/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ //_________________________________________________________________________ // Reconstructed Points for the EMCAL // A RecPoint is a cluster of digits //*-- Author: Yves Schutz (SUBATECH) //*-- Author: Dmitri Peressounko (RRC KI & SUBATECH) //*-- Author: Heather Gray (LBL) merged AliEMCALRecPoint and AliEMCALTowerRecPoint 02/04 // --- ROOT system --- class Riostream; #include class TGraph; class TPaveText; #include #include // --- Standard library --- // --- AliRoot header files --- //#include "AliGenerator.h" class AliGenerator; #include "AliRunLoader.h" #include "AliRun.h" class AliEMCAL; #include "AliEMCALLoader.h" #include "AliEMCALGeometry.h" #include "AliEMCALHit.h" #include "AliEMCALDigit.h" #include "AliEMCALRecPoint.h" ClassImp(AliEMCALRecPoint) //____________________________________________________________________________ AliEMCALRecPoint::AliEMCALRecPoint() : AliRecPoint(), fGeomPtr(0), fClusterType(-1), fCoreEnergy(0), fDispersion(0), fEnergyList(0), fTimeList(0), fAbsIdList(0), fTime(0.), fCoreRadius(10), //HG check this fMulParent(0), fMaxParent(0), fParentsList(0), fSuperModuleNumber(0) { // ctor fMaxTrack = 0 ; fMulDigit = 0 ; fAmp = 0. ; // fLocPos.SetX(1.e+6) ; //Local position should be evaluated AliRunLoader *rl = AliRunLoader::GetRunLoader(); fGeomPtr = dynamic_cast(rl->GetAliRun()->GetDetector("EMCAL"))->GetGeometry(); //fGeomPtr = AliEMCALGeometry::GetInstance(); fGeomPtr->GetTransformationForSM(); // Global <-> Local } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliEMCALRecPoint::AliEMCALRecPoint(const char * opt) : AliRecPoint(opt), fGeomPtr(0), fClusterType(-1), fCoreEnergy(0), fDispersion(0), fEnergyList(0), fTimeList(0), fAbsIdList(0), fTime(-1.), fCoreRadius(10), //HG check this fMulParent(0), fMaxParent(1000), fParentsList(0), fSuperModuleNumber(0) { // ctor fMaxTrack = 1000 ; fMulDigit = 0 ; fAmp = 0. ; fParentsList = new Int_t[fMaxParent]; //fLocPos.SetX(1.e+6) ; //Local position should be evaluated //fGeomPtr = AliEMCALGeometry::GetInstance(); AliRunLoader *rl = AliRunLoader::GetRunLoader(); fGeomPtr = dynamic_cast(rl->GetAliRun()->GetDetector("EMCAL"))->GetGeometry(); fGeomPtr->GetTransformationForSM(); // Global <-> Local } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliEMCALRecPoint::AliEMCALRecPoint(const AliEMCALRecPoint & rp) : AliRecPoint(rp), fGeomPtr(rp.fGeomPtr), fClusterType(rp.fClusterType), fCoreEnergy(rp.fCoreEnergy), fDispersion(rp.fDispersion), fEnergyList(0), fTimeList(0), fAbsIdList(0), fTime(rp.fTime), fCoreRadius(rp.fCoreRadius), fMulParent(rp.fMulParent), fMaxParent(rp.fMaxParent), fParentsList(0), fSuperModuleNumber(rp.fSuperModuleNumber) { //copy ctor fLambda[0] = rp.fLambda[0]; fLambda[1] = rp.fLambda[1]; fEnergyList = new Float_t[rp.fMulDigit]; fTimeList = new Float_t[rp.fMulDigit]; fAbsIdList = new Int_t[rp.fMulDigit]; for(Int_t i = 0; i < rp.fMulDigit; i++) { fEnergyList[i] = rp.fEnergyList[i]; fTimeList[i] = rp.fTimeList[i]; fAbsIdList[i] = rp.fAbsIdList[i]; } fParentsList = new Int_t[rp.fMulParent]; for(Int_t i = 0; i < rp.fMulParent; i++) fParentsList[i] = rp.fParentsList[i]; } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliEMCALRecPoint::~AliEMCALRecPoint() { // dtor if ( fEnergyList ) delete[] fEnergyList ; if ( fTimeList ) delete[] fTimeList ; if ( fAbsIdList ) delete[] fAbsIdList ; if ( fParentsList) delete[] fParentsList; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliEMCALRecPoint::AddDigit(AliEMCALDigit & digit, Float_t Energy) { // Adds a digit to the RecPoint // and accumulates the total amplitude and the multiplicity if(fEnergyList == 0) fEnergyList = new Float_t[fMaxDigit]; if(fTimeList == 0) fTimeList = new Float_t[fMaxDigit]; if(fAbsIdList == 0) { fAbsIdList = new Int_t[fMaxDigit]; fSuperModuleNumber = fGeomPtr->GetSuperModuleNumber(digit.GetId()); } if ( fMulDigit >= fMaxDigit ) { // increase the size of the lists fMaxDigit*=2 ; Int_t * tempo = new Int_t[fMaxDigit]; Float_t * tempoE = new Float_t[fMaxDigit]; Float_t * tempoT = new Float_t[fMaxDigit]; Int_t * tempoId = new Int_t[fMaxDigit]; Int_t index ; for ( index = 0 ; index < fMulDigit ; index++ ){ tempo[index] = fDigitsList[index] ; tempoE[index] = fEnergyList[index] ; tempoT[index] = fTimeList[index] ; tempoId[index] = fAbsIdList[index] ; } delete [] fDigitsList ; fDigitsList = new Int_t[fMaxDigit]; delete [] fEnergyList ; fEnergyList = new Float_t[fMaxDigit]; delete [] fTimeList ; fTimeList = new Float_t[fMaxDigit]; delete [] fAbsIdList ; fAbsIdList = new Int_t[fMaxDigit]; for ( index = 0 ; index < fMulDigit ; index++ ){ fDigitsList[index] = tempo[index] ; fEnergyList[index] = tempoE[index] ; fTimeList[index] = tempoT[index] ; fAbsIdList[index] = tempoId[index] ; } delete [] tempo ; delete [] tempoE ; delete [] tempoT ; delete [] tempoId ; } // if fDigitsList[fMulDigit] = digit.GetIndexInList() ; fEnergyList[fMulDigit] = Energy ; fTimeList[fMulDigit] = digit.GetTime() ; fAbsIdList[fMulDigit] = digit.GetId(); fMulDigit++ ; fAmp += Energy ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliEMCALRecPoint::AreNeighbours(AliEMCALDigit * digit1, AliEMCALDigit * digit2 ) const { // Tells if (true) or not (false) two digits are neighbours // A neighbour is defined as being two digits which share a corner static Bool_t areNeighbours = kFALSE ; static Int_t nSupMod=0, nTower=0, nIphi=0, nIeta=0; static int nSupMod1=0, nTower1=0, nIphi1=0, nIeta1=0; static Int_t relid1[2] , relid2[2] ; // ieta, iphi static Int_t rowdiff=0, coldiff=0; areNeighbours = kFALSE ; fGeomPtr->GetCellIndex(digit1->GetId(), nSupMod,nTower,nIphi,nIeta); fGeomPtr->GetCellPhiEtaIndexInSModule(nSupMod,nTower,nIphi,nIeta, relid1[0],relid1[1]); fGeomPtr->GetCellIndex(digit2->GetId(), nSupMod1,nTower1,nIphi1,nIeta1); fGeomPtr->GetCellPhiEtaIndexInSModule(nSupMod1,nTower1,nIphi1,nIeta1, relid2[0],relid2[1]); rowdiff = TMath::Abs( relid1[0] - relid2[0] ) ; coldiff = TMath::Abs( relid1[1] - relid2[1] ) ; if (( coldiff <= 1 ) && ( rowdiff <= 1 ) && (coldiff + rowdiff > 0)) areNeighbours = kTRUE ; return areNeighbours; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliEMCALRecPoint::Compare(const TObject * obj) const { // Compares two RecPoints according to their position in the EMCAL