/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id: AliCaloCalibSignal.cxx $ */ //________________________________________________________________________ // // A help class for monitoring and calibration tools: MOOD, AMORE etc., // It can be created and used a la (ctor): /* //Create the object for making the histograms fSignals = new AliCaloCalibSignal( fDetType ); // AliCaloCalibSignal knows how many modules we have for PHOS or EMCAL fNumModules = fSignals->GetModules(); */ // fed an event: // fSignals->ProcessEvent(fCaloRawStream,fRawEventHeaderBase); // get some info: // fSignals->GetXXX..() // etc. //________________________________________________________________________ #include #include #include #include "TProfile.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "AliRawReader.h" #include "AliCaloRawStreamV3.h" #include "AliCaloConstants.h" #include "AliCaloBunchInfo.h" #include "AliCaloFitResults.h" #include "AliCaloRawAnalyzer.h" #include "AliCaloRawAnalyzerFactory.h" //The include file #include "AliCaloCalibSignal.h" ClassImp(AliCaloCalibSignal) using namespace std; // variables for TTree filling; not sure if they should be static or not static int fChannelNum = 0; // for regular towers static int fRefNum = 0; // for LED static double fAmp = 0; static double fAvgAmp = 0; static double fRMS = 0; // ctor; initialize everything in order to avoid compiler warnings // put some reasonable defaults AliCaloCalibSignal::AliCaloCalibSignal(kDetType detectorType) : TObject(), fDetType(kNone), fColumns(0), fRows(0), fLEDRefs(0), fModules(0), fCaloString(), fMapping(NULL), fFittingAlgorithm(0), fRawAnalyzer(0), fRunNumber(-1), fStartTime(0), fAmpCut(40), // min. 40 ADC counts as default fReqFractionAboveAmpCutVal(0.6), // 60% in a strip, per default fReqFractionAboveAmp(kTRUE), fAmpCutLEDRef(100), // min. 100 ADC counts as default fReqLEDRefAboveAmpCutVal(kTRUE), fHour(0), fLatestHour(0), fUseAverage(kTRUE), fSecInAverage(1800), fDownscale(10), fNEvents(0), fNAcceptedEvents(0), fTreeAmpVsTime(NULL), fTreeAvgAmpVsTime(NULL), fTreeLEDAmpVsTime(NULL), fTreeLEDAvgAmpVsTime(NULL) { //Default constructor. First we set the detector-type related constants. if (detectorType == kPhos) { fColumns = fgkPhosCols; fRows = fgkPhosRows; fLEDRefs = fgkPhosLEDRefs; fModules = fgkPhosModules; fCaloString = "PHOS"; } else { //We'll just trust the enum to keep everything in line, so that if detectorType //isn't kPhos then it is kEmCal. Note, however, that this is not necessarily the //case, if someone intentionally gives another number fColumns = AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALCols; fRows = AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALRows; fLEDRefs = AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALLEDRefs; fModules = AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALModules; fCaloString = "EMCAL"; } fDetType = detectorType; SetFittingAlgorithm(Algo::kStandard); ResetInfo(); // trees and counters } // dtor //_____________________________________________________________________ AliCaloCalibSignal::~AliCaloCalibSignal() { DeleteTrees(); } //_____________________________________________________________________ void AliCaloCalibSignal::DeleteTrees() { // delete what was created in the ctor (TTrees) if (fTreeAmpVsTime) delete fTreeAmpVsTime; if (fTreeAvgAmpVsTime) delete fTreeAvgAmpVsTime; if (fTreeLEDAmpVsTime) delete