#ifndef ALIEMCALRECPARTICLE_H #define ALIEMCALRECPARTICLE_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ /* $Id$ */ //_________________________________________________________________________ // A Reconstructed Particle in EMCAL // To become a general class of AliRoot ? // why not //*-- Author: Yves Schutz (SUBATECH) // --- ROOT system --- // --- Standard library --- // --- AliRoot header files --- #include "AliESDtrack.h" #include "AliEMCALFastRecParticle.h" class TParticle ; #include "TVector3.h" class AliEMCALRecParticle : public AliEMCALFastRecParticle { public: AliEMCALRecParticle() ; AliEMCALRecParticle(const AliEMCALRecParticle & rp) ; // ctor virtual ~AliEMCALRecParticle(){ } Int_t GetEMCALRPIndex()const { return fEMCALRecPoint ; } virtual Int_t GetNPrimariesToRecParticles() const ; virtual Int_t GetNPrimaries() const ; TVector3 GetPos() const { return fPos ; } virtual const TParticle * GetPrimary(Int_t index) const ; const Double_t *GetPID(); void SetDebug() { fDebug = kTRUE ; } void SetPos(TVector3 pos) { fPos.SetXYZ( pos.X(), pos.Y(), pos.Z() ); } void UnsetDebug() { fDebug = kFALSE ; } void SetRecPoint(Int_t index){fEMCALRecPoint = index; } typedef TClonesArray RecParticlesList ; private: Int_t fEMCALRecPoint ; // pointer to the associated track segment in EMCAL Bool_t fDebug ; // to steer debug output TVector3 fPos ; // position in the global alice coordinate system Double_t fPID[AliESDtrack::kSPECIESN] ; // PID probability densities ClassDef(AliEMCALRecParticle,3) // Reconstructed Particle }; #endif // AliEMCALRECPARTICLE_H