modules Float_t delta = 1 ; //Width of "Sorting row". If you change this //value (what is senseless) change as well delta in //AliEMCALTrackSegmentMakerv* and other RecPoints... Int_t rv ; AliEMCALRecPoint * clu = (AliEMCALRecPoint *)obj ; TVector3 locpos1; GetLocalPosition(locpos1); TVector3 locpos2; clu->GetLocalPosition(locpos2); Int_t rowdif = (Int_t)(TMath::Ceil(locpos1.X()/delta)-TMath::Ceil(locpos2.X()/delta)) ; if (rowdif> 0) rv = 1 ; else if(rowdif < 0) rv = -1 ; else if(locpos1.Y()>locpos2.Y()) rv = -1 ; else rv = 1 ; return rv ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliEMCALRecPoint::DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py) { // Compute distance from point px,py to a AliEMCALRecPoint considered as a Tmarker // Compute the closest distance of approach from point px,py to this marker. // The distance is computed in pixels units. // HG Still need to update -> Not sure what this should achieve TVector3 pos(0.,0.,0.) ; GetLocalPosition(pos) ; Float_t x = pos.X() ; Float_t y = pos.Y() ; const Int_t kMaxDiff = 10; Int_t pxm = gPad->XtoAbsPixel(x); Int_t pym = gPad->YtoAbsPixel(y); Int_t dist = (px-pxm)*(px-pxm) + (py-pym)*(py-pym); if (dist > kMaxDiff) return 9999; return dist; } //___________________________________________________________________________ void AliEMCALRecPoint::Draw(Option_t *option) { // Draw this AliEMCALRecPoint with its current attributes AppendPad(option); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliEMCALRecPoint::ExecuteEvent(Int_t /*event*/, Int_t, Int_t) { // Execute action corresponding to one event // This member function is called when a AliEMCALRecPoint is clicked with the locator // // If Left button is clicked on AliEMCALRecPoint, the digits are switched on // and switched off when the mouse button is released. // static Int_t pxold, pyold; /* static TGraph * digitgraph = 0 ; static TPaveText* clustertext = 0 ; if (!gPad->IsEditable()) return; switch (event) { case kButton1Down:{ AliEMCALDigit * digit ; AliEMCALGeometry * emcalgeom = (AliEMCALGetter::Instance())->EMCALGeometry() ; Int_t iDigit; Int_t relid[2] ; const Int_t kMulDigit=AliEMCALRecPoint::GetDigitsMultiplicity() ; Float_t * xi = new Float_t [kMulDigit] ; Float_t * zi = new Float_t [kMulDigit] ; for(iDigit = 0; iDigit < kMulDigit; iDigit++) { Fatal("AliEMCALRecPoint::ExecuteEvent", " -> Something wrong with the code"); digit = 0 ; //dynamic_cast((fDigitsList)[iDigit]); emcalgeom->AbsToRelNumbering(digit->GetId(), relid) ; emcalgeom->PosInAlice(relid, xi[iDigit], zi[iDigit]) ; } if (!digitgraph) { digitgraph = new TGraph(fMulDigit,xi,zi); digitgraph-> SetMarkerStyle(5) ; digitgraph-> SetMarkerSize(1.) ; digitgraph-> SetMarkerColor(1) ; digitgraph-> Draw("P") ; } if (!clustertext) { TVector3 pos(0.,0.,0.) ; GetLocalPosition(pos) ; clustertext = new TPaveText(pos.X()-10,pos.Z()+10,pos.X()+50,pos.Z()+35,"") ; Text_t line1[40] ; Text_t line2[40] ; sprintf(line1,"Energy=%1.2f GeV",GetEnergy()) ; sprintf(line2,"%d Digits",GetDigitsMultiplicity()) ; clustertext ->AddText(line1) ; clustertext ->AddText(line2) ; clustertext ->Draw(""); } gPad->Update() ; Print("") ; delete[] xi ; delete[] zi ; } break; case kButton1Up: if (digitgraph) { delete digitgraph ; digitgraph = 0 ; } if (clustertext) { delete clustertext ; clustertext = 0 ; } break; }*/ } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliEMCALRecPoint::EvalAll(Float_t logWeight,TClonesArray * digits) { // Evaluates all shower parameters EvalLocalPosition(logWeight, digits) ; // printf("eval position done\n"); EvalElipsAxis(logWeight, digits) ; // printf("eval axis done\n"); EvalDispersion(logWeight, digits) ; // printf("eval dispersion done\n"); //EvalCoreEnergy(logWeight, digits); // printf("eval energy done\n"); EvalTime(digits) ; // printf("eval time done\n"); EvalPrimaries(digits) ; // printf("eval pri done\n"); EvalParents(digits); // printf("eval parent done\n"); } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliEMCALRecPoint::EvalDispersion(Float_t logWeight, TClonesArray * digits) { // Calculates the dispersion of the shower at the origin of the RecPoint // in cell units - Nov 16,2006 Double_t d = 0., wtot = 0., w = 0.; Int_t iDigit=0, nstat=0, i=0; AliEMCALDigit * digit ; // Calculates the dispersion in cell units Double_t etai, phii, etaMean=0.0, phiMean=0.0; int nSupMod=0, nTower=0, nIphi=0, nIeta=0; int iphi=0, ieta=0; // Calculate mean values for(iDigit=0; iDigit < fMulDigit; iDigit++) { digit = (AliEMCALDigit *) digits->At(fDigitsList[iDigit]) ; if (fAmp>0 && fEnergyList[iDigit]>0) { fGeomPtr->GetCellIndex(digit->GetId(), nSupMod,nTower,nIphi,nIeta); fGeomPtr->GetCellPhiEtaIndexInSModule(nSupMod,nTower,nIphi,nIeta, iphi,ieta); etai=(Double_t)ieta; phii=(Double_t)iphi; w = TMath::Max(0.,logWeight+TMath::Log(fEnergyList[iDigit]/fAmp ) ) ; if(w>0.0) { phiMean += phii*w; etaMean += etai*w; wtot += w; } } } if (wtot>0) { phiMean /= wtot ; etaMean /= wtot ; } else AliError(Form("Wrong weight %f\n", wtot)); // Calculate dispersion for(iDigit=0; iDigit < fMulDigit; iDigit++) { digit = (AliEMCALDigit *) digits->At(fDigitsList[iDigit]) ; if (fAmp>0 && fEnergyList[iDigit]>0) { fGeomPtr->GetCellIndex(digit->GetId(), nSupMod,nTower,nIphi,nIeta); fGeomPtr->GetCellPhiEtaIndexInSModule(nSupMod,nTower,nIphi,nIeta, iphi,ieta); etai=(Double_t)ieta; phii=(Double_t)iphi; w = TMath::Max(0.,logWeight+TMath::Log(fEnergyList[iDigit]/fAmp ) ) ; if(w>0.0) { nstat++; d += w*((etai-etaMean)*(etai-etaMean)+(phii-phiMean)*(phii-phiMean)); } } } if ( wtot > 0 && nstat>1) d /= wtot ; else d = 0. ; fDispersion = TMath::Sqrt(d) ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliEMCALRecPoint::EvalLocalPosition(Float_t logWeight, TClonesArray * digits) { // Calculates the center of gravity in the local EMCAL-module coordinates // Info("Print", " logWeight %f : cluster energy %f ", logWeight, fAmp); // for testing AliEMCALDigit * digit; Int_t i=0, nstat=0; Double_t clXYZ[3]={0.,0.,0.}, clRmsXYZ[3]={0.,0.,0.