// $Id$ // Category: event // // Author: I. Hrivnacova // // Class AliTrackingAction // ----------------------- // See the class description in the header file. #include "AliTrackingAction.h" #include "AliTrackInformation.h" #include "AliRun.h" #include "AliGlobals.h" #include "TG4StepManager.h" #include "TG4PhysicsManager.h" #include "TG4ParticlesManager.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include // static data members AliTrackingAction* AliTrackingAction::fgInstance = 0; //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTrackingAction::AliTrackingAction() : AliVerbose("trackingAction",2), fPrimaryTrackID(0), fNewVerboseLevel(0), fNewVerboseTrackID(-1), fSavePrimaries(true), fTrackCounter(0), fMessenger(this) { // if (fgInstance) { AliGlobals::Exception("AliTrackingAction constructed twice."); } fgInstance = this; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTrackingAction::AliTrackingAction(const AliTrackingAction& right) : AliVerbose("trackingAction"), fMessenger(this) { // AliGlobals::Exception("AliTrackingAction is protected from copying."); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTrackingAction::~AliTrackingAction() { // } // operators //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTrackingAction& AliTrackingAction::operator=(const AliTrackingAction &right) { // check assignement to self if (this == &right) return *this; AliGlobals::Exception("AliTrackingAction is protected from assigning."); return *this; } // private methods //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTrackInformation* AliTrackingAction::GetTrackInformation( const G4Track* track, const G4String& method) const { // Returns user track information. // --- #ifdef TGEANT4_DEBUG G4VUserTrackInformation* trackInfo = track->GetUserInformation(); if (!trackInfo) return 0; AliTrackInformation* aliTrackInfo = dynamic_cast(trackInfo); if (!aliTrackInfo) { G4String text = "AliTrackingAction::" + method + ":\n"; text = text + " Unknown track information type"; AliGlobals::Exception(text); } return aliTrackInfo; #else return (AliTrackInformation*)track->GetUserInformation(); #endif } // public methods //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTrackingAction::PrepareNewEvent() { // Called by G4 kernel at the beginning of event. // --- fTrackCounter = 0; // set g4 stepping manager pointer TG4StepManager* stepManager = TG4StepManager::Instance(); stepManager->SetSteppingManager(fpTrackingManager->GetSteppingManager()); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTrackingAction::PreTrackingAction(const G4Track* aTrack) { // Called by G4 kernel before starting tracking. // --- // track index in the particles array G4int trackID = aTrack->GetTrackID(); G4int parentID = aTrack->GetParentID(); Int_t trackIndex; if (parentID==0) { // in AliRoot (from V3.0) track numbering starts from 0 trackIndex = trackID-1; } else { trackIndex = gAlice->GetNtrack(); } // set track index to track information AliTrackInformation* trackInfo = GetTrackInformation(aTrack, "PreTrackingAction"); if (!trackInfo) { // create track information and set it to G4Track // if it does not yet exist trackInfo = new AliTrackInformation(trackIndex); fpTrackingManager->SetUserTrackInformation(trackInfo); // the track information is deleted together with its // G4Track object } else trackInfo->SetTrackParticleID(trackIndex); // set current track number gAlice->SetCurrentTrack(trackIndex); if (parentID == 0) { // finish previous primary track FinishPrimaryTrack(); fPrimaryTrackID = aTrack->GetTrackID(); // begin this primary track gAlice->BeginPrimary(); } else { // save secondary particles info SaveTrack(aTrack); } // verbose if (trackID == fNewVerboseTrackID) { G4String command = "/tracking/verbose "; AliGlobals::AppendNumberToString(command, fNewVerboseLevel); G4UImanager::GetUIpointer()->ApplyCommand(command); } // aliroot pre track actions gAlice->PreTrack(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTrackingAction::PostTrackingAction(const G4Track* aTrack) { // Called by G4 kernel after finishing