// $Id$ // Category: geometry // // Author: I. Hrivnacova // // Class AliLVTree // --------------------------- // See the class description in the header file. #include "AliLVTree.h" #include "AliGlobals.h" #include "AliLVStructure.h" #include "AliModule.h" #ifdef G4VIS_USE #include "AliColourStore.h" #endif #include "TG4GeometryServices.h" #include #include #ifdef G4VIS_USE #include #include #endif AliLVTree* AliLVTree::fgInstance = 0; //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliLVTree* AliLVTree::Instance() { // Static singleton access method. // --- if (!fgInstance) new AliLVTree(); return fgInstance; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliLVTree::AliLVTree() : fMessenger(this) { // Protected singleton constructor. // --- fgInstance = this; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliLVTree::AliLVTree(const AliLVTree& right) : fMessenger(this) { // Protected singleton copy constructor. // --- // AliGlobals::Exception( "Attempt to copy AliLVTree singleton."); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliLVTree::~AliLVTree() { // } // operators //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliLVTree& AliLVTree::operator=(const AliLVTree& right) { // check assignement to self if (this == &right) return *this; AliGlobals::Exception( "Attempt to assign AliLVTree singleton."); return *this; } // protected methods //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliLVTree::RegisterLogicalVolume(G4LogicalVolume* lv, const G4String& path, AliLVStructure& lvStructure) const { // Registers logical volume lv in the structure. // --- lvStructure.AddNewVolume(lv, path); // register daughters G4int nofDaughters = lv->GetNoDaughters(); if (nofDaughters>0) { G4String previousName = ""; for (G4int i=0; iGetDaughter(i)->GetLogicalVolume(); G4String currentName = lvd->GetName(); if (currentName != lv->GetName() && currentName != previousName) { G4String newPath = path + lv->GetName() +"/"; RegisterLogicalVolume(lvd, newPath, lvStructure); previousName = currentName; } } } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliLVTree::Warn(const G4String& where, const G4String& lvName) const { // Prints warning "volume not found". // --- G4String text("AliLVTree::" + where + ": " + lvName + " volume not found."); AliGlobals::Warning(text); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliLVTree::Warn(const G4String& where) const { // Prints warning "volume not specified". // --- G4String text("AliLVTree::" + where + ": " + " volume not specified."); AliGlobals::Warning(text); } // public methods //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliLVTree::List(const G4String& lvName) const { // Lists logical volumes tree (daughters) of the logical volume // with specified lvName. // ---- G4LogicalVolume* lv = TG4GeometryServices::Instance()->FindLogicalVolume(lvName); if (lv) { G4String path = ""; AliLVStructure lvStructure(path); RegisterLogicalVolume(lv, path, lvStructure); lvStructure.ListTree(); } else Warn("List", lvName); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliLVTree::List(G4LogicalVolume* lv) const { // Lists logical volumes tree of the given lv. // ---- if (!lv) { Warn("List"); return; } List(lv->GetName()); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliLVTree::ListLong(const G4String& lvName) const { // Lists logical volumes tree (daughters) of the logical volume // with specified lvName with numbers of daughters (physical volumes). // ---- G4LogicalVolume* lv = TG4GeometryServices::Instance()->FindLogicalVolume(lvName); if (lv) { G4String path = ""; AliLVStructure lvStructure(path); RegisterLogicalVolume(lv, path, lvStructure); lvStructure.ListTreeLong(); } else Warn("ListLong", lvName); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliLVTree::ListLong(G4LogicalVolume* lv) const { // Lists logical volumes tree with numbers of daughters // (physical volumes) of the given lv. // ---- if (!lv) { Warn("ListLong"); return; } ListLong(lv->GetName()); } #ifdef G4VIS_USE //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliLVTree::SetLVTreeVisibility(G4LogicalVolume* lv, G4bool visibility) const { // Sets visibility to the logical volumes tree (daughters) of // the logical volume lv. // --- if (!lv) { Warn("SetLVTreeVisibility"); return; } G4String path = ""; AliLVStructure lvStructure(path); RegisterLogicalVolume(lv, path, lvStructure); lvStructure.SetTreeVisibility(visibility); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliLVTree::SetVolumeVisibility(G4LogicalVolume* lv, G4bool visibility) const { // Sets visibility to the specified logical volume. // --- if (!lv) { Warn("SetVolumeVisibility"); return; } const G4VisAttributes* kpVisAttributes = lv->GetVisAttributes (); G4VisAttributes* newVisAttributes; if (kpVisAttributes) { G4Colour oldColour = kpVisAttributes->GetColour(); newVisAttributes = new G4VisAttributes(oldColour); } else newVisAttributes = new G4VisAttributes(); delete kpVisAttributes; newVisAttributes->SetVisibility(visibility); lv->SetVisAttributes(newVisAttributes); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliLVTree::SetLVTreeColour(G4LogicalVolume* lv, const G4String& colName) const { // Sets colour to the logical volumes tree (daughters) of // the logical volume lv. // --- if (!lv) { Warn("SetLVTreeColour"); return; } G4String path = ""; AliLVStructure lvStructure(path); RegisterLogicalVolume(lv, path, lvStructure); lvStructure.SetTreeVisibility(true); lvStructure.SetTreeColour(colName); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliLVTree::SetVolumeColour(G4LogicalVolume* lv, const G4String& colName) const { // Sets colour to the specified logical volume. // --- if (!lv) { Warn("SetVolumeColour"); return; } const G4VisAttributes* kpVisAttributes = lv->GetVisAttributes (); delete kpVisAttributes; G4VisAttributes* newVisAttributes = new G4VisAttributes(); AliColourStore* pColours = AliColourStore::Instance(); const G4Colour kColour = pColours->GetColour(colName); newVisAttributes->SetVisibility(true); newVisAttributes->SetColour(kColour); lv->SetVisAttributes(newVisAttributes); } #endif //G4VIS_USE