/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id: AliTOFT0v2.cxx,v 1.8 2010/01/19 16:32:20 noferini Exp $ */ //_________________________________________________________________________ // This is a TTask that made the calculation of the Time zero using TOF. // Description: The algorithm used to calculate the time zero of interaction // using TOF detector is the following. // We select in the ESD some "primary" particles - or tracks in the following - // that strike the TOF detector (the larger part are pions, kaons or protons). // We choose a set of 10 selected tracks, for each track You have the length // of the track when the TOF is reached, // the momentum and the time of flight // given by the TOF detector. // Let consider now only one set of 10 tracks (the algorithm is the same for all sets). // Assuming the (mass) hypothesis that each track can be AUT a pion, AUT a kaon, AUT a proton, // we consider all the 3 at 10 possible cases. // For each track in each (mass) configuration // (a configuration can be e.g. pion/pion/kaon/proton/pion/proton/kaon/kaon/pion/pion) // we calculate the time zero (we know in fact the velocity of the track after // the assumption about its mass, the time of flight given by the TOF, and the // corresponding path travelled till the TOF detector). Then for each mass configuration we have // 10 time zero and we can calculate the ChiSquare for the current configuration using the // weighted mean over all 10 time zero. // We call the best assignment the mass configuration that gives the minimum value of the ChiSquare. // We plot the weighted mean over all 10 time zero for the best assignment, // the ChiSquare for the best assignment and the corresponding confidence level. // The strong assumption is the MC selection of primary particles. It will be introduced // in the future also some more realistic simulation about this point. // Use case: // root [0] AliTOFT0v2 * tzero = new AliTOFT0v2("galice.root") // Warning in : object already instantiated // root [1] tzero->ExecuteTask() // root [2] tzero->ExecuteTask("tim") // // available parameters: // tim - print benchmarking information // all - print usefull informations about the number of misidentified tracks // and a comparison about the true configuration (known from MC) and the best // assignment // Different Selections for pp and Pb-Pb: Momentum Range, Max Time, # pions //-- Author: F. Pierella //-- Mod By Silvia Arcelli, Francesco Noferini, Barbara Guerzoni ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "AliESDtrack.h" #include "AliESDEvent.h" #include "AliTOFT0v2.h" ClassImp(AliTOFT0v2) //____________________________________________________________________________ AliTOFT0v2::AliTOFT0v2(): fLowerMomBound(0.5), fUpperMomBound(1.5), fTimeResolution(0.80e-10), fTimeCorr(0.), fEvent(0x0) // fCalib(0x0) { // // default constructor // fT0SigmaT0def[0]=-999.; fT0SigmaT0def[1]=999.; fT0SigmaT0def[2]=-999.; fT0SigmaT0def[3]=-999.; } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliTOFT0v2::AliTOFT0v2(AliESDEvent* event): fLowerMomBound(0.5), fUpperMomBound(1.5), fTimeResolution(0.80e-10), fTimeCorr(0.), fEvent(event) // fCalib(0x0) { // // real constructor // fT0SigmaT0def[0]=-999.; fT0SigmaT0def[1]= 999.; fT0SigmaT0def[2]=-999.; fT0SigmaT0def[3]=-999.; } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliTOFT0v2::AliTOFT0v2(const AliTOFT0v2 & tzero): TObject(), fLowerMomBound(tzero.fLowerMomBound), fUpperMomBound(tzero.fUpperMomBound), fTimeResolution(tzero.fTimeResolution), fTimeCorr(tzero.fTimeCorr), fEvent(tzero.fEvent) // fCalib(tzero.fCalib) { // // copy constructor // fT0SigmaT0def[0]=tzero.fT0SigmaT0def[0]; fT0SigmaT0def[1]=tzero.fT0SigmaT0def[1]; fT0SigmaT0def[2]=tzero.fT0SigmaT0def[2]; fT0SigmaT0def[3]=tzero.fT0SigmaT0def[3]; } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliTOFT0v2& AliTOFT0v2::operator=(const AliTOFT0v2 &tzero) { // // assign. operator // if (this == &tzero) return *this; fLowerMomBound=tzero.fLowerMomBound; fUpperMomBound=tzero.fUpperMomBound; fTimeResolution=tzero.fTimeResolution; fTimeCorr=tzero.fTimeCorr; fEvent=tzero.fEvent; // fCalib=tzero.fCalib; fT0SigmaT0def[0]=tzero.fT0SigmaT0def[0]; fT0SigmaT0def[1]=tzero.fT0SigmaT0def[1]; fT0SigmaT0def[2]=tzero.fT0SigmaT0def[2]; fT0SigmaT0def[3]=tzero.fT0SigmaT0def[3]; return *this; } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliTOFT0v2::~AliTOFT0v2() { // dtor // fCalib=NULL; fEvent=NULL; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTOFT0v2::SetTimeResolution(Double_t timeresolution){ // Set the TOF time resolution fTimeResolution=timeresolution; } //____________________________________________________________________________ //____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t * AliTOFT0v2::DefineT0(Option_t *option) { // Caluclate the Event Time using the ESD TOF time Float_t timeresolutioninns=fTimeResolution*(1.e+9); // convert in [ns] const Int_t nmaxtracksinset=10; // if(strstr(option,"all")){ // cout << "Selecting primary tracks with momentum between " << fLowerMomBound << " GeV/c and " << fUpperMomBound << " GeV/c" << endl; // cout << "Memorandum: 0 means PION | 1 means KAON | 2 means PROTON" << endl; // } Int_t nsets=0; Int_t nUsedTracks=0; Int_t ngoodsetsSel= 0; Float_t t0bestSel[300]; Float_t eT0bestSel[300]; Float_t chiSquarebestSel[300]; Float_t confLevelbestSel[300]; Float_t t0bestallSel=0.; Float_t eT0bestallSel=0.; Float_t sumWt0bestallSel=0.; Float_t eMeanTzeroPi=0.; Float_t meantzeropi=0.; Float_t sumAllweightspi=0.; Double_t t0def=-999; Double_t deltat0def=999; Int_t ngoodtrktrulyused=0; Int_t ntracksinsetmyCut = 0; Int_t ntrk=fEvent->GetNumberOfTracks(); AliESDtrack **tracks=new AliESDtrack*[ntrk]; Int_t ngoodtrk=0; Int_t ngoodtrkt0 =0; Float_t mintime =1E6; // First Track loop, Selection of good tracks for (Int_t itrk=0; itrkGetTrack(itrk); Double_t momOld=t->GetP(); Double_t mom=momOld-0.0036*momOld; if ((t->GetStatus()&AliESDtrack::kTIME)==0) continue; if ((t->GetStatus()&AliESDtrack::kTOFout)==0) continue; Double_t time=t->GetTOFsignal(); time*=1.E-3; // tof given in nanoseconds if (!(mom<=fUpperMomBound && mom>=fLowerMomBound))continue; if (!AcceptTrack(t)) continue; if(t->GetP() < fLowerMomBound || t->GetIntegratedLength() < 350 || t->GetTOFsignalToT() < 0.000000001)continue; //skip decays if(time <= mintime) mintime=time; tracks[ngoodtrk]=t; ngoodtrk++; } // cout << " N. of ESD tracks : " << ntrk << endl; // cout << " N. of preselected tracks : " << ngoodtrk << endl; // cout << " Minimum tof time in set (in ns) : " << mintime << endl; AliESDtrack **gtracks=new AliESDtrack*[ngoodtrk]; for (Int_t jtrk=0; jtrk< ngoodtrk; jtrk++) { AliESDtrack *t=tracks[jtrk]; Double_t time=t->GetTOFsignal(); if((time-mintime*1.E3)<50.E3){ // For pp and per gtracks[ngoodtrkt0]=t; ngoodtrkt0++; } } Int_t nseteq = (ngoodtrkt0-1)/nmaxtracksinset + 1; Int_t nmaxtracksinsetCurrent=ngoodtrkt0/nseteq; if(nmaxtracksinsetCurrent*nseteq < ngoodtrkt0) nmaxtracksinsetCurrent++; if(ngoodtrkt0<2){ // cout << "less than 2 tracks, skip event " << endl; t0def=-999; deltat0def=0.600; fT0SigmaT0def[0]=t0def; fT0SigmaT0def[1]=deltat0def; fT0SigmaT0def[2]=ngoodtrkt0; fT0SigmaT0def[3]=ngoodtrkt0; //goto finish; } if(ngoodtrkt0>=2){ // Decide how many tracks in set Int_t ntracksinset = std::min(ngoodtrkt0,nmaxtracksinsetCurrent); Int_t nset=1; if(ngoodtrkt0>nmaxtracksinsetCurrent) {nset= (Int_t)(ngoodtrkt0/ntracksinset)+1;} // Loop