/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-2007, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ // Author: Mihaela Gheata, 01/09/2008 //============================================================================== // AliAnalysisAlien - AliEn utility class. Provides interface for creating // a personalized JDL, finding and creating a dataset. //============================================================================== #include "Riostream.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TObjString.h" #include "TObjArray.h" #include "TGrid.h" #include "TGridResult.h" #include "TGridCollection.h" #include "TGridJDL.h" #include "TFileMerger.h" #include "AliAnalysisManager.h" #include "AliVEventHandler.h" #include "AliAnalysisDataContainer.h" #include "AliAnalysisAlien.h" ClassImp(AliAnalysisAlien) //______________________________________________________________________________ AliAnalysisAlien::AliAnalysisAlien() :AliAnalysisGrid(), fGridJDL(NULL), fPrice(0), fTTL(0), fSplitMaxInputFileNumber(0), fMaxInitFailed(0), fMasterResubmitThreshold(0), fNtestFiles(0), fRunNumbers(), fExecutable(), fArguments(), fAnalysisMacro(), fAnalysisSource(), fAdditionalLibs(), fSplitMode(), fAPIVersion(), fROOTVersion(), fAliROOTVersion(), fUser(), fGridWorkingDir(), fGridDataDir(), fDataPattern(), fGridOutputDir(), fOutputArchive(), fOutputFiles(), fInputFormat(), fDatasetName(), fJDLName(), fMergeExcludes(), fIncludePath(), fCloseSE(), fInputFiles(0), fPackages(0) { // Dummy ctor. SetDefaults(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliAnalysisAlien::AliAnalysisAlien(const char *name) :AliAnalysisGrid(name), fGridJDL(NULL), fPrice(0), fTTL(0), fSplitMaxInputFileNumber(0), fMaxInitFailed(0), fMasterResubmitThreshold(0), fNtestFiles(0), fRunNumbers(), fExecutable(), fArguments(), fAnalysisMacro(), fAnalysisSource(), fAdditionalLibs(), fSplitMode(), fAPIVersion(), fROOTVersion(), fAliROOTVersion(), fUser(), fGridWorkingDir(), fGridDataDir(), fDataPattern(), fGridOutputDir(), fOutputArchive(), fOutputFiles(), fInputFormat(), fDatasetName(), fJDLName(), fMergeExcludes(), fIncludePath(), fCloseSE(), fInputFiles(0), fPackages(0) { // Default ctor. SetDefaults(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliAnalysisAlien::AliAnalysisAlien(const AliAnalysisAlien& other) :AliAnalysisGrid(other), fGridJDL(NULL), fPrice(other.fPrice), fTTL(other.fTTL), fSplitMaxInputFileNumber(other.fSplitMaxInputFileNumber), fMaxInitFailed(other.fMaxInitFailed), fMasterResubmitThreshold(other.fMasterResubmitThreshold), fNtestFiles(other.fNtestFiles), fRunNumbers(other.fRunNumbers), fExecutable(other.fExecutable), fArguments(other.fArguments), fAnalysisMacro(other.fAnalysisMacro), fAnalysisSource(other.fAnalysisSource), fAdditionalLibs(other.fAdditionalLibs), fSplitMode(other.fSplitMode), fAPIVersion(other.fAPIVersion), fROOTVersion(other.fROOTVersion), fAliROOTVersion(other.fAliROOTVersion), fUser(other.fUser), fGridWorkingDir(other.fGridWorkingDir), fGridDataDir(other.fGridDataDir), fDataPattern(other.fDataPattern), fGridOutputDir(other.fGridOutputDir), fOutputArchive(other.fOutputArchive), fOutputFiles(other.fOutputFiles), fInputFormat(other.fInputFormat), fDatasetName(other.fDatasetName), fJDLName(other.fJDLName), fMergeExcludes(other.fMergeExcludes), fIncludePath(other.fIncludePath), fCloseSE(other.fCloseSE), fInputFiles(0), fPackages(0) { // Copy ctor. fGridJDL = (TGridJDL*)gROOT->ProcessLine("new TAlienJDL()"); if (other.fInputFiles) { fInputFiles = new TObjArray(); TIter next(other.fInputFiles); TObject *obj; while ((obj=next())) fInputFiles->Add(new TObjString(obj->GetName())); fInputFiles->SetOwner(); } if (other.fPackages) { fPackages = new TObjArray(); TIter next(other.fPackages); TObject *obj; while ((obj=next())) fPackages->Add(new TObjString(obj->GetName())); fPackages->SetOwner(); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliAnalysisAlien::~AliAnalysisAlien() { // Destructor. if (fGridJDL) delete fGridJDL; if (fInputFiles) delete fInputFiles; if (fPackages) delete fPackages; } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliAnalysisAlien &AliAnalysisAlien::operator=(const AliAnalysisAlien& other) { // Assignment. if (this != &other) { AliAnalysisGrid::operator=(other); fGridJDL = (TGridJDL*)gROOT->ProcessLine("new TAlienJDL()"); fPrice = other.fPrice; fTTL = other.fTTL; fSplitMaxInputFileNumber = other.fSplitMaxInputFileNumber; fMaxInitFailed = other.fMaxInitFailed; fMasterResubmitThreshold = other.fMasterResubmitThreshold; fNtestFiles = other.fNtestFiles; fRunNumbers = other.fRunNumbers; fExecutable = other.fExecutable; fArguments = other.fArguments; fAnalysisMacro = other.fAnalysisMacro; fAnalysisSource = other.fAnalysisSource; fAdditionalLibs = other.fAdditionalLibs; fSplitMode = other.fSplitMode; fAPIVersion = other.fAPIVersion; fROOTVersion = other.fROOTVersion; fAliROOTVersion = other.fAliROOTVersion; fUser = other.fUser; fGridWorkingDir = other.fGridWorkingDir; fGridDataDir = other.fGridDataDir; fDataPattern = other.fDataPattern; fGridOutputDir = other.fGridOutputDir; fOutputArchive = other.fOutputArchive; fOutputFiles = other.fOutputFiles; fInputFormat = other.fInputFormat; fDatasetName = other.fDatasetName; fJDLName = other.fJDLName; fMergeExcludes = other.fMergeExcludes; fIncludePath = other.fIncludePath; fCloseSE = other.fCloseSE; if (other.fInputFiles) { fInputFiles = new TObjArray(); TIter next(other.fInputFiles); TObject *obj; while ((obj=next())) fInputFiles->Add(new TObjString(obj->GetName())); fInputFiles->SetOwner(); } if (other.fPackages) { fPackages = new TObjArray(); TIter next(other.fPackages); TObject *obj; while ((obj=next())) fPackages->Add(new TObjString(obj->GetName())); fPackages->SetOwner(); } } return *this; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisAlien::AddIncludePath(const char *path) { // Add include path in the remote analysis macro. TString p(path); if (p.Contains("-I")) fIncludePath += Form("%s ", path); else fIncludePath += Form("-I%s ", path); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisAlien::AddRunNumber(Int_t run) { // Add a run number to the list of runs to be processed. if (fRunNumbers.Length()) fRunNumbers += " "; fRunNumbers += Form("%d", run); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisAlien::AddDataFile(const char *lfn) { // Adds a data file to the input to be analysed. The file should be a valid LFN // or point to an existing file in the alien workdir. if (!fInputFiles) fInputFiles = new TObjArray(); fInputFiles->Add(new TObjString(lfn)); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliAnalysisAlien::Connect() { // Try