#include "AliMuonAnalysis.h" //________________________________ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // class AliMuonAnalysis // // MUON Analysis // // // // finck@subatech.in2p3.fr // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*********************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "TFile.h" #include "TH1.h" #include "TH2.h" ClassImp(AliMuonAnalysis) AliMuonAnalysis::AliMuonAnalysis(): fPartCut(0x0) { //ctor } /*********************************************************/ AliMuonAnalysis::~AliMuonAnalysis() { //dtor delete fPartCut; delete fHistoFile; delete fHPtMuon; delete fHPtMuonPlus; delete fHPtMuonMinus; delete fHPMuon; delete fHInvMassAll; delete fHRapMuon; delete fHRapResonance; delete fHPtResonance; delete fHInvMassAll_vs_Pt; } /*********************************************************/ Int_t AliMuonAnalysis::Init() { //Initilizes anaysis Info("Init","Histo initialized for MUON Analysis"); fHistoFile = new TFile("MUONmassPlot.root", "RECREATE"); fHPtMuon = new TH1F("hPtMuon", "Muon Pt (GeV/c)", 100, 0., 20.); fHPMuon = new TH1F("hPMuon", "Muon P (GeV/c)", 100, 0., 200.); fHPtMuonPlus = new TH1F("hPtMuonPlus", "Muon+ Pt (GeV/c)", 100, 0., 20.); fHPtMuonMinus = new TH1F("hPtMuonMinus", "Muon- Pt (GeV/c)", 100, 0., 20.); fHInvMassAll = new TH1F("hInvMassAll", "Mu+Mu- invariant mass (GeV/c2)", 480, 0., 12.); fHRapMuon = new TH1F("hRapMuon"," Muon Rapidity",50,-4.5,-2); fHRapResonance = new TH1F("hRapResonance"," Resonance Rapidity",50,-4.5,-2); fHPtResonance = new TH1F("hPtResonance", "Resonance Pt (GeV/c)", 100, 0., 20.); fHInvMassAll_vs_Pt = new TH2F("hInvMassAll_vs_Pt","hInvMassAll_vs_Pt",480,0.,12.,80,0.,20.); return 0; } /*********************************************************/ Int_t AliMuonAnalysis::ProcessEvent(AliAOD* aodrec, AliAOD* aodsim) { if (aodrec) { GetInvMass(aodrec); // Info("ProcessEvent","Inv Mass Rec"); } if (aodsim) { // Info("ProcessEvent","aodsim not implemented"); } return 0; } /*********************************************************/ Int_t AliMuonAnalysis::Finish() { //Finish analysis and writes results Info("Finish","Histo writing for MUON Analysis"); fHistoFile->Write(); fHistoFile->Close(); return 0; } /*********************************************************/ void AliMuonAnalysis::GetInvMass(AliAOD* aod) { TLorentzVector lorV1, lorV2, lorVtot; Float_t massMin = 9.17; Float_t massMax = 9.77; Int_t charge1, charge2; //returns flow parameters: v2 and event plane if (aod == 0x0) { Error("AliMuonAnalysis::GetInvMass","Pointer to AOD is NULL"); return; } Int_t nPart = aod->GetNumberOfParticles(); for (Int_t iPart1 = 0; iPart1 < nPart; iPart1++) { AliAODParticle* aodPart1 = (AliAODParticle*)aod->GetParticle(iPart1); if (aodPart1 == 0x0) { Error("AliMuonAnalysis::GetInvMass","Cannot get particle %d", iPart1); continue; } lorV1.SetPxPyPzE(aodPart1->Px(), aodPart1->Py(), aodPart1->Pz(), aodPart1->E()); fHPtMuon->Fill(lorV1.Pt()); fHPMuon->Fill(lorV1.P()); charge1 = TMath::Sign(1,aodPart1->GetPdgCode()); if (charge1 > 0) { fHPtMuonPlus->Fill(lorV1.Pt()); } else { fHPtMuonMinus->Fill(lorV1.Pt()); } fHRapMuon->Fill(lorV1.Rapidity()); for (Int_t iPart2 = iPart1 + 1; iPart2 < nPart; iPart2++) { AliAODParticle* aodPart2 = (AliAODParticle*)aod->GetParticle(iPart2); lorV2.SetPxPyPzE(aodPart2->Px(), aodPart2->Py(), aodPart2->Pz(), aodPart2->E()); charge2 = TMath::Sign(1,aodPart2->GetPdgCode()); if ((charge1 * charge2) == -1) { lorVtot = lorV1; lorVtot += lorV2; Float_t invMass = lorVtot.M(); fHInvMassAll->Fill(invMass); fHInvMassAll_vs_Pt->Fill(invMass,lorVtot.Pt()); if (invMass > massMin && invMass < massMax) { fHRapResonance->Fill(lorVtot.Rapidity()); fHPtResonance->Fill(lorVtot.Pt()); } } } } }