// ---------------------------------------------------------------- // AliBackgroundSelection // // This class implements to cuts to reject background events from the // samples to be used in the physics analysis: // 1. A linear cut on the correlation cluster vs tracklets // 2. A cut on the delta phi window used by the vertexer Z // The parameters used in both cuts can be set // // The class also produces control histograms for all and accepted // events, for each trigger class present in the data independently. // Histograms are booked on the fly in the UserExec, whenever a new // trigger class is found. // // After the first implementation, it was realized that the deltaphi // cut is more a quality selection cut than an event selection cut, so // it is effectively disabled by default. // // Author: Michele Floris, CERN // ---------------------------------------------------------------- #include "AliBackgroundSelection.h" #include "TH2F.h" #include "TList.h" #include "TString.h" #include "AliESDInputHandlerRP.h" #include "AliAnalysisManager.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "AliMultiplicity.h" #ifdef PASS1RECO #include "AliITSRecPoint.h" #endif ClassImp(AliBackgroundSelection) AliBackgroundSelection::AliBackgroundSelection(): AliAnalysisCuts(), fOutputHist(0), fACut(0), fBCut(0), fDeltaPhiCut(10) { // ctor fOutputHist = new TList(); fOutputHist->SetOwner(); fACut = 65; fBCut = 4; fDeltaPhiCut = 10; // effectively disabling delta phi cut by default } AliBackgroundSelection::AliBackgroundSelection(const char* name, const char* title): AliAnalysisCuts(name,title), fOutputHist(0), fACut(0), fBCut(0), fDeltaPhiCut(10) { // ctor fOutputHist = new TList(); fOutputHist->SetOwner(); fACut = 65; fBCut = 4; fDeltaPhiCut = 10; // effectively disabling delta phi cut by default } AliBackgroundSelection::AliBackgroundSelection(const AliBackgroundSelection& obj) : AliAnalysisCuts(obj), fOutputHist(0), fACut(0), fBCut(0), fDeltaPhiCut(0) { // copy ctor fOutputHist = obj.fOutputHist; fACut = obj.fACut; fBCut = obj.fBCut; fDeltaPhiCut = obj.fDeltaPhiCut; } AliBackgroundSelection::~AliBackgroundSelection() { // dtor if(fOutputHist) { delete fOutputHist; fOutputHist = 0; } } Bool_t AliBackgroundSelection::IsSelected(TObject* const obj) { // returns false if the event is identifiead as beam background, // true otherwise. // reset fSelected SetSelected(kFALSE); #ifdef PASS1RECO // Get rec points AliESDInputHandlerRP* handlerRP = dynamic_cast (AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->GetInputEventHandler()); if (!handlerRP) AliFatal("Cannot get the AliESDInputHandlerRP"); TTree* itsClusterTree = handlerRP->GetTreeR("ITS"); if (!itsClusterTree){ AliError("Cannot get the ITS Cluster tree"); return kFALSE; } // AliFatal("Cannot get the ITS Cluster tree"); TClonesArray* itsClusters = new TClonesArray("AliITSRecPoint"); TBranch* itsClusterBranch=itsClusterTree->GetBranch("ITSRecPoints"); itsClusterBranch->SetAddress(&itsClusters); Int_t nItsSubs = (Int_t)itsClusterTree->GetEntries(); #endif AliESDEvent * esdEv = (AliESDEvent*) obj; #ifdef PASS1RECO Float_t deltaPhi = 0.0; // deltaPhi is not available in pass1 // Get # spd clusters and of tracklets Int_t spdClusters=0; // loop over the its subdetectors for (Int_t iIts=0; iIts < nItsSubs; iIts++) { if (!itsClusterTree->GetEvent(iIts)) continue; Int_t nClusters = itsClusters->GetEntriesFast(); // loop