0.5*AliTOFGeometry::GetAlpha());
986d445d 468 Double_t ysect = trackTOFin.GetY();
115179c6 469 if (ysect > ymax) {
986d445d 470 if (!(trackTOFin.Rotate(AliTOFGeometry::GetAlpha()))) break;
115179c6 471 } else if (ysect <-ymax) {
986d445d 472 if (!(trackTOFin.Rotate(-AliTOFGeometry::GetAlpha()))) break;
115179c6 473 }
986d445d 475 Double_t mom = trackTOFin.P();
115179c6 476
477 if(istep == 0){
478 for(Int_t isp=0;isp<AliPID::kSPECIESC;isp++){
479 Double_t mass=AliPID::ParticleMass(isp);
480 Double_t momz = mom*AliPID::ParticleCharge(isp);
986d445d 481 fTimesAr[isp][nStepsDone] = stepSize/kSpeedOfLight*TMath::Sqrt(momz*momz+mass*mass)/momz;
115179c6 482 }
483 }
484 else{
485 for(Int_t isp=0;isp<AliPID::kSPECIESC;isp++){
486 Double_t mass=AliPID::ParticleMass(isp);
487 Double_t momz = mom*AliPID::ParticleCharge(isp);
986d445d 488 fTimesAr[isp][nStepsDone] = fTimesAr[isp][nStepsDone-1] + (trackTOFin.GetIntegratedLength()-fTrackPos[3][nStepsDone-1])/kSpeedOfLight*TMath::Sqrt(momz*momz+mass*mass)/momz;
115179c6 489 }
490 }
492 // store the running point (Globalrf) - fine propagation
986d445d 494 Double_t r[3]; trackTOFin.GetXYZ(r);
495 fTrackPos[0][nStepsDone]= (Float_t) r[0];
496 fTrackPos[1][nStepsDone]= (Float_t) r[1];
497 fTrackPos[2][nStepsDone]= (Float_t) r[2];
498 fTrackPos[3][nStepsDone]= trackTOFin.GetIntegratedLength();
115179c6 499
500 nStepsDone++;
986d445d 501 AliDebug(3,Form(" current step %d (%d) - nStepsDone=%d",istep,fNsteps,nStepsDone));
115179c6 502 }
504 if ( nStepsDone == 0 ) {
505 AliDebug(1,Form(" No track points for track number %d",iseed));
506 fnunmatch++;
115179c6 507 continue;
508 }
510 AliDebug(3,Form(" Number of steps done for the track number %d: %d",iseed,nStepsDone));
115179c6 512 if(nc){
115179c6 513 for (Int_t i=0; i<nc; i++) isClusterMatchable[i] = kFALSE;
514 }
516 Int_t nfound = 0;
517 Bool_t accept = kFALSE;
115179c6 518 for (Int_t istep=0; istep<nStepsDone; istep++) {
115179c6 519 Float_t ctrackPos[3];
986d445d 520 ctrackPos[0] = fTrackPos[0][istep];
521 ctrackPos[1] = fTrackPos[1][istep];
522 ctrackPos[2] = fTrackPos[2][istep];
115179c6 523
524 //now see whether the track matches any of the TOF clusters
526 Float_t dist3d[3]={0.,0.,0.};
527 accept = kFALSE;
115179c6 528
dc35cb26 529 for (Int_t i=0; i<nc; i++) {
115179c6 530
dc35cb26 531 AliTOFGeometry::IsInsideThePad((TGeoHMatrix*)(&global[i]),ctrackPos,dist3d);
115179c6 532
986d445d 533 // check multiple hit cases
534 AliESDTOFCluster *cmatched=(AliESDTOFCluster *) TOFClArr->At(clind[i]);
536 if(cmatched->GetNTOFhits() > 1){ // correct residual for mean position of the clusters (w.r.t. the first pad/hit)
537 Float_t zmain = cmatched->GetTOFchannel(0)/48;
538 Float_t xmain = cmatched->GetTOFchannel(0)%48;
539 for(Int_t ihit=1;ihit < cmatched->GetNTOFhits();ihit++){
540 Float_t deltaz = (cmatched->GetTOFchannel(ihit)/48 - zmain) * 3.5;
541 Float_t deltax = (cmatched->GetTOFchannel(ihit)%48 - xmain) * 2.5;
542 dist3d[0] -= deltax / cmatched->GetNTOFhits();
543 dist3d[2] -= deltaz / cmatched->GetNTOFhits();
544 }
545 }
115179c6 547 // ***** NEW *****
548 /* if track is inside this cluster set flags which will then
549 * inhibit to add track points for the other clusters */
