]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - TOF/TOFda.cxx
bugfix: mutex must not be reset after createthread called
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / TOF / TOFda.cxx
7b81ffe5 1/*
cee5b064 3TOF DA for online calibration
7b81ffe5 4
78c742e3 5Contact: Chiara.Zampolli@bo.infn.it
104ba366 6 Roberto.Preghenella@bo.infn.it
78c742e3 8Run Type: PHYSICS
9DA Type: MON
104ba366 10Number of events needed:
11Input Files: no input
12Output Files: TOFdaHits.root
13Event types used: PHYSICS_EVENT
dd635345 14
cee5b064 15*/
7b81ffe5 16
104ba366 17#define FILE_HITS "TOFdaHits.root"
016d6ae4 18#define FILE_CALIB "TOFdaCalib.root"
7b81ffe5 19
cee5b064 20// DATE
67cb6c02 21#include "event.h"
22#include "monitor.h"
23#include "daqDA.h"
25#include <stdio.h>
26#include <stdlib.h>
4cf7aab2 27#include <errno.h>
7b81ffe5 28
104ba366 30#include "TROOT.h"
31#include "AliTOFRawStream.h"
32#include "AliRawReaderDate.h"
33#include "AliRawReader.h"
34#include "AliDAQ.h"
35#include "AliTOFHitData.h"
36#include "AliTOFHitDataBuffer.h"
37#include "AliTOFDaConfigHandler.h"
38#include "AliTOFHitField.h"
104ba366 39#include "AliLog.h"
639d40ea 40#include "AliTOFGeometry.h"
7b81ffe5 41
104ba366 43#include "TFile.h"
44#include "TKey.h"
45#include "TH2S.h"
46#include "TObject.h"
47#include "TMath.h"
48#include "TSystem.h"
3bc66139 49#include "TROOT.h"
50#include "TPluginManager.h"
67cb6c02 51#include "TSAXParser.h"
104ba366 52#include "TTree.h"
7b81ffe5 53
54/* Main routine
55 Arguments:
56 1- monitoring data source
104ba366 58int
59main(int argc, char **argv)
3bc66139 62 /* magic line from Rene */
63 gROOT->GetPluginManager()->AddHandler("TVirtualStreamerInfo",
104ba366 64 "*",
65 "TStreamerInfo",
66 "RIO",
67 "TStreamerInfo()");
7b81ffe5 68
67cb6c02 69
70 /* log start of process */
71 printf("TOF DA started\n");
104ba366 72
67cb6c02 73 /* check that we got some arguments = list of files */
7b81ffe5 74 if (argc!=2) {
75 printf("Wrong number of arguments\n");
76 return -1;
77 }
104ba366 79 /*
81 */
67cb6c02 83 /* retrieve config file */
59f6cc12 84 int getConfigFile = daqDA_DB_getFile("TOFPhysicsConfig.xml","TOFPhysicsConfig.xml");
67cb6c02 85 if (getConfigFile != 0){
86 printf("Failed to retrieve config file from DB! returning...\n");
87 return -1;
88 }
104ba366 89 /* parse config file */
59f6cc12 90 AliTOFDaConfigHandler* tofHandler = new AliTOFDaConfigHandler();
67cb6c02 91 TSAXParser *parser = new TSAXParser();
59f6cc12 92 parser->ConnectToHandler("AliTOFDaConfigHandler", tofHandler);
93 if (parser->ParseFile("./TOFPhysicsConfig.xml") != 0) {
67cb6c02 94 printf("Failed parsing config file! retunring... \n");
95 return -1;
96 }
104ba366 97 /* setup config params */
98 Int_t meanMultiplicity = tofHandler->GetMeanMultiplicity(); /* average expected TOF multiplicity */
99 Int_t maxHits = tofHandler->GetMaxHits(); /* max number of hits to be collected */
100 printf("current settings:\n");
101 printf(" - meanMultiplicity = %d\n", meanMultiplicity);
102 printf(" - maxHits = %d\n", maxHits);
103 /* constants */
104 const Int_t nChannels = 157248;
