/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* Checks the quality assurance. By comparing with reference data Based on PHOS code written by Y. Schutz CERN July 2007 For the moment we only implement the checking of raw data QA. The checked for ESD and RecPoints will be implemented later. */ // --- ROOT system --- #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // --- Standard library --- // --- AliRoot header files --- #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliQAv1.h" #include "AliQAChecker.h" #include "AliEMCALQAChecker.h" #include "AliEMCALQADataMakerRec.h" ClassImp(AliEMCALQAChecker) //__________________________________________________________________ AliEMCALQAChecker::AliEMCALQAChecker() : AliQACheckerBase("EMCAL","EMCAL Quality Assurance Data Maker"), fLine(new TLine*[fknSM]), fHref(new TLine*[fknSM]), fText(NULL) { /// ctor for (Int_t sm = 0 ; sm < fknSM ; sm++){ fLine[sm] = NULL ; fHref[sm] = NULL ; } } //__________________________________________________________________ AliEMCALQAChecker::~AliEMCALQAChecker() { /// dtor delete [] fLine ; delete [] fHref ; if (fText) delete fText ; } //__________________________________________________________________ AliEMCALQAChecker::AliEMCALQAChecker(const AliEMCALQAChecker& qac) : AliQACheckerBase(qac.GetName(), qac.GetTitle()), fLine(new TLine*[fknSM]), fHref(new TLine*[fknSM]), fText(qac.fText) { /// copy ctor for (Int_t sm = 0 ; sm < fknSM ; sm++){ fLine[sm] = qac.fLine[sm] ; fHref[sm] = qac.fHref[sm] ; } } //__________________________________________________________________ AliEMCALQAChecker& AliEMCALQAChecker::operator = (const AliEMCALQAChecker &qac) { fText = qac.fText; for (Int_t sm = 0 ; sm < fknSM ; sm++){ fLine[sm] = qac.fLine[sm] ; fHref[sm] = qac.fHref[sm] ; } return *this ; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Double_t * AliEMCALQAChecker::Check(AliQAv1::ALITASK_t index, TObjArray ** list, AliDetectorRecoParam * /*recoParam*/) { /// Check objects in list if ( index == AliQAv1::kRAW ) { return CheckRaws(list); printf ("checkers for task %d \n", index) ; } if ( index == AliQAv1::kREC) { return CheckRecPoints(list); } if ( index == AliQAv1::kESD ) { return CheckESD(list); } AliWarning(Form("Checker for task %d not implement for the moment",index)); return NULL; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TH1* AliEMCALQAChecker::GetHisto(TObjArray* list, const char* hname, Int_t specie) const { /// Get a given histo from the list TH1* h = static_cast(list->FindObject(Form("%s_%s",AliRecoParam::GetEventSpecieName(specie),hname))); if (!h) { AliError(Form("Did not find expected histo %s",hname)); } return h; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliEMCALQAChecker::MarkHisto(TH1& histo, Double_t value) const { /// Mark histo as originator of some QA error/warning if ( value != 1.0 ) { histo.SetBit(AliQAv1::GetQABit()); } return value; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Double_t * AliEMCALQAChecker::CheckRaws(TObjArray ** list) { // Check RAW QA histograms // We count the times of the response for each tower, the propability for all towers should be the same (average is given value). // We skip the first few cycles since the statistics is not enough, the average should be always larger than 1 at least. // By calculating the difference between the counts for each tower and the average, we decide whether we should recalculate // the average depending the the gaus fitting on the divation distribution. // During the recalutation of the average, we count how many towers are used for the calculation. // From the fraction of towers used, we