115179c6 550 Float_t yLoc = dist3d[1];
551 Float_t rLoc = TMath::Sqrt(dist3d[0]*dist3d[0]+dist3d[2]*dist3d[2]);
552 accept = (TMath::Abs(yLoc)<padDepth*0.5 && rLoc<dCut);
554 //***** NEW *****
555 /* add point everytime that:
115179c6 556 * - the tracks is within dCut from the cluster
557 */
dc35cb26 558 if (accept) {
115179c6 559
560 Double_t timesCurrent[AliPID::kSPECIESC];
561 AliDebug(3,Form(" Momentum for track %d -> %f", iseed,t->P()));
562 for (Int_t j=0;j<AliPID::kSPECIESC;j++) {
986d445d 563 timesCurrent[j] = timesOr[j] + fTimesAr[j][istep];
115179c6 564 }
dc35cb26 566
115179c6 567 if (TMath::Abs(dist3d[1])<stepSize && !isClusterMatchable[i]) {
568 isClusterMatchable[i] = kTRUE;
dc35cb26 569
dc35cb26 570 Int_t currentpos = esdTOFClArr->GetEntriesFast(); // position of cluster in ESD
571 if(fWrittenInPos[clind[i]] != -1){
572 currentpos = fWrittenInPos[clind[i]];
573 cmatched = (AliESDTOFCluster *) esdTOFClArr->At(currentpos); // update the new one in the ESDEvent
574 }
575 else{ // add as a new cluster in the ESD TClonesArray
576 AliESDTOFCluster *clnew = new( (*esdTOFClArr)[currentpos] ) AliESDTOFCluster(*cmatched);
577 clnew->SetEvent(fEvent);
578 clnew->SetESDID(currentpos);
580 // remap also TOF hit in the filtered array
581 for(Int_t ii=0;ii < cmatched->GetNTOFhits();ii++){
582 Int_t index = cmatched->GetHitIndex(ii);
583 AliESDTOFHit *hitOld = (AliESDTOFHit *) esdTOFHitArr->At(index);
584 Int_t index_new = fHitsESD->GetEntriesFast();
585 AliESDTOFHit *hitNew = new( (*fHitsESD)[index_new] ) AliESDTOFHit(*hitOld);
586 hitNew->SetESDTOFClusterIndex(currentpos);
587 clnew->SetHitIndex(ii,index_new);
588 }
590 fWrittenInPos[clind[i]] = currentpos;
591 cmatched = clnew; // update the new one added to the ESDEvent
592 }
594 if(cmatched->GetNMatchableTracks() < AliESDTOFCluster::kMaxMatches){
986d445d 595 cmatched->Update(t->GetID(),dist3d[0],dist3d[1],dist3d[2],fTrackPos[3][istep],timesCurrent);//x,y,z -> tracking RF
dc35cb26 596 t->AddTOFcluster(currentpos);
597 t->SetStatus(AliESDtrack::kTOFout);
598 }
115179c6 599 }
600 AliDebug(2,Form(" dist3dLoc[0] = %f, dist3dLoc[1] = %f, dist3dLoc[2] = %f ",dist3d[0],dist3d[1],dist3d[2]));
602 nfound++;
115179c6 603
604 // ***** NEW *****
605 }//end if accept
607 } //end for on the clusters
608 } //end for on the steps
115179c6 609
115179c6 610
611 if (nfound == 0 ) {
612 AliDebug(1,Form(" No matchable track points for the track number %d",iseed));
613 fnunmatch++;
115179c6 614 continue;
615 }
617 AliDebug(1,Form(" Number of track points for the track number %d: %d",iseed,nfound));
619 Int_t nMatchedClusters = t->GetNTOFclusters();
621 if (nMatchedClusters==0) {
622 AliDebug(1,Form("Reconstructed track %d doesn't match any TOF cluster", iseed));
623 fnunmatch++;
115179c6 624 continue;
625 }
986d445d 627 AliDebug(1,Form(" %d - matched (%d)",iseed,nMatchedClusters));
115179c6 628
629 fnmatch++;
631 /*
632 AliTOFcluster cTOF = AliTOFcluster(volIdClus,
633 (Float_t)posClus[0],(Float_t)posClus[1],(Float_t)posClus[2],
634 (Float_t)covClus[0],(Float_t)covClus[1],(Float_t)covClus[2],
635 (Float_t)covClus[3],(Float_t)covClus[4],(Float_t)covClus[5],
636 tofLabels,volIndices,parClu,kTRUE,index[i]);
638 // Fill the track residual histograms.
