]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - TPC/AliTPCTransform.cxx
PWG2 resonances wagon included. Still problems so disabled for the moment.
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / TPC / AliTPCTransform.cxx
022ee144 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
17// Implementation of the TPC transformation class
19// Origin: Marian Ivanov Marian.Ivanov@cern.ch
20// Magnus Mager
22// Class for tranformation of the coordinate frame
66954e3f 23// Transformation
022ee144 24// local coordinate frame (sector, padrow, pad, timebine) ==>
25// rotated global (tracking) cooridnate frame (sector, lx,ly,lz)
27// Unisochronity - (substract time0 - pad by pad)
28// Drift velocity - Currently common drift velocity - functionality of AliTPCParam
29// ExB effect -
003b43ed 31// Time of flight correction -
32// - Depends on the vertex position
33// - by default
022ee144 35// Usage:
36// AliTPCclustererMI::AddCluster
37// AliTPCtrackerMI::Transform
c1bdda91 40
41/* To test it:
42 cdb=AliCDBManager::Instance()
43 cdb->SetDefaultStorage("local:///u/mmager/mycalib1")
44 c=AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()
45 c->SetRun(0)
46 Double_t x[]={1.0,2.0,3.0}
47 Int_t i[]={4}
48 AliTPCTransform trafo
49 trafo.Transform(x,i,0,1)
50 */
022ee144 52/* $Id$ */
54#include "AliTPCROC.h"
55#include "AliTPCCalPad.h"
56#include "AliTPCCalROC.h"
57#include "AliTPCcalibDB.h"
58#include "AliTPCParam.h"
59#include "TMath.h"
60#include "AliLog.h"
61#include "AliTPCExB.h"
66954e3f 62#include "TGeoMatrix.h"
9430b11a 63#include "AliTPCRecoParam.h"
64#include "AliTPCCalibVdrift.h"
022ee144 65#include "AliTPCTransform.h"
66954e3f 67ClassImp(AliTPCTransform)
022ee144 68
9430b11a 70AliTPCTransform::AliTPCTransform():
71 AliTransform(),
72 fCurrentRecoParam(0), //! current reconstruction parameters
73 fCurrentRun(0), //! current run
74 fCurrentTimeStamp(0) //! current time stamp
76 //
77 // Speed it up a bit!
78 //
79 for (Int_t i=0;i<18;++i) {
80 Double_t alpha=TMath::DegToRad()*(10.+20.*(i%18));
81 fSins[i]=TMath::Sin(alpha);
82 fCoss[i]=TMath::Cos(alpha);
83 }
84 fPrimVtx[0]=0;
85 fPrimVtx[1]=0;
86 fPrimVtx[2]=0;
88AliTPCTransform::AliTPCTransform(const AliTPCTransform& transform):
89 AliTransform(transform),
90 fCurrentRecoParam(transform.fCurrentRecoParam), //! current reconstruction parameters
91 fCurrentRun(transform.fCurrentRun), //! current run
92 fCurrentTimeStamp(transform.fCurrentTimeStamp) //! current time stamp
003b43ed 93{
24db6af7 94 //
c1bdda91 95 // Speed it up a bit!