fTreeLEDAmpVsTime; if (fTreeLEDAvgAmpVsTime) delete fTreeLEDAvgAmpVsTime; // and reset pointers fTreeAmpVsTime = NULL; fTreeAvgAmpVsTime = NULL; fTreeLEDAmpVsTime = NULL; fTreeLEDAvgAmpVsTime = NULL; return; } // copy ctor //_____________________________________________________________________ //AliCaloCalibSignal::AliCaloCalibSignal(const AliCaloCalibSignal &sig) : // TObject(sig), // fDetType(sig.GetDetectorType()), // fColumns(sig.GetColumns()), // fRows(sig.GetRows()), // fLEDRefs(sig.GetLEDRefs()), // fModules(sig.GetModules()), // fCaloString(sig.GetCaloString()), // fMapping(), //! note that we are not copying the map info // fRunNumber(sig.GetRunNumber()), // fStartTime(sig.GetStartTime()), // fAmpCut(sig.GetAmpCut()), // fReqFractionAboveAmpCutVal(sig.GetReqFractionAboveAmpCutVal()), // fReqFractionAboveAmp(sig.GetReqFractionAboveAmp()), // fAmpCutLEDRef(sig.GetAmpCutLEDRef()), // fReqLEDRefAboveAmpCutVal(sig.GetReqLEDRefAboveAmpCutVal()), // fHour(sig.GetHour()), // fLatestHour(sig.GetLatestHour()), // fUseAverage(sig.GetUseAverage()), // fSecInAverage(sig.GetSecInAverage()), // fDownscale(sig.GetDownscale()), // fNEvents(sig.GetNEvents()), // fNAcceptedEvents(sig.GetNAcceptedEvents()), // fTreeAmpVsTime(), // fTreeAvgAmpVsTime(), // fTreeLEDAmpVsTime(), // fTreeLEDAvgAmpVsTime() //{ // // also the TTree contents // AddInfo(&sig); // for (Int_t i = 0; iBranch("fChannelNum", &fChannelNum, "fChannelNum/I"); fTreeAmpVsTime->Branch("fHour", &fHour, "fHour/D"); fTreeAmpVsTime->Branch("fAmp", &fAmp, "fAmp/D"); // then, average version fTreeAvgAmpVsTime = new TTree("fTreeAvgAmpVsTime","Average Amplitude vs. Time Tree Variables"); fTreeAvgAmpVsTime->Branch("fChannelNum", &fChannelNum, "fChannelNum/I"); fTreeAvgAmpVsTime->Branch("fHour", &fHour, "fHour/D"); fTreeAvgAmpVsTime->Branch("fAvgAmp", &fAvgAmp, "fAvgAmp/D"); fTreeAvgAmpVsTime->Branch("fRMS", &fRMS, "fRMS/D"); // then same for LED.. fTreeLEDAmpVsTime = new TTree("fTreeLEDAmpVsTime","LED Amplitude vs. Time Tree Variables"); fTreeLEDAmpVsTime->Branch("fRefNum", &fRefNum, "fRefNum/I"); fTreeLEDAmpVsTime->Branch("fHour", &fHour, "fHour/D"); fTreeLEDAmpVsTime->Branch("fAmp", &fAmp, "fAmp/D"); fTreeLEDAvgAmpVsTime = new TTree("fTreeLEDAvgAmpVsTime","Average LED Amplitude vs. Time Tree Variables"); fTreeLEDAvgAmpVsTime->Branch("fRefNum", &fRefNum, "fRefNum/I"); fTreeLEDAvgAmpVsTime->Branch("fHour", &fHour, "fHour/D"); fTreeLEDAvgAmpVsTime->Branch("fAvgAmp", &fAvgAmp, "fAvgAmp/D"); fTreeLEDAvgAmpVsTime->Branch("fRMS", &fRMS, "fRMS/D"); return; } //_____________________________________________________________________ void AliCaloCalibSignal::ResetInfo() { // reset trees and counters Zero(); // set all counters to 0 DeleteTrees(); // delete previous stuff CreateTrees(); // and create some new ones return; } //_____________________________________________________________________ void AliCaloCalibSignal::Zero() { // set all counters to 0; not cuts etc. though fHour = 0; fLatestHour = 0; fNEvents = 0; fNAcceptedEvents = 0; // Set the number of points for each tower: Amp vs. Time memset(fNHighGain, 0, sizeof(fNHighGain)); memset(fNLowGain, 0, sizeof(fNLowGain)); // and LED reference memset(fNRef, 0, sizeof(fNRef)); return; } //_____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliCaloCalibSignal::CheckFractionAboveAmp(const int *iAmpVal, int resultArray[]) const { // check