to connect to AliEn. User needs a valid token and /tmp/gclient_env_$UID sourced. if (gGrid && gGrid->IsConnected()) return kTRUE; if (!gSystem->Getenv("alien_API_USER")) { Error("Connect", "Make sure you:\n 1. Have called: alien-token-init today\n 2. Have sourced /tmp/gclient_env_%s", gSystem->Getenv("UID")); return kFALSE; } if (!gGrid) { Info("Connect", "Trying to connect to AliEn ..."); TGrid::Connect("alien://"); } if (!gGrid || !gGrid->IsConnected()) { Error("Connect", "Did not managed to connect to AliEn. Make sure you have a valid token."); return kFALSE; } fUser = gGrid->GetUser(); Info("Connect", "\n##### Connected to AliEn as user %s. Setting analysis user to <%s>", fUser.Data(), fUser.Data()); return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisAlien::CdWork() { // Check validity of alien workspace. Create directory if possible. if (!Connect()) { Error("CdWork", "Alien connection required"); return; } TString homedir = gGrid->GetHomeDirectory(); TString workdir = homedir + fGridWorkingDir; if (!gGrid->Cd(workdir)) { gGrid->Cd(homedir); if (gGrid->Mkdir(workdir)) { gGrid->Cd(fGridWorkingDir); Info("CreateJDL", "\n##### Created alien working directory %s", fGridWorkingDir.Data()); } else { Warning("CreateJDL", "Working directory %s cannot be created.\n Using %s instead.", workdir.Data(), homedir.Data()); fGridWorkingDir = ""; } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliAnalysisAlien::CheckInputData() { // Check validity of input data. If necessary, create xml files. if (!fInputFiles && !fRunNumbers.Length()) { Error("CheckInputData", "You have to specify either a set of run numbers or some existing grid files. Use AddRunNumber()/AddDataFile()."); return kFALSE; } // Process declared files Bool_t is_collection = kFALSE; Bool_t is_xml = kFALSE; Bool_t use_tags = kFALSE; Bool_t checked = kFALSE; CdWork(); TString file; TString workdir = gGrid->GetHomeDirectory(); workdir += fGridWorkingDir; if (fInputFiles) { TObjString *objstr; TIter next(fInputFiles); while ((objstr=(TObjString*)next())) { file = workdir; file += "/"; file += objstr->GetString(); // Store full lfn path if (FileExists(file)) objstr->SetString(file); else { file = objstr->GetName(); if (!FileExists(objstr->GetName())) { Error("CheckInputData", "Data file %s not found or not in your working dir: %s", objstr->GetName(), workdir.Data()); return kFALSE; } } Bool_t iscoll, isxml, usetags; CheckDataType(file, iscoll, isxml, usetags); if (!checked) { checked = kTRUE; is_collection = iscoll; is_xml = isxml; use_tags = usetags; TObject::SetBit(AliAnalysisGrid::kUseTags, use_tags); } else { if ((iscoll != is_collection) || (isxml != is_xml) || (usetags != use_tags)) { Error("CheckInputData", "Some conflict was found in the types of inputs"); return kFALSE; } } } } // Process requested run numbers if (!fRunNumbers.Length()) return kTRUE; // Check validity of alien data directory if (!fGridDataDir.Length()) { Error("CkeckInputData", "AliEn path to base data directory must be set.\n = Use: SetGridDataDir()"); return kFALSE; } if (!gGrid->Cd(fGridDataDir)) { Error("CheckInputData", "Data directory %s not existing.", fGridDataDir.Data()); return kFALSE; } if (is_collection) { Error("CheckInputData", "You are using raw AliEn collections as input. Cannot process run numbers."); return kFALSE; } if (checked && !is_xml) { Error("CheckInputData", "Cannot mix processing of full runs with non-xml files"); return kFALSE; } // Check validity of run number(s) TObjArray *arr; TObjString *os; TString path; if (!checked) { checked = kTRUE; use_tags = fDataPattern.Contains("tag"); TObject::SetBit(AliAnalysisGrid::kUseTags, use_tags); } if (use_tags != fDataPattern.Contains("tag")) { Error("CheckInputData", "Cannot mix input files using/not using tags"); return kFALSE; } if (fRunNumbers.Length()) { arr = fRunNumbers.Tokenize(" "); TIter next(arr); while ((os=(TObjString*)next())) { path = Form("%s/%s ", fGridDataDir.Data(), os->GetString().Data()); if (!gGrid->Cd(path)) { Error("CheckInputData", "Run number %s not found in path: %s", os->GetString().Data(), path.Data()); return kFALSE; } path = Form("%s/%s.xml", workdir.Data(),os->GetString().Data()); TString msg = "\n##### file: "; msg += path; msg += " type: xml_collection;"; if (use_tags) msg += " using_tags: Yes"; else msg += " using_tags: No"; Info("CheckDataType", msg.Data()); AddDataFile(path); } delete arr; } return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliAnalysisAlien::CreateDataset(const char *pattern) { // Create dataset for the grid data directory + run number. if (TestBit(AliAnalysisGrid::kOffline)) return kFALSE; if (!Connect()) { Error("CreateDataset", "Cannot create dataset with no grid connection"); return kFALSE; } // Cd workspace CdWork(); TString workdir = gGrid->GetHomeDirectory(); workdir += fGridWorkingDir; // Compose the 'find' command arguments TString command; TString options = "-x collection "; if (TestBit(AliAnalysisGrid::kTest)) options += Form("-l %d ", fNtestFiles); TString conditions = ""; TString file; TString path; if (!fRunNumbers.Length()) return kTRUE; // Several runs TObjArray *arr = fRunNumbers.Tokenize(" "); TObjString *os; TIter next(arr); while ((os=(TObjString*)next())) { path = Form("%s/%s ", fGridDataDir.Data(), os->GetString().Data()); if (TestBit(AliAnalysisGrid::kTest)) file = "wn.xml"; else file = Form("%s.xml", os->GetString().Data()); if (FileExists(file) && !TestBit(AliAnalysisGrid::kTest)) { Info("CreateDataset", "\n##### Removing previous dataset %s", file.Data()); gGrid->Rm(file); } command = "find "; command += options; command += path; command += pattern; // conditions = Form(" > %s", file.Data()); command += conditions; TGridResult *res = gGrid->Command(command); if (res) delete res; // Write standard output to file gROOT->ProcessLine(Form("gGrid->Stdout(); > %s", file.Data())); if (TestBit(AliAnalysisGrid::kTest)) break; // Copy xml file to alien space TFile::Cp(Form("file:%s",file.Data()), Form("alien://%s/%s",workdir.Data(), file.Data())); if (!FileExists(file)) { Error("CreateDataset", "Command %s did NOT succeed", command.Data()); delete arr; return kFALSE; } } delete arr; return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliAnalysisAlien::CreateJDL() { // Generate a JDL file according to current settings. The name of the file is // specified by fJDLName. Bool_t error = kFALSE; TObjArray *arr = 0; Bool_t copy = kTRUE; if (TestBit(AliAnalysisGrid::kOffline) || TestBit(AliAnalysisGrid::kTest)) copy = kFALSE; Bool_t generate = kTRUE; if (TestBit(AliAnalysisGrid::kTest) || TestBit(AliAnalysisGrid::kSubmit)) generate = kFALSE; if (!Connect()) { Error("CreateJDL", "Alien connection required"); return kFALSE; } // Check validity of alien workspace CdWork(); TString workdir = gGrid->GetHomeDirectory(); workdir += fGridWorkingDir; if (generate) { TObjString *os; if (!fInputFiles) { Error("CreateJDL()", "Define some input files for your analysis."); error = kTRUE; } // Compose list of input files // Check if output files were defined if (!fOutputFiles.Length()) { Error("CreateJDL", "You must define at least one output file"); error = kTRUE; } // Check if an output directory was defined and valid if (!fGridOutputDir.Length()) { Error("CreateJDL", "You must define AliEn output directory"); error = kTRUE; } else { if (!gGrid->Cd(fGridOutputDir)) { if (gGrid->Mkdir(fGridOutputDir)) { Info("CreateJDL", "\n##### Created alien output directory %s", fGridOutputDir.Data()); } else { Error("CreateJDL", "Could not create alien output directory %s", fGridOutputDir.Data()); error = kTRUE; } } gGrid->Cd(workdir); } // Exit if any error up to now if (error) return kFALSE; // Set JDL fields fGridJDL->SetValue("User", Form("\"%s\"", fUser.Data())); fGridJDL->SetExecutable(fExecutable); // fGridJDL->SetTTL((UInt_t)fTTL); fGridJDL->SetValue("TTL", Form("\"%d\"", fTTL)); if (fMaxInitFailed > 0) fGridJDL->SetValue("MaxInitFailed", Form("\"%d\"",fMaxInitFailed)); if (fSplitMaxInputFileNumber > 0) fGridJDL->SetValue("SplitMaxInputFileNumber", Form("\"%d\"", fSplitMaxInputFileNumber)); if (fSplitMode.Length()) fGridJDL->SetValue("Split", Form("\"%s\"", fSplitMode.Data())); // fGridJDL->SetSplitMode(fSplitMode, (UInt_t)fSplitMaxInputFileNumber); if (fAliROOTVersion.Length()) fGridJDL->AddToPackages("AliRoot", fAliROOTVersion); if (fROOTVersion.Length()) fGridJDL->AddToPackages("ROOT", fROOTVersion); if (fAPIVersion.Length()) fGridJDL->AddToPackages("APISCONFIG", fAPIVersion); fGridJDL->SetInputDataListFormat(fInputFormat); fGridJDL->SetInputDataList("wn.xml"); if (fInputFiles) { TIter next(fInputFiles); while ((os=(TObjString*)next())) fGridJDL->AddToInputDataCollection(Form("LF:%s,nodownload", os->GetString().Data())); } fGridJDL->AddToInputSandbox(Form("LF:%s/%s", workdir.Data(), fAnalysisMacro.Data())); fGridJDL->AddToInputSandbox(Form("LF:%s/analysis.root", workdir.Data())); if (IsUsingTags() && !gSystem->AccessPathName("ConfigureCuts.C")) fGridJDL->AddToInputSandbox(Form("LF:%s/ConfigureCuts.C", workdir.Data())); if (fAdditionalLibs.Length()) { arr = fAdditionalLibs.Tokenize(" "); TIter next(arr); while ((os=(TObjString*)next())) { if (os->GetString().Contains(".so")) continue; fGridJDL->AddToInputSandbox(Form("LF:%s/%s", workdir.Data(), os->GetString().Data())); } delete arr; } if (fPackages) { TIter next(fPackages); TObject *obj; while ((obj=next())) fGridJDL->AddToInputSandbox(Form("LF:%s/%s", workdir.Data(), obj->GetName())); } if (fOutputArchive.Length()) { arr = fOutputArchive.Tokenize(" "); TIter next(arr); while ((os=(TObjString*)next())) if (!os->GetString().Contains("@") && fCloseSE.Length()) fGridJDL->AddToOutputArchive(Form("%s@%s",os->GetString().Data(), fCloseSE.Data())); else fGridJDL->AddToOutputArchive(os->GetString()); delete arr; } fGridJDL->SetOutputDirectory(Form("%s/%s/#alien_counter_03i#", workdir.Data(), fGridOutputDir.Data())); arr = fOutputFiles.Tokenize(" "); TIter next(arr); while ((os=(TObjString*)next())) { if (!os->GetString().Contains("@") && fCloseSE.Length()) fGridJDL->AddToOutputSandbox(Form("%s@%s",os->GetString().Data(), fCloseSE.Data())); else fGridJDL->AddToOutputSandbox(os->GetString()); } delete arr; // fGridJDL->SetPrice((UInt_t)fPrice); fGridJDL->SetValue("Price", Form("\"%d\"", fPrice)); fGridJDL->SetValidationCommand(Form("%s/validate.sh", workdir.Data())); if (fMasterResubmitThreshold) fGridJDL->SetValue("MasterResubmitThreshold", Form("\"%d%%\"", fMasterResubmitThreshold)); // Generate the JDL as a string TString sjdl = fGridJDL->Generate(); Int_t index; index = sjdl.Index("Executable"); if (index >= 0) sjdl.Insert(index, "\n# This is the startup script\n"); index = sjdl.Index("Split "); if (index >= 0) sjdl.Insert(index, "\n# We split per storage element\n"); index = sjdl.Index("SplitMaxInputFileNumber"); if (index >= 0) sjdl.Insert(index, "\n# We want each subjob to get maximum this number of input files\n"); index = sjdl.Index("InputDataCollection"); if (index >= 0) sjdl.Insert(index, "# Input xml collections\n"); index = sjdl.Index("InputFile"); if (index >= 0) sjdl.Insert(index, "\n# List of input files to be uploaded to wn's\n"); index = sjdl.Index("InputDataList "); if (index >= 0) sjdl.Insert(index, "\n# Collection to be processed on wn\n"); index = sjdl.Index("InputDataListFormat"); if (index >= 0) sjdl.Insert(index, "\n# Format of input data\n"); index = sjdl.Index("Price"); if (index >= 0) sjdl.Insert(index, "\n# AliEn price for this job\n"); index = sjdl.Index("Requirements"); if (index >= 0) sjdl.Insert(index, "\n# Additional requirements for the computing element\n"); index = sjdl.Index("Packages"); if (index >= 0) sjdl.Insert(index, "\n# Packages to be used\n"); index = sjdl.Index("User ="); if (index >= 0) sjdl.Insert(index, "\n# AliEn user\n"); index = sjdl.Index("TTL"); if (index >= 0) sjdl.Insert(index, "\n# Time to live for the job\n"); index = sjdl.Index("OutputFile"); if (index >= 0) sjdl.Insert(index, "\n# List of output files to be registered\n"); index = sjdl.Index("OutputDir"); if (index >= 0) sjdl.Insert(index, "\n# Output directory\n"); index = sjdl.Index("OutputArchive"); if (index >= 0) sjdl.Insert(index, "\n# Files to be archived\n"); index = sjdl.Index("MaxInitFailed"); if (index >= 0) sjdl.Insert(index, "\n# Maximum number of first failing jobs to abort the master job\n"); index = sjdl.Index("MasterResubmitThreshold"); if (index >= 0) sjdl.Insert(index, "\n# Resubmit failed jobs until DONE rate reaches this percentage\n"); sjdl.ReplaceAll("ValidationCommand", "Validationcommand"); index = sjdl.Index("Validationcommand"); if (index >= 0) sjdl.Insert(index, "\n# Validation script to be run for each subjob\n"); sjdl.ReplaceAll("\"LF:", "\n \"LF:"); sjdl.ReplaceAll("(member", "\n (member"); sjdl.ReplaceAll("\",\"VO_", "\",\n \"VO_"); sjdl.ReplaceAll("{", "{\n "); sjdl.ReplaceAll("};", "\n};"); sjdl.ReplaceAll("{\n \n", "{\n"); sjdl.ReplaceAll("\n\n", "\n"); sjdl.ReplaceAll("OutputDirectory", "OutputDir"); sjdl += "JDLVariables = \n{\n \"Packages\",\n \"OutputDir\"\n};\n"; sjdl.Prepend("JobTag = \"Automatically generated analysis JDL\";\n"); index = sjdl.Index("JDLVariables"); if (index >= 0) sjdl.Insert(index, "\n# JDL variables\n"); // Write jdl to file ofstream