/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ //... // Checks the quality assurance for ACORDE. // Default implementation // Authors: // Mario Rodriguez Cahuantzi (FCFM-BUAP) // Luciano Diaz Gonzalez (ICN-UNAM) // Arturo Fernandez (FCFM-BUAP) // Last update: Nov. 14t 2009 --> MRC (FCFM-BUAP) //... // --- ROOT system --- #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // --- Standard library --- // --- AliRoot header files --- #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliQAv1.h" #include "AliQAChecker.h" #include "AliACORDEQAChecker.h" #include "AliCDBEntry.h" #include "AliQAManager.h" /************************************************************************* Last update: Oct. 10th 2011 from Mario RC, |-> Adding the checker class for raw and esd index |-> Setting the threshold lines and box for DQM shifter *************************************************************************/ ClassImp(AliACORDEQAChecker) //____________________________________________________________________________ AliACORDEQAChecker::AliACORDEQAChecker() : AliQACheckerBase("ACORDE","ACORDE Quality Assurance Data Maker"), fTextDQMShifterInfo(new TPaveText(35,0.5,55,0.7,"T")), fMax(new TLine(0,0.9,60,0.9)), fMin(new TLine(0,0.3,60,0.3)) { // default constructor fMax->SetLineColor(kGreen); fMax->SetLineWidth(3); fMin->SetLineColor(kGreen); fMax->SetLineWidth(3); } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliACORDEQAChecker::~AliACORDEQAChecker() { // destructor delete fTextDQMShifterInfo; delete fMax; delete fMin; } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliACORDEQAChecker::AliACORDEQAChecker(const AliACORDEQAChecker& qac) : AliQACheckerBase(qac.GetName(), qac.GetTitle()), fTextDQMShifterInfo(new TPaveText(35,0.5,55,0.7,"T")), fMax(static_cast(qac.fMax->Clone())), fMin(static_cast(qac.fMin->Clone())) { // } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliACORDEQAChecker& AliACORDEQAChecker::operator = (const AliACORDEQAChecker &qac) { // use cpy option from constructor if (&qac==this) return *this; new (this) AliACORDEQAChecker(qac); return *this; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliACORDEQAChecker::Check(Double_t * test, AliQAv1::ALITASK_t /*index*/) { for (Int_t specie = 0 ; specie < AliRecoParam::kNSpecies ; specie++) test[specie] = 0.0 ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliACORDEQAChecker::Check(Double_t * test, AliQAv1::ALITASK_t /*index*/, TObjArray ** list, const AliDetectorRecoParam * /*recoParam*/) { // Close version to the final one for the ACORDE QA Checker // Loop over the run species (for specie!= cosmic by now we set QA to INFO) for (Int_t specie = 0 ; specie < AliRecoParam::kNSpecies ; specie++) { if ( !AliQAv1::Instance()->IsEventSpecieSet(specie) ) continue ; if (list[specie]->GetEntries() == 0) test[specie] = 1.; // Nothing to check else { TIter next(list[specie]) ; TH1 * hdata ; // Data created by the AliACORDEQADataMakerXXX (Sim/Rec) while ( (hdata = dynamic_cast(next())) ) { if (hdata) { Double_t rv = 0.0 ; if(hdata->GetEntries()>0) rv=1; AliDebug(AliQAv1::GetQADebugLevel(), Form("%s -> %f", hdata->GetName(), rv)) ; TString hdataName = hdata->GetName(); if (hdata->GetListOfFunctions()->GetEntries() == 0 && (hdataName.Contains("HitsSL0_DQM")||(hdataName.Contains("HitsAMU_DQM")))){ hdata->GetListOfFunctions()->Add(fTextDQMShifterInfo); hdata->GetListOfFunctions()->Add(fMax); hdata->GetListOfFunctions()->Add(fMin); } // Here we use the QAref ACORDE data from fRefOCDBSubDir if ( (fRefOCDBSubDir[specie]) && (hdataName.Contains("ACORDEBitPattern")) ) { TH1 * href = NULL; if (fRefSubDir) href = static_cast(fRefSubDir->Get(hdata->GetName())); else if (fRefOCDBSubDir[specie]) href = static_cast(fRefOCDBSubDir[specie]->FindObject(hdata->GetName())); test[specie] = CheckAcordeRefHits(href,hdata); }else if (hdataName.Contains("ACORDEBitPattern")||hdataName.Contains("HitsSL0_DQM")||hdataName.Contains("HitsAMU_DQM")) // Here we use an inner QA Checher without the QAref data { Float_t acoDataMax = hdata->GetMaximum(); Int_t flagAcoQAChecker = 0; Int_t flagAcoQA = 0; if (acoDataMax == 0) continue; for(Int_t i=0;i<60;i++) { if ((hdata->GetBinContent(i)/acoDataMax) < 0.75) flagAcoQAChecker++; if (hdataName.Contains("HitsSL0_DQM")||hdataName.Contains("HitsAMU_DQM")){ if (hdata->GetBinContent(i)<0.29) flagAcoQA++; } } if (hdataName.Contains("ACORDEBitPattern")){ Double_t simpleFlag = 1.-flagAcoQAChecker/60.; if ( (simpleFlag >= 0.90) && (simpleFlag <= 1.0) ) test[specie] = 0.75; // INFO if ( (simpleFlag >= 0.70) && (simpleFlag < 0.90) ) test[specie] = 0.50; // WARNING if ( (simpleFlag >= 0.25) && (simpleFlag < 0.70) ) test[specie] = 0.25; // ERROR if ( (simpleFlag >= 0.0) && (simpleFlag < 0.25) ) test[specie] = -1.0; // FATAL } else if (hdataName.Contains("HitsSL0_DQM")||hdataName.Contains("HitsAMU_DQM")){ if (flagAcoQA < 100) test[specie] = 0.75; else test[specie] = 0.3; } } // Setting Warning message for possible Empty Events with the ACORDE-Trigger if (hdataName.Contains("ACORDEMultiplicity") && (hdata->GetBinContent(0)!=0)) AliWarning("Empty event registered with ACORDE Trigger !!!"); }else AliError("Data type cannot be processed") ; if (fTextDQMShifterInfo) { fTextDQMShifterInfo->Clear(); if (test[specie] > 0.3){ fTextDQMShifterInfo->SetFillColor(kGreen); fTextDQMShifterInfo->AddText("ACORDE: O.K."); }else{ fTextDQMShifterInfo->SetFillColor(kRed); fTextDQMShifterInfo->AddText("ACORDE: Not, O.K."); fTextDQMShifterInfo->AddText("CALL THE EXPERTS"); } } } } if ( (specie == AliRecoParam::kHighMult) || (specie == AliRecoParam::kLowMult) || (specie == AliRecoParam::kCalib) ) test[specie] = 0.75; } } //____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliACORDEQAChecker::CheckAcordeRefHits(const TH1 * href, const TH1 * hdata) const { Double_t test = 0.; Int_t flag=0; for (Int_t i=0;i<60;i++) { if (TMath::Abs(href->GetBinContent(i)-hdata->GetBinContent(i))>10) flag++; } if ((flag>50)&&(flag<=60)) test = -1.; if ((flag>30)&&(flag<=50)) test = 0.25; if ((flag>10)&&(flag<=30)) test = 0.5; if ((flag>0)&&(flag<=10)) test = 0.75; return test; }