#ifndef ALIEMCALLOADER_H #define ALIEMCALLOADER_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ /* $Id$ */ //_________________________________________________________________________ // A singleton that returns various objects // Should be used on the analysis stage to avoid confusing between different // branches of reconstruction tree: e.g. reading RecPoints and TS made from // another set of RecPoints. // // The objects are retrived from folders. //*-- Author: Yves Schutz (SUBATECH) & Dmitri Peressounko (RRC KI & SUBATECH) // // --- ROOT system --- #include "TClonesArray.h" #include "TFolder.h" #include "TTree.h" class TString ; class TParticle ; class TTask ; // --- Standard library --- // --- AliRoot header files --- #include "AliRun.h" #include "AliRunLoader.h" #include "AliEMCALDigit.h" #include "AliEMCALRecPoint.h" #include "AliEMCALTrackSegment.h" #include "AliEMCALClusterizer.h" #include "AliEMCALTrackSegmentMaker.h" #include "AliEMCALPID.h" class AliLoader ; class AliEMCAL ; class AliEMCALHit ; class AliEMCALRecParticle ; class AliEMCALGeometry ; class AliEMCALDigitizer ; class AliEMCALSDigitizer ; class AliEMCALCalibrationDB ; // class AliEMCALLoader : public AliLoader { public: AliEMCALLoader(); AliEMCALLoader(const AliEMCALLoader & obj):AliLoader(obj){} AliEMCALLoader(const Char_t *detname,const Char_t *eventfoldername); virtual ~AliEMCALLoader() ; // assignement operator requested by coding convention, but not needed const AliEMCALLoader & operator = (const AliEMCALLoader & ) {return *this;} Int_t GetEvent();//extends the method on EMCAL RecPart posting Int_t SetEvent();//extends the method on EMCAL RecPart posting Bool_t BranchExists(const TString& recName); Int_t LoadHits(Option_t* opt=""); //reads from disk and sends them to folder; array as well as tree Int_t LoadSDigits(Option_t* opt=""); Int_t LoadDigits(Option_t* opt=""); //reads Digits from disk and sends them to folder; array as well as tree Int_t LoadRecPoints(Option_t* opt=""); //reads RecPoints from disk and sends them to folder; array as well as tree Int_t LoadTracks(Option_t* opt=""); //reads Tracks from disk and sends them to folder; array as well as tree Int_t LoadRecParticles(Option_t* opt=""); void UnloadRecParticles(); void UnloadTracks(); Int_t PostHits(); //Posts the Int_t PostSDigits(); Int_t PostDigits(); Int_t PostRecPoints(); Int_t PostTracks(); Int_t PostRecParticles(); void CleanFolders();//cleans all the stuff loaded by this detector + calls AliLoader::Clean void CleanHits(); void CleanSDigits(); void CleanDigits(); void CleanRecPoints(); void CleanTracks(); void CleanRecParticles(); //up to now it is only here -> no definition about global/incremental tracking/PID // Int_t WriteRecParticles(Option_t* opt="");//writes the reconstructed particles // Int_t WritePID(Option_t* opt="");//writes the task for PID to file // Bool_t PostPID (AliEMCALPID * pid) const {return kTRUE;} /*******************************************************************/ /*******************************************************************/ /*******************************************************************/ TObject** HitsRef(){return GetDetectorDataRef(Hits());} TObject** SDigitsRef(){return GetDetectorDataRef(SDigits());} TObject** DigitsRef(){return GetDetectorDataRef(Digits());} TObject** ECARecPointsRef(){return GetDetectorDataRef(ECARecPoints());} TObject** TracksRef(){return GetDetectorDataRef(TrackSegments());} TObject** RecParticlesRef(){return GetDetectorDataRef(RecParticles());} void Track(Int_t itrack) ; static AliEMCALGeometry* GetEMCALGeometry(); static AliEMCALLoader* GetEMCALLoader(const char* eventfoldername); //Method to be used when digitizing