/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-2007, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id: AliEMCALFolder.cxx 24500 2008-03-13 23:39:38Z jklay $ */ //_________________________________________________________________________ // Top EMCAL folder which will keep all // information about EMCAL itself, // super Modules (SM), modules, towers, // set of hists and so on. // //*-- Author: Aleksei Pavlinov (WSU, Detroit, USA) #include "AliEMCALFolder.h" #include "AliEMCALHistoUtilities.h" #include "AliEMCALGeometry.h" #include "AliEMCALSuperModule.h" #include "AliEMCALCell.h" #include "AliESDCaloCluster.h" #include "AliRun.h" #include "AliEMCALCalibData.h" #include "AliCDBMetaData.h" #include "AliCDBId.h" #include "AliCDBEntry.h" #include "AliCDBManager.h" #include "AliCDBStorage.h" #include "AliEMCALCalibCoefs.h" #include "AliEMCALDigit.h" #include "AliEMCALRecPoint.h" #include "AliEMCALPi0SelectionParam.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include const TString AliEMCALFolder::fgkBaseFolderName("EMCAL"); const TString AliEMCALFolder::fgkCCFirstName("CCFIRST"); const TString AliEMCALFolder::fgkCCinName("CCIN"); const TString AliEMCALFolder::fgkCCoutName("CCOUT"); const TString AliEMCALFolder::fgkDirOfRootFiles("$HOME/ALICE/SHISHKEBAB/RF/CALIB/JUL16/"); typedef AliEMCALHistoUtilities u; ClassImp(AliEMCALFolder) //AliEMCALGeometry* AliEMCALFolder::fGeometry = 0; //_____________________________________________________________ AliEMCALFolder::AliEMCALFolder() : TFolder(), fCounter(0), fGeometry(0), fNumOfCell(0), fLhists(0), fLofCells(0),fPi0SelPar(0),fCalibData(0), fCellNtuple(0),fLobj(0) { //default constructor } //_____________________________________________________________ AliEMCALFolder::AliEMCALFolder(const AliEMCALFolder& folder) : TFolder(folder.GetName(),folder.GetTitle()), fCounter(folder.fCounter), fGeometry(folder.fGeometry), fNumOfCell(folder.fNumOfCell), fLhists(folder.fLhists), fLofCells(folder.fLofCells), fPi0SelPar(folder.fPi0SelPar),fCalibData(folder.fCalibData), fCellNtuple(folder.fCellNtuple),fLobj(folder.fLobj) { //copy constructor } //_____________________________________________________________ AliEMCALFolder::AliEMCALFolder(const char* name, const char* title, Bool_t putToBrowser) : TFolder(name,title), fCounter(-1), fGeometry(0), fNumOfCell(0), fLhists(0), fLofCells(0),fPi0SelPar(0),fCalibData(0), fCellNtuple(0),fLobj(0) { Init(putToBrowser); } //_____________________________________________________________ AliEMCALFolder::AliEMCALFolder(const Int_t it, const char* title, Bool_t putToBrowser) : TFolder(Form("%s_%2.2i", AliEMCALFolder::fgkBaseFolderName.Data(),it),title), fCounter(it), fGeometry(0), fNumOfCell(0), fLhists(0), fLofCells(0),fPi0SelPar(0),fCalibData(0), fCellNtuple(0),fLobj(0) { Init(putToBrowser); } //_____________________________________________________________ AliEMCALFolder::~AliEMCALFolder() { // dtor } //_____________________________________________________________ void AliEMCALFolder::Init(Bool_t putToBrowser) { // Initialize all data structure fLobj = new TList; fLobj->SetName("Objects"); // name