24db6af7 96 //
c1bdda91 97 for (Int_t i=0;i<18;++i) {
98 Double_t alpha=TMath::DegToRad()*(10.+20.*(i%18));
99 fSins[i]=TMath::Sin(alpha);
100 fCoss[i]=TMath::Cos(alpha);
101 }
003b43ed 102 fPrimVtx[0]=0;
103 fPrimVtx[1]=0;
104 fPrimVtx[2]=0;
c1bdda91 105}
107AliTPCTransform::~AliTPCTransform() {
24db6af7 108 //
109 // Destructor
110 //
c1bdda91 111}
003b43ed 113void AliTPCTransform::SetPrimVertex(Double_t *vtx){
114 //
115 //
116 //
117 fPrimVtx[0]=vtx[0];
118 fPrimVtx[1]=vtx[1];
119 fPrimVtx[2]=vtx[2];
24db6af7 123void AliTPCTransform::Transform(Double_t *x,Int_t *i,UInt_t /*time*/,
003b43ed 124 Int_t /*coordinateType*/) {
24db6af7 125 // input: x[0] - pad row
126 // x[1] - pad
c1bdda91 127 // x[2] - time in us
128 // i[0] - sector
129 // output: x[0] - x (all in the rotated global coordinate frame)
130 // x[1] - y
131 // x[2] - z
ecc5dd8f 132 //
133 // primvtx - position of the primary vertex
134 // used for the TOF correction
135 // TOF of particle calculated assuming the speed-of-light and
136 // line approximation
137 //
24db6af7 140 Int_t row=TMath::Nint(x[0]);
141 Int_t pad=TMath::Nint(x[1]);
c1bdda91 142 Int_t sector=i[0];
9430b11a 143 AliTPCcalibDB* calib=AliTPCcalibDB::Instance();
24db6af7 144 //
145 AliTPCCalPad * time0TPC = calib->GetPadTime0();
146 AliTPCParam * param = calib->GetParameters();
147 if (!time0TPC){
148 AliFatal("Time unisochronity missing");
149 }
c1bdda91 150
24db6af7 151 if (!param){
152 AliFatal("Parameters missing");
153 }
c1bdda91 154
24db6af7 155 Double_t xx[3];
156 // Apply Time0 correction - Pad by pad fluctuation
157 //
158 x[2]-=time0TPC->GetCalROC(sector)->GetValue(row,pad);
159 //
160 // Tranform from pad - time coordinate system to the rotated global (tracking) system
161 //
162 Local2RotatedGlobal(sector,x);
163 //
164 //
165 //
c1bdda91 166 // Alignment
167 //TODO: calib->GetParameters()->GetClusterMatrix(sector)->LocalToMaster(x,xx);
c1bdda91 168 RotatedGlobal2Global(sector,x);
24db6af7 169 //
170 //
171 // ExB correction
172 //
c1bdda91 173 calib->GetExB()->Correct(x,xx);
ecc5dd8f 174 //
175 // Time of flight correction
003b43ed 176 //
9430b11a 177 if (fCurrentRecoParam&&fCurrentRecoParam->GetUseTOFCorrection()){
178 const Int_t kNIS=param->GetNInnerSector(), kNOS=param->GetNOuterSector();
179 Float_t sign=1;
180 if (sector < kNIS) {
181 sign = (sector < kNIS/2) ? 1 : -1;
182 } else {
183 sign = ((sector-kNIS) < kNOS/2) ? 1 : -1;
184 }
185 Float_t deltaDr =0;
186 Float_t dist=0;
187 dist+=(fPrimVtx[0]-x[0])*(fPrimVtx[0]-x[0]);
188 dist+=(fPrimVtx[1]-x[1])*(fPrimVtx[1]-x[1]);
189 dist+=(fPrimVtx[2]-x[2])*(fPrimVtx[2]-x[2]);
190 dist = TMath::Sqrt(dist);
191 // drift length correction because of TOF
192 // the drift velocity is in cm/s therefore multiplication by 0.01
193 deltaDr = (dist*(0.01*param->GetDriftV()))/TMath::C();
194 xx[2]+=sign*deltaDr;
ecc5dd8f 195 }
9430b11a 196 //
197 //
198 //
ecc5dd8f 200 //
c1bdda91 201 Global2RotatedGlobal(sector,xx);
003b43ed 202 //
c1bdda91 203 x[0]=xx[0];x[1]=xx[1];x[2]=xx[2];
24db6af7 206void AliTPCTransform::Local2RotatedGlobal(Int_t sector, Double_t *x) const {
207 //
208 //
022ee144 209 // Tranform coordinate from
210 // row, pad, time to x,y,z
24db6af7 211 //
022ee144 212 // Drift Velocity
213 // Current implementation - common drift velocity - for full chamber
24db6af7 214 // TODO: use a map or parametrisation!