fraction of towers, per column, that are above amplitude cut Bool_t returnCode = false; int iTowerNum = 0; double fraction = 0; for (int i = 0; i fAmpCut) { nAbove++; } } resultArray[i*fColumns +j] = 0; // init. to denied if (nAbove > 0) { fraction = (1.0*nAbove) / fRows; /* printf("DS mod %d col %d nAbove %d fraction %3.2f\n", i, j, nAbove, fraction); */ if (fraction > fReqFractionAboveAmpCutVal) { resultArray[i*fColumns + j] = nAbove; returnCode = true; } } } } // modules loop return returnCode; } //_____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliCaloCalibSignal::CheckLEDRefAboveAmp(const int *iAmpVal, int resultArray[]) const { // check which LEDRef/Mon strips are above amplitude cut Bool_t returnCode = false; int iRefNum = 0; int gain = 1; // look at high gain; this should be rather saturated usually.. for (int i = 0; i fAmpCutLEDRef) { resultArray[i*fLEDRefs +j] = 1; // enough signal returnCode = true; } else { resultArray[i*fLEDRefs +j] = 0; // not enough signal } /* printf("DS mod %d LEDRef %d ampVal %d\n", i, j, iAmpVal[iRefNum]); */ } // LEDRefs } // modules loop return returnCode; } // Parameter/cut handling //_____________________________________________________________________ void AliCaloCalibSignal::SetParametersFromFile(const char *parameterFile) { // set parameters from file static const string delimitor("::"); // open, check input file ifstream in( parameterFile ); if( !in ) { printf("in AliCaloCalibSignal::SetParametersFromFile - Using default/run_time parameters.\n"); return; } // Note: this method is a bit more complicated than it really has to be // - allowing for multiple entries per line, arbitrary order of the // different variables etc. But I wanted to try and do this in as // correct a C++ way as I could (as an exercise). // read in char readline[1024]; while ((in.rdstate() & ios::failbit) == 0 ) { // Read into the raw char array and then construct a string // to do the searching in.getline(readline, 1024); istringstream s(readline); while ( ( s.rdstate() & ios::failbit ) == 0 ) { string keyValue; s >> keyValue; // check stream status if( ( s.rdstate() & ios::failbit ) == ios::failbit ) break; // skip rest of line if comments found if( keyValue.substr( 0, 2 ) == "//" ) break; // look for "::" in keyValue pair size_t position = keyValue.find( delimitor ); if( position == string::npos ) { printf("wrong format for key::value pair: %s\n", keyValue.c_str()); } // split keyValue pair string key( keyValue.substr( 0, position ) ); string value( keyValue.substr( position+delimitor.size(), keyValue.size()-delimitor.size() ) ); // check value does not contain a new delimitor if( value.find( delimitor ) != string::npos ) { printf("wrong format for key::value pair: %s\n", keyValue.c_str()); } // debug: check key value pair // printf("AliCaloCalibSignal::SetParametersFromFile - key %s value %s\n", key.c_str(), value.c_str()); // if the key matches with something we expect, we assign the new value if ( (key == "fAmpCut") || (key == "fReqFractionAboveAmpCutVal") || (key == "fAmpCutLEDRef") || (key == "fSecInAverage") || (key == "fFittingAlgorithm") || (key == "fDownscale") ) { istringstream iss(value); printf("AliCaloCalibSignal::SetParametersFromFile - key %s value %s\n", key.c_str(), value.c_str()); if (key == "fAmpCut") { iss >> fAmpCut; } else if (key == "fReqFractionAboveAmpCutVal") { iss >> fReqFractionAboveAmpCutVal; } else