is good ? this->Add((TObject*)fLobj); //this->AddObject((TObject*)fLobj, kTRUE); // Get default geometry - "SHISH_77_TRD1_2X2_FINAL_110DEG"; May 29, 2007 fGeometry = AliEMCALGeometry::GetInstance(); // should be define before fLobj->Add(fGeometry); // Initial cc with decalibration // Jun 13, 2007; // Jul 13 - See ~/macros/ALICE/sim.C for choice of CDB AliEMCALCalibData *calData[1]; // Get from defined arrea; // First table is table which used in rec.points finder. Add(AliEMCALCalibCoefs::GetCalibTableFromDb(fgkCCFirstName.Data(),calData)); fCalibData = calData[0]; fLobj->Add(fCalibData); if(GetIterationNumber()<=1) { Add(AliEMCALCalibCoefs::GetCalibTableFromDb(fgkCCinName.Data(), calData)); } // Selection Parameter fPi0SelPar = AliEMCALPi0SelectionParam::Set1(); this->Add(fPi0SelPar); // fLhists = BookHists(); fLobj->Add(fLhists); // dimension should be get from geometry - 4*12*24*11); fNumOfCell = fGeometry->GetNCells(); fLofCells = new AliEMCALCell*[fNumOfCell]; for(int i=0; i Create AliEMCALFolder : it %i : name %s\n ", fCounter, GetName()); if(putToBrowser) gROOT->GetListOfBrowsables()->Add(this); // for testing purpuse } //_____________________________________________________________ AliEMCALSuperModule* AliEMCALFolder::GetSuperModule(const Int_t nm) { // Oct 15, 2007 AliEMCALSuperModule *sm = 0; TObject *set = FindObject(Form("SM%2.2i",nm)); if(set) sm = (AliEMCALSuperModule*)set; return sm; } //_____________________________________________________________ AliEMCALCell* AliEMCALFolder::GetCell(const Int_t absId) { // May 30, 2007 if(absId<0 || absId >= fNumOfCell) return 0; else return fLofCells[absId]; } //_____________________________________________________________ void AliEMCALFolder::SetCell(AliEMCALCell *cell, const Int_t absId) { // Oct 15, 2007 if(absId>=0 && absId < fNumOfCell) { fLofCells[absId] = cell; } } //_____________________________________________________________ AliEMCALPi0SelectionParRec* AliEMCALFolder::GetPi0SelectionParRow(Int_t nrow) { // Oct 15, 2007 AliEMCALPi0SelectionParRec* r=0; if(fPi0SelPar) { r = fPi0SelPar->GetTable(nrow); } return r; } //_____________________________________________________________ void AliEMCALFolder::FillPi0Candidate(const Double_t mgg, AliESDCaloCluster* cl1, AliESDCaloCluster* cl2) { // Oct 15, 2007 static Int_t absIdMax, nm1, nm2; u::FillH1(fLhists, 0, 1.); // number entries u::FillH1(fLhists, 1, mgg); nm1 = GetSMNumber(cl1); nm2 = GetSMNumber(cl2); if(nm1==-1 || nm2==-1) assert(0); if(nm1 != nm2) return; // Both cluster should be in the same SM AliESDCaloCluster* cl = cl1; if(cl1->E() < cl2->E()) cl = cl2; // Get cluster with highest energy const Int_t kNdigits = cl->GetNumberOfDigits(); const Short_t* absId = cl->GetDigitIndex()->GetArray(); AliEMCALCalibCoefs *tFirst = GetCCFirst(); AliEMCALCalibCoef *rFirst=0; int indMax = 0, id=0; id = Int_t(absId[0]); rFirst = tFirst->GetTable(id); double emax = 0;//cl->GetTrueDigitEnergy(indMax, rFirst->fCc); if(kNdigits > 1) { for(int i=1; iGetTable(id); if(emax < 0){//cl->GetTrueDigitEnergy(i, rFirst->fCc)) { indMax = i; emax = 