over clusters while (nClusters--) { AliITSRecPoint* cluster = (AliITSRecPoint*) itsClusters->UncheckedAt(nClusters); Int_t layer = cluster->GetLayer(); if (layer < 3) { // SPD spdClusters++; } } } #endif const AliMultiplicity* mult = esdEv->GetMultiplicity(); if (!mult){ AliFatal("No multiplicity object"); // TODO: Should this be fatal? } Int_t ntracklet = mult->GetNumberOfTracklets(); #ifndef PASS1RECO // get deltaphi if vertexer z Float_t deltaPhi = 0.0; // Get Vertex const AliESDVertex * vtxESD = esdEv->GetPrimaryVertexSPD(); if(vtxESD) { if (vtxESD->IsFromVertexerZ()) deltaPhi = vtxESD->GetDispersion(); // dispersion contains deltaphi in case of vertexer Z } else { AliWarning("No Vertex"); } // compute number of spd clusters Float_t spdClusters = 0; for(Int_t ilayer = 0; ilayer < 2; ilayer++){ spdClusters += mult->GetNumberOfITSClusters(ilayer); } #endif // Check cuts Bool_t isCvsTOk = kFALSE; Bool_t isDeltaPhiOk = kFALSE; Float_t limit = fACut + ntracklet * fBCut; if (spdClusters > limit) isCvsTOk = kFALSE; else isCvsTOk = kTRUE ; if(deltaPhi > fDeltaPhiCut) isDeltaPhiOk = kFALSE; else isDeltaPhiOk = kTRUE ; if (!isCvsTOk || !isDeltaPhiOk) SetSelected(kFALSE); else SetSelected(kTRUE ); // Fill control histos for all trigger classes TString trgClasses = esdEv->GetFiredTriggerClasses(); TObjArray * tokens = trgClasses.Tokenize(" "); TIter iter(tokens); while(TObjString * tok = (TObjString*) iter.Next()){ // clean up trigger name TString trg = tok->GetString(); trg.Strip(TString::kTrailing, ' '); trg.Strip(TString::kLeading, ' '); // cluster vs tracklets TH2F * hCvsT = GetClusterVsTrackletsHisto(trg.Data()); TH2F * hCvsTa = GetClusterVsTrackletsHistoAccepted(trg.Data()); hCvsT->Fill(ntracklet,spdClusters); if(isCvsTOk) hCvsTa->Fill(ntracklet,spdClusters); // Delta phi TH1F * hDeltaPhi = GetDeltaPhiHisto(trg.Data()); TH1F * hDeltaPhia = GetDeltaPhiHistoAccepted(trg.Data()); hDeltaPhi->Fill(deltaPhi); if(isDeltaPhiOk) hDeltaPhia->Fill(deltaPhi); } if(tokens) delete tokens; // return decision #ifdef PASS1RECO if(itsClusters) { itsClusters->Delete(); delete itsClusters; } #endif return Selected(); } void AliBackgroundSelection::Init(){ // Set default cut values fACut = 65; fBCut = 4; } void AliBackgroundSelection::BookClusterVsTrackletsHisto(const char * trigger_name){ // Book control histogram for the cut on the correlation cluster vs tracklets Bool_t oldStatus = TH1::AddDirectoryStatus(); TH1::AddDirectory(kFALSE); TH2F * h1 = new TH2F(GetClusterVsTrackletsHistoName(trigger_name),trigger_name, 300, -0.5, 2999.5, 1000, -0.5, 9999.5); h1->SetXTitle("Tracklets"); h1->SetYTitle("SPD Clusters"); AliInfo(Form("Creating histos: %s, all and accepted", GetClusterVsTrackletsHistoName(trigger_name))); TH2F * h2 = new TH2F(GetClusterVsTrackletsHistoNameAccepted(trigger_name),TString(trigger_name)+ "(accepted)", 300, -0.5, 2999.5, 1000, -0.5, 9999.5); h2->SetXTitle("Tracklets"); h2->SetYTitle("SPD Clusters"); fOutputHist->Add(h1); fOutputHist->Add(h2); TH1::AddDirectory(oldStatus); } void AliBackgroundSelection::BookDeltaPhiHisto(const char * trigger_name){ // Book control histogram for the cut on the DeltaPhi window used by vertexer Z Bool_t oldStatus = TH1::AddDirectoryStatus(); TH1::AddDirectory(kFALSE); TH1F * h1 = new TH1F(GetDeltaPhiHistoName(trigger_name),trigger_name, 100,0,0.5); h1->SetXTitle("#Delta #phi"); AliInfo(Form("Creating histos: %s, all and