if (key == "fAmpCutLEDRef") { iss >> fAmpCutLEDRef; } else if (key == "fSecInAverage") { iss >> fSecInAverage; } else if (key == "fFittingAlgorithm") { iss >> fFittingAlgorithm; SetFittingAlgorithm( fFittingAlgorithm ); } else if (key == "fDownscale") { iss >> fDownscale; } } // some match found/expected } } in.close(); return; } //_____________________________________________________________________ void AliCaloCalibSignal::WriteParametersToFile(const char *parameterFile) { // write parameters to file static const string delimitor("::"); ofstream out( parameterFile ); out << "// " << parameterFile << endl; out << "fAmpCut" << "::" << fAmpCut << endl; out << "fReqFractionAboveAmpCutVal" << "::" << fReqFractionAboveAmpCutVal << endl; out << "fAmpCutLEDRef" << "::" << fAmpCutLEDRef << endl; out << "fSecInAverage" << "::" << fSecInAverage << endl; out << "fFittingAlgorithm" << "::" << fFittingAlgorithm << endl; out << "fDownscale" << "::" << fDownscale << endl; out.close(); return; } //_____________________________________________________________________ void AliCaloCalibSignal::SetFittingAlgorithm(Int_t fitAlgo) { // select which fitting algo should be used fFittingAlgorithm = fitAlgo; delete fRawAnalyzer; // delete doesn't do anything if the pointer is 0x0 fRawAnalyzer = AliCaloRawAnalyzerFactory::CreateAnalyzer( fitAlgo ); fRawAnalyzer->SetIsZeroSuppressed(true); // TMP - should use stream->IsZeroSuppressed(), or altro cfg registers later } //_____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliCaloCalibSignal::AddInfo(const AliCaloCalibSignal *sig) { // note/FIXME: we are not yet adding correctly the info for fN{HighGain,LowGain,Ref} here - but consider this a feature for now (20080905): we'll do Analyze() unless entries were found for a tower in this original object. // add info from sig's TTrees to ours.. TTree *sigAmp = sig->GetTreeAmpVsTime(); TTree *sigAvgAmp = sig->GetTreeAvgAmpVsTime(); // we could try some merging via TList or what also as a more elegant approach // but I wanted with the stupid/simple and hopefully safe approach of looping // over what we want to add.. // associate variables for sigAmp and sigAvgAmp: sigAmp->SetBranchAddress("fChannelNum",&fChannelNum); sigAmp->SetBranchAddress("fHour",&fHour); sigAmp->SetBranchAddress("fAmp",&fAmp); // loop over the trees.. note that since we use the same variables we should not need // to do any assignments between the getting and filling for (int i=0; iGetEntries(); i++) { sigAmp->GetEntry(i); fTreeAmpVsTime->Fill(); } sigAvgAmp->SetBranchAddress("fChannelNum",&fChannelNum); sigAvgAmp->SetBranchAddress("fHour",&fHour); sigAvgAmp->SetBranchAddress("fAvgAmp",&fAvgAmp); sigAvgAmp->SetBranchAddress("fRMS",&fRMS); for (int i=0; iGetEntries(); i++) { sigAvgAmp->GetEntry(i); fTreeAvgAmpVsTime->Fill(); } // also LED.. TTree *sigLEDAmp = sig->GetTreeLEDAmpVsTime(); TTree *sigLEDAvgAmp = sig->GetTreeLEDAvgAmpVsTime(); // associate variables for sigAmp and sigAvgAmp: sigLEDAmp->SetBranchAddress("fRefNum",&fRefNum); sigLEDAmp->SetBranchAddress("fHour",&fHour); sigLEDAmp->SetBranchAddress("fAmp",&fAmp); // loop over the trees.. note that since we use the same variables we should not need // to do any assignments between the getting and filling for (int