// $Id$ // // Category: geometry // // See the class description in the header file. #include "AliSensitiveDetector.h" #include "AliModule.h" #include "AliRun.h" #include "AliMCQA.h" #include "TG4G3Units.h" AliSensitiveDetector::AliSensitiveDetector(G4String sdName, AliModule* module) : TG4VSensitiveDetector(sdName), fModule(module), fModuleID(0), fMCQA(0) { // } AliSensitiveDetector::AliSensitiveDetector(G4String sdName, AliModule* module, G4int id) : TG4VSensitiveDetector(sdName, id), fModule(module), fModuleID(0), fMCQA(0) { // } AliSensitiveDetector::AliSensitiveDetector(const AliSensitiveDetector& right) : TG4VSensitiveDetector(right) { // // copy stuff *this = right; } AliSensitiveDetector::AliSensitiveDetector(){ // } AliSensitiveDetector::~AliSensitiveDetector() { // } // operators AliSensitiveDetector& AliSensitiveDetector::operator=(const AliSensitiveDetector& right) { // check assignement to self if (this == &right) return *this; // base class assignement TG4VSensitiveDetector::operator=(right); fModule = right.fModule; return *this; } // public methods void AliSensitiveDetector::Initialize(G4HCofThisEvent*HCE) { // This method is called by G4 kernel at the beginning of event action // before user defined BeginOfEventAction() method. // --- fModuleID = gAlice->GetModuleID(fModule->GetName()); fMCQA = gAlice->GetMCQA(); } void AliSensitiveDetector::UserProcessHits(const G4Track* track, const G4Step* step) { // Calls StepManager of associated AliModule. // --- // add energy deposit of the current step // directly to AliRun if (step) gAlice->AddEnergyDeposit( fID, step->GetTotalEnergyDeposit()/TG4G3Units::Energy()); fMCQA->StepManager(fModuleID); // let AliModule process the step fModule->StepManager(); }