under AliRunDigitizer, who opens all files etc. Int_t EventNumber() { return (Int_t) GetRunLoader()->GetEventNumber();} Int_t MaxEvent() { return (Int_t) GetRunLoader()->TreeE()->GetEntries();} const AliEMCAL * EMCAL(); const AliEMCALGeometry *EMCALGeometry() ; /*********************************************/ /************ TClonesArrays ***********/ /*********************************************/ /**** H i t s ****/ TClonesArray* Hits(void); const AliEMCALHit* Hit(Int_t index); void MakeHitsArray(); /**** S D i g i t s ****/ TClonesArray* SDigits(); const AliEMCALDigit* SDigit(Int_t index); void MakeSDigitsArray(); /**** D i g i t s ****/ TClonesArray* Digits(); const AliEMCALDigit * Digit(Int_t index); void MakeDigitsArray(); /**** R e c P o i n t s ****/ TObjArray * ECARecPoints(); const AliEMCALRecPoint * ECARecPoint(Int_t index) ; void MakeRecPointsArray(); /**** T r a c k S e g m e n t s ****/ TClonesArray * TrackSegments(); const AliEMCALTrackSegment * TrackSegment(Int_t index); void MakeTrackSegmentsArray(); /**** R e c P a r t ic l e s ****/ TClonesArray * RecParticles() ; const AliEMCALRecParticle * RecParticle(Int_t index); void MakeRecParticlesArray(); /*********************************************/ /************ T A S K S **************/ /*********************************************/ // // AliEMCALSDigitizer* EMCALSDigitizer(TString name = AliConfig::GetDefaultEventFolderName()); //AliEMCALDigitizer* EMCALDigitizer() { return dynamic_cast(Digitizer()) ;} AliEMCALClusterizer* Clusterizer () {return dynamic_cast(Reconstructioner()) ;} Int_t PostClusterizer(TTask* clust){return PostReconstructioner(clust);} Int_t LoadClusterizer(Option_t * opt="") {return LoadReconstructioner(opt);} Int_t WriteClusterizer(Option_t * opt="") {return WriteReconstructioner(opt);} AliEMCALPID * PID (){return dynamic_cast(PIDTask()) ;} Int_t PostPID(TTask* pid){return PostPIDTask(pid);} Int_t LoadPID(Option_t * opt="") {return LoadPIDTask(opt);} Int_t WritePID(Option_t * opt="") {return WritePIDTask(opt);} AliEMCALTrackSegmentMaker * TrackSegmentMaker () { return dynamic_cast(Tracker()) ;} Int_t PostTrackSegmentMaker(TTask* segmaker){return PostTracker(segmaker);} Int_t LoadTrackSegmentMaker(Option_t * opt="") {return LoadTracker(opt);} Int_t WriteTrackSegmentMaker(Option_t * opt="") {return WriteTracker(opt);} void SetDebug(Int_t level) {fDebug = level;} // Set debug level void SetBranchTitle(const TString& btitle); AliEMCALCalibrationDB * CalibrationDB(){return fcdb; } //void ReadCalibrationDB(const char * name, const char * filename); static TString HitsName() { return fgkHitsName ; } //Name for TClonesArray with hits from one event static TString SDigitsName() { return fgkSDigitsName ;} //Name for TClonesArray static TString DigitsName() { return fgkDigitsName ;} //Name for TClonesArray static TString ECARecPointsName() { return fgkECARecPointsName ;} //Name for TClonesArray y static TString TracksName() { return fgkTracksName ;} //Name for TClonesArray static TString RecParticlesName() { return fgkRecParticlesName ;} //Name for TClonesArray static TString ECARecPointsBranchName() { return fgkECARecPointsBranchName ;} //Name for branch static TString TrackSegmentsBranchName() { return fgkTrackSegmentsBranchName ;} //Name for branch static TString RecParticlesBranchName() { return fgkRecParticlesBranchName ;} //Name for branch protected: TString fBranchTitle; //Title of the branch Bool_t fRecParticlesLoaded; //Flag signing if Reconstructed Particles are loaded Bool_t fTracksLoaded; //Flag signing if Tracks are loaded TString fRecParticlesFileOption; //Loading Option for Reconstructed Particles AliEMCALCalibrationDB * fcdb ; //! private: Int_t