]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - TPC/AliTPCseed.h
- The default value of useFastDecoder in ctor changed to kFALSE,
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / TPC / AliTPCseed.h
81e97e0d 1#ifndef ALITPCSEED_H
3/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
7/* $Id$ */
10// TPC seed
11// Class needed for TPC parallel tracking
13// Origin:
16#include <TError.h>
19b00333 17#include <TBits.h>
81e97e0d 18
19#include "AliTPCtrack.h"
20#include "AliComplexCluster.h"
21#include "AliPID.h"
23class TFile;
24class AliTPCParam;
25class AliTPCseed;
26class AliTPCclusterMI;
27class AliTPCTrackerPoint;
28class AliESD;
29class TClonesArray;
31class AliTPCseed : public AliTPCtrack {
81e97e0d 32 public:
33 AliTPCseed();
34 virtual ~AliTPCseed();
35 AliTPCseed(const AliTPCtrack &t);
2928bdf0 36 AliTPCseed(const AliTPCseed &s, Bool_t clusterOwner = kFALSE);
81e97e0d 37 //AliTPCseed(const AliTPCseed &t, Double_t a);
6c94f330 38 AliTPCseed(Double_t xr, Double_t alpha, const Double_t xx[5],
179c6296 39 const Double_t cc[15], Int_t i);
40 AliTPCseed &operator = (const AliTPCseed & param);
81e97e0d 41 Int_t Compare(const TObject *o) const;
42 void Reset(Bool_t all = kTRUE);
43 Int_t GetProlongation(Double_t xr, Double_t &y, Double_t & z) const;
af32720d 44 virtual Double_t GetPredictedChi2(const AliCluster *cluster2) const;
6c94f330 45 virtual Bool_t Update(const AliCluster* c2, Double_t chi2, Int_t i);
81e97e0d 46 AliTPCTrackerPoint * GetTrackPoint(Int_t i);
c6c5e49f 47 AliTPCclusterMI * GetClusterFast(Int_t irow){ return fClusterPointer[irow];}
b9671574 48 void SetClusterPointer(Int_t irow, AliTPCclusterMI* cl) {fClusterPointer[irow]=cl;}
81e97e0d 49 void RebuildSeed(); // rebuild seed to be ready for storing
50 Double_t GetDensityFirst(Int_t n);
6c94f330 51 Double_t GetSigma2C() const {
52 Double_t cnv=GetBz()*kB2C;
53 return GetSigma1Pt2()*cnv*cnv;
54 }
81e97e0d 55 void GetClusterStatistic(Int_t first, Int_t last, Int_t &found, Int_t &foundable, Int_t &shared, Bool_t plus2);
57 void Modify(Double_t factor);
58 void SetClusterIndex2(Int_t row, Int_t index) {
59 fIndex[row] = index;
60 }
61 Int_t GetClusterIndex2(Int_t row) const {
62 return fIndex[row];
63 }
64 Int_t GetClusterSector(Int_t row) const {
65 Int_t pica = -1;
66 if (fIndex[row]>=0) pica = ((fIndex[row]&0xff000000)>>24);
67 return pica;
68 }
6c94f330 70 Double_t GetYat(Double_t x) const;
81e97e0d 72 void SetErrorY2(Float_t sy2){fErrorY2=sy2;}
73 void SetErrorZ2(Float_t sz2){fErrorZ2=sz2;}
105b1b81 74 Float_t CookdEdx(Double_t low=0.05, Double_t up=0.70, Int_t i1=0, Int_t i2=159, Bool_t onlyused = kFALSE);
eb02f63a 75 Float_t CookShape(Int_t type);
81e97e0d 76 void CookPID();
77 Double_t Bethe(Double_t bg); // return bethe-bloch
0a65832b 78 Double_t BetheMass(Double_t mass=0.1057); // return bethe-bloch
81e97e0d 79 // void CookdEdx2(Double_t low=0.05, Double_t up=0.70);
80 Bool_t IsActive() const { return !(fRemoval);}
81 void Desactivate(Int_t reason){ fRemoval = reason;}
b9671574 82 AliTPCclusterMI* GetClusterPointer(Int_t i) const {return fClusterPointer[i];}
83 Int_t GetSector() const {return fSector;}
84 Float_t GetCurrentSigmaY2() const {return fCurrentSigmaY2;}
85 Float_t GetCurrentSigmaZ2() const {return fCurrentSigmaZ2;}
86 Int_t GetRelativeSector() const {return fRelativeSector;}
87 Char_t GetCircular() const {return fCircular;}
89 void SetCurrentSigmaY2(Float_t s) {fCurrentSigmaY2=s;}
90 void SetCurrentSigmaZ2(Float_t s) {fCurrentSigmaZ2=s;}
91 void SetRelativeSector(Int_t r) {fRelativeSector=r;}
92 void SetCircular(Char_t c) {fCircular=c;}
93 void SetIsSeeding(Bool_t s) {fIsSeeding=s;}
94 void SetSeedType(Int_t s) {fSeedType=s;}
95 void SetSeed1(Int_t s) {fSeed1=s;}
96 void SetSeed2(Int_t s) {fSeed2=s;}
97 void SetESD(AliESDtrack* esd) {fEsd=esd;}
98 void SetBSigned(Bool_t s) {fBSigned=s;}
99 void SetSort(Int_t s) {fSort=s;}
100 void SetOverlapLabel(Int_t i, Int_t l) {fOverlapLabels[i]=l;}
101 void SetCurrentCluster(AliTPCclusterMI* cl) {fCurrentCluster=cl;}