}, xyzi[3], wtot=0., w=0.; for(Int_t iDigit=0; iDigit(digits->At(fDigitsList[iDigit])) ; fGeomPtr->RelPosCellInSModule(digit->GetId(), xyzi[0], xyzi[1], xyzi[2]); // printf(" Id %i : Local x,y,z %f %f %f \n", digit->GetId(), xyzi[0], xyzi[1], xyzi[2]); if(logWeight > 0.0) w = TMath::Max( 0., logWeight + TMath::Log( fEnergyList[iDigit] / fAmp )); else w = fEnergyList[iDigit]; // just energy if(w>0.0) { wtot += w ; nstat++; for(i=0; i<3; i++ ) { clXYZ[i] += (w*xyzi[i]); clRmsXYZ[i] += (w*xyzi[i]*xyzi[i]); } } } // cout << " wtot " << wtot << endl; if ( wtot > 0 ) { // xRMS = TMath::Sqrt(x2m - xMean*xMean); for(i=0; i<3; i++ ) { clXYZ[i] /= wtot; if(nstat>1) { clRmsXYZ[i] /= (wtot*wtot); clRmsXYZ[i] = clRmsXYZ[i] - clXYZ[i]*clXYZ[i]; if(clRmsXYZ[i] > 0.0) { clRmsXYZ[i] = TMath::Sqrt(clRmsXYZ[i]); } else clRmsXYZ[i] = 0; } else clRmsXYZ[i] = 0; } } else { for(i=0; i<3; i++ ) { clXYZ[i] = clRmsXYZ[i] = -1.; } } // clRmsXYZ[i] ?? fLocPos.SetX(clXYZ[0]); fLocPos.SetY(clXYZ[1]); fLocPos.SetZ(clXYZ[2]); // if (gDebug==2) // printf("EvalLocalPosition: eta,phi,r = %f,%f,%f", fLocPos.X(), fLocPos.Y(), fLocPos.Z()) ; fLocPosM = 0 ; // covariance matrix } //void AliEMCALRecPoint::EvalLocalPositionSimple() //{ // Weight is proportional of cell energy //} //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliEMCALRecPoint::EvalCoreEnergy(Float_t logWeight, TClonesArray * digits) { // This function calculates energy in the core, // i.e. within a radius rad = fCoreEnergy around the center. Beyond this radius // in accordance with shower profile the energy deposition // should be less than 2% // Unfinished - Nov 15,2006 // Distance is calculate in (phi,eta) units AliEMCALDigit * digit ; Int_t iDigit; if (!fLocPos.Mag()) { EvalLocalPosition(logWeight, digits); } Double_t phiPoint = fLocPos.Phi(), etaPoint = fLocPos.Eta(); Double_t eta, phi, distance; for(iDigit=0; iDigit < fMulDigit; iDigit++) { digit = (AliEMCALDigit *) ( digits->At(fDigitsList[iDigit]) ) ; eta = phi = 0.0; fGeomPtr->EtaPhiFromIndex(digit->GetId(),eta, phi) ; phi = phi * TMath::DegToRad(); distance = TMath::Sqrt((eta-etaPoint)*(eta-etaPoint)+(phi-phiPoint)*(phi-phiPoint)); if(distance < fCoreRadius) fCoreEnergy += fEnergyList[iDigit] ; } } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliEMCALRecPoint::EvalElipsAxis(Float_t logWeight,TClonesArray * digits) { // Calculates the axis of the shower ellipsoid in eta and phi // in cell units static TString gn(fGeomPtr->GetName()); Double_t wtot = 0.; Double_t x = 0.; Double_t z = 0.; Double_t dxx = 0.; Double_t dzz = 0.; Double_t dxz = 0.; AliEMCALDigit * digit = 0; Double_t etai , phii, w; int nSupMod=0, nTower=0, nIphi=0, nIeta=0; int iphi=0, ieta=0; for(Int_t iDigit=0; iDigitAt(fDigitsList[iDigit]) ; etai = phii = 0.; if(gn.Contains("SHISH")) { // Nov 15,2006 - use cell numbers as coordinates // Copied for shish-kebab geometry, ieta,iphi is cast as double as eta,phi // We can use the eta,phi(or coordinates) of cell nSupMod = nTower = nIphi = nIeta = iphi = ieta = 0; fGeomPtr->GetCellIndex(digit->GetId(), nSupMod,nTower,nIphi,nIeta); fGeomPtr->GetCellPhiEtaIndexInSModule(nSupMod,nTower,nIphi,nIeta, iphi,ieta); etai=(Double_t)ieta; phii=(Double_t)iphi; } else { // fGeomPtr->EtaPhiFromIndex(digit->GetId(), etai, phii); phii = phii * TMath::DegToRad(); } w = TMath::Max(0.,logWeight+TMath::Log(fEnergyList[iDigit]/fAmp ) ) ; // fAmp summed amplitude of