// Author: Leticia Cunqueiro //Some explanations: //if fpythia==1, quenched pythia (qpythia) is configured. //if fpythia==2, pyquen afterburner applyed // The list of avaliable tunes can be checked in $ALICE_ROOT/PYTHIA6/pythiaX.f , inside subroutine PYTUNE // Note that if you are using QPYTHIA , it only works with Q2-ordered showers, that is tune<300. //More modern tunes are pt-ordered and use a different FSR shower. //In the implementation of qpythia in aliroot I set as default the following computation of the geometry: // -Glauber to determine the overlapping region of the nuclei and the impact parameter of the collision // -Random sampling of the initial coordinates of the hard scattering in the overlapping region // -Given the coordinates and direction of each parton in the shower, calculate the path length to the "end" // of the medium and the integrated qhat along this path length, alla PQM. //In the PQM approach, you integrate the qhat(dx,dy) along the path length and this is purely geometrical. See formula (13) in http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/0406201.pdf //There is a free parameter k (in fm), that sets the scale of the transport coefficient. In 0-10% PbPb collisions, //the average and k are related via a number: // /k =5.87 e^-5 fm^-4 //If you want a of 10 GeV2/fm, // 10 /5.87e^-5 (GeV2 fm^3)=k //If you want k in fm then you have to divide by the squared of hbarc (hbar c=0.197 GeV fm) // This gives k=4.4e^6 fm, which is the quench value we set in SetQhat AliGenerator* AddMCGenQuench(Float_t e_cms = 2760., Double_t ptHardMin = 0., Double_t ptHardMax = 0., Int_t fpythia = 1, Double_t quench=4.4e6) { //Add Pythia generator: pt-hard bin or min bias gSystem->Load("liblhapdf.so"); return CreatePythia6Gen(e_cms, ptHardMin, ptHardMax, fpythia, quench); } AliGenerator* CreatePythia6Gen(Float_t e_cms, Int_t ptHardMin, Int_t ptHardMax, Int_t fpythia, Double_t quench) { gSystem->Load("libqpythia.so"); gSystem->Load("libEGPythia6.so"); gSystem->Load("libAliPythia6.so"); AliGenPythia* genP = new AliGenPythia(1); // vertex position and smearing genP->SetVertexSmear(kPerEvent); // charm, beauty, charm_unforced, beauty_unforced, jpsi, jpsi_chi, mb if (ptHardMin>0.) { genP->SetProcess(kPyJets); genP->SetPtHard((float)ptHardMin,(float)ptHardMax); } else genP->SetProcess(kPyMb); // Minimum Bias // Centre of mass energy genP->SetEnergyCMS(e_cms); // in GeV //for jet quenching with QPYTHIA if (fpythia == 1){ genP->SetTune(103); //tune DW, standard choice for Q2 showers genP->SetQuench(4); genP->SetQhat(quench); } //for pyquen afterburner if (fpythia == 2){ genP->SetTune(103); //tune DW, standard choice for Q2 showers genP->SetQuench(2); } return genP; }