Description of macros at /home/emcaldaq/hamblen on pcemcal002 EMCALPEDda.C: Analyzes a run and makes a file of the form PED_000000476.root containing pedestal histograms. Run it like this, e.g. run 476: aliroot -l 'EMCALPEDda.C(476)' and it will also draw a pedestal plot on the screen. EMCALLEDda.C: Also analyzes a run and makes a file of the form LED_000000476.root that stores the LED amplitude vs. time information in a tree. It does not draw the information, though. DrawLED.C is an attempt to draw amplitude vs. time from the saved tree, but it isn't working exactly right at the moment. The pedestal analysis required changes to AliCaloCalibPedestal.cxx/h on the aliroot version at /home/emcaldaq/alice/pro/AliRoot/, which should be committed if we find them useful.