out; out.open(fJDLName.Data(), ios::out); if (out.bad()) { Error("CreateJDL", "Bad file name: %s", fJDLName.Data()); return kFALSE; } out << sjdl << endl; } // Copy jdl to grid workspace if (!copy) { Info("CreateJDL", "\n##### You may want to review jdl:%s and analysis macro:%s before running in mode", fJDLName.Data(), fAnalysisMacro.Data()); } else { Info("CreateJDL", "\n##### Copying JDL file <%s> to your AliEn working space", fJDLName.Data()); if (FileExists(fJDLName)) gGrid->Rm(fJDLName); TFile::Cp(Form("file:%s",fJDLName.Data()), Form("alien://%s/%s", workdir.Data(), fJDLName.Data())); if (fAdditionalLibs.Length()) { arr = fAdditionalLibs.Tokenize(" "); TObjString *os; TIter next(arr); while ((os=(TObjString*)next())) { if (os->GetString().Contains(".so")) continue; Info("CreateJDL", "\n##### Copying dependency: <%s> to your alien workspace", os->GetString().Data()); if (FileExists(os->GetString())) gGrid->Rm(os->GetString()); TFile::Cp(Form("file:%s",os->GetString().Data()), Form("alien://%s/%s", workdir.Data(), os->GetString().Data())); } delete arr; } if (fPackages) { TIter next(fPackages); TObject *obj; while ((obj=next())) { Info("CreateJDL", "\n##### Copying dependency: <%s> to your alien workspace", obj->GetName()); TFile::Cp(Form("file:%s",obj->GetName()), Form("alien://%s/%s", workdir.Data(), obj->GetName())); } } } return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliAnalysisAlien::FileExists(const char *lfn) const { // Returns true if file exists. if (!gGrid) { Error("FileExists", "No connection to grid"); return kFALSE; } TGridResult *res = gGrid->Ls(lfn); if (!res) return kFALSE; TMap *map = dynamic_cast(res->At(0)); if (!map) { delete res; return kFALSE; } TObjString *objs = dynamic_cast(map->GetValue("name")); if (!objs || !objs->GetString().Length()) { delete res; return kFALSE; } delete res; return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisAlien::CheckDataType(const char *lfn, Bool_t &is_collection, Bool_t &is_xml, Bool_t &use_tags) { // Check input data type. is_collection = kFALSE; is_xml = kFALSE; use_tags = kFALSE; if (!gGrid) { Error("CheckDataType", "No connection to grid"); return; } is_collection = IsCollection(lfn); TString msg = "\n##### file: "; msg += lfn; if (is_collection) { msg += " type: raw_collection;"; // special treatment for collections is_xml = kFALSE; // check for tag files in the collection TGridResult *res = gGrid->Command(Form("listFilesFromCollection -z -v %s",lfn), kFALSE); if (!res) { msg += " using_tags: No (unknown)"; Info("CheckDataType", msg.Data()); return; } const char* typeStr = res->GetKey(0, "origLFN"); if (!typeStr || !strlen(typeStr)) { msg += " using_tags: No (unknown)"; Info("CheckDataType", msg.Data()); return; } TString file = typeStr; use_tags = file.Contains(".tag"); if (use_tags) msg += " using_tags: Yes"; else msg += " using_tags: No"; Info("CheckDataType", msg.Data()); return; } TString slfn(lfn); slfn.ToLower(); is_xml = slfn.Contains(".xml"); if (is_xml) { // Open xml collection and check if there are tag files inside msg += " type: xml_collection;"; TGridCollection *coll = (TGridCollection*)gROOT->ProcessLine(Form("TAlienCollection::Open(\"alien://%s\",1);",lfn)); if (!coll) { msg += " using_tags: No (unknown)"; Info("CheckDataType", msg.Data()); return; } TMap *map = coll->Next(); if (!map) { msg += " using_tags: No (unknown)"; Info("CheckDataType", msg.Data()); return; } map = (TMap*)map->GetValue(""); TString file; if (map && map->GetValue("name")) file = map->GetValue("name")->GetName(); use_tags = file.Contains(".tag"); delete coll; if (use_tags) msg += " using_tags: Yes"; else msg += " using_tags: No"; Info("CheckDataType", msg.Data()); return; } use_tags = slfn.Contains(".tag"); if (slfn.Contains(".root")) msg += " type: root file;"; else msg += " type: unhnown file;"; if (use_tags) msg += " using_tags: Yes"; else msg += " using_tags: No"; Info("CheckDataType", msg.Data()); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisAlien::EnablePackage(const char *package) { // Enables a par file supposed to exist in the current directory. TString pkg(package); pkg.ReplaceAll(".par", ""); pkg += ".par"; if (gSystem->AccessPathName(pkg)) { Error("EnablePackage", "Package %s not found", pkg.Data()); return; } if (!TObject::TestBit(AliAnalysisGrid::kUsePars)) Info("EnablePackage", "AliEn plugin will use .par packages"); TObject::SetBit(AliAnalysisGrid::kUsePars, kTRUE); if (!fPackages) { fPackages = new TObjArray(); fPackages->SetOwner(); } fPackages->Add(new TObjString(pkg)); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliAnalysisAlien::IsCollection(const char *lfn) const { // Returns true if file is a collection. Functionality duplicated from // TAlien::Type() because we don't want to directly depend on TAlien. if (!gGrid) { Error("IsCollection", "No connection to grid"); return kFALSE; } TGridResult *res = gGrid->Command(Form("type -z %s",lfn),kFALSE); if (!res) return kFALSE; const char* typeStr = res->GetKey(0, "type"); if (!typeStr || !strlen(typeStr)) return kFALSE; if (!strcmp(typeStr, "collection")) return kTRUE; delete res; return kFALSE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisAlien::SetDefaults() { // Set default values for everything. What cannot be filled will be left empty. if (fGridJDL) delete fGridJDL; fGridJDL = (TGridJDL*)gROOT->ProcessLine("new TAlienJDL()"); fPrice = 1; fTTL = 30000; fSplitMaxInputFileNumber = 100; fMaxInitFailed = 0; fMasterResubmitThreshold = 0; fNtestFiles = 10; fRunNumbers = ""; fExecutable = "analysis.sh"; fArguments = ""; fAnalysisMacro = "myAnalysis.C"; fAnalysisSource = ""; fAdditionalLibs = ""; fSplitMode = "se"; fAPIVersion = ""; fROOTVersion = ""; fAliROOTVersion = ""; fUser = ""; // Your alien user name fGridWorkingDir = ""; fGridDataDir = ""; // Can be like: /alice/sim/PDC_08a/LHC08c9/ fDataPattern = "*AliESDs.root"; // Can be like: *AliESDs.root, */pass1/*AliESDs.root, ... fGridOutputDir = "output"; fOutputArchive = "log_archive.zip:stdout,stderr root_archive.zip:*.root"; fOutputFiles = ""; // Like "AliAODs.root histos.root" fInputFormat = "xml-single"; fJDLName = "analysis.jdl"; fMergeExcludes = ""; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliAnalysisAlien::MergeOutputs() { // Merge analysis outputs existing in the AliEn space. if (TestBit(AliAnalysisGrid::kTest)) return kTRUE; if (TestBit(AliAnalysisGrid::kOffline)) return kFALSE; if (!Connect()) { Error("MergeOutputs", "Cannot merge outputs without grid connection. Terminate will NOT be executed"); return kFALSE; } // Get the output path TString output = Form("/%s/%s/%s", gGrid->GetHomeDirectory(), fGridWorkingDir.Data(), fGridOutputDir.Data()); if (!gGrid->Cd(output)) output = Form("/%s/%s", gGrid->GetHomeDirectory(), fGridOutputDir.Data()); if (!gGrid->Cd(output)) { Error("MergeOutputs", "Grid output directory %s not found. Terminate() will NOT be executed", fGridOutputDir.Data()); return kFALSE; } if (!fOutputFiles.Length()) { Error("MergeOutputs", "No output file names defined. Are you running the right AliAnalysisAlien configuration ?"); return kFALSE; } TObjArray *list = fOutputFiles.Tokenize(" "); TIter next(list); TObjString *str; TString command; TString output_file; Bool_t merged = kTRUE; while((str=(TObjString*)next())) { output_file = str->GetString(); Int_t index = output_file.Index("@"); if (index > 0) output_file.Remove(index); if (fMergeExcludes.Length() && fMergeExcludes.Contains(output_file.Data())) continue; command = Form("find %s/ *%s", output.Data(), output_file.Data()); printf("command: %s\n", command.Data()); TGridResult *res = gGrid->Command(command); if (!res) continue; TFileMerger *fm = 0; TIter nextmap(res); TMap *map; while ((map=(TMap*)nextmap())) { TObjString *objs = dynamic_cast(map->GetValue("turl")); if (!objs || !objs->GetString().Length()) { delete res; continue; } if (!fm) { fm = new TFileMerger(kFALSE); fm->SetFastMethod(kTRUE); fm->OutputFile(output_file); } fm->AddFile(objs->GetString()); } if (!fm || !fm->GetMergeList() || !fm->GetMergeList()->GetSize()) { Warning("MergeOutputs", "No <%s> files found.", output_file.Data()); merged = kFALSE; delete res; continue; } if (!fm->Merge()) { Error("MergeOutputs", "Could not merge all <%s> files", output_file.Data()); merged = kFALSE; } else { Info("MergeOutputs", "\n##### Merged %d output files <%s>", fm->GetMergeList()->GetSize(), output_file.Data()); } delete fm; delete res; } if (!merged) { Error("MergeOutputs", "Terminate() will NOT be executed"); } return merged; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisAlien::SetDefaultOutputs(Bool_t flag) { // Use the output files connected to output containers from the analysis manager // rather than the files defined by SetOutputFiles if (flag && !TObject::TestBit(AliAnalysisGrid::kDefaultOutputs)) Info("SetDefaultOutputs", "Plugin will use the output files taken from \ analysis manager"); TObject::SetBit(AliAnalysisGrid::kDefaultOutputs, flag); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisAlien::StartAnalysis(Long64_t /*nentries*/, Long64_t /*firstEntry*/) { // Start remote grid analysis. // Check if output files have to be taken from the analysis manager if (TestBit(AliAnalysisGrid::kDefaultOutputs)) { AliAnalysisManager *mgr = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager(); if (!mgr || !mgr->IsInitialized()) { Error("StartAnalysis", "You need an initialized analysis manager for this"); return; } fOutputFiles = ""; TIter next(mgr->GetOutputs()); AliAnalysisDataContainer *output; while ((output=(AliAnalysisDataContainer*)next())) { const char *filename = output->GetFileName(); if (!(strcmp(filename, "default"))) { if (!mgr->GetOutputEventHandler()) continue; filename = mgr->GetOutputEventHandler()->GetOutputFileName(); } if (fOutputFiles.Length()) fOutputFiles += " "; fOutputFiles += filename; } // Add extra files registered to the analysis manager if (mgr->GetExtraFiles().Length()) { if (fOutputFiles.Length()) fOutputFiles += " "; fOutputFiles += mgr->GetExtraFiles(); } } // if (!fCloseSE.Length()) fCloseSE = gSystem->Getenv("alien_CLOSE_SE"); if (TestBit(AliAnalysisGrid::kOffline)) { Info("StartAnalysis","\n##### OFFLINE MODE ##### Files to be used in GRID are produced but not copied \ \n there nor any job run. You can revise the JDL and analysis \ \n macro then run the same in \"submit\" mode."); } else if (TestBit(AliAnalysisGrid::kTest)) { Info("StartAnalysis","\n##### LOCAL MODE ##### Your analysis will be run locally on a subset of the requested \ \n dataset."); } else if (TestBit(AliAnalysisGrid::kSubmit)) { Info("StartAnalysis","\n##### SUBMIT MODE ##### Files required by your analysis are copied to your grid working \ \n space and job submitted."); } else if (TestBit(AliAnalysisGrid::kMerge)) { Info("StartAnalysis","\n##### MERGE MODE ##### The registered outputs of the analysis will be merged"); return; } else { Info("StartAnalysis","\n##### FULL ANALYSIS MODE ##### Producing needed files and submitting your analysis job..."); } if (!Connect()) { Error("StartAnalysis", "Cannot start grid analysis without grid connection"); return; } if (!CheckInputData()) { Error("StartAnalysis", "There was an error in preprocessing your requested input data"); return; } CreateDataset(fDataPattern); WriteAnalysisFile(); WriteAnalysisMacro(); WriteExecutable(); WriteValidationScript(); if (!CreateJDL()) return; if (TestBit(AliAnalysisGrid::kOffline)) return; if (TestBit(AliAnalysisGrid::kTest)) { // Locally testing the analysis Info("StartAnalysis", "\n_______________________________________________________________________ \ \n Running analysis script in a daughter shell as on a worker node \ \n_______________________________________________________________________"); TObjArray *list = fOutputFiles.Tokenize(" "); TIter next(list); TObjString *str; TString output_file; while((str=(TObjString*)next())) { output_file = str->GetString(); Int_t index = output_file.Index("@"); if (index > 0) output_file.Remove(index); if (!gSystem->AccessPathName(output_file)) gSystem->Exec(Form("rm %s", output_file.Data())); } delete list; gSystem->Exec(Form("bash %s 2>stderr", fExecutable.Data())); gSystem->Exec("bash validate.sh"); // gSystem->Exec("cat stdout"); return; } // Submit AliEn job CdWork(); TGridResult *res = gGrid->Command(Form("submit %s", fJDLName.Data())); TString jobID = ""; if (res) { const char *cjobId = res->GetKey(0,"jobId"); if (!cjobId) { Error("StartAnalysis", "Your JDL %s could not be submitted", fJDLName.Data()); return; } else { Info("StartAnalysis", "\n_______________________________________________________________________ \ \n##### Your JDL %s was successfully submitted. \nTHE JOB ID IS: %s \ \n_______________________________________________________________________", fJDLName.Data(), cjobId); jobID = cjobId; } delete res; } Info("StartAnalysis", "\n#### STARTING AN ALIEN SHELL FOR YOU. EXIT WHEN YOUR JOB %s HAS FINISHED. #### \ \n You may exit at any time and terminate the job later using the option \ \n ##################################################################################", jobID.Data()); //gGrid->Shell(); gSystem->Exec("aliensh"); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisAlien::WriteAnalysisFile() { // Write current analysis manager into the