215 //
216 //
217 //
9430b11a 218 const Int_t kMax =60; // cache for 60 seconds
219 static Int_t lastStamp=-1; //cached values
220 static Double_t lastCorr = 1;
221 //
66954e3f 222 AliTPCcalibDB* calib=AliTPCcalibDB::Instance();
24db6af7 223 AliTPCParam * param = calib->GetParameters();
9430b11a 224 AliTPCCalibVdrift *driftCalib = AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetVdrift(fCurrentRun);
225 Double_t driftCorr = 1.;
226 if (driftCalib){
227 //
228 // caching drift correction - temp. fix
229 // Extremally slow procedure
230 if ( TMath::Abs((lastStamp)-Int_t(fCurrentTimeStamp))<kMax){
231 driftCorr = lastCorr;
232 }else{
233 driftCorr = 1.+(driftCalib->GetPTRelative(fCurrentTimeStamp,0)+ driftCalib->GetPTRelative(fCurrentTimeStamp,1))*0.5;
234 lastCorr=driftCorr;
235 lastStamp=fCurrentTimeStamp;
237 }
238 }
24db6af7 242 if (!param){
243 AliFatal("Parameters missing");
244 }
245 Int_t row=TMath::Nint(x[0]);
9389f9a4 246 // Int_t pad=TMath::Nint(x[1]);
24db6af7 247 //
248 const Int_t kNIS=param->GetNInnerSector(), kNOS=param->GetNOuterSector();
249 Double_t sign = 1.;
9430b11a 250 Double_t zwidth = param->GetZWidth()*driftCorr;
24db6af7 251 Double_t padWidth = 0;
252 Double_t padLength = 0;
253 Double_t maxPad = 0;
254 //
255 if (sector < kNIS) {
256 maxPad = param->GetNPadsLow(row);
257 sign = (sector < kNIS/2) ? 1 : -1;
258 padLength = param->GetPadPitchLength(sector,row);
259 padWidth = param->GetPadPitchWidth(sector);
260 } else {
261 maxPad = param->GetNPadsUp(row);
262 sign = ((sector-kNIS) < kNOS/2) ? 1 : -1;
263 padLength = param->GetPadPitchLength(sector,row);
264 padWidth = param->GetPadPitchWidth(sector);
265 }
266 //
267 // X coordinate
022ee144 268 x[0] = param->GetPadRowRadii(sector,row); // padrow X position - ideal
24db6af7 269 //
270 // Y coordinate
271 //
272 x[1]=(x[1]-0.5*maxPad)*padWidth;
afbaa016 273 // pads are mirrorred on C-side
274 if (sector%36>17){
275 x[1]*=-1;
276 }
278 //
24db6af7 280 //
281 // Z coordinate
282 //
283 x[2]*= zwidth; // tranform time bin to the distance to the ROC
284 x[2]-= 3.*param->GetZSigma() + param->GetNTBinsL1()*zwidth;
285 // subtract the time offsets
286 x[2] = sign*( param->GetZLength(sector) - x[2]);
c1bdda91 287}
c2da420d 289void AliTPCTransform::RotatedGlobal2Global(Int_t sector,Double_t *x) const {
24db6af7 290 //
291 // transform possition rotated global to the global
292 //
c1bdda91 293 Double_t cos,sin;
294 GetCosAndSin(sector,cos,sin);
295 Double_t tmp=x[0];
e81544f7 296 x[0]= cos*tmp-sin*x[1];
297 x[1]=+sin*tmp+cos*x[1];
c1bdda91 298}
c2da420d 300void AliTPCTransform::Global2RotatedGlobal(Int_t sector,Double_t *x) const {
24db6af7 301 //
302 // tranform possition Global2RotatedGlobal
303 //
c1bdda91 304 Double_t cos,sin;
305 GetCosAndSin(sector,cos,sin);
306 Double_t tmp=x[0];
e81544f7 307 x[0]= cos*tmp+sin*x[1];
308 x[1]= -sin*tmp+cos*x[1];
c1bdda91 309}
c2da420d 311void AliTPCTransform::GetCosAndSin(Int_t sector,Double_t &cos,
c1bdda91 312 Double_t &sin) const {
313 cos=fCoss[sector%18];
314 sin=fSins[sector%18];
c1bdda91 317