639 FillResiduals(trackTOFin,c,kFALSE);
640 */
115179c6 641 } // loop on fSeeds
115179c6 642
645Int_t AliTOFtrackerV2::LoadClusters(TTree *cTree) {
646 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
647 //This function loads the TOF clusters
648 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
650 TBranch *branch=cTree->GetBranch("TOF");
651 if (!branch) {
652 AliError("can't get the branch with the TOF clusters !");
653 return 1;
654 }
656 static TClonesArray dummy("AliTOFcluster",10000);
657 dummy.Clear();
658 TClonesArray *clusters=&dummy;
659 branch->SetAddress(&clusters);
661 cTree->GetEvent(0);
dc35cb26 662 Int_t ncl =clusters->GetEntriesFast();
663 AliInfo(Form("Number of clusters: %d",ncl));
115179c6 664
dc35cb26 665 fN = ncl; // set cluster counter
115179c6 666
dc35cb26 667 for(Int_t i=0;i < ncl;i++) // reset position of clusters in ESD
668 fWrittenInPos[i] = -1;
670 if(ncl==0){
115179c6 671 return 0;
672 }
dc35cb26 674 for (Int_t i=0; i<ncl; i++) {
115179c6 675 AliTOFcluster *c=(AliTOFcluster*)clusters->UncheckedAt(i);
dc35cb26 676
677 /*
115179c6 678 Int_t ind[5];
679 ind[0]=c->GetDetInd(0);
680 ind[1]=c->GetDetInd(1);
681 ind[2]=c->GetDetInd(2);
682 ind[3]=c->GetDetInd(3);
683 ind[4]=c->GetDetInd(4);
684 Int_t calindex = AliTOFGeometry::GetIndex(ind);
685 Int_t tofLabels[3]={c->GetLabel(0),c->GetLabel(1),c->GetLabel(2)};
dc35cb26 686 */
688 fClusters[i] = c;
115179c6 689 }
691 return 0;
694void AliTOFtrackerV2::UnloadClusters() {
695 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
696 //This function unloads TOF clusters
697 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
699 // don't delete TOF clusters here because they should be written
703Int_t AliTOFtrackerV2::FindClusterIndex(Double_t z) const {
704 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
705 // This function returns the index of the nearest cluster
706 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
dc35cb26 707 TClonesArray* TOFClArr = fClustersESD;; // use temporary array
708 Int_t n = TOFClArr->GetEntriesFast();
710 if (n==0) return 0;
711 if (z <= ((AliESDTOFCluster *) TOFClArr->At(0))->GetZ()) return 0;
712 if (z > ((AliESDTOFCluster *) TOFClArr->At(n-1))->GetZ()) return n;
713 Int_t b=0, e=n-1, m=(b+e)/2;
115179c6 714 for (; b<e; m=(b+e)/2) {
dc35cb26 715 if (z > ((AliESDTOFCluster *) TOFClArr->At(m))->GetZ()) b=m+1;
115179c6 716
717 else e=m;
718 }
719 return m;
dc35cb26 720}
115179c6 721//_________________________________________________________________________
722Bool_t AliTOFtrackerV2::GetTrackPoint(Int_t index, AliTrackPoint& p) const
724 // Get track space point with index i
725 // Coordinates are in the global system
dc35cb26 726 TClonesArray* esdTOFClArr = fEvent->GetESDTOFClusters();
727 AliESDTOFCluster *cl = (AliESDTOFCluster *) esdTOFClArr->At(index);
115179c6 729 Float_t xyz[3];