105 Int_t noiseCheckTrigger = 10; /* first noise check after 10 events */
4cf7aab2 106 Float_t meanChannelRate = (Float_t)meanMultiplicity / (Float_t)nChannels; /* average expected channel rate (hits/event) */
104ba366 107 Float_t noiseThreshold = 10. * meanChannelRate; /* noise threshold (hits/event) */
108 Int_t minNoiseHits = 10; /* min number of channel hits to check noise */
109 /* counters and flags */
016d6ae4 110 Int_t nPhysicsEvents, nCalibEvents, totHits;
104ba366 111 Int_t nChHits[nChannels];
016d6ae4 112 Bool_t inhibitCollection;
104ba366 113 Bool_t noiseFlag[nChannels];
114 /* variables */
639d40ea 115 Int_t nhits, ddl, slot, trm, chain, tdc, channel, index, timebin, totbin, deltaBC, l0l1latency, det[5], dummy;
104ba366 116 Float_t noiseHitThreshold;
118 /*
119 * INIT
120 */
122 /* init counters and flags */
016d6ae4 123 nPhysicsEvents = 0;
124 nCalibEvents = 0;
104ba366 125 totHits = 0;
016d6ae4 126 inhibitCollection = kFALSE;
104ba366 127 for (Int_t ich = 0; ich < nChannels; ich++) {
128 nChHits[ich] = 0;
016d6ae4 129 noiseFlag[ich] = kFALSE;
4fc590b9 130 }
67cb6c02 131
104ba366 132 /* TOF raw data handling */
133 AliTOFRawStream *rawStream = new AliTOFRawStream();
134 AliTOFHitDataBuffer *pdb = NULL;
135 AliTOFHitData *hit = NULL;
67cb6c02 136
016d6ae4 137 /* open HITS output file */
138 TFile *fileOutHits = new TFile(FILE_HITS, "RECREATE");
104ba366 139 /* create hit field data structure */
140 AliTOFHitField *hitField = new AliTOFHitField();
141 /* create temporary tree */
142 TTree *tempTree = new TTree("tempTree", "temporary tree");
143 tempTree->Branch("hit", "AliTOFHitField", &hitField);
144 /* create output tree */
145 TTree *outTree = new TTree("hitTree", "hit tree");
146 outTree->Branch("hit", "AliTOFHitField", &hitField);
016d6ae4 148 /* open CALIB output file */
149 TFile *fileOutCalib = new TFile(FILE_CALIB, "RECREATE");
150 /* create calib hit histo */
151 TH1F *hCalibHit = new TH1F("hCalibHit", "Calibration events;index;N_{hits}/N_{events}", nChannels, 0., nChannels);
104ba366 153 /*
155 */
157 AliLog::SetGlobalLogLevel(AliLog::kFatal);
67cb6c02 158 struct eventHeaderStruct *event;
104ba366 159 int ret;
7b81ffe5 160 /* define data source : this is argument 1 */
104ba366 161 ret = monitorSetDataSource(argv[1]);
162 if (ret != 0) {
163 printf("monitorSetDataSource() failed : %s\n",monitorDecodeError(ret));
7b81ffe5 164 return -1;
165 }
7b81ffe5 166 /* declare monitoring program */
104ba366 167 ret = monitorDeclareMp("tofDA");
168 if (ret != 0) {
169 printf("monitorDeclareMp() failed : %s\n",monitorDecodeError(ret));
7b81ffe5 170 return -1;
171 }
7b81ffe5 172 /* define wait event timeout - 1s max */
173 monitorSetNowait();
174 monitorSetNoWaitNetworkTimeout(1000);
104ba366 175
176 /* loop over events */
177 while (1) {
7b81ffe5 178
179 /* check shutdown condition */
67cb6c02 180 if (daqDA_checkShutdown()) break;
7b81ffe5 181
104ba366 182 /*
184 */
016d6ae4 186 /* check inhibit collection */
187 if (!inhibitCollection) {
188 /* check number of events and check noise */
189 if (nPhysicsEvents >= noiseCheckTrigger || totHits >= maxHits) {
