$Id$ ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tags (history): =============== 9.8.01: TGeant4-3-03__ar-v3-05-Release__g4-3-2: AliGeant4-3-03__ar-v3-05-Release__g4-3-2: TGeant4, AliGeant4 updated to geant4 3.2. + patch (reflection, stacking). Major update in TGeant4/physics (modular physics list + physics constructors). 22.12.00: Release-3-04: AliRoot release tag, works with gean4 2.0; Consolidation of TGeant4/event; separation of TG4GeometryServices from TG4GeometryManager; new TGeant4/interfaces category (classes for G4 geometry Root browser). 27.11.00: TGeant4-3-02__ar-25-10-00__g4-2-0: AliGeant4-3-02__ar-25-10-00__g4-2-0: Major update of TGeant4/event: fStepStatus introduced in TG4StepManager; new action classes: TG4TrackingAction, TG4SteppingAction. 13.9.00: TGeant4-3-01__ar-12-9-00__g4-2-0: AliGeant4-3-01__ar-12-9-00__g4-2-0: New classes for generation of geometry data files in XML in TGeant4/geometry. 13.7.00: Release-3-03: AliRoot release tag; TGeant4, AliGeant4 updated to geant4 2.0. 3.7.00: TGeant4-3-00__ar-3-7-00__g4-1-1: AliGeant4-3-00__ar-3-7-00__g4-1-1: Alice prototype was moved to AliRoot: Alice* -> aligeant4* g4mc -> TGeant4 alice -> AliGeant4 config,doc,macro -> AliGeant4/config,doc,macro source -> merged to flat structure; make_source.pl restores the source structure in TGeant4/source, AliGeant4/source (by making symbolic links) Macros for dynamical loading of G4 libs (g4libs.C) and a simple menu macro (g4menu.C) were added. aliroot* main program runs with G4 when Config.C is replaced with g4Config.C (only on Linux; on Hp still problems with loading G4 libs). ----------------------------------------------------cvsAlice.5 15.6.00: al-2-04__ar-2-5-00__g4-1-1: TG4PhysicsList extended with optical and hadronic processes, the messenger TG4PhysicsListMessenger implemented. aliroot.cxx (main program from AliRoot) added with g4libs.C, g4menu.C, g4Config.C macros (G4 can be dynamically instantiated from Root UI). Tag before AliRoot update. 8.5.00: al-2-03__ar-2-5-00__g4-1-1: Updated to AliRoot cvs head from 2.5.2000; implemented lego Run. 2.5.00: al-2-02__ar-17-4-00__g4-1-1: Tag before AliRoot update; updated aliroot_cint scripts for new source structure; corrections in g4mc/visualization; GAG GUI added. 17.4.00: al-2-01__ar-17-4-00__g4-1-1: Updated to AliRoot cvs head (17.4.2000): AliVMC merged with AliMC; AliRun modified for G4 needs; All /alXXX commands renamed to /aliXXX; !! /aliRun/initialize and /aliRun/beamOn have to be used instead of standard g4 /run commands. 28.3.00: al-2-00__ar-3-03-pre__g4-1-1: AliRoot code has been removed from the prototype and is used as external package; Two main categories: alice, g4mc Subcategories (in both) : global geometry physics event run visualization New cvs repository was created due to global reorganization of directories. ----------------------------------------------------cvsAlice.4 22.3.00: al01-00-16_ar-3-02-mod_g4-01-00: aliroot/STEER updated to AliRoot CVS head version (29.2.2000) + to mods needed for G4; new AliSteppingAction for detecting of looping particles; AliPrimaryGeneratorAction updated for support of AliGenerator from AliRoot; Setup scripts in config enhanced (*.csh added; verbose and local options introduced; VRML1 driver support added); Tag before update to geant4 1.1 release. 25.1.00: al01-00-15_ar-3-02_g4-01-00: Update to geant4.1.0 release; the g4mc/g3tog4 has been removed and the g3tog4 is used from Geant4 directly; a few bug fixes in Geant4 g3tog4 had to be applied. 