file analysis.root if (!TestBit(AliAnalysisGrid::kSubmit)) { AliAnalysisManager *mgr = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager(); if (!mgr || !mgr->IsInitialized()) { Error("WriteAnalysisFile", "You need an initialized analysis manager for this"); return; } // Check analysis type TObject *handler; if (mgr->GetMCtruthEventHandler()) TObject::SetBit(AliAnalysisGrid::kUseMC); handler = (TObject*)mgr->GetInputEventHandler(); if (handler) { if (handler->InheritsFrom("AliESDInputHandler")) TObject::SetBit(AliAnalysisGrid::kUseESD); if (handler->InheritsFrom("AliAODInputHandler")) TObject::SetBit(AliAnalysisGrid::kUseAOD); } TDirectory *cdir = gDirectory; TFile *file = TFile::Open("analysis.root", "RECREATE"); if (file) { mgr->Write(); delete file; } if (cdir) cdir->cd(); Info("WriteAnalysisFile", "\n##### Analysis manager: %s wrote to file \n", mgr->GetName()); } Bool_t copy = kTRUE; if (TestBit(AliAnalysisGrid::kOffline) || TestBit(AliAnalysisGrid::kTest)) copy = kFALSE; if (copy) { CdWork(); TString workdir = gGrid->GetHomeDirectory(); workdir += fGridWorkingDir; Info("CreateJDL", "\n##### Copying file containing your initialized analysis manager to your alien workspace"); if (FileExists("analysis.root")) gGrid->Rm("analysis.root"); TFile::Cp("file:analysis.root", Form("alien://%s/analysis.root", workdir.Data())); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisAlien::WriteAnalysisMacro() { // Write the analysis macro that will steer the analysis in grid mode. if (!TestBit(AliAnalysisGrid::kSubmit)) { ofstream out; out.open(fAnalysisMacro.Data(), ios::out); if (!out.good()) { Error("WriteAnalysisMacro", "could not open file %s for writing", fAnalysisMacro.Data()); return; } TString func = fAnalysisMacro; TString type = "ESD"; TString comment = "// Analysis using "; if (TObject::TestBit(AliAnalysisGrid::kUseESD)) comment += "ESD"; if (TObject::TestBit(AliAnalysisGrid::kUseAOD)) { type = "AOD"; comment += "AOD"; } if (TObject::TestBit(AliAnalysisGrid::kUseMC)) comment += "/MC"; else comment += " data"; out << "const char *anatype = \"" << type.Data() << "\";" << endl << endl; func.ReplaceAll(".C", ""); out << "void " << func.Data() << "()" << endl; out << "{" << endl; out << comment.Data() << endl; out << "// Automatically generated analysis steering macro executed in grid subjobs" << endl << endl; out << " TStopwatch timer;" << endl; out << " timer.Start();" << endl << endl; out << "// load base root libraries" << endl; out << " gSystem->Load(\"libTree\");" << endl; out << " gSystem->Load(\"libGeom\");" << endl; out << " gSystem->Load(\"libVMC\");" << endl; out << " gSystem->Load(\"libPhysics\");" << endl << endl; out << "// Load analysis framework libraries" << endl; if (!fPackages) { out << " gSystem->Load(\"libSTEERBase\");" << endl; out << " gSystem->Load(\"libESD\");" << endl; out << " gSystem->Load(\"libAOD\");" << endl; out << " gSystem->Load(\"libANALYSIS\");" << endl; out << " gSystem->Load(\"libANALYSISalice\");" << endl; out << " gSystem->Load(\"libCORRFW\");" << endl << endl; } else { TIter next(fPackages); TObject *obj; TString pkgname; Bool_t hasSTEERBase = kFALSE; Bool_t hasESD = kFALSE; Bool_t hasAOD = kFALSE; Bool_t hasANALYSIS = kFALSE; Bool_t hasANALYSISalice = kFALSE; Bool_t hasCORRFW = kFALSE; while ((obj=next())) { pkgname = obj->GetName(); if (pkgname == "STEERBase" || pkgname == "STEERBase.par") hasSTEERBase = kTRUE; if (pkgname == "ESD" || pkgname == "ESD.par") hasESD = kTRUE; if (pkgname == "AOD" || pkgname == "AOD.par") hasAOD = kTRUE; if (pkgname == "ANALYSIS" || pkgname == "ANALYSIS.par") hasANALYSIS = kTRUE; if (pkgname == "ANALYSISalice" || pkgname == "ANALYSISalice.par") hasANALYSISalice = kTRUE; if (pkgname == "CORRFW" || pkgname == "CORRFW.par") hasCORRFW = kTRUE; } if (!hasSTEERBase) out << " gSystem->Load(\"libSTEERBase\");" << endl; else out << " if (!SetupPar(\"STEERBase\")) return;" << endl; if (!hasESD) out << " gSystem->Load(\"libESD\");" << endl; else out << " if (!SetupPar(\"ESD\")) return;" << endl; if (!hasAOD) out << " gSystem->Load(\"libAOD\");" << endl; else out << " if (!SetupPar(\"AOD\")) return;" << endl; if (!hasANALYSIS) out << " gSystem->Load(\"libANALYSIS\");" << endl; else out << " if (!SetupPar(\"ANALYSIS\")) return;" << endl; if (!hasANALYSISalice) out << " gSystem->Load(\"libANALYSISalice\");" << endl; else out << " if (!SetupPar(\"ANALYSISalice\")) return;" << endl; if (!hasCORRFW) out << " gSystem->Load(\"libCORRFW\");" << endl << endl; else out << " if (!SetupPar(\"CORRFW\")) return;" << endl << endl; out << "// Compile other par packages" << endl; next.Reset(); while ((obj=next())) { pkgname = obj->GetName(); if (pkgname == "STEERBase" || pkgname == "STEERBase.par" || pkgname == "ESD" || pkgname == "ESD.par" || pkgname == "AOD" || pkgname == "AOD.par" || pkgname == "ANALYSIS" || pkgname == "ANALYSIS.par" || pkgname == "ANALYSISalice" || pkgname == "ANALYSISalice.par" || pkgname == "CORRFW" || pkgname == "CORRFW.par") continue; out << " if (!SetupPar(\"" << obj->GetName() << "\")) return;" << endl; } } out << "// include path" << endl; if (fIncludePath.Length()) out << " gSystem->AddIncludePath(\"" << fIncludePath.Data() << "\");" << endl; out << " gSystem->AddIncludePath(\"-I$ALICE_ROOT/include\");" << endl << endl; if (fAdditionalLibs.Length()) { out << "// Add aditional AliRoot libraries" << endl; TObjArray *list = fAdditionalLibs.Tokenize(" "); TIter next(list); TObjString *str; while((str=(TObjString*)next())) { if (str->GetString().Contains(".so")) out << " gSystem->Load(\"" << str->GetString().Data() << "\");" << endl; } if (list) delete list; } out << endl; out << "// analysis source to be compiled at runtime (if any)" << endl; if (fAnalysisSource.Length()) { TObjArray *list = fAnalysisSource.Tokenize(" "); TIter next(list); TObjString *str; while((str=(TObjString*)next())) { out << " gROOT->ProcessLine(\".L " << str->GetString().Data() << "+g\");" << endl; } if (list) delete list; } out << endl; out << "// connect to AliEn and make the chain" << endl; out << " if (!TGrid::Connect(\"alien://\")) return;" << endl; if (IsUsingTags()) { out << " TChain *chain = CreateChainFromTags(\"wn.xml\", anatype);" << endl << endl; } else { out << " TChain *chain = CreateChain(\"wn.xml\", anatype);" << endl << endl; } out << "// read the analysis manager from file" << endl; out << " TFile *file = TFile::Open(\"analysis.root\");" << endl; out << " if (!file) return;" << endl; out << " TIter nextkey(file->GetListOfKeys());" << endl; out << " AliAnalysisManager *mgr = 0;" << endl; out << " TKey *key;" << endl; out << " while ((key=(TKey*)nextkey())) {" << endl; out << " if (!strcmp(key->GetClassName(), \"AliAnalysisManager\"))" << endl; out << " mgr = (AliAnalysisManager*)file->Get(key->GetName());" << endl; out << " };" << endl; out << " if (!mgr) {" << endl; out << " ::Error(\"" << func.Data() << "\", \"No analysis manager found in file analysis.root\");" << endl; out << " return;" << endl; out << " }" << endl << endl; out << " mgr->PrintStatus();" << endl; out << " mgr->StartAnalysis(\"localfile\", chain);" << endl; out << " timer.Stop();" << endl; out << " timer.Print();" << endl; out << "}" << endl << endl; if (IsUsingTags()) { out << "TChain* CreateChainFromTags(const char *xmlfile, const char *type=\"ESD\")" << endl; out << "{" << endl; out << "// Create a chain using tags from the xml file." << endl; out << " TAlienCollection* coll = TAlienCollection::Open(xmlfile);" << endl; out << " if (!coll) {" << endl; out << " ::Error(\"CreateChainFromTags\", \"Cannot create an AliEn collection from %s\", xmlfile);" << endl; out << " return NULL;" << endl; out << " }" << endl; out << " TGridResult* tagResult = coll->GetGridResult(\"\",kFALSE,kFALSE);" << endl; out << " AliTagAnalysis *tagAna = new AliTagAnalysis(type);" << endl; out << " tagAna->ChainGridTags(tagResult);" << endl << endl; out << " AliRunTagCuts *runCuts = new AliRunTagCuts();" << endl; out << " AliLHCTagCuts *lhcCuts = new AliLHCTagCuts();" << endl; out << " AliDetectorTagCuts *detCuts = new AliDetectorTagCuts();" << endl; out << " AliEventTagCuts *evCuts = new AliEventTagCuts();" << endl; out << " // Check if the cuts configuration file was provided" << endl; out << " if (!gSystem->AccessPathName(\"ConfigureCuts.C\")) {" << endl; out << " gROOT->LoadMacro(\"ConfigureCuts.C\");" << endl; out << " ConfigureCuts(runCuts, lhcCuts, detCuts, evCuts);" << endl; out << " }" << endl; out << " TChain *chain = tagAna->QueryTags(runCuts, lhcCuts, detCuts, evCuts);" << endl; out << " if (!chain || !chain->GetNtrees()) return NULL;" << endl; out << " chain->ls();" << endl; out << " return chain;" << endl; out << "}" << endl << endl; if (gSystem->AccessPathName("ConfigureCuts.C")) { TString msg = "\n##### You may want to provide a macro ConfigureCuts.C with a method:\n"; msg += " void ConfigureCuts(AliRunTagCuts *runCuts,\n"; msg += " AliLHCTagCuts *lhcCuts,\n"; msg += " AliDetectorTagCuts *detCuts,\n"; msg += " AliEventTagCuts *evCuts)"; Info("WriteAnalysisMacro", msg.Data()); } } else { out <<"//________________________________________________________________________________" << endl; out << "TChain* CreateChain(const char *xmlfile, const char *type=\"ESD\")" << endl; out << "{" << endl; out << "// Create a chain using url's from xml file" << endl; out << " TString treename = type;" << endl; out << " treename.ToLower();" << endl; out << " treename += \"Tree\";" << endl; out << " printf(\"***************************************\\n\");" << endl; out << " printf(\" Getting chain of trees %s\\n\", treename.Data());" << endl; out << " printf(\"***************************************\\n\");" << endl; out << " TAlienCollection *coll = TAlienCollection::Open(xmlfile);" << endl; out << " if (!coll) {" << endl; out << " ::Error(\"CreateChain\", \"Cannot create an AliEn collection from %s\", xmlfile);" << endl; out << " return NULL;" << endl; out << " }" << endl; out << " TChain *chain = new TChain(treename);" << endl; out << " coll->Reset();" << endl; out << " while (coll->Next()) chain->Add(coll->GetTURL(\"\"));" << endl; out << " if (!chain->GetNtrees()) {" << endl; out << " ::Error(\"CreateChain\", \"No tree found from collection %s\", xmlfile);" << endl; out << " return NULL;" << endl; out << " }" << endl; out << " return chain;" << endl; out << "}" << endl << endl; } if (fPackages) { out <<"//________________________________________________________________________________" << endl; out << "Bool_t SetupPar(const char *package) {" << endl; out << "// Compile the package and set it up." << endl; out << " TString pkgdir = package;" << endl; out << " pkgdir.ReplaceAll(\".par\",\"\");" << endl; out << " gSystem->Exec(Form(\"tar xvzf %s.par\", pkgdir.Data()));" << endl; out << " TString cdir = gSystem->WorkingDirectory();" << endl; out << " gSystem->ChangeDirectory(pkgdir);" << endl; out << " // Check for BUILD.sh and execute" << endl; out << " if (!gSystem->AccessPathName(\"PROOF-INF/BUILD.sh\")) {" << endl; out << " printf(\"*******************************\\n\");" << endl; out << " printf(\"*** Building PAR archive ***\\n\");" << endl; out << " printf(\"*******************************\\n\");" << endl; out << " if (gSystem->Exec(\"PROOF-INF/BUILD.sh\")) {" << endl; out << " ::Error(\"SetupPar\", \"Cannot build par archive %s\", pkgdir.Data());" << endl; out << " gSystem->ChangeDirectory(cdir);" << endl; out << " return kFALSE;" << endl; out << " }" << endl; out << " } else {" << endl; out << " ::Error(\"SetupPar\",\"Cannot access PROOF-INF/BUILD.sh for package %s\", pkgdir.Data());" << endl; out << " gSystem->ChangeDirectory(cdir);" << endl; out << " return kFALSE;" << endl; out << " }" << endl; out << " // Check for SETUP.C and execute" << endl; out << " if (!gSystem->AccessPathName(\"PROOF-INF/SETUP.C\")) {" << endl; out << " printf(\"*******************************\\n\");" << endl; out << " printf(\"*** Setup PAR archive ***\\n\");" << endl; out << " printf(\"*******************************\\n\");" << endl; out << " gROOT->Macro(\"PROOF-INF/SETUP.C\");" << endl; out << " } else {" << endl; out << " ::Error(\"SetupPar\",\"Cannot access PROOF-INF/SETUP.C for package %s\", pkgdir.Data());" << endl; out << " gSystem->ChangeDirectory(cdir);" << endl; out << " return kFALSE;" << endl; out << " }" << endl; out << " // Restore original workdir" << endl; out << " gSystem->ChangeDirectory(cdir);" << endl; out << " return kTRUE;" << endl; out << "}" << endl; } Info("WriteAnalysisMacro", "\n##### Analysis macro to run on worker nodes <%s> written",fAnalysisMacro.Data()); } Bool_t copy = kTRUE; if (TestBit(AliAnalysisGrid::kOffline) || TestBit(AliAnalysisGrid::kTest)) copy = kFALSE; if (copy) { CdWork(); TString workdir = gGrid->GetHomeDirectory(); workdir += fGridWorkingDir; if (FileExists(fAnalysisMacro)) gGrid->Rm(fAnalysisMacro); if (IsUsingTags() && !gSystem->AccessPathName("ConfigureCuts.C")) { if (FileExists("ConfigureCuts.C")) gGrid->Rm("ConfigureCuts.C"); Info("WriteAnalysisMacro", "\n##### Copying cuts configuration macro: to your alien workspace"); TFile::Cp("file:ConfigureCuts.C", Form("alien://%s/ConfigureCuts.C", workdir.Data())); } Info("WriteAnalysisMacro", "\n##### Copying analysis macro: <%s> to your alien workspace", fAnalysisMacro.Data()); TFile::Cp(Form("file:%s",fAnalysisMacro.Data()), Form("alien://%s/%s", workdir.Data(), fAnalysisMacro.Data())); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisAlien::WriteExecutable() { // Generate the alien executable script. if (!TestBit(AliAnalysisGrid::kSubmit)) { ofstream out; out.open(fExecutable.Data(), ios::out); if (out.bad()) { Error("CreateJDL", "Bad file name for executable: %s", fExecutable.Data()); return; } out << "#!