730 xyz[0] = cl->GetR()*TMath::Cos(cl->GetPhi());
731 xyz[1] = cl->GetR()*TMath::Sin(cl->GetPhi());
732 xyz[2] = cl->GetZ();
733 Float_t phiangle = (Int_t(cl->GetPhi()*TMath::RadToDeg()/20.)+0.5)*20.*TMath::DegToRad();
734 Float_t sinphi = TMath::Sin(phiangle), cosphi = TMath::Cos(phiangle);
735 Int_t tofChannel=cl->GetTOFchannel();
dc35cb26 736 Int_t ind[5]; AliTOFGeometry::GetVolumeIndices(tofChannel,ind);
115179c6 737 Float_t tiltangle = AliTOFGeometry::GetAngles(ind[1],ind[2])*TMath::DegToRad();
738 Float_t sinth = TMath::Sin(tiltangle), costh = TMath::Cos(tiltangle);
739 Float_t sigmay2 = AliTOFGeometry::XPad()*AliTOFGeometry::XPad()/12.;
740 Float_t sigmaz2 = AliTOFGeometry::ZPad()*AliTOFGeometry::ZPad()/12.;
741 Float_t cov[6];
742 cov[0] = sinphi*sinphi*sigmay2 + cosphi*cosphi*sinth*sinth*sigmaz2;
743 cov[1] = -sinphi*cosphi*sigmay2 + sinphi*cosphi*sinth*sinth*sigmaz2;
744 cov[2] = -cosphi*sinth*costh*sigmaz2;
745 cov[3] = cosphi*cosphi*sigmay2 + sinphi*sinphi*sinth*sinth*sigmaz2;
746 cov[4] = -sinphi*sinth*costh*sigmaz2;
747 cov[5] = costh*costh*sigmaz2;
748 p.SetXYZ(xyz[0],xyz[1],xyz[2],cov);
750 // Detector numbering scheme
751 Int_t nSector = AliTOFGeometry::NSectors();
752 Int_t nPlate = AliTOFGeometry::NPlates();
753 Int_t nStripA = AliTOFGeometry::NStripA();
754 Int_t nStripB = AliTOFGeometry::NStripB();
755 Int_t nStripC = AliTOFGeometry::NStripC();
757 Int_t isector = ind[0];//cl->GetDetInd(0);
758 if (isector >= nSector)
759 AliError(Form("Wrong sector number in TOF (%d) !",isector));
760 Int_t iplate = ind[1];//cl->GetDetInd(1);
761 if (iplate >= nPlate)
762 AliError(Form("Wrong plate number in TOF (%d) !",iplate));
763 Int_t istrip = ind[2];//cl->GetDetInd(2);
765 Int_t stripOffset = 0;
766 switch (iplate) {
767 case 0:
768 stripOffset = 0;
769 break;
770 case 1:
771 stripOffset = nStripC;
772 break;
773 case 2:
774 stripOffset = nStripC+nStripB;
775 break;
776 case 3:
777 stripOffset = nStripC+nStripB+nStripA;
778 break;
779 case 4:
780 stripOffset = nStripC+nStripB+nStripA+nStripB;
781 break;
782 default:
783 AliError(Form("Wrong plate number in TOF (%d) !",iplate));
784 break;
785 };
787 Int_t idet = (2*(nStripC+nStripB)+nStripA)*isector +
788 stripOffset +
789 istrip;
790 UShort_t volid = AliGeomManager::LayerToVolUID(AliGeomManager::kTOF,idet);
791 p.SetVolumeID((UShort_t)volid);
792 return kTRUE;
115179c6 796Float_t AliTOFtrackerV2::CorrectTimeWalk( Float_t dist, Float_t tof) const {
798 //dummy, for the moment
799 Float_t tofcorr=0.;
800 if(dist<AliTOFGeometry::ZPad()*0.5){
801 tofcorr=tof;
802 //place here the actual correction
803 }else{
804 tofcorr=tof;
805 }
806 return tofcorr;
809void AliTOFtrackerV2::Clusterize(){
810 Int_t detId[5];
dc35cb26 811
812 // Load 1 hit in 1 cluster (ESD)
813 TClonesArray* TOFClArr = fClustersESD;// use a temporary copy //fEvent->GetESDTOFClusters();
