/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ //*-- Authors: Andreas Morsch (CERN) //* J.L. Klay (LBL) //* Aleksei Pavlinov (WSU) //-- //-- // #include // From root ... #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // From AliRoot ... #include "AliEMCALJetFinder.h" #include "AliHeader.h" #include "AliMagF.h" #include "AliMagFCM.h" #include "AliRun.h" #include "AliGenerator.h" #include "AliRunLoader.h" #include "AliEMCAL.h" #include "AliEMCALLoader.h" #include "AliEMCALDigit.h" #include "AliEMCALDigitizer.h" #include "AliEMCALFast.h" #include "AliEMCALGeometry.h" #include "AliEMCALHadronCorrection.h" #include "AliEMCALHit.h" #include "AliEMCALJetMicroDst.h" // Interface to FORTRAN #include "Ecommon.h" #include "AliMC.h" ClassImp(AliEMCALJetFinder) //____________________________________________________________________________ AliEMCALJetFinder::AliEMCALJetFinder() : fBGFileName(""), fEMCALWeight(0.), fTrackWeight(0.), fRandomBg(kFALSE), fWrite(kTRUE), fWeightingMethod(kFALSE), fJets(0), fLego(0), fLegoB(0), fhLegoTracks(0), fhLegoEMCAL(0), fhLegoHadrCorr(0), fhEff(0), fhCellEt(0), fhCellEMCALEt(0), fhTrackPt(0), fhTrackPtBcut(0), fhChPartMultInTpc(0), fhSinTheta(0), fC1(0), fHistsList(0), fHadronCorrector(0), fHCorrection(0), fDebug(0), fBackground(0), fConeRadius(0.3), fPtCut(0.), fEtSeed(0.), fMinJetEt(0.), fMinCellEt(0.), fSamplingF(0.), fSmear(0), fEffic(0), fK0N(0), fNjets(0), fDeta(0.), fDphi(0.), fNcell(0), fNtot(0), fNbinEta(0), fNbinPhi(0), fEtaMin(0.), fEtaMax(0.), fPhiMin(0.), fPhiMax(0.), fNt(0), fNChTpc(0), fNtS(0), fTrackList(0), fPtT(0), fEtaT(0), fPhiT(0), fPdgT(0), fNtB(0), fTrackListB(0), fPtB(0), fEtaB(0),fPhiB(0), fPdgB(0), fMode(0), fMinMove(0.), fMaxMove(0.), fPrecBg(0.), fError(0), fOutFileName(0), fOutFile(0), fInFile(0), fEvent(0) { // Default constructor fJets = 0; fNjets = 0; fLego = 0; fLegoB = 0; fTrackList = 0; fPtT = 0; fEtaT = 0; fPhiT = 0; fPdgT = 0; fTrackListB = 0; fPtB = 0; fEtaB = 0; fPhiB = 0; fPdgB = 0; fHCorrection = 0; fHadronCorrector = 0; fWrite = 0; fOutFileName = 0; fOutFile = 0; fInFile = 0; fEvent = 0; fRandomBg = 0; SetParametersForBgSubtraction(); } AliEMCALJetFinder::AliEMCALJetFinder(const char* name, const char *title) : TTask(name, title), fBGFileName(""), fEMCALWeight(0.), fTrackWeight(0.), fRandomBg(kFALSE), fWrite(kTRUE), fWeightingMethod(kFALSE), fJets(0), fLego(0), fLegoB(0), fhLegoTracks(0), fhLegoEMCAL(0), fhLegoHadrCorr(0), fhEff(0), fhCellEt(0), fhCellEMCALEt(0), fhTrackPt(0), fhTrackPtBcut(0), fhChPartMultInTpc(0), fhSinTheta(0), fC1(0), fHistsList(0), fHadronCorrector(0), fHCorrection(0), fDebug(0), fBackground(0), fConeRadius(0.3), fPtCut(0.), fEtSeed(0.), fMinJetEt(0.), fMinCellEt(0.), fSamplingF(0.), fSmear(0), fEffic(0), fK0N(0), fNjets(0), fDeta(0.), fDphi(0.), fNcell(0), fNtot(0), fNbinEta(0), fNbinPhi(0), fEtaMin(0.), fEtaMax(0.), fPhiMin(0.), fPhiMax(0.), fNt(0), fNChTpc(0), fNtS(0), fTrackList(0), fPtT(0), fEtaT(0), fPhiT(0), fPdgT(0), fNtB(0), fTrackListB(0), fPtB(0), fEtaB(0),fPhiB(0), fPdgB(0), fMode(0), fMinMove(0.), fMaxMove(0.), fPrecBg(0.), fError(0), fOutFileName(0), fOutFile(0), fInFile(0), fEvent(0) { // Constructor // Title is used in method GetFileNameForParameters(); // fJets = new TClonesArray("AliEMCALJet",10000); fNjets = 0; for (Int_t i = 0; i < 30000; i++) { fEtCell[i] = 0.; fEtaCell[i] = 0.; fPhiCell[i] = 0.; } fLego = 0; fLegoB = 0; fTrackList = 0; fPtT = 0; fEtaT = 0; fPhiT = 0; fPdgT = 0; fTrackListB = 0; fPtB = 0; fEtaB = 0; fPhiB = 0; fPdgB = 0; fHCorrection = 0; fHadronCorrector = 0; fBackground = 0; fWrite = 0; fOutFileName = 0; fOutFile = 0; fInFile = 0; fEvent = 0; // SetPtCut(); SetMomentumSmearing(); SetEfficiencySim(); SetDebug(); SetHadronCorrection(); SetIncludeK0andN(); fRandomBg = 0; SetParametersForBgSubtraction(); } AliEMCALJetFinder::AliEMCALJetFinder(const AliEMCALJetFinder& jf) : TTask(jf.GetName(), jf.GetTitle()), fBGFileName(jf.fBGFileName), fEMCALWeight(jf.fEMCALWeight), fTrackWeight(jf.fTrackWeight), fRandomBg(jf.fRandomBg),fWrite(jf.fWrite), fWeightingMethod(jf.fWeightingMethod), fJets(jf.fJets), fLego(jf.fLego), fLegoB(jf.fLegoB), fhLegoTracks(jf.fhLegoTracks), fhLegoEMCAL(jf.fhLegoEMCAL), fhLegoHadrCorr(jf.fhLegoHadrCorr), fhEff(jf.fhEff), fhCellEt(jf.fhCellEt),fhCellEMCALEt(jf.fhCellEMCALEt), fhTrackPt(jf.fhTrackPt), fhTrackPtBcut(jf.fhTrackPtBcut), fhChPartMultInTpc(jf.fhChPartMultInTpc), fhSinTheta(jf.fhSinTheta), fC1(jf.fC1), fHistsList(jf.fHistsList), fHadronCorrector(jf.fHadronCorrector), fHCorrection(jf.fHCorrection),fDebug(jf.fDebug), fBackground(jf.fBackground), fConeRadius(jf.fConeRadius), fPtCut(jf.fPtCut), fEtSeed(jf.fEtSeed), fMinJetEt(jf.fMinJetEt), fMinCellEt(jf.fMinCellEt), fSamplingF(jf.fSamplingF), fSmear(jf.fSmear), fEffic(jf.fEffic), fK0N(jf.fK0N), fNjets(jf.fNjets), fDeta(jf.fDeta), fDphi(jf.fDphi), fNcell(jf.fNcell), fNtot(jf.fNtot), fNbinEta(jf.fNbinEta), fNbinPhi(jf.fNbinPhi), fEtaMin(jf.fEtaMin), fEtaMax(jf.fEtaMax), fPhiMin(jf.fPhiMin), fPhiMax(jf.fPhiMax), fNt(jf.fNt), fNChTpc(jf.fNChTpc), fNtS(jf.fNtS), fTrackList(jf.fTrackList), fPtT(jf.fPtT), fEtaT(jf.fEtaT), fPhiT(jf.fPhiT), fPdgT(jf.fPdgT), fNtB(jf.fNtB), fTrackListB(jf.fTrackListB), fPtB(jf.fPtB), fEtaB(jf.fEtaB),fPhiB(jf.fPhiB), fPdgB(jf.fPdgB), fMode(jf.fMode), fMinMove(jf.fMinMove), fMaxMove(jf.fMaxMove), fPrecBg(jf.fPrecBg), fError(jf.fError), fOutFileName(jf.fOutFileName), fOutFile(jf.fOutFile), fInFile(jf.fInFile), fEvent(jf.fEvent) { // Copy Constructor } void AliEMCALJetFinder::SetParametersForBgSubtraction (Int_t mode, Float_t minMove, Float_t maxMove, Float_t precBg) { // see file /home/pavlinov/cosmic/pythia/jetFinderParamData.inc // at WSU Linux cluster - 11-feb-2002 // These parameters must be tuned more carefull !!! SetMode(mode); SetMinMove(minMove); SetMaxMove(maxMove); SetPrecBg(precBg); } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliEMCALJetFinder::~AliEMCALJetFinder() { // Destructor // if (fJets){ fJets->Delete(); delete fJets; } delete fLego; delete fLegoB; delete fhLegoTracks; delete fhLegoEMCAL; delete fhLegoHadrCorr; delete fhEff; delete fhCellEt; delete fhCellEMCALEt; delete fhTrackPt; delete fhTrackPtBcut; delete fhChPartMultInTpc; delete[] fTrackList; delete[] fPtT; delete[] fEtaT; delete[] fPhiT; delete[] fPdgT; delete[] fTrackListB; delete[] fPtB; delete[] fEtaB; delete[] fPhiB; delete[] fPdgB; } #ifndef WIN32 # define jet_finder_ua1 jet_finder_ua1_ # define hf1 hf1_ # define type_of_call #else # define jet_finder_ua1 JET_FINDER_UA1 # define hf1 HF1 # define type_of_call _stdcall #endif extern "C" void type_of_call jet_finder_ua1(Int_t& ncell, Int_t& ncell_tot, Float_t etc[30000], Float_t etac[30000], Float_t phic[30000], Float_t& min_move, Float_t& max_move, Int_t& mode, Float_t& prec_bg, Int_t& ierror); extern "C" void type_of_call hf1(Int_t& id, Float_t& x, Float_t& wgt); void AliEMCALJetFinder::Init() { // // Geometry and I/O initialization // // // // Get geometry parameters from EMCAL // // // Geometry //AliEMCAL* pEMCAL = (AliEMCAL*) gAlice->GetModule("EMCAL"); AliEMCALGeometry* geom = AliEMCALGeometry::GetInstance(); // SetSamplingFraction(geom->GetSampling()); fNbinEta = geom->GetNZ(); fNbinPhi = geom->GetNPhi(); fPhiMin = geom->GetArm1PhiMin()*TMath::Pi()/180.; fPhiMax = geom->GetArm1PhiMax()*TMath::Pi()/180.; fEtaMin = geom->GetArm1EtaMin(); fEtaMax = geom->GetArm1EtaMax(); fDphi = (fPhiMax-fPhiMin)/fNbinPhi; fDeta = (fEtaMax-fEtaMin)/fNbinEta; fNtot = fNbinPhi*fNbinEta; fWeightingMethod = kFALSE; // SetCellSize(fDeta, fDphi); // // I/O if (fOutFileName) fOutFile = new TFile(fOutFileName, "recreate"); // // } void AliEMCALJetFinder::Find(Int_t ncell, Int_t ncelltot, Float_t etc[30000], Float_t etac[30000], Float_t phic[30000], Float_t minmove, Float_t maxmove, Int_t mode, Float_t precbg, Int_t ierror) { // Wrapper for fortran coded jet finder // Full argument list jet_finder_ua1(ncell, ncelltot, etc, etac, phic, minmove, maxmove, mode, precbg, ierror); // Write result to output if(fWrite) WriteJets(); fEvent++; } void AliEMCALJetFinder::Find() { // Wrapper for fortran coded jet finder using member data for // argument list Float_t minmove = fMinMove; Float_t maxmove = fMaxMove; Int_t mode = fMode; Float_t precbg = fPrecBg; Int_t ierror; ResetJets(); // 4-feb-2002 by PAI jet_finder_ua1(fNcell, fNtot, fEtCell, fEtaCell, fPhiCell, minmove, maxmove, mode, precbg, ierror); fError = ierror; // Write result to output Int_t njet = Njets(); for (Int_t nj=0; njSetIsWeightedEnergy(fWeightingMethod); fJetT[nj]->SetEMCALEnergy( EMCALConeEnergy(JetEtaW(nj),JetPhiW(nj)) ); fJetT[nj]->SetTrackEnergy(TrackConeEnergy( JetEtaW(nj),JetPhiW(nj) )); } FindTracksInJetCone(); if(fWrite) WriteJets(); fEvent++; } Float_t AliEMCALJetFinder::EMCALConeEnergy(Float_t eta, Float_t phi) { // Calculate the energy in the cone Float_t newenergy = 0.0; Float_t bineta,binphi; TAxis *x = fhLegoEMCAL->GetXaxis(); TAxis *y = fhLegoEMCAL->GetYaxis(); for (Int_t i = 0 ; i < fNbinEta ; i++) // x coord { for (Int_t j = 0 ; j < fNbinPhi ; j++) // y coord { bineta = x->GetBinCenter(i); binphi = y->GetBinCenter(j); if ( (bineta-eta)*(bineta-eta) + (binphi-phi)*(binphi-phi) < fConeRadius*fConeRadius) { newenergy += fhLegoEMCAL->GetBinContent(i,j); } } } return newenergy; } Float_t AliEMCALJetFinder::TrackConeEnergy(Float_t eta, Float_t phi) { // Calculate the track energy in the cone