i=0; iGetEntries(); i++) { sigLEDAmp->GetEntry(i); fTreeLEDAmpVsTime->Fill(); } sigLEDAvgAmp->SetBranchAddress("fRefNum",&fRefNum); sigLEDAvgAmp->SetBranchAddress("fHour",&fHour); sigLEDAvgAmp->SetBranchAddress("fAvgAmp",&fAvgAmp); sigLEDAvgAmp->SetBranchAddress("fRMS",&fRMS); for (int i=0; iGetEntries(); i++) { sigLEDAvgAmp->GetEntry(i); fTreeLEDAvgAmpVsTime->Fill(); } // We should also copy other pieces of info: counters and parameters // (not number of columns and rows etc which should be the same) // note that I just assign them here rather than Add them, but we // normally just Add (e.g. in Preprocessor) one object so this should be fine. fRunNumber = sig->GetRunNumber(); fStartTime = sig->GetStartTime(); fAmpCut = sig->GetAmpCut(); fReqFractionAboveAmpCutVal = sig->GetReqFractionAboveAmpCutVal(); fReqFractionAboveAmp = sig->GetReqFractionAboveAmp(); fAmpCutLEDRef = sig->GetAmpCutLEDRef(); fReqLEDRefAboveAmpCutVal = sig->GetReqLEDRefAboveAmpCutVal(); fHour = sig->GetHour(); fLatestHour = sig->GetLatestHour(); fUseAverage = sig->GetUseAverage(); fSecInAverage = sig->GetSecInAverage(); fDownscale = sig->GetDownscale(); fNEvents = sig->GetNEvents(); fNAcceptedEvents = sig->GetNAcceptedEvents(); return kTRUE;//We hopefully succesfully added info from the supplied object } //_____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliCaloCalibSignal::ProcessEvent(AliRawReader *rawReader) { // if fMapping is NULL the rawstream will crate its own mapping AliCaloRawStreamV3 rawStream(rawReader, fCaloString, (AliAltroMapping**)fMapping); if (fDetType == kEmCal) { rawReader->Select("EMCAL", 0, AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkLastAltroDDL) ; //select EMCAL DDL range } return ProcessEvent( &rawStream, rawReader->GetTimestamp() ); } //_____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliCaloCalibSignal::ProcessEvent(AliCaloRawStreamV3 *in, UInt_t Timestamp) { // Method to process=analyze one event in the data stream if (!in) return kFALSE; //Return right away if there's a null pointer fNEvents++; // one more event if ( (fNEvents%fDownscale)!=0 ) return kFALSE; // mechanism to skip some of the input events, if we want // use maximum numbers to set array sizes int iAmpValHighGain[fgkMaxTowers]; int iAmpValLowGain[fgkMaxTowers]; memset(iAmpValHighGain, 0, sizeof(iAmpValHighGain)); memset(iAmpValLowGain, 0, sizeof(iAmpValLowGain)); // also for LED reference int iLEDAmpVal[fgkMaxRefs * 2]; // factor 2 is for the two gain values memset(iLEDAmpVal, 0, sizeof(iLEDAmpVal)); int gain = 0; // high or low gain // Number of Low and High gain, and LED Ref, channels for this event: int nLowChan = 0; int nHighChan = 0; int nLEDRefChan = 0; int iTowerNum = 0; // array index for regular towers int iRefNum = 0; // array index for LED references // loop first to get the fraction of channels with amplitudes above cut while (in->NextDDL()) { while (in->NextChannel()) { vector bunchlist; while (in->NextBunch()) { bunchlist.push_back( AliCaloBunchInfo(in->GetStartTimeBin(), in->GetBunchLength(), in->GetSignals() ) ); } if (bunchlist.size() == 0) continue; gain = -1; // init to not valid value //If we're here then we're done with this tower if ( in->IsLowGain() ) { gain = 0; } else if ( in->IsHighGain() ) { gain = 1; } else if ( in->IsLEDMonData() ) { gain = in->GetRow(); // gain coded in (in RCU/Altro mapping) as Row info for LED refs.. } else { continue; } // don't try to fit TRU.. // it should be enough to check the SuperModule info for each DDL really, but let's keep it here for now int arrayPos = in->GetModule(); //The modules are numbered starting from 0 //Debug if (arrayPos < 0 || arrayPos >= fModules) { printf("AliCaloCalibSignal::ProcessEvent = Oh no: arrayPos = %i.