#ifndef ALICALOCALIBPEDESTAL_H #define ALICALOCALIBPEDESTAL_H /* \file AliCaloCalibPedestal.h \brief Description: A help class for monitoring and calibration tools: MOOD, AMORE etc., that can process events from a standard AliCaloRawStream, most usually from LED/pulser runs. It stores signal info as typical (highest) amplitude, and pedestal info in geometrically-binned 2D profiles of the detectors (EMCAL and PHOS). Comparisons (ratios and differences) can be done with references. \author: Timo Alho (Jyvaskyla), original version. [Consultant: D. Silvermyr (ORNL)] Partly based on AliTPCCalibPedestal. \version $Revision$ \date $Date$ */ #include "TProfile2D.h" #include "TH2.h" #include "TObjArray.h" #include "AliCaloRawStream.h" class AliCaloCalibPedestal : public TObject { public: enum kDetType {kPhos, kEmCal, kNone};//The detector types enum kDeadMapEntry{kAlive = 0, kDead, kResurrected, kRecentlyDeceased, kNumDeadMapStates};//The entries being put to the deadmap AliCaloCalibPedestal(kDetType detectorType = kPhos); virtual ~AliCaloCalibPedestal(); // copy ctor, and '=' operator, are not fully tested/debugged yet // at least for now; the reference info is not copied from one to the other AliCaloCalibPedestal(const AliCaloCalibPedestal &ped); AliCaloCalibPedestal& operator = (const AliCaloCalibPedestal &source); //Functions to ask for the constants (in case a GUI needs them, for an example static const int GetSampleMax() {return fgkSampleMax;}; static const int GetSampleMin() {return fgkSampleMin;}; Bool_t ProcessEvent(AliCaloRawStream *in); //////////////////////////// //Simple getters // Main profiles: TProfile2D * GetPedProfileLowGain(int i) const {return (TProfile2D*)fPedestalLowGain[i];}; // Return a pointer to the low-gain pedestal profile TProfile2D * GetPedProfileHighGain(int i) const {return (TProfile2D*)fPedestalHighGain[i];}; // Return a pointer to the high-gain pedestal profile TProfile2D * GetPeakProfileLowGain(int i) const {return (TProfile2D*)fPeakMinusPedLowGain[i];}; // Return a pointer to the low-gain pedestal profile TProfile2D * GetPeakProfileHighGain(int i) const {return (TProfile2D*)fPeakMinusPedHighGain[i];}; // Return a pointer to the high-gain pedestal profile // Differences to references: TProfile2D * GetPedProfileLowGainDiff(int i){ValidateComparisonProfiles(); return (TProfile2D*)fPedestalLowGainDiff[i];}; // Return a pointer to the low-gain pedestal profile difference TProfile2D * GetPedProfileHighGainDiff(int i){ValidateComparisonProfiles(); return (TProfile2D*)fPedestalHighGainDiff[i];}; // Return a pointer to the high-gain pedestal profile difference TProfile2D * GetPeakProfileLowGainDiff(int i){ValidateComparisonProfiles(); return (TProfile2D*)fPeakMinusPedLowGainDiff[i];}; // Return a pointer to the low-gain pedestal profile difference TProfile2D * GetPeakProfileHighGainDiff(int i){ValidateComparisonProfiles(); return (TProfile2D*)fPeakMinusPedHighGainDiff[i];}; // Return a pointer to the high-gain pedestal profile difference // Ratio to references: TProfile2D * GetPedProfileLowGainRatio(int i){ValidateComparisonProfiles(); return (TProfile2D*)fPedestalLowGainRatio[i];}; // Return a pointer to the low-gain pedestal profile ratio TProfile2D * GetPedProfileHighGainRatio(int i){ValidateComparisonProfiles(); return (TProfile2D*)fPedestalHighGainRatio[i];}; // Return a pointer to the high-gain pedestal profile ratio TProfile2D * GetPeakProfileLowGainRatio(int i){ValidateComparisonProfiles(); return (TProfile2D*)fPeakMinusPedLowGainRatio[i];}; // Return a pointer to the low-gain pedestal profile ratio TProfile2D * GetPeakProfileHighGainRatio(int i){ValidateComparisonProfiles(); return (TProfile2D*)fPeakMinusPedHighGainRatio[i];}; // Return a pointer to the high-gain pedestal profile ratio TH2D * GetDeadMap(int i) const {return (TH2D*)fDeadMap[i];}; // Basic info: getters kDetType