7.12.99: al01-00-14_ar-3-02_g4-00-01: AliRoot updated to release v3.02 (from 9 Nov 1999); enabled writing and reading g3calls.dat files (for each detector); added simple visualization macros (vis_test1.in) for all dets and structures and detailed ones for some dets (vis_test2.in). 8.11.99: al01-00-13_ar-3-02-pre_g4-00-01: Fixed bugs in g3tog4 (rewritten TG3Division class); all AliRoot detectors and modules included; scripts for automatical geometry testing added; toy directory excluded from default compilation; corresponds to AliRoot pre-release v3.02 from 14 Oct 99. 15.10.99: al01-00-12_ar-3-02-pre_g4-00-01: Fixed bugs in g3tog4; Tag before update of AliRoot to later pre-release v3.02; 4.10.99: al01-00-11_ar-3-02-pre_g4-00-01: Updated to G4 release geant4.0.1; substantial modification of g4mc/g3tog4. 9.8.99: al01-00-10_ar-3-02-pre_g4-00-00: Updated to AliRoot pre-release v 3.02 (from AliRoot cvs head 7/28/99 ); 12.7.99: al01-00-09_ar-3-01-p00_g4-00-00: Updated to AliRoot v 3.01 + patch 00 (AliRoot cvs tag: Release-3-01-Patch-00); aliroot version added to the tag; 22.6.99: al01-00-08_g4-00-00: config: unified names for makefiles/scripts has been introduced: make_*.gmk : makefiles aliroot_* : scripts for aliroot support doc_* : scripts for html documentation; source: category changes: toy: has been separated from geometry; digits+hits, materials: categories has been removed, classes have been moved to geometry aliroot: subcategories according AliRoot 3.1 has been introduced; Tag before update of AliRoot to version 3.01. 18.6.99: al01-00-07_g4-00-00: New category G4mc has been introduced. It contains all classes that implements the interface to the abstract Monte Carlo (AliMC) class for Geant4 and that are independent on the Ali* classes. Class names in this category have the prefix "TG4". 17.6.99: al01-00-06_g4-00-00: Several corrections in definition of materials; Default element table has been implemented in AlMaterialStore::ConstructG4ElementTable(). 27.5.99: al01-00-05_g4-00-00: Process control flags corresponding to Geant3 flags has been implemented (via classes: AliLimits, AliSpecialFlags, AliG3Defaults, AliPhysicsList). 23.4.99: al01-00-04_g4-00-00: Kinetic energy cuts corresponding to Geant3 cuts has been implemented (via classes: AliLimits, AliSpecialCuts, AliG3Defaults, AliPhysicsList). config files have been modified to support the Linux-g++ system (egcs 1.1 with RedHat Linux 5.1). 8.4.99: al01-00-03_g4-00-00: Update to AliRoot v3.0. 19.3.99: al01-00-02_g4-00-00: Tag before update of AliRoot to version 3.00. 11.3.99: al01-00-01_g4-00-00: New AliG4RunManager class has been added: it implements methods of the abstract interface MonteCarlo for Geant4 run control. ----------------------------------------------------cvsAlice.3 1.3.99: al01-00-00_g4-00-00: Other event models (transient, simple-root, Objectivity) has been removed from the prototype; only Galice/Aliroot event model has been kept. 26.2.99: al00-07-07_g4-00-00: The interface class AlG3ToG4Geometry:AliGeomInterface, has been implemented; it is used by AlTPCv0DetConstruction class (ConstructGeometry method). 24.2.99: al00-07-06_g4-00-00: Command for switching between Geant4 UI and root UI has been implemented. Comment: Root graphics does not work together with OPACS => ALOPACS option has been added. 