#ifndef ALIEMCALCLUSTERIZERV1_H #define ALIEMCALCLUSTERIZERV1_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ /* $Id$ */ //_________________________________________________________________________ // Implementation version 1 of the clusterization algorithm // Performs clusterization (collects neighbouring active cells) and // unfolding of the clusters with several local maxima. // results are stored in TreeR#, branches PHOSEmcRP (EMC recPoints), // PHOSCpvRP (CPV RecPoints) and AliPHOSClusterizer // //*-- Author: Yves Schutz (SUBATECH) // Modif: // August 2002 Yves Schutz: clone PHOS as closely as possible and intoduction // of new IO (à la PHOS) // --- ROOT system --- // --- Standard library --- // --- AliRoot header files --- #include "AliEMCALClusterizer.h" class AliEMCALTowerRecPoint ; class AliEMCALDigit ; class AliEMCALDigitizer ; class AliEMCALGeometry ; class AliEMCALClusterizerv1 : public AliEMCALClusterizer { public: AliEMCALClusterizerv1() ; AliEMCALClusterizerv1(const TString alirunFileNameFile, const TString eventFolderName = AliConfig::fgkDefaultEventFolderName); virtual ~AliEMCALClusterizerv1() ; virtual Int_t AreNeighbours(AliEMCALDigit * d1, AliEMCALDigit * d2)const ; // Checks if digits are in neighbour cells virtual Float_t Calibrate(Int_t amp, Int_t where)const ; // Tranforms Amp to energy virtual void GetNumberOfClustersFound(int * numb )const{ numb[0] = fNumberOfPREClusters ; numb[1] = fNumberOfECAClusters ; numb[2] = fNumberOfHCAClusters ; } virtual Float_t GetPREClusteringThreshold()const{ return fPREClusteringThreshold; } virtual Float_t GetECAClusteringThreshold()const{ return fECAClusteringThreshold;} virtual Float_t GetHCAClusteringThreshold()const{ return fHCAClusteringThreshold;} virtual Float_t GetPRELocalMaxCut()const { return fPRELocMaxCut;} virtual Float_t GetPREShoLogWeight()const { return fPREW0;} virtual Float_t GetECALocalMaxCut()const { return fECALocMaxCut;} virtual Float_t GetECALogWeight()const { return fECAW0;} virtual Float_t GetHCALocalMaxCut()const { return fHCALocMaxCut;} virtual Float_t GetHCALogWeight()const { return fHCAW0;} virtual Float_t GetTimeGate() const { return fTimeGate ; } virtual const char * GetRecPointsBranch() const{ return GetName() ;} virtual const Int_t GetRecPointsInRun() const {return fRecPointsInRun ;} void Exec(Option_t *option); // Does the job virtual void Print(Option_t * option)const ; virtual void SetECAClusteringThreshold(Float_t cluth) { fECAClusteringThreshold = cluth ; } virtual void SetECALocalMaxCut(Float_t cut) { fECALocMaxCut = cut ; } virtual void SetECALogWeight(Float_t w) { fECAW0 = w ; } virtual void SetHCAClusteringThreshold(Float_t cluth) { fHCAClusteringThreshold = cluth ; } virtual void SetHCALocalMaxCut(Float_t cut) { fHCALocMaxCut = cut ; } virtual void SetHCALogWeight(Float_t w) { fHCAW0 = w ; } virtual void SetTimeGate(Float_t gate) { fTimeGate = gate ;} virtual void SetPREClusteringThreshold(Float_t cluth) { fPREClusteringThreshold = cluth ; } virtual void SetPRELocalMaxCut(Float_t cut) { fPRELocMaxCut = cut ; } virtual void SetPRELogWeight(Float_t w) { fPREW0 = w ; } virtual void SetUnfolding(Bool_t toUnfold = kTRUE ) {fToUnfold = toUnfold ;} static Double_t ShowerShape(Double_t r) ; // Shape of EM shower used in unfolding; //class member function (not object member function) static void UnfoldingChiSquare(Int_t & nPar, Double_t * Grad, Double_t & fret, Double_t * x, Int_t iflag) ; // Chi^2 of the fit. Should be static to be passes to MINUIT void Unload() ; virtual const char * Version() const { return "clu-v1" ; } protected: void WriteRecPoints() ; virtual void MakeClusters( ) ; private: const TString BranchName() const ; void GetCalibrationParameters(void) ; Bool_t FindFit(AliEMCALTowerRecPoint * emcRP, AliEMCALDigit ** MaxAt, Float_t * maxAtEnergy, Int_t NPar, Float_t * FitParametres) const; //Used in UnfoldClusters, calls TMinuit void Init() ; void InitParameters() ; virtual void MakeUnfolding() ; void UnfoldCluster(AliEMCALTowerRecPoint * /*iniEmc*/, Int_t /*Nmax*/, AliEMCALDigit ** /*maxAt*/, Float_t * /*maxAtEnergy*/ ) ; //Unfolds cluster using TMinuit package void PrintRecPoints(Option_t * /*option*/) ; private: Bool_t fDefaultInit; //! Says if the task was created by defaut ctor (only parameters are initialized) Int_t fNTowers ; // number of Towers in EMCAL Bool_t fToUnfold ; // To perform unfolding Int_t fNumberOfPREClusters ; // number of clusters found in PRE section Int_t fNumberOfECAClusters ; // number of clusters found in EC section Int_t fNumberOfHCAClusters ; // number of clusters found in HC section //Calibration parameters... to be replaced by database Float_t fADCchannelPRE ; // width of one ADC channel for PRE section (GeV) Float_t fADCpedestalPRE ; // pedestal of ADC for PRE section (GeV) Float_t fADCchannelECA ; // width of one ADC channel for EC section (GeV) Float_t fADCpedestalECA ; // pedestal of ADC for EC section (GeV) Float_t fADCchannelHCA ; // width of one ADC channel for HC section (GeV) Float_t fADCpedestalHCA ; // pedestal of ADC for HC section (GeV) Float_t fECAClusteringThreshold ; // minimum energy to include a EC digit in a cluster Float_t fHCAClusteringThreshold ; // minimum energy to include a HC digit in a cluster Float_t fPREClusteringThreshold ; // minimum energy to include a PRE digit in a cluster Float_t fECALocMaxCut ; // minimum energy difference to distinguish local maxima in a cluster Float_t fECAW0 ; // logarithmic weight for the cluster center of gravity calculation Float_t fHCALocMaxCut ; // minimum energy difference to distinguish local maxima in a cluster Float_t fHCAW0 ; // logarithmic weight for the cluster center of gravity calculation Float_t fPRELocMaxCut ; // minimum energy difference to distinguish local maxima in a CPV cluster Float_t fPREW0 ; // logarithmic weight for the CPV cluster center of gravity calculation Int_t fRecPointsInRun ; //! Total number of recpoints in one run Float_t fTimeGate ; // Maximum time difference between the digits in ont EMC cluster ClassDef(AliEMCALClusterizerv1,2) // Clusterizer implementation version 1 }; #endif // AliEMCALCLUSTERIZERV1_H