Float_t newenergy = 0.0; Float_t bineta,binphi; TAxis *x = fhLegoTracks->GetXaxis(); TAxis *y = fhLegoTracks->GetYaxis(); for (Int_t i = 0 ; i < fNbinEta ; i++) // x coord { for (Int_t j = 0 ; j < fNbinPhi ; j++) // y coord { bineta = x->GetBinCenter(i); binphi = y->GetBinCenter(j); if ( (bineta-eta)*(bineta-eta) + (binphi-phi)*(binphi-phi) < fConeRadius*fConeRadius) { newenergy += fhLegoTracks->GetBinContent(i,j); } } } return newenergy; } Float_t AliEMCALJetFinder::WeightedJetEnergy(Float_t eta, Float_t phi) { // Calculate the weighted jet energy Float_t newenergy = 0.0; Float_t bineta,binphi; TAxis *x = fhLegoEMCAL->GetXaxis(); TAxis *y = fhLegoEMCAL->GetYaxis(); for (Int_t i = 0 ; i < fNbinEta ; i++) // x coord { for (Int_t j = 0 ; j < fNbinPhi ; j++) // y coord { bineta = x->GetBinCenter(i); binphi = y->GetBinCenter(j); if ( (bineta-eta)*(bineta-eta) + (binphi-phi)*(binphi-phi) < fConeRadius*fConeRadius) { newenergy += (fEMCALWeight)* fhLegoEMCAL->GetBinContent(i,j) + (fTrackWeight)* fhLegoTracks->GetBinContent(i,j); } } } return newenergy; } Int_t AliEMCALJetFinder::Njets() const { // Get number of reconstructed jets return EMCALJETS.njet; } Float_t AliEMCALJetFinder::JetEnergy(Int_t i) const { // Get reconstructed jet energy return EMCALJETS.etj[i]; } Float_t AliEMCALJetFinder::JetPhiL(Int_t i) const { // Get reconstructed jet phi from leading particle return EMCALJETS.phij[0][i]; } Float_t AliEMCALJetFinder::JetPhiW(Int_t i) const { // Get reconstructed jet phi from weighting return EMCALJETS.phij[1][i]; } Float_t AliEMCALJetFinder::JetEtaL(Int_t i) const { // Get reconstructed jet eta from leading particles return EMCALJETS.etaj[0][i]; } Float_t AliEMCALJetFinder::JetEtaW(Int_t i) const { // Get reconstructed jet eta from weighting return EMCALJETS.etaj[1][i]; } void AliEMCALJetFinder::SetCellSize(Float_t eta, Float_t phi) { // Set grid cell size EMCALCELLGEO.etaCellSize = eta; EMCALCELLGEO.phiCellSize = phi; } void AliEMCALJetFinder::SetConeRadius(Float_t par) { // Set jet cone radius EMCALJETPARAM.coneRad = par; fConeRadius = par; } void AliEMCALJetFinder::SetEtSeed(Float_t par) { // Set et cut for seeds EMCALJETPARAM.etSeed = par; fEtSeed = par; } void AliEMCALJetFinder::SetMinJetEt(Float_t par) { // Set minimum jet et EMCALJETPARAM.ejMin = par; fMinJetEt = par; } void AliEMCALJetFinder::SetMinCellEt(Float_t par) { // Set et cut per cell EMCALJETPARAM.etMin = par; fMinCellEt = par; } void AliEMCALJetFinder::SetPtCut(Float_t par) { // Set pT cut on charged tracks fPtCut = par; } void AliEMCALJetFinder::Test() { // // Test the finder call // const Int_t knmax = 30000; Int_t ncell = 10; Int_t ncelltot = 100; Float_t etc[knmax]; Float_t etac[knmax]; Float_t phic[knmax]; Float_t minmove = 0; Float_t maxmove = 0; Int_t mode = 0; Float_t precbg = 0; Int_t ierror = 0; Find(ncell, ncelltot, etc, etac, phic, minmove, maxmove, mode, precbg, ierror); } // // I/O // void AliEMCALJetFinder::AddJet(const AliEMCALJet& jet) { // // Add a jet // TClonesArray &lrawcl = *fJets; new(lrawcl[fNjets++]) AliEMCALJet(jet); } void AliEMCALJetFinder::ResetJets() { // // Reset Jet List // fJets->Clear(); fNjets = 0; } void AliEMCALJetFinder::WriteJets() { // // Add all jets to the list // const Int_t kBufferSize = 4000; const char* file = 0; Int_t njet = Njets(); for (Int_t nj = 0; nj < njet; nj++) { AddJet(*fJetT[nj]); delete fJetT[nj]; } // I/O AliRunLoader *rl = AliRunLoader::GetRunLoader(); AliEMCALLoader *emcalLoader = dynamic_cast(rl->GetDetectorLoader("EMCAL")); if (!fOutFileName) { // // output written to input file // AliEMCAL* pEMCAL = (AliEMCAL* )gAlice->GetModule("EMCAL"); TTree* pK = rl->TreeK(); file = (pK->GetCurrentFile())->GetName(); TBranch * jetBranch ; if (fDebug > 1) printf("Make Branch - TreeR address %p %p\n",(void*)gAlice->TreeR(), (void*)pEMCAL); //if (fJets && gAlice->TreeR()) { if (fJets && emcalLoader->TreeR()) { // pEMCAL->MakeBranchInTree(gAlice->TreeR(), jetBranch = emcalLoader->TreeR()->Branch("EMCALJets", &fJets, kBufferSize, 0) ; //pEMCAL->MakeBranchInTree(gime->TreeR(), // "EMCALJets", // &fJets, // kBufferSize, // file); //Int_t nev = gAlice->GetHeader()->GetEvent(); //gAlice->TreeR()->Fill(); jetBranch->Fill(); //char hname[30]; //sprintf(hname,"TreeR%d", nev); //gAlice->TreeR()->Write(hname); //gAlice->TreeR()->Reset(); //gime->WriteRecPoints("OVERWRITE"); emcalLoader->WriteRecPoints("OVERWRITE"); } } else { // // Output written to user specified output file // //TTree* pK = gAlice->TreeK(); TTree* pK = rl->TreeK(); fInFile = pK->GetCurrentFile(); fOutFile->cd(); char hname[30]; sprintf(hname,"TreeR%d", fEvent); TTree* treeJ = new