tracking. // --- fTrackCounter++; // set parent track particle index to all secondary tracks G4TrackVector* secondaryTracks = fpTrackingManager->GetSteppingManager()->GetSecondary(); if (secondaryTracks){ G4int i; for (i=0; isize(); i++) { G4Track* track = (*secondaryTracks)[i]; if (track->GetUserInformation()) { // this should never happen G4String text = "AliTrackingAction::PostTrackingAction:\n"; text = text + " Inconsistent track information."; AliGlobals::Exception(text); } // get parent track index AliTrackInformation* aliParentInfo = GetTrackInformation(aTrack, "PostTrackingAction"); G4int parentParticleID = aliParentInfo->GetTrackParticleID(); // create track information and set it to the G4Track AliTrackInformation* trackInfo = new AliTrackInformation(-1, parentParticleID); track->SetUserInformation(trackInfo); // the track information is deleted together with its // G4Track object } } // aliroot post track actions gAlice->PostTrack(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTrackingAction::FinishPrimaryTrack() { // Calls AliRun::PurifyKine and fills trees of hits // after finishing tracking of each primary track. // !! This method has to be also called from AlEventAction::EndOfEventAction() // for storing the last primary track of the current event. // --- if (fPrimaryTrackID>0) { // verbose if (VerboseLevel() == 3) { G4cout << "$$$ Primary track " << fPrimaryTrackID << G4endl; } else if (VerboseLevel() == 2 && fPrimaryTrackID % 10 == 0 ) { G4cout << "$$$ Primary track " << fPrimaryTrackID << G4endl; } else if (VerboseLevel() == 1 && fPrimaryTrackID % 100 == 0 ) { G4cout << "$$$ Primary track " << fPrimaryTrackID << G4endl; } // aliroot finish primary track gAlice->FinishPrimary(); } fPrimaryTrackID = 0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTrackingAction::SaveTrack(const G4Track* track) { // Get all needed parameters from G4track and pass them // to AliRun::SetTrack() that creates corresponding TParticle // in the AliRun::fParticles array. // ---- // parent particle index G4int parentID = track->GetParentID(); G4int motherIndex; if (parentID == 0) { motherIndex = -1; } else { motherIndex = GetTrackInformation(track,"SaveTrack")->GetParentParticleID(); } //G4cout << "SaveTrack: TrackID = " << track->GetTrackID() // << " Parent ID = " << track->GetParentID() // << " Index = " << gAlice->CurrentTrack() // << " Parent Index = " << motherIndex // << G4endl; // PDG code G4int pdg = TG4ParticlesManager::Instance() ->GetPDGEncodingFast(track->GetDefinition()); // track kinematics G4ThreeVector momentum = track->GetMomentum(); G4double px = momentum.x()/GeV; G4double py = momentum.y()/GeV; G4double pz = momentum.z()/GeV; G4double e = track->GetTotalEnergy()/GeV; G4ThreeVector position = track->GetPosition(); G4double vx = position.x()/cm; G4double vy = position.y()/cm; G4double vz = position.z()/cm; // time of production - check if ekvivalent with G4 G4double t = track->GetGlobalTime(); G4ThreeVector polarization = track->GetPolarization(); G4double polX = polarization.x(); G4double polY = polarization.y(); G4double polZ = polarization.z(); // production process AliMCProcess mcProcess; const G4VProcess* kpProcess = track->GetCreatorProcess(); if (!kpProcess) { mcProcess = kPPrimary; } else { mcProcess = TG4PhysicsManager::Instance()->GetMCProcess(kpProcess); // distinguish kPDeltaRay from kPEnergyLoss if (mcProcess == kPEnergyLoss) mcProcess = kPDeltaRay; } G4int ntr; // create particle gAlice->SetTrack(1, motherIndex, pdg, px, py, pz, e, vx, vy, vz, t, polX, polY, polZ, mcProcess, ntr); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTrackingAction::SetNewVerboseLevel(G4int level) { // Set the new verbose level that will be set when the track with // specified track ID (fNewVerboseTrackID) starts tracking. // --- fNewVerboseLevel = level; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTrackingAction::SetNewVerboseTrackID(G4int trackID) { // Set the trackID for which the new verbose level (fNewVerboseLevel) // will be applied. // --- fNewVerboseTrackID = trackID; }