16.2.99: al00-07-05_g4-00-00: The skeleton for the g3tog4 geometry interface has been added. The "empty" interface class AlG3ToG4Geometry:AliGeomInterface, a commented method AliITSv0::CreateGeometry using the abstract interface and an "empty" AlITSv0DetConstruction for building geometry using AlG3ToG4Geometry 15.2.99: al00-07-04_g4-00-00: AliDetector::StepManager() method is used for TPC0; misc. corrections in AliG4MonteCarlo; 10.2.99: al00-07-03_g4-00-00: aliroot updated for the galice from 4Feb99; !! This aliroot code doe NOT work with the rest of prototype al00-07-02_g4-00-00: AliG4MonteCarlo has been implemented (with ALALI_ROOT option); AliDetector::StepManager() method is used for ITS; 9.2.99: al00-07-02_g4-00-00: AliG4MonteCarlo has been implemented (with ALALI_ROOT option); AliDetector::StepManager() method is used for ITS; 8.2.99: al00-07-01_g4-00-00: fixed for bugs in running for more than one event per run (when ALALI_ROOT is set); 28.1.99: al00-07-00_g4-00-00: AliRoot persistency added: new /source/aliroot directory; new option AlALI_ROOT introduced; AliRoot taken from ~/fca/public/galice.tar.gz 16.1.99; 22.1.99: al00-06-01_g4-00-00: bugs in Root persistency fixed: primary particles are stored now too when ALSTEPPING and ALROOT is set; bug in defining Kinematics tree fixed; run time error at the deleting phase eliminated; ----------------------------------------------------cvsAlice.2 14.1.99: al00-06-00_g4-00-00: Update for geant4.0.0; 13.1.99: al00-05-01_g4beta03: AlTrackingAction added - some hits collections (TPC) are stored per primary track; the prototype runs for "big" events o.k. (10000 primaries in ROOT mode tested); Root persistency: only from this tag Root persistency of event for more than one hits collection in event works o.k. 4.12.98: al00-05-00_g4beta03: Update for geant4 beta03-01; New: CC compiler (on HP) is no longer supported - aCC is supported from this tag. 4.12.98: al00-04-04_g4beta02: Event: AlSteppingAction, AlStackingAction classes have been added; two new options have been introduced: ALSTEPPING, ALSTACKING 12.11.98: al00-04-03_g4beta02: Run: primary generator action can be chosen from 3 predefined generators or built using AlParticleGun; new AlPrimaryGeneratorMessenger class; Event: new AlEventActionMessenger class; Materials: material name checking has been added; materials construction has been moved to AlXXXDetConstruction; 2.11.98: al00-04-02_g4beta02: Geometry: each subdetector must be built inside its frame; AlDetSwitch - used for storing info which subdetectors of which version will be built; AlSubDetMessenger class - generates command directory for each subdetector; Visualization: commands for interactive changing of visualization attributes for subdetectors (setVisibility, setColour) 27.10.98: al00-04-01_g4beta02: Root persistency: REvent class enhanced with all ITS hits collections pointer data members. 26.10.98: al00-04-00_g4beta02: Updated for geant4 beta02. 23.10.98: al00-03-06_g4beta01: Corrected for Objectivity model. 23.10.98: al00-03-05_g4beta01: new coding standards applied to all source code; (Alice naming conventions, making methods const, avoiding unvalid objects - not complete, unification of header file style); Root persistency: REvent class with one hits collection pointer datum member -> retrieving objects from file is o.k. !! not completely committed Objectivity model - for Objectivity option use al00-03-06_g4beta01 12.10.98: al00-03-04_g4beta01: Root persistency of hits for ITS corrected; (but bug in Root in retrieving them from a file) inline methods moved to the end of *.hh, *.ddl !! this tag was by mistake applied on 23.10.98 instead of al00-03-05_g4beta01 - add date when retrieving this tag !!!! 18.9.98: al00-03-03_g4beta01: added Root persistency of hits for ITS (with using global TClonesArray* variable); all inline methods separated from *.hh, *.ddl to *.icc files; BUG: created Root file is wrong; do NOT use this tag !!! 