\n", arrayPos); return kFALSE; } AliCaloFitResults res = fRawAnalyzer->Evaluate( bunchlist, in->GetAltroCFG1(), in->GetAltroCFG2()); if ( in->IsHighGain() || in->IsLowGain() ) { // regular tower // get tower number for AmpVal array iTowerNum = GetTowerNum(arrayPos, in->GetColumn(), in->GetRow()); if (gain == 0) { // fill amplitude into the array iAmpValLowGain[iTowerNum] = res.GetAmp(); nLowChan++; } else if (gain==1) {//fill the high gain ones // fill amplitude into the array iAmpValHighGain[iTowerNum] = res.GetAmp();; nHighChan++; }//end if gain } // regular tower else if ( in->IsLEDMonData() ) { // LED ref.; // strip # is coded is 'column' in the channel maps iRefNum = GetRefNum(arrayPos, in->GetColumn(), gain); iLEDAmpVal[iRefNum] = res.GetAmp(); nLEDRefChan++; } // end of LED ref } // end while over channel }//end while over DDL's, of input stream in->Reset(); // just in case the next customer forgets to check if the stream was reset.. // now check if it was an LED event, using the LED Reference info per strip // by default all columns are accepted (init check to > 0) int checkResultArray[AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALModules * AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALCols]; for (int ia=0; ia<(AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALModules * AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALCols); ia++) { checkResultArray[ia] = 1; } if (fReqFractionAboveAmp) { bool ok = false; if (nHighChan > 0) { ok = CheckFractionAboveAmp(iAmpValHighGain, checkResultArray); } if (!ok) return false; // skip event } // by default all columns are accepted (init check to > 0) int checkResultArrayLEDRef[AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALModules * AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALLEDRefs]; for (int ia=0; ia<(AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALModules * AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALLEDRefs); ia++) { checkResultArrayLEDRef[ia] = 1; } if (fReqLEDRefAboveAmpCutVal) { bool ok = false; if (nLEDRefChan > 0) { ok = CheckLEDRefAboveAmp(iLEDAmpVal, checkResultArrayLEDRef); } if (!ok) return false; // skip event } fNAcceptedEvents++; // one more event accepted if (fStartTime == 0) { // if start-timestamp wasn't set,we'll pick it up from the first event we encounter fStartTime = Timestamp; } fHour = (Timestamp - fStartTime)/(double)fgkNumSecInHr; if (fLatestHour < fHour) { fLatestHour = fHour; } // it is a led event, now fill TTree // We also do the activity check for LEDRefs/Strips, but need to translate between column // and strip indices for that; based on these relations: // iStrip = AliEMCALGeoParams::GetStripModule(iSM, iCol); // iStrip = (iSM%2==0) ? iCol/2 : AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALLEDRefs - 1 - iCol/2; // which leads to // iColFirst = (iSM%2==0) ? iStrip*2 : (AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALLEDRefs - 1 - iStrip)*2; for(int i=0; i0 && checkResultArrayLEDRef[i*fLEDRefs + iStrip]>0) { // column passed check for(int k=0; kFill();//fChannelNum,fHour,AmpValHighGain[iTowerNum]); fNHighGain[iTowerNum]++; } if(iAmpValLowGain[iTowerNum]) { fAmp = iAmpValLowGain[iTowerNum]; fChannelNum = GetChannelNum(i,j,k,0); fTreeAmpVsTime->Fill();//fChannelNum,fHour,AmpValLowGain[iTowerNum]); fNLowGain[iTowerNum]++; } } // rows } // column passed check, and LED Ref for strip passed check (if any) } // columns // also LED refs for(int j=0; j0) || (checkResultArray[i*fColumns + iColFirst + 1]>0)) && // at least one column in strip passed check (checkResultArrayLEDRef[i*fLEDRefs + j]>0) ) { // and LED Ref passed checks for (gain=0; gain<2; gain++) { fRefNum = GetRefNum(i, j, gain); if (iLEDAmpVal[fRefNum]) { fAmp = iLEDAmpVal[fRefNum]; fTreeLEDAmpVsTime->Fill();//fRefNum,fHour,fAmp); fNRef[fRefNum]++; } } // gain } // at least one column in strip passed check, and LED Ref passed check (if any) } } // modules return kTRUE; } //_____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliCaloCalibSignal::Save(TString fileName) { //Saves all the TTrees to the designated file TFile destFile(fileName, "recreate"); if (destFile.IsZombie()) { return kFALSE; } destFile.cd(); // save the trees fTreeAmpVsTime->Write(); fTreeLEDAmpVsTime->Write(); if (fUseAverage) { Analyze(); // get the latest and greatest averages fTreeAvgAmpVsTime->Write(); fTreeLEDAvgAmpVsTime->Write(); } destFile.Close(); return kTRUE; } //_____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliCaloCalibSignal::Analyze() { // Fill the tree holding the average values if (!fUseAverage) { return kFALSE; } // Reset the average TTree if Analyze has already been called earlier, // meaning that the TTree could have been partially filled if (fTreeAvgAmpVsTime->GetEntries() > 0) { fTreeAvgAmpVsTime->Reset(); } //0: setup variables for the TProfile plots that we'll use to do the averages int numProfBins = 0; double timeMin = 0; double timeMax = 0; if (fSecInAverage > 0) { numProfBins = (int)( (fLatestHour*fgkNumSecInHr)/fSecInAverage + 1 ); // round-off } numProfBins += 2; // add extra buffer : first and last double binSize = 1.0*fSecInAverage / fgkNumSecInHr; timeMin = - binSize; timeMax = timeMin + numProfBins*binSize; //1: set up TProfiles for the towers that had data TProfile * profile[fgkMaxTowers*2]; // *2 is since we include both high and low gains memset(profile, 0, sizeof(profile)); const Int_t buffersize = 200; char name[buffersize]; // for profile id and title int iTowerNum = 0; for (int i = 0; i 0) { fChannelNum = GetChannelNum(i, ic, ir, 1); snprintf(name,buffersize,"profileChan%d", fChannelNum); profile[fChannelNum] = new TProfile(name, name, numProfBins, timeMin, timeMax, "s"); } // same for low gain if (fNLowGain[iTowerNum] > 0) { fChannelNum = GetChannelNum(i, ic, ir, 0); snprintf(name,buffersize,"profileChan%d", fChannelNum); profile[fChannelNum] = new TProfile(name, name, numProfBins, timeMin, timeMax, "s"); } } // rows } // columns } // modules //2: fill profiles by looping over tree // Set addresses for tree-readback also fTreeAmpVsTime->SetBranchAddress("fChannelNum", &fChannelNum); fTreeAmpVsTime->SetBranchAddress("fHour", &fHour); fTreeAmpVsTime->SetBranchAddress("fAmp", &fAmp); for (int ient=0; ientGetEntries(); ient++) { fTreeAmpVsTime->GetEntry(ient); if (profile[fChannelNum]) { // profile should always have been created above, for active channels profile[fChannelNum]->Fill(fHour, fAmp); } } // re-associating the branch addresses here seems to be needed for OK 'average' storage