accepted", GetDeltaPhiHistoName(trigger_name))); TH1F * h2 = new TH1F(GetDeltaPhiHistoNameAccepted(trigger_name),TString(trigger_name)+ "(accepted)", 100,0,0.5); h2->SetXTitle("#Delta #phi"); fOutputHist->Add(h1); fOutputHist->Add(h2); TH1::AddDirectory(oldStatus); } TH2F * AliBackgroundSelection::GetClusterVsTrackletsHisto(const char * trigger_name){ // Returns the control histogram corresponding to a given trigger // class. If it does not exist, it creates it and adds it to the // output list // All Events if(!fOutputHist) {AliError("List of histos not initialized");return 0;} TH2F * h = (TH2F*) fOutputHist->FindObject(GetClusterVsTrackletsHistoName(trigger_name)); if(!h) { BookClusterVsTrackletsHisto(trigger_name); h = (TH2F*) fOutputHist->FindObject(GetClusterVsTrackletsHistoName(trigger_name)); } return h; } TH1F * AliBackgroundSelection::GetDeltaPhiHisto(const char * trigger_name){ // Returns the control histogram corresponding to a given trigger // class. If it does not exist, it creates it and adds it to the // output list // All Events if(!fOutputHist) {AliError("List of histos not initialized");return 0;} TH1F * h = (TH1F*) fOutputHist->FindObject(GetDeltaPhiHistoName(trigger_name)); if(!h) { BookDeltaPhiHisto(trigger_name); h = (TH1F*) fOutputHist->FindObject(GetDeltaPhiHistoName(trigger_name)); } return h; } TH2F * AliBackgroundSelection::GetClusterVsTrackletsHistoAccepted(const char * trigger_name){ // Returns the control histogram corresponding to a given trigger // class. If it does not exist, it creates it and adds it to the // output list // Events passing the cut only if(!fOutputHist) {AliError("List of histos not initialized");return 0;} TH2F * h = (TH2F*) fOutputHist->FindObject(GetClusterVsTrackletsHistoNameAccepted(trigger_name)); if(!h) { BookClusterVsTrackletsHisto(trigger_name); h = (TH2F*) fOutputHist->FindObject(GetClusterVsTrackletsHistoNameAccepted(trigger_name)); } return h; } TH1F * AliBackgroundSelection::GetDeltaPhiHistoAccepted(const char * trigger_name){ // Returns the control histogram corresponding to a given trigger // class. If it does not exist, it creates it and adds it to the // output list // Events passing the cut only if(!fOutputHist) {AliError("List of histos not initialized");return 0;} TH1F * h = (TH1F*) fOutputHist->FindObject(GetDeltaPhiHistoNameAccepted(trigger_name)); if(!h) { BookDeltaPhiHisto(trigger_name); h = (TH1F*) fOutputHist->FindObject(GetDeltaPhiHistoNameAccepted(trigger_name)); } return h; } const char * AliBackgroundSelection::GetClusterVsTrackletsHistoName(const char * trigger_name){ // build up the name of the cluster vs tracklets histo using the trigger class static TString str; str = ("hCvsT"); str = str+GetName()+"_"+trigger_name; return str.Data(); } const char * AliBackgroundSelection::GetClusterVsTrackletsHistoNameAccepted(const char * trigger_name){ // build up the name of the cluster vs tracklets histo using the trigger class (accepted events) static TString str; str = ("hCvsT"); str = str+GetName()+"_"+trigger_name + "_accepted"; return str.Data(); } const char * AliBackgroundSelection::GetDeltaPhiHistoName(const char * trigger_name){ // build up the name of the delta phi histo using the trigger class static TString str; str = ("hDeltaPhi"); str = str+GetName()+"_"+trigger_name; return str.Data(); } const char * AliBackgroundSelection::GetDeltaPhiHistoNameAccepted(const char * trigger_name){ // build up the name of the delta phi histo using the trigger class (accepted events) static TString str; str = ("hDeltaPhi"); str = str+GetName()+"_"+trigger_name + "_accepted"; return str.Data(); } Long64_t AliBackgroundSelection::Merge(TCollection* const list) { // Merge a list of AliBackgroundSelection objects with this (needed for // PROOF). // Returns the number of merged objects (including this). // We have to make sure that all the list contain the same histos in // the same order. We thus also have to sort the list (sorting is // done by name in TList). //AliInfo("Merging"); if (!list) return 0; if (list->IsEmpty()) return 1; TIterator* iter = list->MakeIterator(); TObject* obj; // collections of all histograms const Int_t nHists = 1; TList collections[nHists]; Int_t count = 0; // 1. Sort this list fOutputHist->Sort(); while ((obj = iter->Next())) { Bool_t foundDiffinThisIterStep = kFALSE; // Printf("%d - %s",count, obj->GetName()); AliBackgroundSelection* entry = dynamic_cast (obj); if (entry == 0) continue; TList * hlist = entry->fOutputHist; // Check if all histos in this fOutputHist are also in the one from entry and viceversa // Use getters to automatically book non defined histos Bool_t areListsDifferent=kTRUE; Int_t iloop = 0; Int_t maxLoops = hlist->GetSize() + fOutputHist->GetSize(); // In the worst case all of the histos will be different... while(areListsDifferent) { if(iloop>maxLoops) AliFatal("Infinite Loop?"); iloop++; // sort hlist->Sort(); fOutputHist->Sort(); // loop over the largest // loop over the largest TObject * hist =0; TIterator * iterlist = 0; TList * thislist = 0; // the list over which I'm iterating (i.e. the largest) TList * otherlist = 0; // the other list if (hlist->GetSize() >= fOutputHist->GetSize()) { thislist = hlist; otherlist = fOutputHist; } else{ thislist = fOutputHist; otherlist = hlist; } iterlist = thislist->MakeIterator(); while ((hist= iterlist->Next())){ if(!otherlist->FindObject(hist->GetName())){ //AliInfo(Form("Adding object %s",hist->GetName())); foundDiffinThisIterStep = kTRUE; TH1 * hclone = (TH1*) hist->Clone(); hclone->Reset(); otherlist->Add(hclone); } } delete iterlist; // re-sort before checking hlist->Sort(); fOutputHist->Sort(); // check if everything is fine areListsDifferent=kFALSE; if (hlist->GetSize() == fOutputHist->GetSize()) { Int_t nhist = fOutputHist->GetSize(); for(Int_t ihist = 0; ihist < nhist; ihist++){ if(strcmp(fOutputHist->At(ihist)->GetName(),hlist->At(ihist)->GetName())) areListsDifferent = kTRUE; } } else { areListsDifferent=kTRUE; } } // last check: if something is not ok die loudly if (hlist->GetSize() != fOutputHist->GetSize()) { AliFatal("Mismatching size!"); } Int_t nhist = fOutputHist->GetSize(); for(Int_t ihist = 0; ihist < nhist; ihist++){ if(strcmp(fOutputHist->At(ihist)->GetName(),hlist->At(ihist)->GetName())){ AliFatal(Form("Mismatching histos: %s -> %s", fOutputHist->At(ihist)->GetName(),hlist->At(ihist)->GetName())); } } if (foundDiffinThisIterStep){ iter->Reset(); // We found a difference: previous lists could // also be affected... We start from scratch Int_t n = 0; collections[n++].Clear(); count = 0; } else { // AliInfo("hlist"); // hlist->Print(); // AliInfo("fOutputHist"); // fOutputHist->Print(); Int_t n = 0; collections[n++].Add(hlist); count++; } } Int_t n = 0; fOutputHist->Merge(&collections[n++]); delete iter; return count+1; }