#ifndef ALIEMCALCALIBTIMEDEP_H #define ALIEMCALCALIBTIMEDEP_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ /* $Id: AliEMCALCalibTimeDep.h $ */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // class for EMCAL time-dependence calibration // ///////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "TObject.h" class AliEMCALSensorTempArray; class AliCaloCalibSignal; class AliEMCALBiasAPD; class AliEMCALCalibMapAPD; class AliEMCALCalibAbs; // absolute = time-independent class AliEMCALCalibTimeDepCorrection; class AliEMCALCalibTimeDep : public TObject { public: AliEMCALCalibTimeDep(); //! ctor AliEMCALCalibTimeDep(const AliEMCALCalibTimeDep &calibt); //! copy ctor AliEMCALCalibTimeDep& operator= (const AliEMCALCalibTimeDep &calibt); //! virtual ~AliEMCALCalibTimeDep(); //! dtor virtual void PrintInfo() const; void Initialize(Int_t run, UInt_t startTime, UInt_t endTime);//! // simple getters Int_t GetRunNumber() const { return fRun; } // Int_t GetStartTime() const { return fStartTime; } // Int_t GetEndTime() const { return fEndTime; } // Double_t GetLengthOfRunInHours() const; // Double_t GetLengthOfRunInBins() const; // // Temperature Section // access pointer to the basic temperature object: AliEMCALSensorTempArray AliEMCALSensorTempArray * GetTempArray() const { return fTempArray; } // // range of temperature readings/values during the run Int_t ScanTemperatureInfo(); // go through the temperature info Double_t GetMinTemp() const { return fMinTemp; } // Double_t GetMaxTemp() const { return fMaxTemp; } // UInt_t GetMinTime() const { return fMinTime; } // UInt_t GetMaxTime() const { return fMaxTime; } // Double_t GetRangeOfTempMeasureInHours() const; // Double_t GetRangeOfTempMeasureInDegrees() const; // // basic calibration info Double_t GetTemperature(UInt_t timeStamp) const; // for all sensors, all SuperModules Double_t GetTemperatureSM(int imod, UInt_t timeStamp) const; // for all sensors, in a SuperModule Double_t GetTemperatureSMSensor(int imod, int isens, UInt_t timeStamp) const; // for a sensor, in a SuperModule // End of Temperature Section // control parameters void SetTemperatureResolution(Double_t d) { fTemperatureResolution = d; } // value for checking at which level we care about temperature differences void SetTimeBinsPerHour(Int_t i) { fTimeBinsPerHour = i; } // size of the time-bins we use for corrections Double_t GetTemperatureResolution() const { return fTemperatureResolution; } // value for checking at which level we care about temperature differences Int_t GetTimeBinsPerHour() const { return fTimeBinsPerHour; } // size of the time-bins we use foc corrections // access to other pointers AliCaloCalibSignal * GetCalibSignal() const { return fCalibSignal; } // AliEMCALBiasAPD * GetBiasAPD() const { return fBiasAPD; } // AliEMCALCalibMapAPD * GetCalibMapAPD() const { return fCalibMapAPD; } // AliEMCALCalibAbs * GetCalibAbs() const { return fCalibAbs; } // AliEMCALCalibTimeDepCorrection * GetCalibTimeDepCorrection() const { return fCalibTimeDepCorrection; } // // storage and access of the correction info Int_t CalcCorrection(); // AliEMCALCalibTimeDepCorrection * GetTimeDepCorrection() const { return fCalibTimeDepCorrection; } // Double_t GetTempCoeff(Double_t IDark, Double_t M) const; // private: void Reset(); // void GetTemperatureInfo(); // pick up Preprocessor output void GetCalibSignalInfo(); // pick up Preprocessor output void GetBiasAPDInfo(); // pick up OCDB info void GetCalibMapAPDInfo(); // pick up OCDB info void GetCalibAbsInfo(); // pick up OCDB info Int_t CalcLEDCorrection(Int_t nSM, Int_t nBins); // based on LED signals, and reference photodiodes Int_t CalcLEDCorrectionStripBasis(Int_t nSM, Int_t nBins); // based on LED signals, and reference photodiodes Int_t CalcTemperatureCorrection(Int_t nSM, Int_t nBins); // based on temperetare info // Int_t fRun; UInt_t fStartTime; UInt_t fEndTime; // temperature stuff Double_t fMinTemp; Double_t fMaxTemp; UInt_t fMinTime; UInt_t fMaxTime; // Double_t fTemperatureResolution; // value for checking at which level we care about temperature differences Int_t fTimeBinsPerHour; // size of the time-bins we use for corrections // pointers to the different used classes AliEMCALSensorTempArray *fTempArray; // CDB class for temperature sensors AliCaloCalibSignal *fCalibSignal; // AliEMCALBiasAPD *fBiasAPD; // AliEMCALCalibMapAPD *fCalibMapAPD; // AliEMCALCalibAbs *fCalibAbs; // absolute = time-independent AliEMCALCalibTimeDepCorrection *fCalibTimeDepCorrection; // // ClassDef(AliEMCALCalibTimeDep,2) // EMCAL Calibration data }; #endif