#include "AliReaderAOD.h" //______________________________________________________________________________ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // class AliReaderAOD // // // // Reader and Writer for AOD format. // // AODs are stored in a tree named by the variable fgkTreeName. // // There is stored 1 or 2 branches. Each of them stores AOD objects // // First branch is named by the variable fgkReconstructedDataBranchName // // ("reconstructed.") and keeps reconstructed data. // // Second branch is called by the variable fgkSimulatedDataBranchName // // ("simulated.") and stores Monte carlo truth. If both branches are present // // AODs are parallel, i.e. nth particle in one branch corresponds to the nth // // particle in the other one. // // // // Since we accept different formats of particles that are stored in AODs // // reader must take care of that fact: clean buffer if the next file contains // // different particle type. // // // // Piotr.Skowronski@cern.ch // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ClassImp(AliReaderAOD) #include #include #include #include #include "AliAOD.h" const TString AliReaderAOD::fgkTreeName("TAOD"); const TString AliReaderAOD::fgkReconstructedDataBranchName("reconstructed."); const TString AliReaderAOD::fgkSimulatedDataBranchName("simulated."); AliReaderAOD::AliReaderAOD(const Char_t* aodfilename): fFileName(aodfilename), fReadSim(kFALSE), fReadRec(kTRUE), fTree(0x0), fFile(0x0), fSimBuffer(0x0), fRecBuffer(0x0) { //ctor } /********************************************************************/ AliReaderAOD::~AliReaderAOD() { //dtor if (fEventSim == fSimBuffer ) { fEventSim = 0x0; fEventRec = 0x0; } delete fSimBuffer; delete fRecBuffer; delete fTree; delete fFile; } /********************************************************************/ void AliReaderAOD::Rewind() { //Rewinds reading delete fTree; fTree = 0x0; delete fFile; fFile = 0x0; fCurrentDir = 0; fNEventsRead= 0; } /********************************************************************/ Int_t AliReaderAOD::ReadNext() { //Reads next event Info("ReadNext","Entered"); do //do{}while; is OK even if 0 dirs specified. In that case we try to read from "./" { if (fFile == 0x0) { Int_t openfailed = OpenFile(fCurrentDir);//rl is opened here if (openfailed) { //Error("ReadNext","Error Occured while opening directory number %d",fCurrentDir); fCurrentDir++; continue; } fCurrentEvent = 0; } //Tree must exist because OpenFile would reuturn error in the other case if ( fCurrentEvent >= fTree->GetEntries() ) { delete fTree; fTree = 0x0; delete fFile; fFile = 0x0; fSimBuffer = 0x0; fRecBuffer = 0x0; fCurrentDir++; continue; } Info("ReadNext","Getting event %d",fCurrentEvent); fTree->GetEvent(fCurrentEvent); Info("ReadNext","Getting event %d Done",fCurrentEvent); Int_t retval = 0; if (fReadRec && fReadSim) { retval = ReadRecAndSim(); } else { if (fReadRec) retval = ReadRec(); if (fReadSim) retval = ReadSim(); } fCurrentEvent++; if (retval == 0) fNEventsRead++; return retval;//success -> read one event }while(fCurrentDir < GetNumberOfDirs());//end of loop over directories specified in fDirs Obj Array return 1; //no more directories to read } /********************************************************************/ Int_t AliReaderAOD::ReadRecAndSim() { //Reads raconstructed and simulated data Info("ReadRecAndSim","Found %d reconstructed tracks and %d simulated particles", fRecBuffer->GetNumberOfParticles(),fSimBuffer->GetNumberOfParticles()); if (fCuts->GetEntriesFast() == 0x0) {//if there is no cuts we return pointer to the buffer if (fEventRec != fRecBuffer) { delete fEventRec; delete fEventSim; } fEventRec = fRecBuffer;//fEventRec is the pointer that the user gets when he asks about an event fEventSim = fSimBuffer; } else {//if there are cuts specified if ( (fEventRec == 0x0) || (fEventRec == fRecBuffer) ) {//we need to create a new event, if it is not existing or it is the same as branch buffer fEventRec = new AliAOD(); fEventSim = new AliAOD(); fEventRec->SetParticleClass( fRecBuffer->GetParticleClass() ); fEventSim->SetParticleClass( fSimBuffer->GetParticleClass() ); } else {//or simply reset it in case it already exists fEventRec->Reset(); fEventSim->Reset(); } Int_t npart = fRecBuffer->GetNumberOfParticles(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < npart; i++) { AliVAODParticle* prec = fRecBuffer->GetParticle(i); if (Rejected(prec)) continue;//we make cuts only on simulated data fEventRec->AddParticle(prec); fEventSim->AddParticle( fSimBuffer->GetParticle(i)); } } Info("ReadRecAndSim","Read %d reconstructed tracks and %d simulated particles", fEventRec->GetNumberOfParticles(),fEventSim->GetNumberOfParticles()); fTrackCounter->Fill(fEventRec->GetNumberOfParticles()); return 0; } /********************************************************************/ Int_t AliReaderAOD::ReadRec() { //Reads reconstructed data only Info("ReadRec","Found %d reconstructed tracks",fRecBuffer->GetNumberOfParticles()); if (fCuts->GetEntriesFast() == 0x0) {//if there is no cuts we return pointer to the buffer if (fEventRec != fRecBuffer) { delete fEventRec; } fEventRec = fRecBuffer;//fEventRec is the pointer that the user gets when he asks about an event } else {//if there are cuts specified if ( (fEventRec == 0x0) || (fEventRec == fRecBuffer) ) {//we need to create a new event, if it is not existing or it is the same as branch buffer fEventRec = new AliAOD(); fEventRec->SetParticleClass( fRecBuffer->GetParticleClass() ); } else {//or simply reset it in case it already exists fEventRec->Reset(); } Int_t npart = fRecBuffer->GetNumberOfParticles(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < npart; i++) { AliVAODParticle* prec = fRecBuffer->GetParticle(i); if (Rejected(prec)) continue;//we make cuts only on simulated data fEventRec->AddParticle(prec); } } Info("ReadRec","Read %d reconstructed tracks",fEventRec->GetNumberOfParticles()); fTrackCounter->Fill(fEventRec->GetNumberOfParticles()); return 0; } /********************************************************************/ Int_t AliReaderAOD::ReadSim() { //Reads simulated data only Info("ReadSim","Found %d simulated particles",fSimBuffer->GetNumberOfParticles()); if (fCuts->GetEntriesFast() == 0x0) {//if there is no cuts we return pointer to the buffer if (fEventSim != fSimBuffer) { delete fEventSim; } fEventSim = fSimBuffer; } else {//if there are cuts specified if ( (fEventSim == 0x0) || (fEventSim == fSimBuffer) ) {//we need to create a new event, if it is not existing or it is the same as branch buffer fEventSim = new AliAOD(); fEventSim->SetParticleClass( fSimBuffer->GetParticleClass() ); } else {//or simply reset it in case it already exists fEventSim->Reset(); } Int_t npart = fSimBuffer->GetNumberOfParticles(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < npart; i++) { AliVAODParticle* prec = fSimBuffer->GetParticle(i); if (Rejected(prec)) continue;//we make cuts only on simulated data fEventSim->AddParticle(prec); } } Info("ReadSim","Read %d simulated particles",fEventSim->GetNumberOfParticles()); fTrackCounter->Fill(fEventSim->GetNumberOfParticles()); return 0; } /********************************************************************/ Int_t AliReaderAOD::OpenFile(Int_t n) { //opens fFile with tree // Info("ReadNext","Opening File %d",n); const TString dirname = GetDirName(n); if (dirname == "") { if (AliVAODParticle::GetDebug() > 2 ) { Info("OpenFile","Got empty string as a directory name."); } return 1; } TString filename = dirname +"/"+ fFileName; fFile = TFile::Open(filename.Data()); if ( fFile == 0x0) { Error("OpenFile","Can't open fFile %s",filename.Data()); return 2; } if (!fFile->IsOpen()) { Error("OpenFile","Can't open fFile %s",filename.Data()); delete fFile; fFile = 0x0; return 3; } Info("ReadNext","File %s Is Opened, Getting the TREE",filename.Data()); fTree = dynamic_cast(fFile->Get(fgkTreeName)); if (fTree == 0x0) { if (AliVAODParticle::GetDebug() > 2 ) { Info("ReadNext","Can not find TTree object named %s",fgkTreeName.Data()); } delete fFile; fFile = 0x0; return 4; } // Info("ReadNext","Got TREE, Setting branch addresses"); if (fReadRec) { TBranch* branch = fTree->GetBranch(fgkReconstructedDataBranchName); if (branch == 0x0) { Error("OpenFile","Can not find branch %s in file %s", fgkReconstructedDataBranchName.Data(),filename.Data()); delete fTree; fTree = 0x0; delete fFile; fFile = 0x0; return 5; } fTree->SetBranchAddress(fgkReconstructedDataBranchName,&fRecBuffer); } if (fReadSim) { TBranch* branch = fTree->GetBranch(fgkSimulatedDataBranchName); if (branch == 0x0) { Error("OpenFile","Can not find branch %s in file %s", fgkSimulatedDataBranchName.Data(),filename.Data()); delete fTree; fTree = 0x0; delete fFile; fFile = 0x0; return 6; } fTree->SetBranchAddress(fgkSimulatedDataBranchName,&fSimBuffer); } // Info("ReadNext","Got TREE, Addresses are set."); // Info("ReadNext","Quitting the method."); return 0; } /********************************************************************/ Int_t AliReaderAOD::WriteAOD(AliReader* reader, const char* outfilename, const char* pclassname, Bool_t /*multcheck*/) { //reads tracks from runs and writes them to file ::Info("AliReaderAOD::Write","________________________________________________________"); ::Info("AliReaderAOD::Write","________________________________________________________"); ::Info("AliReaderAOD::Write","________________________________________________________"); if (reader == 0x0) { ::Error("AliReaderAOD::Write","Input Reader is NULL"); return -1; } TFile *outfile = TFile::Open(outfilename,"recreate"); if (outfile == 0x0) { ::Error("AliReaderAOD::Write","Can not open output file %s",outfilename); return -1; } TTree *tree = new TTree(fgkTreeName,"Tree with tracks"); TBranch *recbranch = 0x0, *simbranch = 0x0; AliAOD* eventrec = new AliAOD();//must be created before Branch is called. Otherwise clones array is not splitted AliAOD* eventsim = new AliAOD();//AOD together with fParticles clones array knowing exact type of particles eventrec->SetParticleClassName(pclassname); eventsim->SetParticleClassName(pclassname); AliAOD* recbuffer = eventrec; AliAOD* simbuffer = eventsim; if (reader->ReadsRec()) recbranch = tree->Branch(fgkReconstructedDataBranchName,"AliAOD",&recbuffer,32000,99); if (reader->ReadsSim()) simbranch = tree->Branch(fgkSimulatedDataBranchName,"AliAOD",&simbuffer,32000,99); reader->Rewind(); while (reader->Next() == kFALSE) { if (reader->ReadsRec()) {//here we can get AOD that has different particle type AliAOD* event = reader->GetEventRec(); if ( eventrec->GetParticleClass() != event->GetParticleClass() ) {//if class type is not what what we whant we copy particles eventrec->CopyData(event); recbuffer = eventrec; } else {//else just pointer to event from input reader is passed recbuffer = event; } } if (reader->ReadsSim()) { AliAOD* event = reader->GetEventSim(); if ( eventsim->GetParticleClass() != event->GetParticleClass() ) {//if class type is not what what we whant we copy particles eventsim->CopyData(event); simbuffer = eventrec; } else {//else just pointer to event from input reader is passed simbuffer = event; } } tree->Fill(); } ::Info("AliReaderAOD::Write","Written %d events",tree->GetEntries()); outfile->cd(); tree->Write(); delete eventsim; delete eventrec; delete tree; delete outfile; return 0; }