190 noiseHitThreshold = noiseThreshold * nPhysicsEvents;
191 printf("noise check triggered after %d events: threshold is %f hits\n", nPhysicsEvents, noiseHitThreshold);
192 /* loop over all channels */
193 for (Int_t ich = 0; ich < nChannels; ich++) {
194 /* check */
195 if (nChHits[ich] < minNoiseHits || noiseFlag[ich] || nChHits[ich] < noiseHitThreshold) continue;
196 printf("channel %d tagged as noisy (%d hits): disabled\n", ich, nChHits[ich]);
197 noiseFlag[ich] = kTRUE;
198 totHits -= nChHits[ich];
199 } /* end of loop over all channels */
200 /* set new noise check trigger value */
201 noiseCheckTrigger *= 10;
202 } /* end of noise check */
204 /* inhibit hit collection when maximum number of hits exceeded */
205 if (totHits >= maxHits) {
206 printf("maximum number of hits exceeded (%d): inhibit hit collection\n", maxHits);
207 inhibitCollection = kTRUE;
208 }
104ba366 209 }
211 /*
213 */
7b81ffe5 215 /* get next event (blocking call until timeout) */
104ba366 216 ret = monitorGetEventDynamic((void **)&event);
217 if (ret == MON_ERR_EOF) {
7b81ffe5 218 printf ("End of File detected\n");
219 break; /* end of monitoring file has been reached */
220 }
104ba366 221 if (ret != 0) {
4cf7aab2 222 printf("monitorGetEventDynamic() failed (ret=%d errno=%d): %s\n", ret, errno, monitorDecodeError(ret));
7b81ffe5 223 break;
224 }
7b81ffe5 225 /* retry if got no event */
67cb6c02 226 if (event==NULL) continue;
104ba366 227 /* check event type */
cfddd113 228 if (event->eventType != PHYSICS_EVENT && event->eventType != CALIBRATION_EVENT) {
229 free(event);
230 continue;
231 }
016d6ae4 232 /* check inhibit collection */
cfddd113 233 if (event->eventType == PHYSICS_EVENT && inhibitCollection) {
234 free(event);
235 continue;
236 }
016d6ae4 237 /* increment number of physics events */
238 if (event->eventType == PHYSICS_EVENT) nPhysicsEvents++;
239 /* increment number of calib events */
240 if (event->eventType == CALIBRATION_EVENT) nCalibEvents++;
cee5b064 241
104ba366 242 /*
244 */
246 /* create raw reader */
247 AliRawReader *rawReader = new AliRawReaderDate((void *)event);
248 /* setup raw stream */
249 rawStream->SetRawReader(rawReader);
250 /* reset buffers */
251 rawStream->ResetBuffers();
252 /* decode */
253 rawStream->DecodeDDL(0, AliDAQ::NumberOfDdls("TOF") - 1, 0);
255 /*
257 */
259 /* loop over DDLs */
260 for (Int_t iddl = 0; iddl < AliDAQ::NumberOfDdls("TOF"); iddl++) {
261 /* get packed-data buffer */
262 pdb = rawStream->GetPackedDataBuffer(iddl);
263 nhits = pdb->GetEntries();
264 /* loop over hits in buffer */
265 for (Int_t ihit = 0; ihit < nhits; ihit++) {
266 /* get hit */
267 hit = pdb->GetHit(ihit);
268 /* get channel info */
269 ddl = iddl;
270 slot = hit->GetSlotID();
271 trm = slot - 3;
272 chain = hit->GetChain();
273 tdc = hit->GetTDC();
274 channel = hit->GetChan();
639d40ea 275 /* get index */
276 rawStream->EquipmentId2VolumeId(ddl, slot, chain, tdc, channel, det);
277 dummy = det[4];
278 det[4] = det[3];
279 det[3] = dummy;
280 /* check valid index */
281 if (det[0] < 0 || det[0] > 17 ||
282 det[1] < 0 || det[1] > 5 ||
283 det[2] < 0 || det[2] > 18 ||