8.9.98: al00-03-02_g4beta01: added Objectivity persistency of hits for PHOS, TPC; 31.8.98: al00-03-01_g4beta01: added Objectivity persistency of hits for ITS; ----------------------------------------------------cvsAlice.1 18.8.98: al00-03-00_g4beta01: updated for geant4 beta01 - without Objectivity and ROOT persistency; new features: global code reorganization; update to beta01; changed GNUmakefiles 4.7.98: al-00-02-05_g4-alpha06: new features: added ROOT persistency for TPC hits 3.7.98: new features: added samples directory and README.HowToAddSubDetector 30.6.98: al-00-02-04_g4-alpha06: new features: changed TPC0Geometry (added parameterisation); changed AlParticleGun attributes; changed default AlPrimaryGeneratorAction 12.6.98: al-00-02-03_g4-alpha06: new features: added AliceAnalyse for retrieving objects from Objy database 15.5.98: al-00-02-02_g4-alpha06: new features: update for G4 alpha06 tag 14.5.98: al-00-02-02_g4-alpha05: new features: added Objectivity persistency for ITS hits 11.5.98: al-00-02-01_g4-alpha05: new features: small bugs fixed 4.5.98: al-00-02-00_g4-alpha05: new features: new cvs repository (created subdirectories, renamed classes and files) 30.4.98: al-00-01-03_g4-alpha05: works with g4-alpha05 new features: added new ITS detailed geometry; created classes for storing geometry data parameters; 23.4.98: al-00-01-02_g4-alpha05: works with g4-alpha05 new features: created data files for geometry parameters; Wo GUI 27.3.98: al-00-01-01_g4-alpha05: works with g4-alpha05 new features: added sensitive detectors + hits 9.2.98: al-00-01-01_g4-alpha04: works with g4-alpha04 new features: added OPACS graphics system as default al-00-01-00_g4-alpha04: works with g4-alpha04 g4-alpha04_al-00-03: new Alice physics list (bug) g4-alpha03_al-00-03: works with g4-alpha03 g4-alpha03_al-00-02: new Alice particle gun (bugs) g4-alpha03_al-00-01: works with g4-alpha03 g4-alpha03_al-00-00: the first Alice prototype; CVS Repository ================ 3.7.00: Moved to alisoft cvs server (TGeant4, AliGeant4 modules). cvsAlice copied to cvsAlice.previous/cvsAlice.5; still available in offline for some time: CVSROOT=/afs/cern.ch/alice/offline/ivana/cvsAlice cvs checkout Alice 28.3.00: cvsAlice moved to cvsAlice.previous/cvsAlice.4; New cvs repository was created due to global reorganization of directories: AliRoot code has been removed from the prototype and categories has been reorganized; toy code has been removed. 28.2.99: cvsAlice moved to cvsAlice.previous/cvsAlice.3; New cvs repository was created due to removing the other event data model (options: ALODBMS, ALSIMPLE_ROOT, none=transient) - only AliRoot (option ALALI_ROOT) has been kept. 14.1.99: cvsAlice moved to cvsAlice.previous/cvsAlice.2; New cvs repository was created due to global renaming of files: *.hh -> *.h; *.cc -> *.cxx 18.8.98: cvsAlice.old moved to cvsAlice.previous/cvsAlice.0 cvsAlice moved to cvsAlice.previous/cvsAlice.1 New cvs repository was created due to global code reorganization: - creating directories corresponding to the new geant4 structure (bin, config, data, doc, lib, samples, source, tmp) 4.5.98: mv cvsAlice (tagged al-00-01-03_g4-alpha05) to cvsAlice.old new cvs repository created due to global changes: - creating directories corresponding to objects categories - renaming classes and files Compilation comments: ===================== Useful linker options (gcc): -Xlinker -verbose -Xlinker -Bstatic .. search only for *.a libraries