// // Class AliMixEventInputHandler // // Mixing input handler prepare N events before UserExec // TODO example // author: // Martin Vala (martin.vala@cern.ch) // #ifndef ALIMIXINPUTEVENTHANDLER_H #define ALIMIXINPUTEVENTHANDLER_H #include #include #include "AliMultiInputEventHandler.h" class TChain; class AliMixEventPool; class AliMixInputHandlerInfo; class AliInputEventHandler; class AliMixInputEventHandler : public AliMultiInputEventHandler { public: AliMixInputEventHandler(const Int_t size = 1, const Int_t mixNum = 1); // From the interface virtual Bool_t Init(Option_t *opt) { return AliMultiInputEventHandler::Init(opt); } virtual Bool_t Init(TTree *tree, Option_t *opt); virtual Bool_t Notify(); virtual Bool_t Notify(const char *path); virtual Bool_t BeginEvent(Long64_t entry); virtual Bool_t GetEntry(); virtual Bool_t FinishEvent(); // removing default impementation virtual void AddInputEventHandler(AliVEventHandler */*inHandler*/); void SetInputHandlerForMixing(const AliInputEventHandler *const inHandler); void SetEventPool(AliMixEventPool *const evPool) { fEventPool = evPool; } AliInputEventHandler *InputEventHandler(const Int_t index); AliMixEventPool *GetEventPool() const { return fEventPool; } Int_t BufferSize() const { return fBufferSize; } Int_t NumberMixedTimes() const { return fNumberMixed; } Int_t MixNumber() const { return fMixNumber; } Long64_t EntryAll() const { return fEntryCounter; } void UseDefaultProcess(Bool_t b = kTRUE) { fUseDefautProcess = b; } void UsePreMixEvents(Bool_t b = kTRUE) { fUsePreMixEvents = b; } void SetMixNumber(const Int_t mixNum); void SetCurrentBinIndex(Int_t const index) { fCurrentBinIndex = index; } void SetCurrentEntry(Long64_t const entry) { fCurrentEntry = entry ; } void SetCurrentEntryMain(Long64_t const entry) { fCurrentEntryMain = entry ; } void SetCurrentEntryMix(Long64_t const entry) { fCurrentEntryMix = entry ; } void SetNumberMixed(Int_t const index) { fNumberMixed = index; } Int_t CurrentBinIndex() const { return fCurrentBinIndex; } Long64_t CurrentEntry() const { return fCurrentEntry; } Long64_t CurrentEntryMain() const { return fCurrentEntryMain; } Long64_t CurrentEntryMix() const { return fCurrentEntryMix; } Int_t NumberMixed() const { return fNumberMixed; } protected: TObjArray fMixTrees; // buffer of input handlers TArrayI fTreeMap; // tree map AliMixInputHandlerInfo *fMixIntupHandlerInfoTmp;//! mix input handler info full chain Long64_t fEntryCounter; // entry counter AliMixEventPool *fEventPool; // event pool Int_t fNumberMixed; // number of mixed events with current event Int_t fMixNumber; // user's mix number request private: Bool_t fUseDefautProcess; // use default process Bool_t fUsePreMixEvents; // use pre mixing events // mixing info Long64_t fCurrentEntry; //! current entry number (adds 1 for every event processed on each worker) Long64_t fCurrentEntryMain; //! current entry in chain of processed files Long64_t fCurrentEntryMix; //! current mixed entry in chain of processed files Int_t fCurrentBinIndex; //! current bin index virtual Bool_t MixStd(); virtual Bool_t MixBuffer(); virtual Bool_t MixEventsMoreTimesWithOneEvent(); virtual Bool_t MixEventsMoreTimesWithBuffer(); void UserExecMixAllTasks(Long64_t entryCounter, Int_t idEntryList, Long64_t entryMainReal, Long64_t entryMixReal, Int_t numMixed); AliMixInputEventHandler(const AliMixInputEventHandler& handler); AliMixInputEventHandler &operator=(const AliMixInputEventHandler &handler); ClassDef(AliMixInputEventHandler, 1) }; #endif