/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ #include "AliACORDEAlign.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "Riostream.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "AliSurveyObj.h" #include "AliAlignObjParams.h" #include "AliCDBStorage.h" #include #include #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliCDBManager.h" #include "AliSurveyPoint.h" #include "AliACORDEConstants.h" // Class creating the ACORDE aligmnent objects // from the surveys done by surveyers at Point2. // Survey results are fetched from // Survey Depot, based on survey results // position of ACORDE alignment objects is computed. ClassImp(AliACORDEAlign) //________________________________________________________________________ AliACORDEAlign::AliACORDEAlign() : TObject(), fFileGlob(0x0), fRepLoc(0), fRepGlob(0), fUser(0x0), fX(), fAlignACORDEObjArray(0x0), fDebug(0) { // // default constructor // } AliACORDEAlign::AliACORDEAlign(/*Int_t reportloc,*/Int_t reportglob): TObject(), fFileGlob(0x0), fRepLoc(0), fRepGlob(0), fUser(0x0), fX(120,4), fAlignACORDEObjArray(0x0), fDebug(0) { // // constructor //fRepLoc = new reportloc[80]; //fRepGlob = new reportglob[80]; Char_t path[50]; fFileGlob = new Char_t[80]; fUser = new Char_t[10]; snprintf(path,50,"%s",gSystem->Getenv("ALICE_ROOT")); // snprintf(fFileGlob,80,"%s/ACORDE/Survey_%d_ACORDE.txt",path,reportglob); // snprintf(fUser,10,"%s",gSystem->Getenv("alien_API_USER")); } AliACORDEAlign::AliACORDEAlign(const AliACORDEAlign &align): TObject(), fFileGlob(0x0), fRepLoc(0), fRepGlob(0), fUser(0x0), fX(), fAlignACORDEObjArray(0x0), fDebug(0) { // // default copy constructor //TObject = align.TObject; fFileGlob = align.fFileGlob; fRepLoc = align.fRepLoc; fRepGlob = align.fRepGlob; fUser = align.fUser; fX = align.fX; fAlignACORDEObjArray = align.fAlignACORDEObjArray; fDebug = align.fDebug; } //__________________________________________________________________________ AliACORDEAlign & AliACORDEAlign::operator =(const AliACORDEAlign &align) { // // assignment operator - dummy // if (&align==this) return *this; new (this) AliACORDEAlign(align); return (*this); } //__________________________________________________________________________ AliACORDEAlign::~AliACORDEAlign(){ // // destructor // if(fAlignACORDEObjArray) delete fAlignACORDEObjArray; if(fFileGlob) delete[] fFileGlob; if(fUser) delete[] fUser; } void AliACORDEAlign::LoadSurveyData() { // // Create a new survey object and fill it. AliSurveyObj * s1 = new AliSurveyObj(); if(fRepLoc != 0) { // Filling from DCDB (via GRID) s1->SetGridUser(fUser); s1->Fill("ACORDE",1014872,1,fUser); } else { s1->FillFromLocalFile(fFileGlob); } //s1->GetEntries(); //s1->GetUnits(); //TObjArray* arr = s1->GetData(); //cout<< "number of entries " << arr->GetEntries() <UncheckedAt(0)->ClassName(); //AliSurveyPoint *sp0 = (AliSurveyPoint*) arr->UncheckedAt(0); //cout << "point name " << sp0->GetPointName() << endl ; // TString ML= "M" ; //TString PL= "P"; TString underscore = "_"; TString endInner = "_I"; TString endOuter = "_O"; TString endCenter = "_P"; // TString surveyname; TString surveynameInner; TString surveynameOuter; TString surveynameCenter; //TString surveynameAngles; // TString pointNamesInner[60]; TString pointNamesOuter[60]; TString pointNamesCenter[60]; // Int_t nid=0; // //for regular modules for (Int_t ncolum=0; ncolum<6; ncolum++) { for (Int_t nrow=0; nrow<10; nrow++) { surveyname=ML; surveyname+=ncolum; surveyname+=underscore; surveyname+=nrow; surveynameInner=surveyname; surveynameInner+=endInner; surveynameOuter=surveyname; surveynameOuter+=endOuter; surveynameCenter=surveyname; surveynameCenter+=endCenter; pointNamesInner[nid] = surveynameInner; pointNamesOuter[nid] = surveynameOuter; pointNamesCenter[nid] = surveynameCenter; ++nid; } } //Read two points AliSurveyPoint *InnerPoint; AliSurveyPoint *OuterPoint ; AliSurveyPoint *CenterPoint; for(Int_t i=0;i<60;i++) { InnerPoint=0; OuterPoint=0; CenterPoint=0; InnerPoint = (AliSurveyPoint *) s1->GetData()->FindObject(pointNamesInner[i]); OuterPoint = (AliSurveyPoint *) s1->GetData()->FindObject(pointNamesOuter[i]); CenterPoint = (AliSurveyPoint *) s1->GetData()->FindObject(pointNamesCenter[i]); if(InnerPoint && OuterPoint) { //Use center if it is available if(CenterPoint) { fX(i+60,0) = CenterPoint->GetX()*100; fX(i+60,1) = CenterPoint->GetY()*100; fX(i+60,2) = CenterPoint->GetZ()*100; } else { //calculate center point fX(i+60,0) = 100*(InnerPoint->GetX() + OuterPoint->GetX())/2.0; fX(i+60,1) = 