decide whether each SM works fine or not // From the divation of average, we set the QA flag for the full detetcor as INFO, WARNING, ERROR or FATAL. // -- Yaxian Mao, CCNU/CERN/LPSC Float_t kThreshold = 80. ; Double_t * test = new Double_t[AliRecoParam::kNSpecies] ; for (Int_t specie = 0 ; specie < AliRecoParam::kNSpecies ; specie++) { test[specie] = 1.0 ; if ( !AliQAv1::Instance()->IsEventSpecieSet(specie)) continue ; if (list[specie]->GetEntries() == 0) test[specie] = 0. ; // nothing to check else { TH1 * hdata = (TH1*)list[specie]->At(kTowerHG) ; if(hdata->GetEntries()==0) continue; Int_t nbin = hdata->GetNbinsX() ; Int_t nTower = nbin/4 ; // ! number of channels for each SM if(fText) { fText->DeleteText() ; fText->Clear() ; } else { fText = new TPaveText(0.3,0.6,0.7,0.9,"NDC") ; } fText->AddText(Form("OK if more than %2.2f %% inside aver-sigma < HG counts < aver+sigma", kThreshold)); //TPaveText * fText[fknSM] = {0}; Double_t rv = 0. ; //value to define the flag for the full detector for(Int_t iSM = 0 ; iSM < fknSM ; iSM++){ //number of SMs loop start TString projname = Form("proj_%d",iSM); Double_t aver = 0. ; //average calculated by the input histogram Double_t recal = 0 ; // recalculate the average if the divation is large Double_t init = 0. ; // value to decide whether we should recalculate the average Double_t mean = 0. ; //the divation from the average, from the gaus fitting peak Double_t width = 0. ; // the sigma of the devation, from the gaus fitting Int_t flag = 0 ; //counts for channels used for recalculation of average Double_t ratio = 0. ; //value to decide whether each SM works TH1F * proj = NULL ; //a temp histogram store the difference from the average for the fitting procedure for(Int_t iTower = iSM*nTower ; iTower<(iSM+1)*nTower ; iTower++) //channel loop to calculate the average aver += hdata->GetBinContent(iTower); aver /=nTower; AliInfo(Form("SM: %d has average = %f\n",iSM, aver)); Double_t ymin = hdata->GetBinContent(hdata->GetMinimumBin()); Double_t ymax = hdata->GetBinContent(hdata->GetMaximumBin()); proj = new TH1F(projname,projname,nbin,-aver,aver); fLine[iSM] = dynamic_cast(hdata->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject(fLine[iSM])); //initialize the lines separate different SM if (!fLine[iSM]) { fLine[iSM] = new TLine((iSM+1)*nTower,ymin,(iSM+1)*nTower,ymax); fLine[iSM]->SetLineColor(1); fLine[iSM]->SetLineWidth(2); hdata->GetListOfFunctions()->Add(fLine[iSM]); list[specie]->AddAt(hdata, kTowerHG) ; } else { fLine[iSM]->SetX1((iSM+1)*nTower) ; fLine[iSM]->SetY1(ymin) ; fLine[iSM]->SetX2((iSM+1)*nTower) ; fLine[iSM]->SetY2(ymax) ; } //filling the histogram with the difference and fitting with gaus function to obtain mean and sigma for(Int_t iTower = iSM*nTower ; iTower<(iSM+1)*nTower ; iTower++){ proj->Fill(hdata->GetBinContent(iTower)-aver); } proj->Fit("gaus","","QNO"); mean=proj->GetFunction("gaus")->GetParameter(1); // ! mean should be peaked at 0 in principal width=proj->GetFunction("gaus")->GetParameter(2); AliInfo(Form("aver = %f, mean = %f, sigma =%f\n",aver,mean, width)); if(aver) init=TMath::Abs(mean/aver); //calculate the divation from the average //if mean or sigma is too huge or the sigma is too small, the fitting failed if((aver+mean) < 1. || width/aver >2. || width < 1.e-3) flag = -1 ; else { //recalculate the average if the fitting didn't give the initial average aver+=mean; //average corrected after fitting is fitting works //if(aver <= 1. ) break ; // if divation is too large, we conside to recalate the average by excluding channels too far from the average while(init>0.01 && aver >= 1.){ if(flag) flag = 