284 det[3] < 0 || det[3] > 1 ||
285 det[4] < 0 || det[4] > 47) continue;
286 index = AliTOFGeometry::GetIndex(det);
016d6ae4 287
288 /* switch event type */
289 switch (event->eventType) {
291 /*
293 */
296 /* check noise flag */
297 if (noiseFlag[index]) continue;
298 /* increment number of channel hits and total hits */
299 nChHits[index]++;
300 totHits++;
301 /* get signal info */
302 timebin = hit->GetTimeBin();
303 totbin = hit->GetTOTBin();
304 deltaBC = hit->GetDeltaBunchID();
305 l0l1latency = hit->GetL0L1Latency();
306 /* set hit field data */
307 hitField->SetIndex(index);
308 hitField->SetTimeBin(timebin);
309 hitField->SetTOTBin(totbin);
310 hitField->SetDeltaBC(deltaBC);
311 hitField->SetL0L1Latency(l0l1latency);
312 /* fill temp tree */
313 tempTree->Fill();
314 break;
316 /*
318 */
321 /* fill calib hit histo */
322 hCalibHit->Fill(index);
323 break;
325 } /* end of switch event type */
104ba366 326 } /* end of loop over hits in buffer */
327 } /* end of loop over DDLs */
7b81ffe5 328
104ba366 329 /* delete raw reader */
330 delete rawReader;
ad31c83c 331 /* free event */
332 free(event);
104ba366 333
334 } /* end of loop over events */
336 /* final noise check */
016d6ae4 337 noiseHitThreshold = noiseThreshold * nPhysicsEvents;
338 printf("final noise check after %d events: threshold is %f hits\n", nPhysicsEvents, noiseHitThreshold);
104ba366 339 /* loop over all channels */
340 for (Int_t ich = 0; ich < nChannels; ich++) {
341 /* check */
342 if (nChHits[ich] < minNoiseHits || noiseFlag[ich] || nChHits[ich] < noiseHitThreshold) continue;
343 printf("channel %d tagged as noisy (%d hits): disabled\n", ich, nChHits[ich]);
344 noiseFlag[ich] = kTRUE;
345 totHits -= nChHits[ich];
346 } /* end of loop over all channels */
7b81ffe5 347
104ba366 348 /* copy hits into output tree from temp tree */
349 printf("copy hits from temporary tree into output tree\n");
350 printf("temporary tree contains %d hits\n", (Int_t)tempTree->GetEntries());
351 for (Int_t ihit = 0; ihit < tempTree->GetEntries(); ihit++) {
352 /* get entry */
353 tempTree->GetEntry(ihit);
354 /* check noise flag */
355 if (noiseFlag[hitField->GetIndex()]) continue;
356 /* fill output tree */
357 outTree->Fill();
358 } /* end of copy hits into output tree from temp tree */
359 printf("output tree contains %d hits\n", (Int_t)outTree->GetEntries());
7b81ffe5 360
016d6ae4 361 /* write output tree on HITS file */
362 fileOutHits->cd();
363 outTree->Write();
364 fileOutHits->Close();
cee5b064 365 /* export file to FXS */
104ba366 366 if (daqDA_FES_storeFile(FILE_HITS, "HITS"))
367 return -2;
7b81ffe5 368
016d6ae4 369 /* scale calib hit histo by number of calib events */
4cf7aab2 370 printf("found %d calibration events\n", nCalibEvents);
016d6ae4 371 hCalibHit->Sumw2();
4cf7aab2 372 if (nCalibEvents > 0)
373 hCalibHit->Scale(1. / nCalibEvents);
016d6ae4 374
375 /* write calib hit histo on CALIB file */
376 fileOutCalib->cd();
377 hCalibHit->Write();
378 fileOutCalib->Close();
379 /* export file to FXS */
380 if (daqDA_FES_storeFile(FILE_CALIB, "CALIB"))
381 return -2;
104ba366 383 return 0;
7b81ffe5 384}