#ifndef ALIEMCALTENDERSUPPLY_H #define ALIEMCALTENDERSUPPLY_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // EMCAL tender, apply corrections to EMCAl clusters // // and do track matching // // Author : Deepa Thomas (Utrecht University) // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Jens Wiechula //make data members which are initialised locally non streamable. #include class TTree; class TClonesArray; class AliVCluster; class AliEMCALRecoUtils; class AliEMCALGeometry; class TGeoHMatrix; class TTree; class TFile; class TString; class AliEMCALClusterizer; class AliEMCALRecParam; class AliEMCALAfterBurnerUF; class AliEMCALTenderSupply: public AliTenderSupply { public: AliEMCALTenderSupply(); AliEMCALTenderSupply(const char *name, const AliTender *tender=NULL); virtual ~AliEMCALTenderSupply(); enum NonlinearityFunctions{kPi0MC=0,kPi0GammaGamma=1,kPi0GammaConversion=2,kNoCorrection=3,kBeamTest=4,kBeamTestCorrected=5}; virtual void Init(); virtual void ProcessEvent(); void SetEMCALGeometryName(TString name) { fEMCALGeoName = name ;} TString EMCALGeometryName() const { return fEMCALGeoName ;} void SetDebugLevel(Int_t level) {fDebugLevel=level ;} void SetBasePath(const Char_t *basePath) { fBasePath = basePath; } // mfasel: add function to set a path where to find the root files void SetConfigFileName(TString name) { fConfigName = name;} void SetNonLinearityFunction(Int_t fun) { fNonLinearFunc = fun ;} Int_t GetNonLinearityFunction() const { return fNonLinearFunc ;} void SetNonLinearityThreshold(Int_t threshold) { fNonLinearThreshold = threshold ;} //only for Alexei's non linearity correction Int_t GetNonLinearityThreshold() const { return fNonLinearThreshold ;} void SwitchOnReCalibrateCluster() { fReCalibCluster = kTRUE ;} void SwitchOffReCalibrateCluster() { fReCalibCluster = kFALSE ;} void SwitchOnReCalibrateCell() { fReCalibCell = kTRUE ;} void SwitchOffReCalibrateCell() { fReCalibCell = kFALSE ;} void SwitchOnRecalculateClusPos() { fRecalClusPos = kTRUE ;} void SwitchOffRecalculateClusPos() { fRecalClusPos = kFALSE ;} void SwitchOnCellFiducialRegion() { fFiducial = kTRUE ;} void SwitchOffCellFiducialRegion() { fFiducial = kFALSE ;} void SetNumberOfcellsFromEMCALBorder(Int_t n) { fNCellsFromEMCALBorder = n ;} Int_t GetNumberOfcellsFromEMCALBorder() const { return fNCellsFromEMCALBorder ;} void SwitchOnRecalDistBadChannel() { fRecalDistToBadChannels = kTRUE ;} void SwitchOffRecalDistBadChannel() { fRecalDistToBadChannels = kFALSE ;} Float_t GetRCut() const { return fRcut ;} void SetRCut(Float_t Rcut) { fRcut = Rcut ;} Double_t GetMass() const { return fMass ;} void SetMass(Double_t mass){ fMass=mass ;} Double_t GetStep() const { return fStep ;} void SetStep(Double_t step){ fStep=step ;} void SwitchOnReclustering() {fReClusterize = kTRUE;} void SwitchOffReclustering() {fReClusterize = kFALSE;} void SwitchOnLoadOwnGeometryMatrices() { fLoadGeomMatrices = kTRUE ; } void SwitchOffLoadOwnGeometryMatrices() { fLoadGeomMatrices = kFALSE ; } void SetGeometryMatrixInSM(TGeoHMatrix* m, Int_t i) { fGeomMatrix[i] = m ; } AliEMCALRecParam *GetRecParam() const { return fRecParam; } AliEMCALRecoUtils *GetRecoUtils() const { return fEMCALRecoUtils; } void SetOCDBPath(const char *path) { fOCDBpath = path ; } private: Bool_t InitBadChannels(); Bool_t InitRecalib(); Bool_t InitMisalignMatrix(); void SetClusterMatchedToTrack(AliESDEvent *event); void SetTracksMatchedToCluster(AliESDEvent *event); void RecalibrateCells(); //Recalibrate cells void InitClusterization(); void FillDigitsArray(); void Clusterize(); void UpdateClusters(); void RecPoints2Clusters(TClonesArray *clus); AliEMCALGeometry *fEMCALGeo; //! EMCAL geometry TString fEMCALGeoName; // Name of geometry to use. AliEMCALRecoUtils *fEMCALRecoUtils; //! Pointer to EMCAL utilities for clusterization TString fConfigName; // Name of analysis configuration file Int_t fDebugLevel; // debug level Int_t fNonLinearFunc; // Non linearity function Int_t fNonLinearThreshold; // Non linearity threshold value for kBeamTesh non linearity function Bool_t fReCalibCluster; // switch for Recalibrate clusters Bool_t fReCalibCell; // switch for Recalibrate cell TGeoHMatrix *fEMCALMatrix[10]; //! Geometry matrices with misalignments Bool_t fRecalClusPos; // switch for applying missalignment Bool_t fFiducial; // switch for checking cells in the fiducial region Int_t fNCellsFromEMCALBorder; // number os cells from EMCAL border Bool_t fRecalDistToBadChannels; // switch for recalculation cluster position from bad channel TTree *fInputTree; //! input data tree TFile *fInputFile; //! input data file TString fFilepass; // input data pass number Double_t fMass; // mass for track matching Double_t fStep; // step size during track matching Float_t fRcut; // residual cut for track matching TString fBasePath; // mfasel: Base Folder path to get root files Bool_t fReClusterize; // switch for reclustering AliEMCALClusterizer *fClusterizer; //!clusterizer Bool_t fGeomMatrixSet; // set geometry matrices only once, for the first event. TGeoHMatrix *fGeomMatrix[10]; //! geometry matrices with alignments Bool_t fLoadGeomMatrices; // Matrices set from configuration, not get from geometry.root or from ESDs/AODs AliEMCALRecParam *fRecParam; //! reconstruction parameters container TString fOCDBpath; // Path with OCDB location AliEMCALAfterBurnerUF *fUnfolder; //! Unfolding procedure TClonesArray *fDigitsArr; //-> Digits array TObjArray *fClusterArr; //-> Recpoints array AliEMCALTenderSupply(const AliEMCALTenderSupply&c); AliEMCALTenderSupply& operator= (const AliEMCALTenderSupply&c); ClassDef(AliEMCALTenderSupply, 3); // TPC tender task }; #endif