0 ; //for each time recalculation, reset flag for(Int_t iTower = iSM*nTower ; iTower < (iSM+1)*nTower ; iTower++){ if(hdata->GetBinContent(iTower)>(aver-width) && hdata->GetBinContent(iTower)<(aver+width)){ flag++ ; recal += hdata->GetBinContent(iTower); } } //end of channels loop if(flag == 0 || recal < 1.) { flag = -1 ; break ; } else { recal/=flag ; init=(aver-recal)/(aver+recal) ; //difference between the new average and the pervious one aver =(aver+recal)/2 ; //recalculate the average by the last two values } } //out of while condition ratio=100.0*flag/nTower ; //counting how many towers used for average recalculation AliInfo(Form("SM %d has %2.2f %% chanhel works \n", iSM, ratio)); } // end of recalculation rv+=init ; //define the deviation from the final average //define the average line on each SM fHref[iSM] = dynamic_cast(hdata->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject(fHref[iSM])); if(!fHref[iSM]) { fHref[iSM] = new TLine(iSM*nTower,aver,(iSM+1)*nTower,aver); hdata->GetListOfFunctions()->Add(fHref[iSM]); list[specie]->AddAt(hdata, kTowerHG) ; } else { fHref[iSM]->Clear() ; fHref[iSM]->SetX1(iSM*nTower) ; fHref[iSM]->SetY1(aver) ; fHref[iSM]->SetX2((iSM+1)*nTower) ; fHref[iSM]->SetY2(aver) ; } hdata->Paint() ; // if channels used for average recalculation smaller than the threshold, // then too much noise channels or channels didn't work if(ratio<= kThreshold && flag >0){ //fText->SetFillColor(2); fHref[iSM]->SetLineColor(2); fHref[iSM]->SetLineWidth(2); fText->SetFillColor(2); fText->AddText(Form("SM %d: NOK = %2.0f %% channels OK!!!",iSM,ratio)); //fText[iSM]->AddText(Form("SM %d NOT OK, only %5.2f %% works!!!",iSM,flag/nTower)); } else if (flag == -1 || flag == 0 ) { //fitting failed or recalculation didn't call fText->SetFillColor(2); fHref[iSM]->SetLineColor(2); fHref[iSM]->SetLineWidth(2); fText->SetFillColor(2); fText->AddText(Form("SM %d: NOK Fitting failed",iSM,ratio)); //fText[iSM]->AddText(Form("SM %d has %5.2f %% towers wok normally",iSM,flag/nTower)); } else { fText->SetFillColor(3); fHref[iSM]->SetLineColor(3); fHref[iSM]->SetLineWidth(2); fText->AddText(Form("SM %d: OK = %2.0f %% channels OK",iSM,ratio)); //fText[iSM]->AddText(Form("SM %d has %5.2f %% towers wok normally",iSM,flag/nTower)); } hdata->Paint() ; //hdata->GetListOfFunctions()->Add(fText[iSM]); delete proj ; } // end of SM loop rv/=fknSM; hdata->GetListOfFunctions()->Add(fText); hdata->Paint() ; if ( rv <=0.1 ) { AliInfo(Form("The deviation rv = %2.2f is small compared to average, detector works fine",rv)); test[specie] = 0.05; } if ( rv <=0.5 && rv >0.1 ) { AliWarning(Form("The deviation rv = %2.2f is acceptable from average, the detector works not perfect!",rv)); test[specie] = 0.3; } if ( rv <=0.8 && rv >0.5 ) { AliError(Form("Got a large deviation of %2.2f from average, some error on the detector !!!",rv)); test[specie] = 0.7; } if ( rv >0.8 ) { AliError(Form("Got too large deviation of %2.2f from average, detector out of control ???",rv)); test[specie] = 0.9; } } //end of checking raw } //species loop return test ; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliEMCALQAChecker::Init(const AliQAv1::DETECTORINDEX_t det) { /// intialises QA and QA checker settings AliQAv1::Instance(det) ; Float_t hiValue[AliQAv1::kNBIT] ; Float_t lowValue[AliQAv1::kNBIT] ; lowValue[AliQAv1::kINFO] = 0.0 ; hiValue[AliQAv1::kINFO] = 0.1 ; lowValue[AliQAv1::kWARNING] = 0.1 ; hiValue[AliQAv1::kWARNING] = 0.5 ; lowValue[AliQAv1::kERROR] = 0.5 ; hiValue[AliQAv1::kERROR] = 0.8 ; lowValue[AliQAv1::kFATAL] = 0.8 ; hiValue[AliQAv1::kFATAL] = 1.0 ; SetHiLo(&hiValue[0], &lowValue[0]) ; }