/bin/bash" << endl; out << "export GCLIENT_SERVER_LIST=\"pcapiserv04.cern.ch:10000|pcapiserv05.cern.ch:10000|pcapiserv06.cern.ch:10000|pcapiserv07.cern.ch:10000\"" << endl; out << "echo \"=========================================\"" << endl; out << "echo \"############## PATH : ##############\"" << endl; out << "echo $PATH" << endl; out << "echo \"############## LD_LIBRARY_PATH : ##############\"" << endl; out << "echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH" << endl; out << "echo \"############## ROOTSYS : ##############\"" << endl; out << "echo $ROOTSYS" << endl; out << "echo \"############## which root : ##############\"" << endl; out << "which root" << endl; out << "echo \"############## ALICE_ROOT : ##############\"" << endl; out << "echo $ALICE_ROOT" << endl; out << "echo \"############## which aliroot : ##############\"" << endl; out << "which aliroot" << endl; out << "echo \"=========================================\"" << endl << endl; // if (TestBit(AliAnalysisGrid::kTest)) out << "root "; out << "root -b -q "; out << fAnalysisMacro.Data() << endl << endl; out << "echo \"======== " << fAnalysisMacro.Data() << " finished ========\"" << endl; } Bool_t copy = kTRUE; if (TestBit(AliAnalysisGrid::kOffline) || TestBit(AliAnalysisGrid::kTest)) copy = kFALSE; if (copy) { CdWork(); TString workdir = gGrid->GetHomeDirectory(); workdir += fGridWorkingDir; TString executable = Form("%s/bin/%s", gGrid->GetHomeDirectory(), fExecutable.Data()); if (FileExists(executable)) gGrid->Rm(executable); Info("CreateJDL", "\n##### Copying executable file <%s> to your AliEn bin directory", fExecutable.Data()); TFile::Cp(Form("file:%s",fExecutable.Data()), Form("alien://%s", executable.Data())); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisAlien::WriteValidationScript() { // Generate the alien validation script. // Generate the validation script TObjString *os; if (!Connect()) { Error("WriteValidationScript", "Alien connection required"); return; } TString out_stream = ""; if (!TestBit(AliAnalysisGrid::kTest)) out_stream = " >> stdout"; if (!TestBit(AliAnalysisGrid::kSubmit)) { ofstream out; out.open("validate.sh", ios::out); out << "#!/bin/bash" << endl; out << "##################################################" << endl; out << "validateout=`dirname $0`" << endl; out << "validatetime=`date`" << endl; out << "validated=\"0\";" << endl; out << "error=0" << endl; out << "if [ -z $validateout ]" << endl; out << "then" << endl; out << " validateout=\".\"" << endl; out << "fi" << endl << endl; out << "cd $validateout;" << endl; out << "validateworkdir=`pwd`;" << endl << endl; out << "echo \"*******************************************************\"" << out_stream << endl; out << "echo \"* Automatically generated validation script *\"" << out_stream << endl; out << "" << endl; out << "echo \"* Time: $validatetime \"" << out_stream << endl; out << "echo \"* Dir: $validateout\"" << out_stream << endl; out << "echo \"* Workdir: $validateworkdir\"" << out_stream << endl; out << "echo \"* ----------------------------------------------------*\"" << out_stream << endl; out << "ls -la ./" << out_stream << endl; out << "echo \"* ----------------------------------------------------*\"" << out_stream << endl << endl; out << "##################################################" << endl; out << "" << endl; out << "parArch=`grep -Ei \"Cannot Build the PAR Archive\" stderr`" << endl; out << "segViol=`grep -Ei \"Segmentation violation\" stderr`" << endl; out << "segFault=`grep -Ei \"Segmentation fault\" stderr`" << endl; out << "" << endl; out << "if [ ! -f stderr ] ; then" << endl; out << " error=1" << endl; out << " echo \"* ########## Job not validated - no stderr ###\" " << out_stream << endl; out << " echo \"Error = $error\" " << out_stream << endl; out << "fi" << endl; out << "if [ \"$parArch\" != \"\" ] ; then" << endl; out << " error=1" << endl; out << " echo \"* ########## Job not validated - PAR archive not built ###\" " << out_stream << endl; out << " echo \"$parArch\" " << out_stream << endl; out << " echo \"Error = $error\" " << out_stream << endl; out << "fi" << endl; out << "if [ \"$segViol\" != \"\" ] ; then" << endl; out << " error=1" << endl; out << " echo \"* ########## Job not validated - Segment. violation ###\" " << out_stream << endl; out << " echo \"$segViol\" " << out_stream << endl; out << " echo \"Error = $error\" " << out_stream << endl; out << "fi" << endl; out << "if [ \"$segFault\" != \"\" ] ; then" << endl; out << " error=1" << endl; out << " echo \"* ########## Job not validated - Segment. fault ###\" " << out_stream << endl; out << " echo \"$segFault\" " << out_stream << endl; out << " echo \"Error = $error\" " << out_stream << endl; out << "fi" << endl; // Part dedicated to the specific analyses running into the train TObjArray *arr = fOutputFiles.Tokenize(" "); TIter next1(arr); TString output_file; while ((os=(TObjString*)next1())) { output_file = os->GetString(); Int_t index = output_file.Index("@"); if (index > 0) output_file.Remove(index); out << "if ! [ -f " << output_file.Data() << " ] ; then" << endl; out << " error=1" << endl; out << " echo \"Output file(s) not found. Job FAILED !\"" << out_stream << endl; out << " echo \"Output file(s) not found. Job FAILED !\" >> stderr" << endl; out << "fi" << endl; } delete arr; out << "if [ $error = 0 ] ; then" << endl; out << " echo \"* ---------------- Job Validated ------------------*\"" << out_stream << endl; out << "fi" << endl; out << "echo \"* ----------------------------------------------------*\"" << out_stream << endl; out << "echo \"*******************************************************\"" << out_stream << endl; out << "cd -" << endl; out << "exit $error" << endl; } Bool_t copy = kTRUE; if (TestBit(AliAnalysisGrid::kOffline) || TestBit(AliAnalysisGrid::kTest)) copy = kFALSE; if (copy) { CdWork(); TString workdir = gGrid->GetHomeDirectory(); workdir += fGridWorkingDir; Info("CreateJDL", "\n##### Copying validation script to your AliEn working space"); if (FileExists("validate.sh")) gGrid->Rm("validate.sh"); TFile::Cp("file:validate.sh", Form("alien://%s/validate.sh", workdir.Data())); } }