814 TClonesArray* esdTOFHitArr = fEvent->GetESDTOFHits();
816 if(TOFClArr->GetEntriesFast()) TOFClArr->Clear();
817 if(esdTOFHitArr->GetEntriesFast()) esdTOFHitArr->Clear();
819 AliESDTOFCluster *c1 = NULL;
820 AliESDTOFCluster *c2 = NULL;
822 for(Int_t i=0; i < fN;i++){
823 AliTOFcluster *c = fClusters[i];
824 Int_t ind[5];
825 ind[0]=c->GetDetInd(0);
826 ind[1]=c->GetDetInd(1);
827 ind[2]=c->GetDetInd(2);
828 ind[3]=c->GetDetInd(3);
829 ind[4]=c->GetDetInd(4);
830 Int_t calindex = AliTOFGeometry::GetIndex(ind);
831 Int_t tofLabels[3]={c->GetLabel(0),c->GetLabel(1),c->GetLabel(2)};
833 new ( (*esdTOFHitArr)[i] ) AliESDTOFHit( AliTOFGeometry::TdcBinWidth()*c->GetTDC(),
834 AliTOFGeometry::TdcBinWidth()*c->GetTDCRAW(),
835 AliTOFGeometry::ToTBinWidth()*c->GetToT()*1E-3,
836 calindex,tofLabels,c->GetL0L1Latency(),
837 c->GetDeltaBC(),i,c->GetZ(),c->GetR(),c->GetPhi() );
839 c1 = new( (*TOFClArr)[i] ) AliESDTOFCluster(i);
840 c1->SetEvent(fEvent);
841 c1->SetStatus( c->GetStatus() );
842 c1->SetESDID(i);
843 //
844 // register hits in the cluster
845 c1->AddESDTOFHitIndex(i);
847 }
dc35cb26 848 // start to merge clusters
849 Int_t chan1,chan2,chan3;
850 Int_t strip1,strip2;
851 Int_t iphi,iphi2,iphi3;
852 Int_t ieta,ieta2,ieta3;
dc35cb26 854 for(Int_t i=0; i < TOFClArr->GetEntriesFast()-1;i++){
855 c1=(AliESDTOFCluster *) TOFClArr->At(i);
115179c6 856 if(!c1->GetStatus()) continue;
dc35cb26 858 chan1 = c1->GetTOFchannel(0);
115179c6 859 AliTOFGeometry::GetVolumeIndices(chan1, detId); // Get volume index from channel index
dc35cb26 861 ieta = detId[2]/*strip*/*2 + detId[3]/*pad Z*/;
115179c6 862 if(detId[1]/*module*/ == 0) ieta += 0;
863 else if(detId[1] == 1) ieta += 38;
864 else if(detId[1] == 2) ieta += 76;
865 else if(detId[1] == 3) ieta += 106;
866 else if(detId[1] == 4) ieta += 144;
dc35cb26 867 iphi = detId[0]/*phi sector*/*48 + detId[4]/*pad x*/;
115179c6 868
dc35cb26 869 chan2=chan1;
115179c6 870 if(c1->GetNTOFhits() > 1){
871 chan2 = c1->GetTOFchannel(1);
872 AliTOFGeometry::GetVolumeIndices(chan2, detId); // Get volume index from channel index
874 ieta2 = detId[2]/*strip*/*2 + detId[3]/*pad Z*/;
875 if(detId[1]/*module*/ == 0) ieta2 += 0;
876 else if(detId[1] == 1) ieta2 += 38;
877 else if(detId[1] == 2) ieta2 += 76;
878 else if(detId[1] == 3) ieta2 += 106;
879 else if(detId[1] == 4) ieta2 += 144;
880 iphi2 = detId[0]/*phi sector*/*48 + detId[4]/*pad x*/;
881 }
882 else{
883 iphi2=iphi;
884 ieta2=ieta;
885 }
dc35cb26 887 // 1 and 2 belong now to the first cluster, 3 to the second one
889 strip1 = chan1/96;
890 for(Int_t j=i+1; j < TOFClArr->GetEntriesFast();j++){
891 c2=(AliESDTOFCluster *) TOFClArr->At(j);
115179c6 892 if(!c2->GetStatus()) continue;
dc35cb26 894 chan3 = c2->GetTOFchannel();
115179c6 895
896 // check if the two TOF hits are in the same strip
dc35cb26 897 strip2 = chan3/96;
898 if(strip1 != strip2) continue;
115179c6 899