102 void SetNoCluster(Int_t n) {fNoCluster=n;}
103 void SetRow(Int_t n) {fRow=n;}
104 void SetSector(Int_t n) {fSector=n;}
105 void SetCurrentClusterIndex1(Int_t n) {fCurrentClusterIndex1=n;}
106 void SetInDead(Bool_t s) {fInDead=s;}
107 void SetPoints(TClonesArray* p) {fPoints=p;}
108 void SetEPoints(TClonesArray* p) {fEPoints=p;}
110 Double_t TPCrPID(Int_t i) const {return fTPCr[i];}
111 Double_t* TPCrPIDs() {return fTPCr;}
112 Bool_t GetIsSeeding() const {return fIsSeeding;}
113 Int_t GetSeedType() const {return fSeedType;}
114 Int_t GetSeed1() const {return fSeed1;}
115 Int_t GetSeed2() const {return fSeed2;}
116 AliESDtrack* GetESD() {return fEsd;}
117 Float_t GetSDEDX(Int_t i) const {return fSDEDX[i];}
118 Int_t GetNCDEDX(Int_t i) const {return fNCDEDX[i];}
119 Bool_t GetBSigned() const {return fBSigned;}
120 Int_t GetSort() const {return fSort;}
121 Int_t GetOverlapLabel(Int_t i) const {return fOverlapLabels[i];}
122 AliTPCclusterMI* GetCurrentCluster() const {return fCurrentCluster;}
123 Int_t GetNoCluster() const {return fNoCluster;}
124 Int_t GetRow() const {return fRow;}
125 Int_t GetCurrentClusterIndex1() const {return fCurrentClusterIndex1;}
126 Bool_t GetInDead() const {return fInDead;}
127 Float_t GetErrorY2() const {return fErrorY2;}
128 Float_t GetErrorZ2() const {return fErrorZ2;}
81e97e0d 129 //
130 //
19b00333 131 void SetClusterMapBit(int ibit, Bool_t state);
132 Bool_t GetClusterMapBit(int ibit);
133 void SetSharedMapBit(int ibit, Bool_t state);
134 Bool_t GetSharedMapBit(int ibit);
135 const TBits& GetClusterMap() const { return fClusterMap; };
136 const TBits& GetSharedMap() const { return fSharedMap; };
0a65832b 138 Float_t CookdEdxNorm(Double_t low=0.05, Double_t up=0.70, Int_t type=0, Int_t i1=0, Int_t i2=159);
81e97e0d 140 private:
141 // AliTPCseed & operator = (const AliTPCseed &)
142 // {::Fatal("= operator","Not Implemented\n");return *this;}
143 AliESDtrack * fEsd; //!
105b1b81 144 AliTPCclusterMI* fClusterPointer[160]; // array of cluster pointers -
2928bdf0 145 Bool_t fClusterOwner; // indicates the track is owner of cluster
105b1b81 146 TClonesArray * fPoints; //!array with points along the track
147 TClonesArray * fEPoints; //! array with exact points - calculated in special macro not used in tracking
81e97e0d 148 //---CURRENT VALUES
6d493ea0 149 Int_t fRow; // current row number
150 Int_t fSector; // current sector number
151 Int_t fRelativeSector; // index of current relative sector
81e97e0d 152 Float_t fCurrentSigmaY2; //!expected current cluster sigma Y
153 Float_t fCurrentSigmaZ2; //!expected current cluster sigma Z
154 Float_t fErrorY2; //!sigma of current cluster
155 Float_t fErrorZ2; //!sigma of current cluster
156 AliTPCclusterMI * fCurrentCluster; //!pointer to the current cluster for prolongation
157 Int_t fCurrentClusterIndex1; //! index of the current cluster
158 Bool_t fInDead; //! indicate if the track is in dead zone
159 Bool_t fIsSeeding; //!indicates if it is proces of seeading
160 Int_t fNoCluster; //!indicates number of rows without clusters
161 Int_t fSort; //!indicate criteria for sorting
162 Bool_t fBSigned; //indicates that clusters of this trackes are signed to be used
163 //
164 //
165 Float_t fDEDX[4]; // dedx according padrows
166 Float_t fSDEDX[4]; // sdedx according padrows
167 Int_t fNCDEDX[4]; // number of clusters for dedx measurment
168 Double_t fTPCr[AliPID::kSPECIES]; // rough PID according TPC
169 //
170 Int_t fSeedType; //seeding type
171 Int_t fSeed1; //first row for seeding
172 Int_t fSeed2; //last row for seeding
173 Int_t fOverlapLabels[12]; //track labels and the length of the overlap
174 Float_t fMAngular; // mean angular factor
175 Char_t fCircular; // indicates curlin track
105b1b81 176 AliTPCTrackerPoint fTrackPoints[160]; //track points - array track points
19b00333 177 TBits fClusterMap; // bit is 1 if track has a hit on padrow
178 TBits fSharedMap; // bit is 1 if track shares a hit on padrow
677af755 179 ClassDef(AliTPCseed,3)
81e97e0d 180};