void MakeEMCALFullMisAlignment(){ // Create TClonesArray of full misalignment objects for EMCAL // TClonesArray *array = new TClonesArray("AliAlignObjAngles",10); TClonesArray &alobj = *array; if(!gGeoManager) TGeoManager::Import("geometry.root"); // needed for the constructors with local coordinates not to fail AliAlignObjAngles a; Double_t dx, dy, dz, dpsi, dtheta, dphi; TRandom *rnd = new TRandom(4321); Double_t sigmatr = 0.1; // max shift in cm w.r.t. local RS Double_t sigmarot = 0.1; // max rot in degrees w.r.t. local RS // null shifts and rotations const TString basepath = "EMCAL/FullSupermodule"; const TString hbasepath = "EMCAL/HalfSupermodule"; TString pathstr; Int_t iIndex=0; //let all modules have index=0 in a layer with no LUT AliAlignObj::ELayerID iLayer = AliAlignObj::kInvalidLayer; UShort_t volid = AliAlignObj::LayerToVolUID(iLayer,iIndex); //dummy volume identity Int_t i; Int_t j=0; for(i=0; i<10; i++){ dx = rnd->Gaus(0.,sigmatr); dy = rnd->Gaus(0.,sigmatr); dz = rnd->Gaus(0.,sigmatr); dpsi = rnd->Gaus(0.,sigmarot); dtheta = rnd->Gaus(0.,sigmarot); dphi = rnd->Gaus(0.,sigmarot); pathstr=basepath; pathstr+=(i+1); cout<Gaus(0.,sigmatr); dy = rnd->Gaus(0.,sigmatr); dz = rnd->Gaus(0.,sigmatr); dpsi = rnd->Gaus(0.,sigmarot); dtheta = rnd->Gaus(0.,sigmarot); dphi = rnd->Gaus(0.,sigmarot); pathstr=hbasepath; pathstr+=(i+1); new(alobj[j++]) AliAlignObjAngles(pathstr, volid, dx, dy, dz, dpsi, dtheta, dphi, kTRUE); } if(!gSystem->Getenv("$TOCDB")){ // save on file TFile f("EMCALfullMisalignment.root","RECREATE"); if(!f) cerr<<"cannot open file for output\n"; f.cd(); f.WriteObject(array,"T0FullObjs ","kSingleKey"); f.Close(); }else{ // save in CDB storage const char* Storage = gSystem->Getenv("$STORAGE"); AliCDBManager* cdb = AliCDBManager::Instance(); AliCDBStorage* storage = cdb->GetStorage(Storage); AliCDBMetaData* md = new AliCDBMetaData(); md->SetResponsible("Jennifer Clay"); md->SetComment("Full misalignment for EMCAL"); md->SetAliRootVersion(gSystem->Getenv("$ARVERSION")); AliCDBId id("EMCAL/Align/Data",0,9999999); storage->Put(array,id,md); } array->Delete(); }