digits, i.e. energy of recpoint // Gives smaller value of lambda than log weight // w = fEnergyList[iDigit] / fAmp; // Nov 16, 2006 - try just energy dxx += w * etai * etai ; x += w * etai ; dzz += w * phii * phii ; z += w * phii ; dxz += w * etai * phii ; wtot += w ; } if ( wtot > 0 ) { dxx /= wtot ; x /= wtot ; dxx -= x * x ; dzz /= wtot ; z /= wtot ; dzz -= z * z ; dxz /= wtot ; dxz -= x * z ; fLambda[0] = 0.5 * (dxx + dzz) + TMath::Sqrt( 0.25 * (dxx - dzz) * (dxx - dzz) + dxz * dxz ) ; if(fLambda[0] > 0) fLambda[0] = TMath::Sqrt(fLambda[0]) ; else fLambda[0] = 0; fLambda[1] = 0.5 * (dxx + dzz) - TMath::Sqrt( 0.25 * (dxx - dzz) * (dxx - dzz) + dxz * dxz ) ; if(fLambda[1] > 0) //To avoid exception if numerical errors lead to negative lambda. fLambda[1] = TMath::Sqrt(fLambda[1]) ; else fLambda[1]= 0. ; } else { fLambda[0]= 0. ; fLambda[1]= 0. ; } // printf("Evalaxis: lambdas = %f,%f", fLambda[0],fLambda[1]) ; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliEMCALRecPoint::EvalPrimaries(TClonesArray * digits) { // Constructs the list of primary particles (tracks) which have contributed to this RecPoint AliEMCALDigit * digit ; Int_t * tempo = new Int_t[fMaxTrack] ; Int_t index ; for ( index = 0 ; index < GetDigitsMultiplicity() ; index++ ) { // all digits digit = dynamic_cast(digits->At( fDigitsList[index] )) ; Int_t nprimaries = digit->GetNprimary() ; if ( nprimaries == 0 ) continue ; Int_t * newprimaryarray = new Int_t[nprimaries] ; Int_t ii ; for ( ii = 0 ; ii < nprimaries ; ii++) newprimaryarray[ii] = digit->GetPrimary(ii+1) ; Int_t jndex ; for ( jndex = 0 ; jndex < nprimaries ; jndex++ ) { // all primaries in digit if ( fMulTrack > fMaxTrack ) { fMulTrack = fMaxTrack ; Error("GetNprimaries", "increase fMaxTrack ") ; break ; } Int_t newprimary = newprimaryarray[jndex] ; Int_t kndex ; Bool_t already = kFALSE ; for ( kndex = 0 ; kndex < fMulTrack ; kndex++ ) { //check if not already stored if ( newprimary == tempo[kndex] ){ already = kTRUE ; break ; } } // end of check if ( !already && (fMulTrack < fMaxTrack)) { // store it tempo[fMulTrack] = newprimary ; fMulTrack++ ; } // store it } // all primaries in digit delete [] newprimaryarray ; } // all digits fTracksList = new Int_t[fMulTrack] ; for(index = 0; index < fMulTrack; index++) fTracksList[index] = tempo[index] ; delete [] tempo ; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliEMCALRecPoint::EvalParents(TClonesArray * digits) { // Constructs the list of parent particles (tracks) which have contributed to this RecPoint AliEMCALDigit * digit ; Int_t * tempo = new Int_t[fMaxParent] ; Int_t index ; for ( index = 0 ; index < GetDigitsMultiplicity() ; index++ ) { // all digits digit = dynamic_cast(digits->At( fDigitsList[index] )) ; Int_t nparents = digit->GetNiparent() ; if ( nparents == 0 ) continue ; Int_t * newparentarray = new Int_t[nparents] ; Int_t ii ; for ( ii = 0 ; ii < nparents ; ii++) newparentarray[ii] = digit->GetIparent(ii+1) ; Int_t jndex ; for ( jndex = 0 ; jndex < nparents ; jndex++ ) { // all primaries in digit if ( fMulParent > fMaxParent ) { fMulTrack = - 1 ; Error("GetNiparent", "increase fMaxParent") ; break ; } Int_t newparent = newparentarray[jndex] ; Int_t kndex ; Bool_t already = kFALSE ; for ( kndex = 0 ; kndex < fMulParent ; kndex++ ) { //check if not already stored if ( newparent == tempo[kndex] ){ already = kTRUE ; break ; } } // end of check if ( !already && (fMulTrack < fMaxTrack)) { // store it tempo[fMulParent] = newparent ; fMulParent++ ; } // store it } // all parents in digit delete [] newparentarray ; } // all digits if (fMulParent>0) { fParentsList = new Int_t[fMulParent] ; for(index = 0; index < fMulParent; index++) fParentsList[index] = tempo[index] ; } delete [] tempo ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliEMCALRecPoint::GetLocalPosition(TVector3 & lpos) const { // returns the position of the cluster in the local reference system of ALICE lpos.SetX(fLocPos.X()) ; lpos.SetY(fLocPos.Y()) ; lpos.SetZ(fLocPos.Z()) ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliEMCALRecPoint::GetGlobalPosition(TVector3 & gpos) const { // returns the position of the cluster in the global reference system of ALICE // These are now the Cartesian X, Y and Z // cout<<" geom "<GetGlobal(fLocPos, gpos, fSuperModuleNumber); } //____________________________________________________________________________ Float_t AliEMCALRecPoint::GetMaximalEnergy(void) const { // Finds the maximum energy in the cluster Float_t menergy = 0. ; Int_t iDigit; for(iDigit=0; iDigit menergy) menergy = fEnergyList[iDigit] ; } return menergy ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliEMCALRecPoint::GetMultiplicityAtLevel(Float_t H) const { // Calculates the multiplicity of digits with energy larger than H*energy Int_t multipl = 0 ; Int_t iDigit ; for(iDigit=0; iDigit H * fAmp) multipl++ ; } return multipl ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliEMCALRecPoint::GetNumberOfLocalMax(AliEMCALDigit ** maxAt, Float_t * maxAtEnergy, Float_t locMaxCut,TClonesArray * digits) const { // Calculates the number of local maxima in the cluster using fLocalMaxCut as the minimum // energy difference between two local maxima AliEMCALDigit * digit ; AliEMCALDigit * digitN ; Int_t iDigitN ; Int_t iDigit ; for(iDigit = 0; iDigit < fMulDigit; iDigit++) maxAt[iDigit] = (AliEMCALDigit*) digits->At(fDigitsList[iDigit]) ; for(iDigit = 0 ; iDigit < fMulDigit; iDigit++) { if(maxAt[iDigit]) { digit = maxAt[iDigit] ; for(iDigitN = 0; iDigitN < fMulDigit; iDigitN++) { digitN = (AliEMCALDigit *) digits->At(fDigitsList[iDigitN]) ; if ( AreNeighbours(digit, digitN) ) { if (fEnergyList[iDigit] > fEnergyList[iDigitN] ) { maxAt[iDigitN] = 0 ; // but may be digit too is not local max ? if(fEnergyList[iDigit] < fEnergyList[iDigitN] + locMaxCut) maxAt[iDigit] = 0 ; } else { maxAt[iDigit] = 0 ; // but may be digitN too is not local max ? if(fEnergyList[iDigit] > fEnergyList[iDigitN] - locMaxCut) maxAt[iDigitN] = 0 ; } } // if Areneighbours } // while digitN } // slot not empty } // while digit iDigitN = 0 ; for(iDigit = 0; iDigit < fMulDigit; iDigit++) { if(maxAt[iDigit] ){ maxAt[iDigitN] = maxAt[iDigit] ; maxAtEnergy[iDigitN] = fEnergyList[iDigit] ; iDigitN++ ; } } return iDigitN ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliEMCALRecPoint::GetPrimaryIndex() const { // Get the primary track index in TreeK which deposits the most energy // in Digits which forms RecPoint. Kinematics, Hits and Digits must be // loaded before the call of the method. AliRunLoader *rl = AliRunLoader::GetRunLoader(); if (!rl) AliError(Form(" No Runloader ")) ; AliEMCALLoader *emcalLoader = dynamic_cast (rl->GetDetectorLoader("EMCAL")); // Get the list of digits forming this RecPoint Int_t nDigits = fMulDigit ; Int_t *digitList = fDigitsList ; // Find the digit with maximum amplitude AliEMCALDigit *digit = 0; TClonesArray *digits = emcalLoader->Digits(); Int_t maxAmp = 0; Int_t bestDigitIndex = -1; for (Int_t iDigit=0; iDigit(digits->At(digitList[iDigit])); if (digit->GetAmp() > maxAmp) { maxAmp = digit->GetAmp(); bestDigitIndex = iDigit; } } digit = static_cast(digits->At(digitList[bestDigitIndex])); // Get the list of hits producing this digit, // find which hit has deposited more energy // and find the primary track. AliEMCALHit *hit = 0; TClonesArray *hits = emcalLoader->Hits(); Double_t maxedep = 0; Int_t maxtrack = -1; Int_t nHits = hits ->GetEntries(); Int_t id = digit->GetId(); for (Int_t iHit=0; iHit (hits->At(iHit)) ; if(hit->GetId() == id){ Double_t edep = hit->GetEnergy(); Int_t track = hit->GetIparent();//Primary(); if(edep > maxedep){ maxedep = edep; maxtrack = track; } } } if (maxtrack != -1) return maxtrack; return -12345; // no track found :( } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliEMCALRecPoint::EvalTime(TClonesArray * digits){ // time is set to the time of the digit with the maximum energy Float_t maxE = 0; Int_t maxAt = 0; for(Int_t idig=0; idig < fMulDigit; idig++){ if(fEnergyList[idig] > maxE){ maxE = fEnergyList[idig] ; maxAt = idig; } } fTime = ((AliEMCALDigit*) digits->At(fDigitsList[maxAt]))->GetTime() ; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliEMCALRecPoint::Paint(Option_t *) { // Paint this ALiRecPoint as a TMarker with its current attributes TVector3 pos(0.,0.,0.) ; GetLocalPosition(pos) ; Coord_t x = pos.X() ; Coord_t y = pos.Z() ; Color_t markercolor = 1 ; Size_t markersize = 1. ; Style_t markerstyle = 5 ; if (!gPad->IsBatch()) { gVirtualX->SetMarkerColor(markercolor) ; gVirtualX->SetMarkerSize (markersize) ; gVirtualX->SetMarkerStyle(markerstyle) ; } gPad->SetAttMarkerPS(markercolor,markerstyle,markersize) ; gPad->PaintPolyMarker(1,&x,&y,"") ; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Float_t AliEMCALRecPoint::EtaToTheta(Float_t arg) const { //Converts Theta (Radians) to Eta(Radians) return (2.*TMath::ATan(TMath::Exp(-arg))); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Float_t AliEMCALRecPoint::ThetaToEta(Float_t arg) const { //Converts Eta (Radians) to Theta(Radians) return (-1 * TMath::Log(TMath::Tan(0.5 * arg))); } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliEMCALRecPoint::Print(Option_t *) const { // Print the list of digits belonging to the cluster return; TString message ; message = "AliEMCALRecPoint:\n" ; message += " digits # = " ; Info("Print", message.Data()) ; Int_t iDigit; for(iDigit=0; iDigit