AliAnalysisTask *AddTaskTender(Bool_t useV0=kFALSE, Bool_t useTPC=kTRUE, Bool_t useTOF=kTRUE, Bool_t useTRD=kTRUE, Bool_t usePID=kTRUE, Bool_t useVTX=kTRUE, Bool_t useT0=kTRUE, Bool_t useEmc=kFALSE, Bool_t usePtFix=kFALSE) { if (!(useV0 | useTPC | useTOF | useTRD | usePID | useVTX | | useT0 | useEmc | usePtFix)) { ::Error("AddTaskTender", "No supply added to tender, so tender not created"); return 0; } //get the current analysis manager Bool_t checkEvtSelection = useV0; AliAnalysisManager *mgr = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager(); if (!mgr) { ::Error("AddTaskTender", "No analysis manager found."); return 0; } // currently don't accept AOD input if (!mgr->GetInputEventHandler()->InheritsFrom(AliESDInputHandler::Class())) { ::Error("AddTask_tender_Tender","The analysis tender only works with ESD input!"); return 0; } //========= Add tender to the ANALYSIS manager and set default storage ===== AliTender *tender=new AliTender("AnalysisTender"); tender->SetCheckEventSelection(checkEvtSelection); tender->SetDefaultCDBStorage("raw://"); mgr->AddTask(tender); //check that that tender is the first task after the pid response TString firstName(mgr->GetTasks()->First()->GetName()); Bool_t isSecond=(mgr->GetTasks()->At(1) == (TObject*)tender); if (! (firstName=="PIDResponseTask" && isSecond )){ Fatal("AddTaskTender","When using the tender the first task needs to be the PIDResponse and the tender the second task!!!"); return NULL; } //========= Attach VZERO supply ====== if (useV0) { AliVZEROTenderSupply *vzeroSupply=new AliVZEROTenderSupply("VZEROtender"); vzeroSupply->SetDebug(kFALSE); tender->AddSupply(vzeroSupply); } //========= Attach TPC supply ====== if (useTPC) { AliTPCTenderSupply *tpcSupply=new AliTPCTenderSupply("TPCtender"); tpcSupply->SetDebugLevel(2); //tpcSupply->SetMip(50.); tender->AddSupply(tpcSupply); } //========= Attach track 1/pt correction supply ====== if (usePtFix) { AliTrackFixTenderSupply *trfixSupply=new AliTrackFixTenderSupply("PTInvFix"); //trfixSupply->SetDebugLevel(2); tender->AddSupply(trfixSupply); } //========= Attach T0 supply ====== if (useT0) { AliT0TenderSupply *t0Tender = new AliT0TenderSupply("T0tender"); t0Tender ->SetPass4LHC11aCorrection(kTRUE); tender->AddSupply(t0Tender); } //========= Attach TOF supply ====== if (useTOF) { AliTOFTenderSupply *tofTender = new AliTOFTenderSupply("TOFtender"); tender->AddSupply(tofTender); } //========= Attach TRD supply ====== if (useTRD) { AliTRDTenderSupply *trdSupply=new AliTRDTenderSupply("TRDtender"); trdSupply->SetLoadDeadChambersFromCDB(); // Mask Bad chambers trdSupply->SetPIDmethod(AliTRDTenderSupply::k1DLQpid); trdSupply->SwitchOffGainCorrection(); // Correction only on pass 1 trdSupply->SetNormalizationFactor(0.12697,114737,130850); // 1 otherwise tender->AddSupply(trdSupply); } //========= Attach Primary Vertex supply ====== if (useVTX) { tender->AddSupply(new AliVtxTenderSupply("PriVtxtender")); } //========= Attach EMCAL supply ====== if (useEmc) { AliEMCALTenderSupply *emcSupply = new AliEMCALTenderSupply("EmcTender"); emcSupply->SetDefaults(); tender->AddSupply(emcSupply); } //========= Attach PID supply ====== if (usePID) { AliPIDTenderSupply *pidSupply=new AliPIDTenderSupply("PIDtender"); tender->AddSupply(pidSupply); } //================================================ // data containers //================================================ // define output containers, please use 'username'_'somename' AliAnalysisDataContainer *coutput1 = mgr->CreateContainer("tender_event", AliESDEvent::Class(), AliAnalysisManager::kExchangeContainer,"default_tender"); // connect containers mgr->ConnectInput (tender, 0, mgr->GetCommonInputContainer() ); mgr->ConnectOutput (tender, 1, coutput1); return tender; }