fTreeAvgAmpVsTime->SetBranchAddress("fChannelNum", &fChannelNum); fTreeAvgAmpVsTime->SetBranchAddress("fHour", &fHour); fTreeAvgAmpVsTime->SetBranchAddress("fAvgAmp", &fAvgAmp); fTreeAvgAmpVsTime->SetBranchAddress("fRMS", &fRMS); //3: fill avg tree by looping over the profiles for (fChannelNum = 0; fChannelNum<(fgkMaxTowers*2); fChannelNum++) { if (profile[fChannelNum]) { // profile was created if (profile[fChannelNum]->GetEntries() > 0) { // profile had some entries for(int it=0; itGetBinEntries(it+1) > 0) { fAvgAmp = profile[fChannelNum]->GetBinContent(it+1); fHour = profile[fChannelNum]->GetBinCenter(it+1); fRMS = profile[fChannelNum]->GetBinError(it+1); fTreeAvgAmpVsTime->Fill(); } // some entries for this bin } // loop over bins } // some entries for this profile } // profile exists } // loop over all possible channels // and finally, go through same exercise for LED also.. //1: set up TProfiles for the towers that had data TProfile * profileLED[fgkMaxRefs*2]; // *2 is since we include both high and low gains memset(profileLED, 0, sizeof(profileLED)); for (int i = 0; i 0) { snprintf(name, buffersize, "profileLEDRef%d", fRefNum); profileLED[fRefNum] = new TProfile(name, name, numProfBins, timeMin, timeMax, "s"); } }// gain } } // modules //2: fill profiles by looping over tree // Set addresses for tree-readback also fTreeLEDAmpVsTime->SetBranchAddress("fRefNum", &fRefNum); fTreeLEDAmpVsTime->SetBranchAddress("fHour", &fHour); fTreeLEDAmpVsTime->SetBranchAddress("fAmp", &fAmp); for (int ient=0; ientGetEntries(); ient++) { fTreeLEDAmpVsTime->GetEntry(ient); if (profileLED[fRefNum]) { // profile should always have been created above, for active channels profileLED[fRefNum]->Fill(fHour, fAmp); } } // re-associating the branch addresses here seems to be needed for OK 'average' storage fTreeLEDAvgAmpVsTime->SetBranchAddress("fRefNum", &fRefNum); fTreeLEDAvgAmpVsTime->SetBranchAddress("fHour", &fHour); fTreeLEDAvgAmpVsTime->SetBranchAddress("fAvgAmp", &fAvgAmp); fTreeLEDAvgAmpVsTime->SetBranchAddress("fRMS", &fRMS); //3: fill avg tree by looping over the profiles for (fRefNum = 0; fRefNum<(fgkMaxRefs*2); fRefNum++) { if (profileLED[fRefNum]) { // profile was created if (profileLED[fRefNum]->GetEntries() > 0) { // profile had some entries for(int it=0; itGetBinEntries(it+1) > 0) { fAvgAmp = profileLED[fRefNum]->GetBinContent(it+1); fHour = profileLED[fRefNum]->GetBinCenter(it+1); fRMS = profileLED[fRefNum]->GetBinError(it+1); fTreeLEDAvgAmpVsTime->Fill(); } // some entries for this bin } // loop over bins } // some entries for this profile } // profile exists } // loop over all possible channels // OK, we're done.. return kTRUE; } //_____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliCaloCalibSignal::DecodeChannelNum(const int chanId, int *imod, int *icol, int *irow, int *igain) const { // return the module, column, row, and gain for a given channel number *igain = chanId/(fModules*fColumns*fRows); *imod = (chanId/(fColumns*fRows)) % fModules; *icol = (chanId/fRows) % fColumns; *irow = chanId % fRows; return kTRUE; } //_____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliCaloCalibSignal::DecodeRefNum(const int refId, int *imod, int *istripMod, int *igain) const { // return the module, stripModule, and gain for a given reference number *igain = refId/(fModules*fLEDRefs); *imod = (refId/(fLEDRefs)) % fModules; *istripMod = refId % fLEDRefs; return kTRUE; }