over selected sets if(nset>=1){ for (Int_t i=0; i< nset; i++) { Float_t t0best=999.; Float_t eT0best=999.; Float_t chisquarebest=99999.; Int_t npionbest=0; Int_t ntracksinsetmy=0; AliESDtrack **tracksT0=new AliESDtrack*[ntracksinset]; for (Int_t itrk=0; itrkGetP(); Double_t mom=momOld-0.0036*momOld; Double_t time=t->GetTOFsignal(); time*=1.E-3; // tof given in nanoseconds Double_t exptime[10]; t->GetIntegratedTimes(exptime); Double_t toflen=t->GetIntegratedLength(); toflen=toflen/100.; // toflen given in m timeofflight[j]=time; tracktoflen[j]=toflen; exptof[j][0]=exptime[2]*1.E-3+fTimeCorr;// in ns exptof[j][1]=exptime[3]*1.E-3+fTimeCorr; exptof[j][2]=exptime[4]*1.E-3+fTimeCorr; momentum[j]=mom; assparticle[j]=3; } //end for (Int_t j=0; j %f (chi2total = %f w.r.t. the limit of %f)\n",chi2singlecut,chisquarebest,chi2cut[ntracksinsetmy-1]); Bool_t kRedoT0 = kFALSE; ntracksinsetmyCut = ntracksinsetmy; Bool_t usetrack[nmaxtracksinset]; for (Int_t icsq=0; icsq chisquarebest*0.5 && ntracksinsetmy > 2) || (bestchisquare[icsq] > chi2singlecut)){ kRedoT0 = kTRUE; ntracksinsetmyCut--; usetrack[icsq] = kFALSE; } } // end loop for (Int_t icsq=0; icsq<15;icsq++) // printf("ntrackinsetmy = %i - %i\n",ntracksinsetmy,ntracksinsetmyCut); // Loop on mass hypotheses Redo if(kRedoT0 && ntracksinsetmyCut > 1){ // printf("Redo T0\n"); for (Int_t k=0; k < ncombinatorial;k++) { for (Int_t j=0; j0.){ meantzeropi=meantzeropi/sumAllweightspi; // it is given in [ns] eMeanTzeroPi=sqrt(1./sumAllweightspi); // it is given in [ns] } if(sumWt0bestallSel>0){ t0bestallSel = t0bestallSel/sumWt0bestallSel; eT0bestallSel = sqrt(1./sumWt0bestallSel); }// end of if(sumWt0bestallSel>0){ // cout << "T0 all " << t0bestallSel << " +/- " << eT0bestallSel << "Number of tracks used: "< 1) dpp = 0.01*mom; Double_t sigma=dpp*texp*1E3/(1.+ mom*mom/(mass*mass)); sigma =TMath::Sqrt(sigma*sigma); return sigma; } //__________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTOFT0v2::AcceptTrack(AliESDtrack *track) { /* TPC refit */ if (!(track->GetStatus() & AliESDtrack::kTPCrefit)) return kFALSE; /* do not accept kink daughters */ if (track->GetKinkIndex(0)>0) return kFALSE; /* N clusters TPC */ if (track->GetTPCclusters(0) < 50) return kFALSE; /* chi2 TPC */ if (track->GetTPCchi2()/Float_t(track->GetTPCclusters(0)) > 3.5) return kFALSE; /* sigma to vertex */ if (GetSigmaToVertex(track) > 4.) return kFALSE; /* accept track */ return kTRUE; } //____________________________________________________________________ Float_t AliTOFT0v2::GetSigmaToVertex(AliESDtrack* esdTrack) const { // Calculates the number of sigma to the vertex. Float_t b[2]; Float_t bRes[2]; Float_t bCov[3]; esdTrack->GetImpactParameters(b,bCov); if (bCov[0]<=0 || bCov[2]<=0) { bCov[0]=0; bCov[2]=0; } bRes[0] = TMath::Sqrt(bCov[0]); bRes[1] = TMath::Sqrt(bCov[2]); // ----------------------------------- // How to get to a n-sigma cut? // // The accumulated statistics from 0 to d is // // -> Erf(d/Sqrt(2)) for a 1-dim gauss (d = n_sigma) // -> 1 - Exp(-d**2) for a 2-dim gauss (d*d = dx*dx + dy*dy != n_sigma) // // It means that for a 2-dim gauss: n_sigma(d) = Sqrt(2)*ErfInv(1 - Exp((-d**2)/2) // Can this be expressed in a different way? if (bRes[0] == 0 || bRes[1] ==0) return -1; Float_t d = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Power(b[0]/bRes[0],2) + TMath::Power(b[1]/bRes[1],2)); // work around precision problem // if d is too big, TMath::Exp(...) gets 0, and TMath::ErfInverse(1) that should be infinite, gets 0 :( // 1e-15 corresponds to nsigma ~ 7.7 if (TMath::Exp(-d * d / 2) < 1e-15) return 1000; Float_t nSigma = TMath::ErfInverse(1 - TMath::Exp(-d * d / 2)) * TMath::Sqrt(2); return nSigma; }