0;//cl->GetTrueDigitEnergy(i, rFirst->fCc); } } } if(emax/cl->E() > 0.5) { // more than 50% of cluster energy u::FillH1(fLhists, 0, 2.); // number "good" entries absIdMax = Int_t(absId[indMax]); FillPi0Candidate(mgg, absIdMax, nm1); } } //_____________________________________________________________ void AliEMCALFolder::FillPi0Candidate(const Double_t mgg, Int_t absIdMax, Int_t nm) { // Jun 08 static Int_t nSupModMax, nModuleMax, nIphiMax, nIetaMax, iphiCellMax, ietaCellMax; static AliEMCALCell* cell; static TFolder *set; static AliEMCALSuperModule *sm; fGeometry->GetCellIndex(absIdMax, nSupModMax, nModuleMax, nIphiMax, nIetaMax); if(nm != nSupModMax) assert(0); fGeometry->GetCellPhiEtaIndexInSModule(nSupModMax, nModuleMax, nIphiMax, nIetaMax, iphiCellMax, ietaCellMax); cell = 0; set = 0; sm = 0; if(GetCell(absIdMax)==0) { cell = new AliEMCALCell(absIdMax, Form("sm%2.2i:phi%2.2i:eta%2.2i(%4.4i)",nSupModMax,iphiCellMax,ietaCellMax,absIdMax)); SetCell(cell, absIdMax); // For browser set = dynamic_cast(FindObject(Form("SM%2.2i",nSupModMax))); if(set==0) { sm = new AliEMCALSuperModule(nSupModMax); Add(sm); sm->SetParent(this); sm->Init(); } else { sm = dynamic_cast(set); } if(sm) { sm->AddCellToEtaRow(cell, ietaCellMax); cell->SetParent(sm); } // cell->SetCCfromCCTable(GetCCIn()); } else { cell = GetCell(absIdMax); set = dynamic_cast(FindObject(Form("SM%2.2i",nm))); if(set) sm = (AliEMCALSuperModule*)set; } if(sm == 0) assert(0); if(nm != sm->GetSMNumber()) assert(0); u::FillH1(sm->GetHists(), 0, mgg); cell->FillEffMass(mgg); } //_____________________________________________________________ void AliEMCALFolder::FitAllSMs() { // Jun 14, 2007 // Only first SM now - should be changed in the future AliEMCALSuperModule *sm0 = GetSuperModule(0); sm0->FitForAllCells(); // Get input calibration table AliEMCALCalibCoefs *ccIn = GetCCIn(); if(ccIn == 0) { printf(" no input cc \n"); return; } // New calibration table AliEMCALCalibCoefs *ccOut = new AliEMCALCalibCoefs(fgkCCoutName.Data(), ccIn->GetNRows()); AliEMCALCalibCoef *rIn=0, rOut; for(Int_t i=0; iGetNRows(); i++){ rIn = ccIn->GetTable(i); rOut = (*rIn); AliEMCALCell* cell = GetCell(rIn->fAbsId); if(cell && cell->GetSupMod() == 0) { // only first module now rOut.fCc = cell->GetCcOut(); } ccOut->AddAt(&rOut); } ccOut->Purge(); Add(ccOut); } //_____________________________________________________________ AliEMCALCalibCoefs* AliEMCALFolder::GetCCTable(const char* name) const { // Oct 15, 2007 TObject *obj = FindObject(name); if(obj) return (AliEMCALCalibCoefs*)obj; else return 0; } //_____________________________________________________________ Int_t AliEMCALFolder::GetSMNumber(AliESDCaloCluster* cl) { // Oct 15, 2007 static Int_t absId, nSupMod, nModule, nIphi, nIeta; nSupMod = -1; // if negative something wrong if(cl) { absId = Int_t(cl->GetDigitIndex()->At(0)); fGeometry->GetCellIndex(absId, nSupMod, nModule, nIphi, nIeta); } return nSupMod; } // Recalibration staf - Jun 18,2007 //_____________________________________________________________ AliEMCALRecPoint* AliEMCALFolder::GetRecPoint(AliESDCaloCluster *cl, AliEMCALCalibCoefs *tOld,AliEMCALCalibCoefs *tNew, TList *l, Double_t deff, Double_t w0, Double_t phiSlope) { // // Static function; // Get recalibrated rec.point from ESD cluster // If tNew == 0 -> get ideal calibration with adcCHANNELEC // static Double_t adcCHANNELEC = 0.0153; // Update 24 Apr 2007: 250./16/1024 - width of one ADC channel in GeV //static Float_t ECAW0 = 4.5; // hard coded now - see AliEMCALClusterizerv1::InitParameters() static Double_t eCAW0 = 5.5; // Beter case for simulation Int_t ampDigi=0, indMax=-1; Double_t eDigiNew=0.0, eDigiMax=0.0; static TArrayD ed; if(w0 > 0.5) eCAW0 = w0; AliEMCALRecPoint *rp=0; AliEMCALCalibCoef *rOld=0, *rNew=0; // printf(" AliEMCALFolder::GetRecPoint() : RECALIBRATION : w0 %f eCAW0 %f \n", w0, eCAW0); if(cl && tOld){ // cl->PrintClusterInfo(1); const Int_t kNdg = cl->GetNumberOfDigits(); // const Int_t nkPrim = cl->GetNumberOfPrimaries(); const Short_t kPrim = cl->GetLabel(); const Short_t* dgAbsId = cl->GetDigitIndex()->GetArray(); // const UShort_t* dgAmp = cl->GetDigitAmplitude(); // This is energy - bad definition rp = new AliEMCALRecPoint(""); // opt="" rp->SetClusterType(AliESDCaloCluster::kEMCALClusterv1); AliEMCALDigit* dg=0; TClonesArray digits("AliEMCALDigit", kNdg); Int_t absId = 0; ed.Set(kNdg); // resize array for(Int_t i=0; iGetTable(absId); //ampDigi = cl->GetTrueDigitAmplitude(i, rOld->fCc); // True amplitude new(digits[i]) AliEMCALDigit(Int_t(kPrim),0, absId, ampDigi, 0.0, i, 0.0); dg = (AliEMCALDigit*)digits[i]; if(tNew) rNew = tNew->GetTable(absId); if(rNew) { rNew = tNew->GetTable(absId); eDigiNew = Double_t(ampDigi) * rNew->fCc; // Recalibrate with new cc } else { eDigiNew = Double_t(ampDigi) * adcCHANNELEC; // Ideal calibration } //eDigiNew = Double_t(cl->GetTrueDigitEnergy(i)); // Copy from ESD for checking rp->AddDigit(*dg, Float_t(eDigiNew)); ed[i] = eDigiNew; if(eDigiMax digit %i amp %i rOld->fCc %6.5f GeV rNew->fCc %6.5f GeV\n", i, ampDigi, rOld->fCc, rNew->fCc); } //printf(" recalibration of digits was done ! \n"); // rp->EvalAll(eCAW0, &digits); if(indMax>=0) rp->SetIndMaxDigit(indMax); if(deff > 0.0) { // for fit rp->EvalLocalPositionFit(deff, eCAW0, phiSlope, &digits); // I need just position } else { // get w0 and deff from parametrisation - Sep 4, 2007 rp->EvalLocalPosition2(&digits, ed); } digits.Delete(); } //rp->Print("print"); return rp; } //_____________________________________________________________ //void AliEMCALFolder::Save(const char *fn, const char *opt) //{ // // // // Jun 5, 2007; See TFileIter and StFMC.cxx // // Jul 16 - added fgkDirOfRootFiles // // Sep 7, 2007 - should be changed without TFileIter // /* // TString FN = fgkDirOfRootFiles; // FN += fn; // if(FN.Contains(".root")==0) FN += ".root"; // TFileIter f(FN.Data(),opt,"EMCAL object"); // UInt_t eventNum = 0; // just one object // UInt_t runNumber = 0; // 0 now, - may statistics on selector // f.NextEventPut(this, eventNum, runNumber); // printf(" Save %s to file %s\n", GetName(), FN.Data()); // */ // //if(fn || opt);//For what is this?, commented due to compilation warnings // //} //_____________________________________________________________ AliEMCALFolder* AliEMCALFolder::ReadFolder(const char *fn, const char *opt) { // // Jun 27, 2007 // Jul 16 - added fgkDirOfRootFiles // printf(" AliEMCALFolder::ReadFolder(%s,%s)\n",fn,opt); AliEMCALFolder* emcal = 0; TH1::AddDirectory(0); // this is obligatory TString sfn = fgkDirOfRootFiles; sfn += fn; if(sfn.Contains(".root")==0) sfn += ".root"; TFile f(sfn.Data(),opt); if(f.IsOpen()) { TList *l = f.GetListOfKeys(); printf(" The total number of the objects: %d \n File %s\n", l->GetSize(), sfn.Data()); TKey *key = (TKey*)l->At(0); emcal = (AliEMCALFolder*)key->ReadObj(); f.Close(); if(emcal) emcal->InitAfterRead(); } return emcal; } //_____________________________________________________________ void AliEMCALFolder::InitAfterRead() { // Oct 15, 2007 fLobj = (TList*)FindObject("Objects"); if(fLobj) { fLhists = (TList*)fLobj->FindObject("HistsOfEmcal"); } } //_____________________________________________________________ void AliEMCALFolder::DrawQA(const int nsm) { // // Jun 25, 2007 // AliEMCALSuperModule* sm = GetSuperModule(nsm); if(sm==0) return; TList *l = sm-> GetHists(); Int_t nx=2, ny=2, wh=530, ww=750; TCanvas *c = new TCanvas(Form("QA_%i",GetIterationNumber()), Form("QA_%i",GetIterationNumber()), 10, 10, ww, wh); c->Divide(nx,ny); int ic=1; c->cd(ic++); TH1 *h1 = (TH1*)l->At(0); sm->FitEffMassHist(); u::DrawHist(h1,2); h1->SetAxisRange(0.03, 0.28); c->cd(ic++); sm->DrawCC(0); TH1 *hccin = (TH1*)l->At(1); hccin->SetAxisRange(14., 20.); gStyle->SetOptStat(1111); c->cd(ic++); TH1 *hmass = (TH1*)l->At(3); u::DrawHist(hmass, 2); hmass->SetAxisRange(0.12, 0.16); c->cd(ic++); TH1 *hres = (TH1*)l->At(4); u::DrawHist(hres, 2); hres->SetAxisRange(0.05, 0.120); if(iccd(ic++); u::DrawHist((TH1*)l->At(5), 2); c->cd(ic++); u::DrawHist((TH1*)l->At(6), 2); } c->Update(); } //_____________________________________________________________ TList* AliEMCALFolder::BookHists() { // Oct 15, 2007 gROOT->cd(); TH1::AddDirectory(1); new TH1F("00_HStat", "hist of common EMCAL statistics", 100, 0.5, 100.5); new TH1F("01_EffMassAll", "effective mass of #gamma,#gamma(m_{#pi^{0}}=134.9766 MeV) - whole EMCAL", 250,0.0,0.5); TList *l = AliEMCALHistoUtilities::MoveHistsToList("HistsOfEmcal", kFALSE); TH1::AddDirectory(0); return l; } //_____________________________________________________________ void AliEMCALFolder::CreateCellNtuple() { // Jun 28, 2007 if(fCellNtuple) { // Already exist fCellNtuple->Print(); return; } // Create ntuple Int_t bsize = int(1.e+5); fCellNtuple = new TNtuple("cells","Cells Ntuple for quick analysis", "fAbsId:fSupMod:fModule:fPhi:fEta:fPhiCell:fEtaCell:fCcIn:fCcOut", bsize); AliEMCALCell *cell=0; // Fill ntuple AliEMCALSuperModule* sm = GetSuperModule(0); if(sm) printf(" TNtuple was created ! sm0 %s \n", sm->GetName()); for(int eta=0; eta<48; eta++) { // eta row TFolder *setEta = dynamic_cast(sm->FindObject(Form("ETA%2.2i",eta))); if(setEta) { printf(" ***** eta row %s ******\n", setEta->GetName()); TList* l = (TList*)setEta->GetListOfFolders(); for(int phi=0; phiGetSize(); phi++) { // cycle on cells (phi