/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ //_________________________________________________________________________ // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class performs digitization of Summable digits // // In addition it performs mixing of summable digits from different events. // // For each event two branches are created in TreeD: // "EMCAL" - list of digits // "AliEMCALDigitizer" - AliEMCALDigitizer with all parameters used in digitization // // Note, that one cset title for new digits branch, and repeat digitization with // another set of parameters. // // Examples of use: // root[0] AliEMCALDigitizer * d = new AliEMCALDigitizer() ; // root[1] d->ExecuteTask() // Warning in : object already instantiated // //Digitizes SDigitis in all events found in file galice.root // // root[2] AliEMCALDigitizer * d1 = new AliEMCALDigitizer("galice1.root") ; // // Will read sdigits from galice1.root // root[3] d1->MixWith("galice2.root") // Warning in : object already instantiated // // Reads another portion of sdigits from galice2.root // root[3] d1->MixWith("galice3.root") // // Reads another portion of sdigits from galice3.root // root[4] d->ExecuteTask("deb timing") // // Reads SDigits from files galice1.root, galice2.root .... // // mixes them and stores produced Digits in file galice1.root // // deb - prints number of produced digits // // deb all - prints list of produced digits // // timing - prints time used for digitization //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // //*-- Author: Sahal Yacoob (LBL) // based on : AliEMCALDigitizer // Modif: // August 2002 Yves Schutz: clone PHOS as closely as possible and intoduction // of new IO (à la PHOS) ///_________________________________________________________________________________ // --- ROOT system --- #include "TTree.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "TBenchmark.h" // --- Standard library --- // --- AliRoot header files --- #include "AliRunDigitizer.h" #include "AliEMCALDigit.h" #include "AliEMCAL.h" #include "AliEMCALGetter.h" #include "AliEMCALDigitizer.h" #include "AliEMCALSDigitizer.h" #include "AliEMCALGeometry.h" #include "AliEMCALTick.h" ClassImp(AliEMCALDigitizer) //____________________________________________________________________________ AliEMCALDigitizer::AliEMCALDigitizer():AliDigitizer("",""), fInput(0), fInputFileNames(0x0), fEventNames(0x0) { // ctor InitParameters() ; fDefaultInit = kTRUE ; fManager = 0 ; // We work in the standalong mode fEventFolderName = "" ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliEMCALDigitizer::AliEMCALDigitizer(TString alirunFileName, TString eventFolderName): AliDigitizer("EMCAL"+AliConfig::Instance()->GetDigitizerTaskName(), alirunFileName), fInputFileNames(0), fEventNames(0), fEventFolderName(eventFolderName) { // ctor InitParameters() ; Init() ; fDefaultInit = kFALSE ; fManager = 0 ; // We work in the standalong mode } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliEMCALDigitizer::AliEMCALDigitizer(const AliEMCALDigitizer & d) : AliDigitizer(d) { // copyy ctor SetName(d.GetName()) ; SetTitle(d.GetTitle()) ; fDigitThreshold = d.fDigitThreshold ; fMeanPhotonElectron = d.fMeanPhotonElectron ; fPedestal = d.fPedestal ; fSlope = d.fSlope ; fPinNoise = d.fPinNoise ; fTimeResolution = d.fTimeResolution ; fTimeThreshold = d.fTimeThreshold ; fTimeSignalLength = d.fTimeSignalLength ; fADCchannelEC = d.fADCchannelEC ; fADCpedestalEC = d.fADCpedestalEC ; fNADCEC = d.fNADCEC ; fEventFolderName = d.fEventFolderName; } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliEMCALDigitizer::AliEMCALDigitizer(AliRunDigitizer * rd): AliDigitizer(rd,"EMCAL"+AliConfig::Instance()->GetDigitizerTaskName()), fEventFolderName(0) { // ctor Init() is called by RunDigitizer fManager = rd ; fEventFolderName = fManager->GetInputFolderName(0) ; SetTitle(dynamic_cast(fManager->GetInputStream(0))->GetFileName(0)); InitParameters() ; fDefaultInit = kFALSE ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliEMCALDigitizer::~AliEMCALDigitizer() { AliEMCALGetter * gime =AliEMCALGetter::Instance(GetTitle(),fEventFolderName); gime->EmcalLoader()->CleanDigitizer(); delete [] fInputFileNames ; delete [] fEventNames ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliEMCALDigitizer::Digitize(Int_t event) { // Makes the digitization of the collected summable digits // for this it first creates the array of all EMCAL modules // filled with noise (different for EMC, CPV and PPSD) and // after that adds contributions from SDigits. This design // helps to avoid scanning over the list of digits to add // contribution of any new SDigit. AliEMCALGetter * gime = AliEMCALGetter::Instance(GetTitle(), fEventFolderName) ; Int_t ReadEvent = event ; if (fManager) ReadEvent = dynamic_cast(fManager->GetInputStream(0))->GetCurrentEventNumber() ; Info("Digitize", "Adding event %d from input stream 0 %s %s", ReadEvent, GetTitle(), fEventFolderName.Data()) ; gime->Event(ReadEvent, "S") ; TClonesArray * digits = gime->Digits() ; digits->Clear() ; const AliEMCALGeometry *geom = gime->EMCALGeometry() ; Int_t nEMC = geom->GetNPhi()*geom->GetNZ(); //max number of digits possible Int_t absID ; digits->Expand(nEMC) ; // get first the sdigitizer from the tasks list (must have same name as the digitizer) if ( !gime->SDigitizer() ) gime->LoadSDigitizer(); AliEMCALSDigitizer * sDigitizer = gime->SDigitizer(); if ( !sDigitizer ) Fatal("Digitize", "SDigitizer with name %s %s not found", fEventFolderName.Data(), GetTitle() ) ; //take all the inputs to add together and load the SDigits TObjArray * sdigArray = new TObjArray(fInput) ; sdigArray->AddAt(gime->SDigits(), 0) ; Int_t i ; for(i = 1 ; i < fInput ; i++){ TString tempo(fEventNames[i]) ; tempo += i ; AliEMCALGetter * gime = AliEMCALGetter::Instance(fInputFileNames[i], tempo) ; if (fManager) ReadEvent = dynamic_cast(fManager->GetInputStream(i))->GetCurrentEventNumber() ; Info("Digitize", "Adding event %d from input stream %d %s %s", ReadEvent, i, fInputFileNames[i].Data(), tempo.Data()) ; gime->Event(ReadEvent,"S"); sdigArray->AddAt(gime->SDigits(), i) ; } //Find the first tower with signal Int_t nextSig = nEMC + 1 ; TClonesArray * sdigits ; for(i = 0 ; i < fInput ; i++){ sdigits = dynamic_cast(sdigArray->At(i)) ; if ( !sdigits->GetEntriesFast() ) continue ; Int_t curNext = dynamic_cast(sdigits->At(0))->GetId() ; if(curNext < nextSig) nextSig = curNext ; } TArrayI index(fInput) ; index.Reset() ; //Set all indexes to zero AliEMCALDigit * digit ; AliEMCALDigit * curSDigit ; TClonesArray * ticks = new TClonesArray("AliEMCALTick",1000) ; //Put Noise contribution for(absID = 1; absID <= nEMC; absID++){ Float_t amp = 0 ; // amplitude set to zero, noise will be added later new((*digits)[absID-1]) AliEMCALDigit( -1, -1, absID, 0, TimeOfNoise() ) ; //look if we have to add signal? digit = dynamic_cast(digits->At(absID-1)) ; if(absID==nextSig){ //Add SDigits from all inputs ticks->Clear() ; Int_t contrib = 0 ; Float_t a = digit->GetAmp() ; Float_t b = TMath::Abs( a /fTimeSignalLength) ; //Mark the beginning of the signal new((*ticks)[contrib++]) AliEMCALTick(digit->GetTime(),0, b); //Mark the end of the signal new((*ticks)[contrib++]) AliEMCALTick(digit->GetTime()+fTimeSignalLength, -a, -b); // loop over input for(i = 0; i< fInput ; i++){ //loop over (possible) merge sources if(dynamic_cast(sdigArray->At(i))->GetEntriesFast() > index[i] ) curSDigit = dynamic_cast(dynamic_cast(sdigArray->At(i))->At(index[i])) ; else curSDigit = 0 ; //May be several digits will contribute from the same input while(curSDigit && (curSDigit->GetId() == absID)){ //Shift primary to separate primaries belonging different inputs Int_t primaryoffset ; if(fManager) primaryoffset = fManager->GetMask(i) ; else primaryoffset = i ; curSDigit->ShiftPrimary(primaryoffset) ; a = curSDigit->GetAmp() ; b = a /fTimeSignalLength ; new((*ticks)[contrib++]) AliEMCALTick(curSDigit->GetTime(),0, b); new((*ticks)[contrib++]) AliEMCALTick(curSDigit->GetTime()+fTimeSignalLength, -a, -b); *digit = *digit + *curSDigit ; //add energies index[i]++ ; if( dynamic_cast(sdigArray->At(i))->GetEntriesFast() > index[i] ) curSDigit = dynamic_cast(dynamic_cast(sdigArray->At(i))->At(index[i])) ; else curSDigit = 0 ; } } // add fluctuations for photo-electron creation amp = sDigitizer->Calibrate(digit->GetAmp()) ; // GeV amp *= static_cast(gRandom->Poisson(fMeanPhotonElectron)) / static_cast(fMeanPhotonElectron) ; //calculate and set time Float_t time = FrontEdgeTime(ticks) ; digit->SetTime(time) ; //Find next signal module nextSig = nEMC + 1 ; for(i = 0 ; i < fInput ; i++){ sdigits = dynamic_cast(sdigArray->At(i)) ; Int_t curNext = nextSig ; if(sdigits->GetEntriesFast() > index[i] ){ curNext = dynamic_cast(sdigits->At(index[i]))->GetId() ; } if(curNext < nextSig) nextSig = curNext ; } } // add the noise now amp += TMath::Abs(gRandom->Gaus(0., fPinNoise)) ; digit->SetAmp(sDigitizer->Digitize(amp)) ; } ticks->Delete() ; delete ticks ; delete sdigArray ; //We should not delete its contents //remove digits below thresholds for(i = 0 ; i < nEMC ; i++){ digit = dynamic_cast( digits->At(i) ) ; Float_t threshold = fDigitThreshold ; if(sDigitizer->Calibrate( digit->GetAmp() ) < threshold) digits->RemoveAt(i) ; else digit->SetTime(gRandom->Gaus(digit->GetTime(),fTimeResolution) ) ; } digits->Compress() ; Int_t ndigits = digits->GetEntriesFast() ; digits->Expand(ndigits) ; //Set indexes in list of digits for (i = 0 ; i < ndigits ; i++) { digit = dynamic_cast( digits->At(i) ) ; digit->SetIndexInList(i) ; Float_t energy = sDigitizer->Calibrate(digit->GetAmp()) ; digit->SetAmp(DigitizeEnergy(energy) ) ; } } //____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliEMCALDigitizer::DigitizeEnergy(Float_t energy) { Int_t channel = -999; channel = static_cast (TMath::Ceil( (energy + fADCpedestalEC)/fADCchannelEC )) ; if(channel > fNADCEC ) channel = fNADCEC ; return channel ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliEMCALDigitizer::Exec(Option_t *option) { // Steering method to process digitization for events // in the range from fFirstEvent to fLastEvent. // This range is optionally set by SetEventRange(). // if fLastEvent=-1, then process events until the end. // by default fLastEvent = fFirstEvent (process only one event) if (!fInit) { // to prevent overwrite existing file Error( "Exec", "Give a version name different from %s", fEventFolderName.Data() ) ; return ; } if (strstr(option,"print")) { Print(); return ; } if(strstr(option,"tim")) gBenchmark->Start("EMCALDigitizer"); AliEMCALGetter * gime = AliEMCALGetter::Instance(GetTitle()) ; if (fLastEvent == -1) fLastEvent = gime->MaxEvent() - 1 ; else if (fManager) fLastEvent = fFirstEvent ; Int_t nEvents = fLastEvent - fFirstEvent + 1; Int_t ievent ; for (ievent = fFirstEvent; ievent <= fLastEvent; ievent++) { gime->Event(ievent,"S") ; Digitize(ievent) ; //Add prepared SDigits to digits and add the noise WriteDigits() ; if(strstr(option,"deb")) PrintDigits(option); //increment the total number of Digits per run fDigitsInRun += gime->Digits()->GetEntriesFast() ; } if(strstr(option,"tim")){ gBenchmark->Stop("EMCALDigitizer"); printf("Exec: took %f seconds for Digitizing %f seconds per event", gBenchmark->GetCpuTime("EMCALDigitizer"), gBenchmark->GetCpuTime("EMCALDigitizer")/nEvents ) ; } } //____________________________________________________________________________ Float_t AliEMCALDigitizer::FrontEdgeTime(TClonesArray * ticks) { // Returns the shortest time among all time ticks ticks->Sort() ; //Sort in accordance with times of ticks TIter it(ticks) ; AliEMCALTick * ctick = (AliEMCALTick *) it.Next() ; Float_t time = ctick->CrossingTime(fTimeThreshold) ; AliEMCALTick * t ; while((t=(AliEMCALTick*) it.Next())){ if(t->GetTime() < time) //This tick starts before crossing *ctick+=*t ; else return time ; time = ctick->CrossingTime(fTimeThreshold) ; } return time ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliEMCALDigitizer::Init() { // Makes all memory allocations fInit = kTRUE ; AliEMCALGetter * gime = AliEMCALGetter::Instance(GetTitle(), fEventFolderName) ; if ( gime == 0 ) { Error("Init", "Could not obtain the Getter object for file %s and event %s !", GetTitle(), fEventFolderName.Data()) ; return kFALSE; } TString opt("Digits") ; if(gime->VersionExists(opt) ) { Error( "Init", "Give a version name different from %s", fEventFolderName.Data() ) ; fInit = kFALSE ; } // Post Digitizer to the white board gime->PostDigitizer(this) ; fFirstEvent = 0 ; fLastEvent = fFirstEvent ; if(fManager) fInput = fManager->GetNinputs() ; else fInput = 1 ; fInputFileNames = new TString[fInput] ; fEventNames = new TString[fInput] ; fInputFileNames[0] = GetTitle() ; fEventNames[0] = fEventFolderName.Data() ; Int_t index ; for (index = 1 ; index < fInput ; index++) { fInputFileNames[index] = dynamic_cast(fManager->GetInputStream(index))->GetFileName(0); TString tempo = fManager->GetInputFolderName(index) ; fEventNames[index] = tempo.Remove(tempo.Length()-1) ; // strip of the stream number added bt fManager } //to prevent cleaning of this object while GetEvent is called gime->EmcalLoader()->GetDigitsDataLoader()->GetBaseTaskLoader()->SetDoNotReload(kTRUE); return fInit ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliEMCALDigitizer::InitParameters() { fMeanPhotonElectron = 18200 ; // electrons per GeV fPinNoise = 0.003 ; // noise equivalent GeV (random choice) if (fPinNoise == 0. ) Warning("InitParameters", "No noise added\n") ; fDigitThreshold = fPinNoise * 3; //2 sigma fTimeResolution = 1.0e-9 ; fTimeSignalLength = 1.0e-9 ; fADCchannelEC = 0.00305; // width of one ADC channel in GeV - HG fix so that we see 200 GeV gammas fADCpedestalEC = 0.005 ; // GeV fNADCEC = (Int_t) TMath::Power(2,16) ; // number of channels in Tower ADC fTimeThreshold = 0.001*10000000 ; //Means 1 MeV in terms of SDigits amplitude } //__________________________________________________________________ void AliEMCALDigitizer::MixWith(TString alirunFileName, TString eventFolderName) { // Allows to produce digits by superimposing background and signal event. // It is assumed, that headers file with SIGNAL events is opened in // the constructor. // Sets the BACKGROUND event, with which the SIGNAL event is to be mixed // Thus we avoid writing (changing) huge and expensive // backgound files: all output will be writen into SIGNAL, i.e. // opened in constructor file. // // One can open as many files to mix with as one needs. // However only Sdigits with the same name (i.e. constructed with the same SDigitizer) // can be mixed. if( strcmp(GetName(), "") == 0 ) Init() ; if(fManager){ Error("MixWith", "Cannot use this method under AliRunDigitizer") ; return ; } // looking for file which contains AliRun if (gSystem->AccessPathName(alirunFileName)) {// file does not exist Error("MixWith", "File %s does not exist!", alirunFileName.Data()) ; return ; } // looking for the file which contains SDigits AliEMCALGetter * gime = AliEMCALGetter::Instance() ; TString fileName( gime->GetSDigitsFileName() ) ; if ( eventFolderName != AliConfig::GetDefaultEventFolderName()) // only if not the default folder name fileName = fileName.ReplaceAll(".root", "") + "_" + eventFolderName + ".root" ; if ( (gSystem->AccessPathName(fileName)) ) { Error("MixWith", "The file %s does not exist!", fileName.Data()) ; return ; } // need to increase the arrays TString tempo = fInputFileNames[fInput-1] ; delete [] fInputFileNames ; fInputFileNames = new TString[fInput+1] ; fInputFileNames[fInput-1] = tempo ; tempo = fEventNames[fInput-1] ; delete [] fEventNames ; fEventNames = new TString[fInput+1] ; fEventNames[fInput-1] = tempo ; fInputFileNames[fInput] = alirunFileName ; fEventNames[fInput] = eventFolderName ; fInput++ ; } //__________________________________________________________________ void AliEMCALDigitizer::Print()const { // Print Digitizer's parameters printf("Print: \n------------------- %s -------------", GetName() ) ; if( strcmp(fEventFolderName.Data(), "") != 0 ){ printf(" Writing Digits to branch with title %s\n", fEventFolderName.Data()) ; Int_t nStreams ; if (fManager) nStreams = GetNInputStreams() ; else nStreams = fInput ; Int_t index = 0 ; for (index = 0 ; index < nStreams ; index++) { TString tempo(fEventNames[index]) ; tempo += index ; AliEMCALGetter * gime = AliEMCALGetter::Instance(fInputFileNames[index], tempo) ; TString fileName( gime->GetSDigitsFileName() ) ; if ( fEventNames[index] != AliConfig::GetDefaultEventFolderName()) // only if not the default folder name fileName = fileName.ReplaceAll(".root", "") + "_" + fEventNames[index] + ".root" ; printf ("Adding SDigits from %s %s\n", fInputFileNames[index].Data(), fileName.Data()) ; } AliEMCALGetter * gime = AliEMCALGetter::Instance(GetTitle(), fEventFolderName) ; printf("\nWriting digits to %s", gime->GetDigitsFileName().Data()) ; printf("\nWith following parameters:\n") ; printf(" Electronics noise in EMC (fPinNoise) = %f\n", fPinNoise) ; printf(" Threshold in EMC (fDigitThreshold) = %f\n", fDigitThreshold) ; printf("---------------------------------------------------\n") ; } else printf("Print: AliEMCALDigitizer not initialized") ; } //__________________________________________________________________ void AliEMCALDigitizer::PrintDigits(Option_t * option){ AliEMCALGetter * gime = AliEMCALGetter::Instance(GetTitle(), fEventFolderName) ; TClonesArray * digits = gime->Digits() ; printf("PrintDigits: %d", digits->GetEntriesFast()) ; printf("\nevent %d", gAlice->GetEvNumber()) ; printf("\n Number of entries in Digits list %d", digits->GetEntriesFast() ) ; if(strstr(option,"all")){ //loop over digits AliEMCALDigit * digit; printf("\nEMC digits (with primaries):\n") ; printf("\n Id Amplitude Time Index Nprim: Primaries list \n") ; Int_t index ; for (index = 0 ; index < digits->GetEntries() ; index++) { digit = dynamic_cast(digits->At(index)) ; printf("\n%6d %8d %6.5e %4d %2d : ", digit->GetId(), digit->GetAmp(), digit->GetTime(), digit->GetIndexInList(), digit->GetNprimary()) ; Int_t iprimary; for (iprimary=0; iprimaryGetNprimary(); iprimary++) { printf("%d ",digit->GetPrimary(iprimary+1) ) ; } } } } //__________________________________________________________________ Float_t AliEMCALDigitizer::TimeOfNoise(void) { // Calculates the time signal generated by noise //PH Info("TimeOfNoise", "Change me") ; return gRandom->Rndm() * 1.28E-5; } //__________________________________________________________________ void AliEMCALDigitizer::Unload() { // Unloads the SDigits and Digits Int_t i ; for(i = 1 ; i < fInput ; i++){ TString tempo(fEventNames[i]) ; tempo += i ; AliEMCALGetter * gime = AliEMCALGetter::Instance(fInputFileNames[i], tempo) ; gime->EmcalLoader()->UnloadSDigits() ; } AliEMCALGetter * gime = AliEMCALGetter::Instance(GetTitle(), fEventFolderName) ; gime->EmcalLoader()->UnloadDigits() ; } //_________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliEMCALDigitizer::WriteDigits() { // Makes TreeD in the output file. // Check if branch already exists: // if yes, exit without writing: ROOT TTree does not support overwriting/updating of // already existing branches. // else creates branch with Digits, named "EMCAL", title "...", // and branch "AliEMCALDigitizer", with the same title to keep all the parameters // and names of files, from which digits are made. AliEMCALGetter * gime = AliEMCALGetter::Instance(GetTitle(), fEventFolderName) ; const TClonesArray * digits = gime->Digits() ; TTree * treeD = gime->TreeD(); // -- create Digits branch Int_t bufferSize = 32000 ; TBranch * digitsBranch = treeD->Branch("EMCAL",&digits,bufferSize); digitsBranch->SetTitle(fEventFolderName); digitsBranch->Fill() ; gime->WriteDigits("OVERWRITE"); gime->WriteDigitizer("OVERWRITE"); Unload() ; }