100*(InnerPoint->GetY() + OuterPoint->GetY())/2.0; fX(i+60,2) = 100*(InnerPoint->GetZ() + OuterPoint->GetZ())/2.0; } fX(i,0) = OuterPoint->GetX()*100; fX(i,1) = OuterPoint->GetY()*100; fX(i,2) = OuterPoint->GetZ()*100; } else { if(InnerPoint && CenterPoint) { fX(i+60,0) = CenterPoint->GetX()*100; fX(i+60,1) = CenterPoint->GetY()*100; fX(i+60,2) = CenterPoint->GetZ()*100; fX(i,0) = InnerPoint->GetX()*100; fX(i,1) = InnerPoint->GetY()*100; fX(i,2) = InnerPoint->GetZ()*100; } else { if(OuterPoint && CenterPoint) { fX(i+60,0) = CenterPoint->GetX()*100; fX(i+60,1) = CenterPoint->GetY()*100; fX(i+60,2) = CenterPoint->GetZ()*100; fX(i,0) = OuterPoint->GetX()*100; fX(i,1) = OuterPoint->GetY()*100; fX(i,2) = OuterPoint->GetZ()*100; } else { fX(i+60,0) = -99.0; fX(i+60,1) = -99.0; fX(i+60,2) = -99.0; fX(i,0) = -99.0; fX(i,1) = -99.0; fX(i,2) = -99.0; } } } }//ends for delete s1; } void AliACORDEAlign::ComputePosition() { //Residuals for rotations Double_t theta; Double_t resphi[60]; Double_t resiphi; for (Int_t imod=0; imod<60; imod++) { if(TMath::Abs(fX(imod+60,0)-fX(imod,0))>=0.000001) { theta = (fX(imod+60,1)-fX(imod,1))/(fX(imod+60,0)-fX(imod,0)); resiphi = TMath::ATan(theta)*(180.0/TMath::Pi()); // calculate the residuals special modules if(imod==0 || imod==9 || imod==50 || imod==59 ) { resphi[imod] = 0.0-resiphi; continue; } // for module with no measurements if(imod == 42 ) { resphi[imod]= 0.0; continue; } //face A if(imod>0 && imod <20) { resphi[imod] = resiphi + 45.0; } //face B if(imod>=20 && imod <40) { resphi[imod] = -resiphi; } //face C if(imod>=40 && imod <60) { resphi[imod] = resiphi - 45.0; } } } //Get the residuals for translations AliCDBManager* cdb = AliCDBManager::Instance(); if(!cdb->IsDefaultStorageSet()) cdb->SetDefaultStorage("local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB"); cdb->SetRun(0); //AliCDBStorage* storage; AliGeomManager::LoadGeometry(); TString symname; TString basename = "ACORDE/Array"; // Get the ideal directly from the geometry Double_t *tr; TGeoHMatrix *matrix; for (Int_t imod=0; imod<60; imod++) { symname = basename; symname += imod; cout<< symname << endl; matrix = AliGeomManager::GetMatrix(symname); tr=matrix->GetTranslation(); if(imod == 42) { fX(imod+60,0) = 0.0; fX(imod+60,1) = 0.0; fX(imod+60,2) = 0.0; fX(imod,0) = 0.0; fX(imod,1) = 0.0; fX(imod,2) = 0.0; continue; } fX(imod+60,0)=fX(imod+60,0)- tr[0]; fX(imod+60,1)=fX(imod+60,1)- tr[1]- 4.0; fX(imod+60,2)=fX(imod+60,2)- tr[2]; fX(imod,0) = resphi[imod]; fX(imod,1) = 0.0; fX(imod,2) = 0.0; } } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliACORDEAlign::Run(){ // // runs the full chain // //if(!LoadSurveyFromAlienFile("ACORDE",999999,1)) //{ // cout<<"Missing points"<IsDefaultStorageSet()) cdb->SetDefaultStorage("local://$ALICE_ROOT"); TClonesArray *array = new TClonesArray("AliAlignObjParams",60); // // storing either in the OCDB or local file // TString symname; TString basename = "ACORDE/Array"; Int_t iIndex=0; AliGeomManager::ELayerID iLayer = AliGeomManager::kInvalidLayer; UShort_t volid = AliGeomManager::LayerToVolUID(iLayer,iIndex); Double_t dx=0., dy=0., dz=0., dpsi=0., dtheta=0., dphi=0.0; for (Int_t imod=0; imod<60; imod++) { dphi = fX(imod,0); dtheta = fX(imod,1); dpsi = fX(imod,2); dx = fX(imod+60,0); dy = fX(imod+60,1); dz = fX(imod+60,2); symname = basename; symname += imod; new((*array)[imod]) AliAlignObjParams(symname,volid,dx,dy,dz,dpsi,dtheta,dphi,kFALSE); } if( TString(gSystem->Getenv("TOCDB"))!= TString("kTRUE") ) { // save on file const char* filename = "ACORDESurveyMisalignment.root"; Char_t fullname[80]; snprintf(fullname,80,"%s",filename); TFile *f = new TFile(fullname,"RECREATE"); if(!f) { AliError("cannot open file for output\n"); return; } AliInfo(Form("Saving alignment objects to the file %s", filename)); f->cd(); f->WriteObject(array,"ACORDEAlignObjs","kSingleKey"); f->Close(); } else { // save in CDB storage AliCDBStorage* storage; // TString Storage = gSystem->Getenv("STORAGE"); if(!Storage.BeginsWith("local://") && !Storage.BeginsWith("alien://")) { AliError(Form("STORAGE variable set to %s is not valid. Exiting\n",Storage.Data())); return; } storage = cdb->GetStorage(Storage.Data()); if(!storage) { AliError(Form("Unable to open storage %s\n",Storage.Data())); return; } // AliCDBMetaData* md = new AliCDBMetaData(); md->SetResponsible("Pedro Podesta"); md->SetComment("Full misalignment of ACORDE from surveyors"); AliCDBId id("ACORDE/Align/Data",0,AliCDBRunRange::Infinity()); storage->Put(fAlignACORDEObjArray,id,md); } }