directions) cell = (AliEMCALCell*)l->At(phi); if(cell) { cell->FillCellNtuple(fCellNtuple); //printf(" fill cell %s : %s \n", cell->GetName(), cell->GetTitle()); } } } } fCellNtuple->Print(); fLobj->Add(fCellNtuple); } //_____________________________________________________________ void AliEMCALFolder::CreateAndFillAdditionalHists() { // Oct 15, 2007 CreateCellNtuple(); TH1::AddDirectory(0); fLhists->Add(new TH1F("02_CCoutOnEdge", "cc out on edge of calorimeter (in MeV)", 70, 12., 19.)); fLhists->Add(new TH1F("03_CCoutInside", "cc out inside of calorimeter (in MeV)", 70, 12., 19.)); fLhists->Add(new TH1F("04_CCoutOnEdge2", "cc out on edge of calorimeter(2) (in MeV)", 70, 12., 19.)); // Fill Float_t* args; for(Int_t i=0; i<(Int_t)fCellNtuple->GetEntries(); i++){ fCellNtuple->GetEvent(i); args = fCellNtuple->GetArgs(); Int_t phi = (Int_t)args[5]; Int_t eta = (Int_t)args[6]; Double_t cc = (Double_t)args[8]*1000.; if ((phi==0||phi==23) || (eta==0||eta==47)) u::FillH1(fLhists, 2, cc); else if((phi==1||phi==22) || (eta==1||eta==46)) u::FillH1(fLhists, 4, cc); // next to edge else u::FillH1(fLhists, 3, cc); } // Drawing Int_t wh=530, ww=750; TCanvas *c = new TCanvas("c_edge","CEDGE", 10, 10, ww, wh); gStyle->SetOptStat(1100); gStyle->SetOptFit(111); TH1 *h1 = (TH1*)fLhists->At(3); TF1 *g = u::Gausi("ccInside", 14.7, 16.4, h1); g->SetLineColor(kRed); h1->Fit(g,"Q+","", 14.7, 16.4); u::DrawHist(h1,2); h1->SetTitle("CC distribution after #pi^{0} calibration"); h1->SetXTitle(" MeV "); h1->SetYTitle(" N "); // TLatex *lat1 = u::Lat(Form("rel.width = %4.2f%%", //100.*h1->GetRMS()/ h1->GetMean()), 16.5, 100., 12, 0.045); //TLatex *lat2 = u::Lat(Form("rel.width = %4.2f%% (from fit)", // 100.*g->GetParameter(2)/ g->GetParameter(1)), 16.5, 70., 12, 0.045); if(0) { TH1 *h2 = (TH1*)fLhists->At(2); u::DrawHist(h2,2,1,"same",2); } TH1F *hccFirst = AliEMCALCalibCoefs::GetHistOfCalibTableFromDb("ccTmp"); u::DrawHist(hccFirst,2,1,"same",3); // Ideal calibration - Jul 18, 2007 Double_t adcCHANNELEC = 0.0153, ccIdeal = adcCHANNELEC*1.e+3; Double_t ym = h1->GetMaximum(); TLine *l = new TLine(ccIdeal,-ym*0.05, ccIdeal,ym*1.05); l->SetLineColor(kBlue); l->Draw(); TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.1,0.6, 0.45,0.85); leg->AddEntry(hccFirst, "Initial cc ", "L"); leg->AddEntry(h1, "Final cc", "L"); TLegendEntry *le=0; if(l) { le = leg->AddEntry(l, "Ideal calibration", "L"); le->SetTextColor(l->GetLineColor()); } TH1 *hCcEdge = (TH1*)fLhists->At(2); TH1 *hCcEdge2 = (TH1*)fLhists->At(4); if(1) { u::DrawHist(hCcEdge,2,kGreen,"same",1); le = leg->AddEntry(hCcEdge , "Edge cell", "L"); le->SetTextColor(hCcEdge->GetLineColor()); u::DrawHist(hCcEdge2,2, 28,"same",1); // 28 - like brown le = leg->AddEntry(hCcEdge2 , "Edge cell (2)", "L"); le->SetTextColor(hCcEdge2->GetLineColor()); u::DrawHist(h1,2,1,"same"); } leg->Draw(); c->Update(); } //_____________________________________________________________ void AliEMCALFolder::TestSMStruct() { // testing May 22, 2007 for(int m=0; m<12; m++) { AliEMCALSuperModule *sm = new AliEMCALSuperModule(m); Add(sm); sm->SetParent(this); } }