]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame_incremental - EMCAL/testEMCALGeom.C
Bugfix for calculation of cluster widths.
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / EMCAL / testEMCALGeom.C
... / ...
1void testEMCALGeom(const char *filename="galice.root",){
3// This macro computes the sampling fraction in the EMCAL
5// Root > .L ComputeSamplingFraction.C //this loads the macro in memory
6// Root > ComputeSamplingFraction(); //by default process first event
7// Root > ComputeSamplingFraction("galice2.root"); //process from the file
8// galice2.root .
11<img src="picts/ComputeSamplingFraction.gif">
15 if(gAlice){
16 delete gAlice;
17 gAlice=0;
18 }else{
19 // Dynamically link some shared libs
20 if(gClassTable->GetID("AliRun") < 0) {
21 gROOT->LoadMacro("loadlibs.C");
22 loadlibs();
23 } // end if
24 } // end if gAlice
25 // Connect the Root Galice file containing Geometry, Kine and Hits
26 TFile *file = (TFile*)gROOT->GetListOfFiles()->FindObject(filename);
27 if(!file) file = new TFile(filename);
29 // Get AliRun object from file or create it if not on file
30 if(!gAlice) {
31 gAlice = (AliRun*)file->Get("gAlice");
32 if(gAlice) printf("AliRun object found on file\n");
33 if(!gAlice) gAlice = new AliRun("gAlice","Alice test program");
34 } // end if !gAlice
36 // Set event pointer to this event
37 Int_t nparticles = gAlice->GetEvent(0);
38 if (nparticles <= 0){
39 cout << "No particles found for event " << evNumber;
40 cout << " in file " << filename << endl;
41 return;
42 } // end if nparticles <=0
44 // Pointer to specific detector hits.
45 AliEMCALHit *emcalHit;
47 // Get pointers to ALL Alice detectors and Hits containers
48 AliEMCALv0 *EMCAL = (AliEMCALv0*) gAlice->GetDetector("EMCAL");
49 if(!EMCAL) {
50 cout << "EMCAL not Found. Exiting." << endl;
51 return;
52 } // end if !EMCAL
54 AliEMCALGeometry *g = EMCAL->GetGeometry();
56 Int_t i,in,ix,ieta,iphi,ipre;
57 Float_t eta,phi;
58 cout << "i ieta iphi ipre in eta phi ix" << endl;
59 for(i=0;i<=2*g->GetNEta()*g->GetNPhi();i++){
60 g->TowerIndexes(i,ieta,iphi,ipre);
61 in = g->TowerIndex(ieta,iphi,ipre);
62 g->EtaPhiFromIndex(i,eta,phi);
63 ix = g->TowerIndexFromEtaPhi(eta,phi);
64 cout << i << " " << ieta << " " << iphi << " " << ipre;
65 cout << " " << in << " " << eta << " " << phi << " " << ix << endl;
66 } //
67 return;
68 // Get pointer to the particle
69 TParticle *part;
70 Int_t ipart;
72 // Create histograms
73 TH1F *hEMCAL = new TH1F("hEMCAL" ,"Energy",100,0.,2.);
74 TH2F *hSfs = new TH2F("hSfs","Sampling Fraction",200,-0.7,0.7,
75 200,0.0,120.0);
76 TH2F *hSfi = new TH2F("hSfi","Sampling Fraction Normilization",
77 200,-0.7,0.7,200,0.0,120.0);
79 Int_t track,ntracks = gAlice->TreeH()->GetEntries();
80 Float_t etot = 0.0;
81 Float_t egam = 0.0;
82 Bool_t first = kTRUE;
83 Float_t eta,phi,x,y,z;
84 // Start loop on tracks in the hits containers
85 for(track=0; track<ntracks;track++){
86 //MI change
87 gAlice->ResetHits();
88 gAlice->TreeH()->GetEvent(track);
89 for(emcalHit=(AliEMCALHit*)EMCAL->FirstHit(-1);emcalHit;
90 emcalHit=(AliEMCALHit*)EMCAL->NextHit()) {
91 ipart = emcalHit->GetTrack();
92 part = gAlice->Particle(ipart);
93 if(part->GetFirstMother()!=0) continue;
94 // only those that don't interact.
95 hEMCAL->Fill((Float_t)(emcalHit->GetEnergy()));
96 x = emcalHit->X();
97 y = emcalHit->Y();
98 z = emcalHit->Z();
99 findetaphi(x,y,z,eta,phi);
100 if(first){
101 egam += part->Energy();
102 hSfi->Fill(eta,phi,part->Energy());
103 } // end if first.
104 first = kFALSE;
105 etot += emcalHit->GetEnergy();
106 hSfs->Fill(eta,phi,emcalHit->GetEnergy());
107 } // end for tpcHit
108 first = kTRUE;
109 } // end for track
110 hSfs->Divide(hSfi);
111 cout << "Energy of gamma =" << egam << "GeV. Energy in EMCAL =" << etot;
112 cout << "GeV. Sampling Fractions is therefore f=" << etot/egam << endl;
114 //Create a canvas, set the view range, show histograms
115 TCanvas *c0 = new TCanvas("c0","Alice Detectors",400,10,600,700);
116 c0->Divide(1,3);
117 c0->cd(1);
118 hEMCAL->SetFillColor(42);
119 hEMCAL->Draw();
120 c0->cd(2);
121 hSfi->Draw("lego");
122 c0->cd(3);
123 hSfs->Draw("lego");
124// c0->SaveAs("analHitsEMCAL.eps");
126void findetaphi(Float_t x,Float_t y,Float_t z,Float_t &eta,Float_t &phi){
127 // Compute Eta and Phi from x, y, z. Assumes vertex is a zero.
128 Float_t r;
130 r = x*x+y*y;
131 r = TMath::Sqrt(r);
132 phi = 180.*TMath::ATan2(y,x)/TMath::Pi();
133 if(phi<0.0) phi += 180.;
134 r = TMath::ATan2(r,z);
135 r = TMath::Tan(0.5*r);
136 eta = -TMath::Exp(r);
137 return;