GetDetectorType() const {return fDetType;};//Returns if this is a PHOS or EMCAL object int GetColumns() const {return fColumns;}; //The number of columns per module int GetRows() const {return fRows;}; //The number of rows per module int GetModules() const {return fModules;}; //The number of modules // RunNumbers : setters and getters void SetRunNumber(int runNo) {fRunNumber = runNo;}; int GetRunNumber() const {return fRunNumber;}; int GetRefRunNumber() const {if (fReference) return fReference->GetRunNumber(); else return -1;}; ///////////////////////////// //Analysis functions int GetDeadTowerCount() const {return fDeadTowers;};//Returns the number of dead towers, by counting the bins in peak-pedestal smaller than threshold double GetDeadTowerRatio() const {return fDeadTowers/(double)(fRows*fColumns);}; //returns the percentage of dead towers, relative to a full module int GetDeadTowerNew() const {return fNewDeadTowers;}; //return the new dead towers compared to the reference int GetDeadTowerResurrected() const {return fResurrectedTowers;}; //The the towers resurrected since the reference run void Reset();//Resets the whole class. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Functions related to comparing this with another (reference) run. Bool_t LoadReferenceCalib(TString fileName, TString objectName); //Loads another AliCaloCalibPedestal by name "objectName" from the file "fileName", for reference void ComputeDiffAndRatio();//Actually computes the difference and ratio into the histo's in memory AliCaloCalibPedestal * GetReference() const {return fReference;}; //Get the reference object. Needed for debug, will probably be removed later void ComputeDeadTowers(int threshold = 5, const char * deadMapFile = 0);//Computes the dead tower values //Saving functions Bool_t SaveHistograms(TString fileName, Bool_t saveEmptyHistos = kFALSE); //Saves the histograms to a .root file private: void ValidateComparisonProfiles(); //Makes sure that fPe..Diff and fPe..Ratio profiles exist //The histograms. We use a TObjArray instead of a simple array,because this gives automatic streaming properties for the //class. A TClonesArray would be more efficient, but it's a bit more difficult to use and it doesn't matter too much //since we have only around 12 objects (maximum) in the array anyway. TObjArray fPedestalLowGain; TObjArray fPedestalHighGain; TObjArray fPeakMinusPedLowGain; TObjArray fPeakMinusPedHighGain; //The difference of profiles between this and the reference object TObjArray fPedestalLowGainDiff; //! TObjArray fPedestalHighGainDiff; //! TObjArray fPeakMinusPedLowGainDiff; //! TObjArray fPeakMinusPedHighGainDiff; //! //The ratio of profiles between this and the reference object TObjArray fPedestalLowGainRatio; //! TObjArray fPedestalHighGainRatio; //! TObjArray fPeakMinusPedLowGainRatio; //! TObjArray fPeakMinusPedHighGainRatio; //! TObjArray fDeadMap;//The deadmap //The dead tower counts int fDeadTowers; //! int fNewDeadTowers; //! Towers that have died since the reference run int fResurrectedTowers; //! Towers that have been resurrected from the dead, compared to the reference AliCaloCalibPedestal * fReference; //! A reference object, for comparing the accumulated results to a previous run kDetType fDetType; //The detector type for this object int fColumns; //The number of columns per module int fRows; //The number of rows per module int fModules; //The number of modules int fRunNumber; //The run number. Needs to be set by the user. //Constants needed by the class static const int fgkSampleMax = 1023; static const int fgkSampleMin = 0; static const int fgkPhosRows = 64; static const int fgkPhosCols = 56; static const int fgkPhosModules = 5; static const int fgkEmCalRows = 24; static const int fgkEmCalCols = 48; static const int fgkEmCalModules = 12; public: ClassDef(AliCaloCalibPedestal,1) }; #endif