ReadHits(); Int_t ReadDigits(); Int_t ReadSDigits(); Int_t ReadRecPoints(); Int_t ReadTracks(); Int_t ReadRecParticles(); static const TString fgkHitsName;//Name for TClonesArray with hits from one event static const TString fgkSDigitsName;//Name for TClonesArray static const TString fgkDigitsName;//Name for TClonesArray static const TString fgkECARecPointsName;//Name for TClonesArray static const TString fgkTracksName;//Name for TClonesArray static const TString fgkRecParticlesName;//Name for TClonesArray static const TString fgkECARecPointsBranchName;//Name for branch static const TString fgkTrackSegmentsBranchName;//Name for branch static const TString fgkRecParticlesBranchName;//Name for branch Int_t fDebug ; // Debug level ClassDef(AliEMCALLoader,4) // Algorithm class that provides methods to retrieve objects from a list knowing the index }; /******************************************************************************/ /**************** I N L I N E S ****************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ inline TClonesArray* AliEMCALLoader::Hits() { return (TClonesArray*)GetDetectorData(fgkHitsName); } /******************************************************************************/ inline const AliEMCALHit* AliEMCALLoader::Hit(Int_t index) { const TClonesArray* tcarr = Hits(); if (tcarr) return (const AliEMCALHit*) tcarr->At(index); return 0x0; } /******************************************************************************/ inline TClonesArray* AliEMCALLoader::SDigits() { return dynamic_cast(GetDetectorData(fgkSDigitsName)); } /******************************************************************************/ inline const AliEMCALDigit* AliEMCALLoader::SDigit(Int_t index) { const TClonesArray* tcarr = SDigits(); if (tcarr) return (const AliEMCALDigit*) tcarr->At(index); return 0x0; } /******************************************************************************/ inline TClonesArray* AliEMCALLoader::Digits() { return dynamic_cast(GetDetectorData(fgkDigitsName)); } /******************************************************************************/ inline const AliEMCALDigit* AliEMCALLoader::Digit(Int_t index) { const TClonesArray* tcarr = Digits(); if (tcarr) return (const AliEMCALDigit*) tcarr->At(index); return 0x0; } /******************************************************************************/ inline TObjArray * AliEMCALLoader::ECARecPoints() { return dynamic_cast(GetDetectorData(fgkECARecPointsName)); } /******************************************************************************/ inline const AliEMCALRecPoint * AliEMCALLoader::ECARecPoint(Int_t index) { TObjArray* tcarr = ECARecPoints(); if (tcarr) return dynamic_cast(tcarr->At(index)); return 0x0; } /******************************************************************************/ inline TClonesArray * AliEMCALLoader::TrackSegments() { return dynamic_cast(GetDetectorData(fgkTracksName)); } /******************************************************************************/ inline const AliEMCALTrackSegment * AliEMCALLoader::TrackSegment(Int_t index) { const TClonesArray* tcarr = TrackSegments(); if (tcarr) return (const AliEMCALTrackSegment*) tcarr->At(index); return 0x0; } /******************************************************************************/ inline TClonesArray * AliEMCALLoader::RecParticles() { return dynamic_cast(GetDetectorData(fgkRecParticlesName)); } /******************************************************************************/ inline const AliEMCALRecParticle* AliEMCALLoader::RecParticle(Int_t index) { TClonesArray* tcarr = RecParticles(); if (tcarr) return (const AliEMCALRecParticle*) tcarr->At(index); return 0x0; } #endif // AliEMCALLOADER_H