900 AliTOFGeometry::GetVolumeIndices(chan3, detId); // Get volume index from channel index
dc35cb26 901 ieta3 = detId[2]/*strip*/*2 + detId[3]/*pad Z*/;
115179c6 902 if(detId[1]/*module*/ == 0) ieta3 += 0;
903 else if(detId[1] == 1) ieta3 += 38;
904 else if(detId[1] == 2) ieta3 += 76;
905 else if(detId[1] == 3) ieta3 += 106;
906 else if(detId[1] == 4) ieta3 += 144;
dc35cb26 907 iphi3 = detId[0]/*phi sector*/*48 + detId[4]/*pad x*/;
115179c6 908
dc35cb26 909
910 if(ieta3-ieta > 2) j = fN; // because cluster are order along Z so you can skip all the rest, go to the next one ("i+1")
115179c6 912 // check if the fired pad are close in space
913 if((TMath::Abs(iphi-iphi3)>1 && TMath::Abs(iphi2-iphi3)>1) || (TMath::Abs(ieta-ieta3)>1 && TMath::Abs(ieta2-ieta3)>1))
dc35cb26 914 continue; // double checks
115179c6 915
916 // check if the TOF time are close enough to be merged
917 if(TMath::Abs(c1->GetTime() - c2->GetTime()) > 500/*in ps*/) continue;
919 // merge them
dc35cb26 920 MergeClusters(i,j);
115179c6 921
986d445d 922 // new hit is added as a second hit for the first cluster
923 iphi2 = iphi3;
924 ieta2 = ieta3;
115179c6 925 }
926 }
dc35cb26 929void AliTOFtrackerV2::MergeClusters(Int_t i,Int_t j){
930 TClonesArray* TOFClArr = fClustersESD;// use a temporary copy //fEvent->GetESDTOFClusters();
dc35cb26 931
932 if(i == j){
933 AliInfo("No TOF cluster mergine possible (cannot merge a cluster with itself)");
934 return;
935 }
937 if(i > j){ // check right order
938 Int_t k=i;
939 i=j;
940 j=k;
941 }
943 Int_t last = TOFClArr->GetEntriesFast()-1;
945 if(j > last){
946 AliInfo("No TOF cluster mergine possible (cluster not available)");
947 return;
948 }
950 AliESDTOFCluster *c1 = (AliESDTOFCluster *) TOFClArr->At(i);
951 AliESDTOFCluster *c2 = (AliESDTOFCluster *) TOFClArr->At(j);
953 if(c2->GetNMatchableTracks()){
954 AliInfo("No TOF cluster mergine possible (cluster already matched)");
955 return; // cannot merge a cluster already matched
956 }
958 Int_t nhit1 = c1->GetNTOFhits();
959 Int_t nhit2 = c2->GetNTOFhits();
961 if(nhit1+nhit2 >= AliESDTOFCluster::kMaxHits)
962 {
963 AliInfo("No TOF cluster mergine possible (too many hits)");
964 return;
965 }
967 for(Int_t k=0;k < nhit2;k++){// add hits in c2 to c1
968 c1->AddESDTOFHitIndex(c2->GetHitIndex(k));
970 // ID re-setting for hits not needed (done when matching is found)
971 }
973 // remove c2 from array
986d445d 974 if(j == last) delete TOFClArr->RemoveAt(j);
975 else{
976 for(Int_t ii=j;ii < last;ii++){
977 AliESDTOFCluster *old= (AliESDTOFCluster *) TOFClArr->At(ii);
978 if (!old) {AliFatal(Form("NULL pointer for TOF cluster %d",ii));}
979 AliESDTOFCluster *replace= (AliESDTOFCluster *) TOFClArr->At(ii+1);
980 if (!replace) {AliFatal(Form("NULL pointer for TOF cluster %d",ii+1));}
981 *old = *replace;
982 old->SetESDID(j);
983 }
dc35cb26 984 delete TOFClArr->RemoveAt(last);
985 }