TTree(hname, "EMCALJets"); treeJ->Branch("EMCALJets", &fJets, kBufferSize); treeJ->Fill(); treeJ->Write(hname); fInFile->cd(); } ResetJets(); } void AliEMCALJetFinder::BookLego() { // // Book histo for discretization // // // Don't add histos to the current directory if(fDebug) printf("\n AliEMCALJetFinder::BookLego() \n"); // TH2::AddDirectory(0); // hists wil be put to the list from gROOT // TH1::AddDirectory(0); gROOT->cd(); // // Signal map fLego = new TH2F("legoH","eta-phi", fNbinEta, fEtaMin, fEtaMax, fNbinPhi, fPhiMin, fPhiMax); // // Background map fLegoB = new TH2F("legoB","eta-phi for BG event", fNbinEta, fEtaMin, fEtaMax, fNbinPhi, fPhiMin, fPhiMax); // Tracks map fhLegoTracks = new TH2F("hLegoTracks","eta-phi for Tracks", fNbinEta, fEtaMin, fEtaMax, fNbinPhi, fPhiMin, fPhiMax); // EMCAL map fhLegoEMCAL = new TH2F("hLegoEMCAL","eta-phi for EMCAL", fNbinEta, fEtaMin, fEtaMax, fNbinPhi, fPhiMin, fPhiMax); // Hadron correction map fhLegoHadrCorr = new TH2F("hLegoHadrCorr","eta-phi for Hadron. Correction", fNbinEta, fEtaMin, fEtaMax, fNbinPhi, fPhiMin, fPhiMax); // Hists. for tuning jet finder fhEff = new TH2F("hEff","#epsilon vs momentum ", 100,0.,20., 50,0.5,1.); TArrayF eTmp(1101); eTmp[0] = 0.0; for(Int_t i=1; i<=1000; i++) eTmp[i] = 0.1*i; // step 100 mev for(Int_t i=1001; i<=1100; i++) eTmp[i] = eTmp[1000] + 1.0*(i-1000); // step 1GeV fhCellEt = new TH1F("hCellEt","Cell E_{T} from fLego", eTmp.GetSize()-1, eTmp.GetArray()); fhCellEMCALEt = new TH1F("hCellEMCALEt","Cell E_{T} for EMCAL itself", eTmp.GetSize()-1, eTmp.GetArray()); fhTrackPt = new TH1F("hTrackPt","Ch.particles P_{T} ", eTmp.GetSize()-1, eTmp.GetArray()); fhTrackPtBcut = new TH1F("hTrackPtBcut","Ch.particles P_{T} + magnetic field cut", eTmp.GetSize()-1, eTmp.GetArray()); fhChPartMultInTpc = new TH1F("hChPartMultInTpc", "Charge partilcle multiplicity in |%eta|<0.9", 2000, 0, 20000); fhSinTheta = new TH1F("fhSinTheta","sin(theta)", fNbinEta, fEtaMin, fEtaMax); TAxis *xax = fhSinTheta->GetXaxis(); for(Int_t i=1; i<=fNbinEta; i++) { Double_t eta = xax->GetBinCenter(i); fhSinTheta->Fill(eta, 1./TMath::CosH(eta)); // cosh(eta) = 1./sin(theta) } //! first canvas for drawing fHistsList=AliEMCALJetMicroDst::MoveHistsToList("Hists from AliEMCALJetFinder", kFALSE); } void AliEMCALJetFinder::DumpLego() { // // Dump lego histo into array // fNcell = 0; TAxis* xaxis = fLego->GetXaxis(); TAxis* yaxis = fLego->GetYaxis(); // fhCellEt->Clear(); Float_t e, eH; for (Int_t i = 1; i <= fNbinEta; i++) { for (Int_t j = 1; j <= fNbinPhi; j++) { e = fLego->GetBinContent(i,j); if (fRandomBg) { if (gRandom->Rndm() < 0.5) { Float_t ebg = 0.28 * TMath::Abs(gRandom->Gaus(0.,1.)); e += ebg; } } if (e > 0.0) e -= fMinCellEt; if (e < 0.0) e = 0.; Float_t eta = xaxis->GetBinCenter(i); Float_t phi = yaxis->GetBinCenter(j); fEtCell[fNcell] = e; fEtaCell[fNcell] = eta; fPhiCell[fNcell] = phi; fNcell++; fhCellEt->Fill(e); if(fhLegoEMCAL) { eH = fhLegoEMCAL->GetBinContent(i,j); if(eH > 0.0) fhCellEMCALEt->Fill(eH); } } // phi } // eta // today // fNcell--; } void AliEMCALJetFinder::ResetMap() { // // Reset eta-phi array for (Int_t i=0; i<30000; i++) { fEtCell[i] = 0.; fEtaCell[i] = 0.; fPhiCell[i] = 0.; } } void AliEMCALJetFinder::FillFromTracks(Int_t flag, Int_t ich) { // Which generator // const char* name = gAlice->Generator()->GetName(); enum {kPythia, kHijing, kHijingPara}; Int_t genType = 0; if (!strcmp(name, "Hijing")){ genType = kHijing; } else if (!strcmp(name, "Pythia")) { genType = kPythia; } else if (!strcmp(name, "HIJINGpara") ||!strcmp(name, "HIGINGpara")) { genType = kHijingPara; } if (fDebug>=2) printf("Fill tracks generated by %s %d\n", name, genType); // // Fill Cells with track information // if (fDebug >= 2) printf("\n AliEMCALJetFinder::FillFromTracks(%i,%i) ",flag,ich); fNChTpc = 0; ResetMap(); if (!fLego) BookLego(); // Reset if (flag == 0) fLego->Reset(); // // Access particle information Int_t npart = (gAlice->GetHeader())->GetNprimary(); Int_t ntr = (gAlice->GetHeader())->GetNtrack(); printf(" : #primary particles %i # tracks %i : (before) Sum.Et %f\n", npart, ntr, fLego->Integral()); // Create track list // // 0: not selected // 1: selected for jet finding // 2: inside jet // .... if (fTrackList) delete[] fTrackList; if (fPtT) delete[] fPtT; if (fEtaT) delete[] fEtaT; if (fPhiT) delete[] fPhiT; if (fPdgT) delete[] fPdgT; fTrackList = new Int_t [npart]; fPtT = new Float_t[npart]; fEtaT = new Float_t[npart]; fPhiT = new Float_t[npart]; fPdgT = new Int_t[npart]; fNt = npart; fNtS = 0; Float_t chTmp=0.0; // charge of current particle // Int_t idGeant; // this is for Pythia ?? for (Int_t part = 0; part < npart; part++) { TParticle *mPart = gAlice->GetMCApp()->Particle(part); Int_t mpart = mPart->GetPdgCode(); Int_t child1 = mPart->GetFirstDaughter(); Float_t pT = mPart->Pt(); Float_t p = mPart->P(); Float_t phi = mPart->Phi(); Float_t eta = -100.; if(pT > 0.001) eta = mPart->Eta(); Float_t theta = mPart->Theta(); if (fDebug>=2 && mPart->GetStatusCode()==1) { printf("ind %7i part %7i -> child1 %5i child2 %5i Status %5i\n", part, mpart, child1, mPart->GetLastDaughter(), mPart->GetStatusCode()); } if (fDebug >= 2 && genType == kPythia) { if (part == 6 || part == 7) { printf("\n Simulated Jet (pt, eta, phi): %d %f %f %f\n", part-5, pT, eta, phi); } } fTrackList[part] = 0; fPtT[part] = pT; // must be change after correction for resolution !!! fEtaT[part] = eta; fPhiT[part] = phi; fPdgT[part] = mpart; // final state particles only if (genType == kPythia) { if (mPart->GetStatusCode() != 1) continue; } else if (genType == kHijing) { if (child1 >= 0 && child1 < npart) continue; } TParticlePDG* pdgP = 0; // charged or neutral pdgP = mPart->GetPDG(); chTmp = pdgP->Charge() / 3.; // 13-feb-2001!! if (ich == 0) { if (chTmp == 0) { if (!fK0N) { continue; } else { if (mpart != kNeutron && mpart != kNeutronBar && mpart != kK0Long) continue; } } } else if (ich == 2) { if (mpart == kNeutron || mpart == kNeutronBar || mpart == kK0Long) continue; } if (TMath::Abs(eta)<=0.9) fNChTpc++; // final state only if (child1 >= 0 && child1 < npart) continue; // acceptance cut if (eta > fEtaMax || eta < fEtaMin) continue; if (phi > fPhiMax || phi < fPhiMin ) continue; // if (fDebug >= 3) printf("\n=>nsel:%5d mpart %5d child1 %5d eta %6.2f phi %6.2f pT %6.2f ch %3.0f ", part, mpart, child1, eta, phi, pT, chTmp); // // // Momentum smearing goes here ... // fhTrackPt->Fill(pT); Float_t pw; if (fSmear && TMath::Abs(chTmp)) { pw = AliEMCALFast::SmearMomentum(1,p); // p changed - take into account when calculate pT, // pz and so on .. ? pT = (pw/p) * pT; if(fDebug >= 4) printf("\n Smearing : p %8.4f change to %8.4f ", p, pw); p = pw; } // // Tracking Efficiency and TPC acceptance goes here ... Float_t eff; if (fEffic && TMath::Abs(chTmp)) { eff = 0.9; // AliEMCALFast::Efficiency(2,p); if(fhEff) fhEff->Fill(p, eff); if (AliEMCALFast::RandomReject(eff)) { if(fDebug >= 5) printf(" reject due to unefficiency "); continue; } } // // Correction of Hadronic Energy goes here ... // // // phi propagation for hadronic correction Bool_t curls = kFALSE; // hit two the EMCAL (no curl) Float_t phiHC=0.0, dpH=0.0, dphi=0.0, eTdpH=0; if(TMath::Abs(chTmp)) { // hadr. correction only for charge particle dphi = PropagatePhi(pT, chTmp, curls); phiHC = phi + dphi; if (fDebug >= 6) { printf("\n Delta phi %f pT %f ", dphi, pT); if (curls) printf("\n !! Track is curling"); } if(!curls) fhTrackPtBcut->Fill(pT); if (fHCorrection && !curls) { if (!fHadronCorrector) Fatal("AliEMCALJetFinder", "Hadronic energy correction required but not defined !"); dpH = fHadronCorrector->GetEnergy(p, eta, 7); eTdpH = dpH*TMath::Sin(theta); if (fDebug >= 7) printf(" phi %f phiHC %f eTcorr %f\n", phi, phiHC, -eTdpH); // correction is negative Int_t xbin,ybin; xbin = fLego->GetXaxis()->FindBin(eta); ybin = fLego->GetYaxis()->FindBin(phiHC); cout <<"Hadron Correction affected bin - contents before correction : "<GetBinContent(xbin,ybin)<Fill(eta, phi, -fSamplingF*eTdpH ); cout <<"Hadron Correction affected bin - contents after correction : "<GetBinContent(xbin,ybin)<Fill(eta, phi, fSamplingF*eTdpH); } } // // More to do ? Just think about it ! // if (phi > fPhiMax || phi < fPhiMin ) continue; if(TMath::Abs(chTmp) ) { // charge particle if (pT > fPtCut && !curls) { if (fDebug >= 8) printf("Charge : fLego->Fill(%5.2f, %5.2f, %6.2f, %d)\n", eta , phi, pT, fNtS); fLego->Fill(eta, phi, pT); fhLegoTracks->Fill(eta, phi, pT); // 20-feb for checking fTrackList[part] = 1; fNtS++; } } else if(ich > 0 || fK0N) { // case of n, nbar and K0L if (fDebug >= 9) printf("Neutral : fLego->Fill(%5.2f, %5.2f, %6.2f, %d)\n", eta , phi, pT, fNtS); fLego->Fill(eta, phi, pT); fTrackList[part] = 1; fNtS++; } } // primary loop Float_t etsum = 0.; for(Int_t i=0; iGetSize(); i++) { Float_t etc = (*fLego)[i]; if (etc > fMinCellEt) etsum += etc; } printf("FillFromTracks: Sum above threshold %f -> %f (%f)\n", fMinCellEt, etsum, fLego->Integral()); printf(" Track selected(fNtS) %i \n", fNtS); DumpLego(); } void AliEMCALJetFinder::FillFromHits(Int_t flag) { // // Fill Cells with hit information // // if (fDebug >= 2) printf("\n AliEMCALJetFinder::FillFromHits(%i)\n",flag); ResetMap(); if (!fLego) BookLego(); // Reset eta-phi maps if needed if (flag == 0) { // default behavior fLego->Reset(); fhLegoTracks->Reset(); fhLegoEMCAL->Reset(); fhLegoHadrCorr->Reset(); } // Initialize from background event if available // // Access hit information AliEMCAL* pEMCAL = (AliEMCAL*) gAlice->GetModule("EMCAL"); AliLoader *emcalLoader = AliRunLoader::GetRunLoader()->GetDetectorLoader("EMCAL"); TTree *treeH = emcalLoader->TreeH(); Int_t ntracks = (Int_t) treeH->GetEntries(); // // Loop over tracks // Int_t nbytes = 0; // Double_t etH = 0.0; for (Int_t track=0; trackResetHits(); nbytes += treeH->GetEvent(track); // // Loop over hits // for(AliEMCALHit* mHit=(AliEMCALHit*) pEMCAL->FirstHit(-1); mHit; mHit=(AliEMCALHit*) pEMCAL->NextHit()) { Float_t x = mHit->X(); // x-pos of hit Float_t y = mHit->Y(); // y-pos Float_t z = mHit->Z(); // z-pos Float_t eloss = mHit->GetEnergy(); // deposited energy Float_t r = TMath::Sqrt(x*x+y*y); Float_t theta = TMath::ATan2(r,z); Float_t eta = -TMath::Log(TMath::Tan(theta/2.)); Float_t phi = TMath::ATan2(y,x); if (fDebug >= 21) printf("\n Hit %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f", x, y, z, eloss, r, eta, phi, fSamplingF); // etH = fSamplingF*eloss*TMath::Sin(theta); fLego->Fill(eta, phi, eloss); } // Hit Loop } // Track Loop // Transition from deposit energy to eT (eT = de*SF*sin(theta)) Double_t etsum = 0; for(Int_t i=1; i<=fLego->GetNbinsX(); i++){ // eta Double_t sinTheta = fhSinTheta->GetBinContent(i), eT=0; for(Int_t j=1; j<=fLego->GetNbinsY(); j++){ // phi eT = fLego->GetBinContent(i,j)*fSamplingF*sinTheta; fLego->SetBinContent(i,j,eT); // copy content of fLego to fhLegoEMCAL (fLego and fhLegoEMCAL are identical) fhLegoEMCAL->SetBinContent(i,j,eT); if (eT > fMinCellEt) etsum += eT; } } // for(Int_t i=0; iGetSize(); i++) { // (*fhLegoEMCAL)[i] = (*fLego)[i]; // Float_t etc = (*fLego)[i]; // if (etc > fMinCellEt) etsum += etc; // } printf("FillFromHits: Sum above threshold %f -> %f \n ", fMinCellEt, etsum); // DumpLego(); ?? } void AliEMCALJetFinder::FillFromDigits(Int_t flag) { // // Fill Cells with digit information // // ResetMap(); if (!fLego) BookLego(); if (flag == 0) fLego->Reset(); Int_t nbytes=0; // // Connect digits // TClonesArray* digs = new TClonesArray("AliEMCALDigit", 10000); TTree *treeD = gAlice->TreeD(); TBranchElement* branchDg = (TBranchElement*) treeD->GetBranch("EMCAL"); if (!branchDg) Fatal("AliEMCALJetFinder", "Reading digits requested but no digits in file !"); branchDg->SetAddress(&digs); Int_t nent = (Int_t) branchDg->GetEntries(); // // Connect digitizer // AliEMCALDigitizer* digr = new AliEMCALDigitizer(); TBranchElement* branchDr = (TBranchElement*) treeD->GetBranch("AliEMCALDigitizer"); branchDr->SetAddress(&digr); // // nbytes += branchDg->GetEntry(0); nbytes += branchDr->GetEntry(0); // // Get digitizer parameters Float_t ecADCped = digr->GetECApedestal(); Float_t ecADCcha = digr->GetECAchannel(); AliEMCAL* pEMCAL = (AliEMCAL*) gAlice->GetModule("EMCAL"); AliEMCALGeometry* geom = AliEMCALGeometry::GetInstance(pEMCAL->GetTitle(), ""); if (fDebug) { Int_t ndig = digs->GetEntries(); Info("FillFromDigits","Number of Digits: %d %d\n Parameters: EC: %f %f\n Geometry: %d %d", ndig, nent, ecADCped, ecADCcha, geom->GetNEta(), geom->GetNPhi()); } // // Loop over digits AliEMCALDigit* sdg; TIter next(digs); while ((sdg = (AliEMCALDigit*)(next()))) { Double_t pedestal = 0.; Double_t channel = 0.; if (geom->CheckAbsCellId(sdg->GetId())) { // May 31, 2006; IsInECA(Int_t) -> CheckAbsCellId pedestal = ecADCped; channel = ecADCcha; } else Fatal("FillFromDigits", "unexpected digit is number!") ; Float_t eta = sdg->GetEta(); Float_t phi = sdg->GetPhi() * TMath::Pi()/180.; Float_t amp = (Float_t) (channel*(sdg->GetAmp())-pedestal); if (fDebug > 1) Info("FillFromDigits", "Digit: eta %8.3f phi %8.3f amp %8.3f %8d", eta, phi, amp, sdg->GetAmp()); fLego->Fill(eta, phi, fSamplingF*amp); } // digit loop // // Dump lego hist DumpLego(); } void AliEMCALJetFinder::FillFromHitFlaggedTracks(Int_t flag) { // // Fill Cells with hit information // // ResetMap(); if (!fLego) BookLego(); // Reset if (flag == 0) fLego->Reset(); // Flag charged tracks passing through TPC which // are associated to EMCAL Hits BuildTrackFlagTable(); // // Access particle information TTree *treeK = gAlice->TreeK(); Int_t ntracks = (Int_t) treeK->GetEntries(); if (fPtT) delete[] fPtT; if (fEtaT) delete[] fEtaT; if (fPhiT) delete[] fPhiT; if (fPdgT) delete[] fPdgT; fPtT = new Float_t[ntracks]; fEtaT = new Float_t[ntracks]; fPhiT = new Float_t[ntracks]; fPdgT = new Int_t[ntracks]; fNt = ntracks; fNtS = 0; for (Int_t track = 0; track < ntracks; track++) { TParticle *mPart = gAlice->GetMCApp()->Particle(track); Float_t pT = mPart->Pt(); Float_t phi = mPart->Phi(); Float_t eta = mPart->Eta(); if(fTrackList[track]) { fPtT[track] = pT; fEtaT[track] = eta; fPhiT[track] = phi; fPdgT[track] = mPart->GetPdgCode(); if (track < 2) continue; //Colliding particles? if (pT == 0 || pT < fPtCut) continue; fNtS++; fLego->Fill(eta, phi, pT); } } // track loop DumpLego(); } void AliEMCALJetFinder::FillFromParticles() { // 26-feb-2002 PAI - for checking all chain // Work on particles level; accept all particle (not neutrino ) Double_t pX=0, pY=0, pZ=0, energy=0; // checking conservation law fNChTpc = 0; ResetMap(); if (!fLego) BookLego(); fLego->Reset(); // // Access particles information Int_t npart = (gAlice->GetHeader())->GetNprimary(); if (fDebug >= 2 || npart<=0) { printf(" AliEMCALJetFinder::FillFromParticles : npart %i\n", npart); if(npart<=0) return; } fNt = npart; fNtS = 0; RearrangeParticlesMemory(npart); // Go through the particles Int_t mpart, child1, child2, geantPdg; Float_t pT, phi, eta, e=0, px=0, py=0, pz=0; TParticle *mPart=0; for (Int_t part = 0; part < npart; part++) { fTrackList[part] = 0; mPart = gAlice->GetMCApp()->Particle(part); mpart = mPart->GetPdgCode(); child1 = mPart->GetFirstDaughter(); child2 = mPart->GetLastDaughter(); pT = mPart->Pt(); phi = mPart->Phi(); eta = mPart->Eta(); px = mPart->Px(); py = mPart->Py(); pz = mPart->Pz(); e = mPart->Energy(); // see pyedit in Pythia's text geantPdg = mpart; if (IsThisPartonsOrDiQuark(mpart)) continue; printf("%5i: %5i(%2i) px %5.1f py %5.1f pz %6.1f e %6.1f childs %5i,%5i \n", part, mpart, geantPdg, px, py, pz, e, child1, child2); // exclude partons (21 - gluon, 92 - string) // exclude neutrinous also ?? if (fDebug >= 11 && pT>0.01) printf("\n part:%5d mpart %5d eta %9.2f phi %9.2f pT %9.2f ", part, mpart, eta, phi, pT); fPtT[part] = pT; fEtaT[part] = eta; fPhiT[part] = phi; fPdgT[part] = mpart; fNtS++; // final state only if (child1 >= 0 && child1 < npart) continue; // printf("%4i -> %5i(%3i) px %6.1f py %6.1f pz %7.1f e %8.2f child1 %5i %s\n", // part, mpart, geantPdg, px, py, pz, e, child1, name.Data()); pX += px; pY += py; pZ += pz; energy += e; if (TMath::Abs(eta) <= 0.9) fNChTpc++; // acceptance cut if (eta > fEtaMax || eta < fEtaMin) continue; if (phi > fPhiMax || phi < fPhiMin ) continue; // if(fK0N==0 ) { // exclude neutral hadrons if (mpart == kNeutron || mpart == kNeutronBar || mpart == kK0Long) continue; } fTrackList[part] = 1; fLego->Fill(eta, phi, pT); } // primary loop printf("\n PX %8.2f PY %8.2f PZ %8.2f E %8.2f \n", pX, pY, pZ, energy); DumpLego(); if(fhChPartMultInTpc) fhChPartMultInTpc->Fill(fNChTpc); } void AliEMCALJetFinder::FillFromPartons() { // function under construction - 13-feb-2002 PAI if (fDebug >= 2) printf("\n AliEMCALJetFinder::FillFromPartons()\n"); // ResetMap(); if (!fLego) BookLego(); fLego->Reset(); // // Access particle information Int_t npart = (gAlice->GetHeader())->GetNprimary(); if (fDebug >= 2 || npart<=0) printf("\n AliEMCALJetFinder::FillFromPartons : npart %i\n", npart); fNt = 0; // for FindTracksInJetCone fNtS = 0; // Go through the partons Int_t statusCode=0; for (Int_t part = 8; part < npart; part++) { TParticle *mPart = gAlice->GetMCApp()->Particle(part); Int_t mpart = mPart->GetPdgCode(); // Int_t child1 = MPart->GetFirstDaughter(); Float_t pT = mPart->Pt(); // Float_t p = MPart->P(); Float_t phi = mPart->Phi(); Float_t eta = mPart->Eta(); // Float_t theta = MPart->Theta(); statusCode = mPart->GetStatusCode(); // accept partons (21 - gluon, 92 - string) if (!(TMath::Abs(mpart) <= 6 || mpart == 21 ||mpart == 92)) continue; if (fDebug > 1 && pT>0.01) printf("\n part:%5d mpart %5d status %5d eta %8.2f phi %8.2f pT %8.2f ", part, mpart, statusCode, eta, phi, pT); // if (fDebug >= 3) MPart->Print(); // accept partons before fragmentation - p.57 in Pythia manual // if(statusCode != 1) continue; // acceptance cut if (eta > fEtaMax || eta < fEtaMin) continue; if (phi > fPhiMax || phi < fPhiMin ) continue; // final state only // if (child1 >= 0 && child1 < npart) continue; // // fLego->Fill(eta, phi, pT); } // primary loop DumpLego(); } void AliEMCALJetFinder::BuildTrackFlagTable() { // Method to generate a lookup table for TreeK particles // which are linked to hits in the EMCAL // // --Author: J.L. Klay // // Access hit information AliEMCAL* pEMCAL = (AliEMCAL*) gAlice->GetModule("EMCAL"); TTree *treeK = gAlice->TreeK(); // Get the number of entries in the kine tree Int_t nKTrks = (Int_t) treeK->GetEntries(); // (Number of particles created somewhere) if(fTrackList) delete[] fTrackList; //Make sure we get rid of the old one fTrackList = new Int_t[nKTrks]; //before generating a new one for (Int_t i = 0; i < nKTrks; i++) { //Initialize members to 0 fTrackList[i] = 0; } AliLoader *emcalLoader = AliRunLoader::GetRunLoader()->GetDetectorLoader("EMCAL"); //AliEMCALGetter * gime = AliEMCALGetter::Instance() ; // TTree *treeH = gAlice->TreeH(); TTree *treeH = emcalLoader->TreeH(); Int_t ntracks = (Int_t) treeH->GetEntries(); // // Loop over tracks // Int_t nbytes = 0; for (Int_t track=0; trackResetHits(); nbytes += treeH->GetEvent(track); if (pEMCAL) { // // Loop over hits // for(AliEMCALHit* mHit=(AliEMCALHit*) pEMCAL->FirstHit(-1); mHit; mHit=(AliEMCALHit*) pEMCAL->NextHit()) { Int_t iTrk = mHit->Track(); // track number Int_t idprim = mHit->GetPrimary(); // primary particle //Determine the origin point of this particle - it made a hit in the EMCAL TParticle *trkPart = gAlice->GetMCApp()->Particle(iTrk); TParticlePDG *trkPdg = trkPart->GetPDG(); Int_t trkCode = trkPart->GetPdgCode(); Double_t trkChg; if (trkCode < 10000) { //Big Ions cause problems for trkChg = trkPdg->Charge(); //this function. Since they aren't } else { //likely to make it very far, set trkChg = 0.0; //their charge to 0 for the Flag test } Float_t vxTrk = trkPart->Vx(); Float_t vyTrk = trkPart->Vy(); Float_t vrTrk = TMath::Sqrt(vxTrk*vxTrk+vyTrk*vyTrk); fTrackList[iTrk] = SetTrackFlag(vrTrk,trkCode,trkChg); //Loop through the ancestry of the EMCAL entrance particles Int_t ancestor = trkPart->GetFirstMother(); //Get track's Mother while (ancestor != -1) { TParticle *ancPart = gAlice->GetMCApp()->Particle(ancestor); //get particle info on ancestor TParticlePDG *ancPdg = ancPart->GetPDG(); Int_t ancCode = ancPart->GetPdgCode(); Double_t ancChg; if (ancCode < 10000) { ancChg = ancPdg->Charge(); } else { ancChg = 0.0; } Float_t vxAnc = ancPart->Vx(); Float_t vyAnc = ancPart->Vy(); Float_t vrAnc = TMath::Sqrt(vxAnc*vxAnc+vyAnc*vyAnc); fTrackList[ancestor] = SetTrackFlag(vrAnc,ancCode,ancChg); ancestor = ancPart->GetFirstMother(); //Get the next ancestor } //Determine the origin point of the primary particle associated with the hit TParticle *primPart = gAlice->GetMCApp()->Particle(idprim); TParticlePDG *primPdg = primPart->GetPDG(); Int_t primCode = primPart->GetPdgCode(); Double_t primChg; if (primCode < 10000) { primChg = primPdg->Charge(); } else { primChg = 0.0; } Float_t vxPrim = primPart->Vx(); Float_t vyPrim = primPart->Vy(); Float_t vrPrim = TMath::Sqrt(vxPrim*vxPrim+vyPrim*vyPrim); fTrackList[idprim] = SetTrackFlag(vrPrim,primCode,primChg); } // Hit Loop } //if (pEMCAL) } // Track Loop } Int_t AliEMCALJetFinder ::SetTrackFlag(Float_t radius, Int_t code, Double_t charge) { // Set the flag for the track Int_t flag = 0; Int_t parton = 0; Int_t neutral = 0; if (charge == 0) neutral = 1; if (TMath::Abs(code) <= 6 || code == 21 || code == 92) parton = 1; //It's not a parton, it's charged and it went through the TPC if (!parton && !neutral && radius <= 84.0) flag = 1; return flag; } void AliEMCALJetFinder::SaveBackgroundEvent(const char *name) { // Saves the eta-phi lego and the tracklist and name of file with BG events // if (fLegoB) { fLegoB->Reset(); (*fLegoB) = (*fLegoB) + (*fLego); // if(fDebug) printf("\n AliEMCALJetFinder::SaveBackgroundEvent() (fLegoB) %f = %f(fLego) \n", fLegoB->Integral(), fLego->Integral()); } if (fPtB) delete[] fPtB; if (fEtaB) delete[] fEtaB; if (fPhiB) delete[] fPhiB; if (fPdgB) delete[] fPdgB; if (fTrackListB) delete[] fTrackListB; fPtB = new Float_t[fNtS]; fEtaB = new Float_t[fNtS]; fPhiB = new Float_t[fNtS]; fPdgB = new Int_t [fNtS]; fTrackListB = new Int_t [fNtS]; fNtB = 0; for (Int_t i = 0; i < fNt; i++) { if (!fTrackList[i]) continue; fPtB [fNtB] = fPtT [i]; fEtaB[fNtB] = fEtaT[i]; fPhiB[fNtB] = fPhiT[i]; fPdgB[fNtB] = fPdgT[i]; fTrackListB[fNtB] = 1; fNtB++; } fBackground = 1; printf(" fNtB %i => fNtS %i #particles %i \n", fNtB, fNtS, fNt); if(strlen(name) == 0) { TSeqCollection *li = gROOT->GetListOfFiles(); TString nf; for(Int_t i=0; iGetSize(); i++) { nf = ((TFile*)li->At(i))->GetName(); if(nf.Contains("backgorund")) break; } fBGFileName = nf; } else { fBGFileName = name; } printf("BG file name is \n %s\n", fBGFileName.Data()); } void AliEMCALJetFinder::InitFromBackground() { // // if (fDebug) printf("\n AliEMCALJetFinder::InitFromBackground() "); if (fLego) { fLego->Reset(); (*fLego) = (*fLego) + (*fLegoB); if(fDebug) printf("\n AliEMCALJetFinder::InitBackgroundEvent() (fLego) %f = %f(fLegoB) \n", fLego->Integral(), fLegoB->Integral()); } else { printf(" => fLego undefined \n"); } } void AliEMCALJetFinder::FindTracksInJetCone() { // // Build list of tracks inside jet cone // // Loop over jets Int_t njet = Njets(); for (Int_t nj = 0; nj < njet; nj++) { Float_t etaj = JetEtaW(nj); Float_t phij = JetPhiW(nj); Int_t nT = 0; // number of associated tracks // Loop over particles in current event for (Int_t part = 0; part < fNt; part++) { if (!fTrackList[part]) continue; Float_t phi = fPhiT[part]; Float_t eta = fEtaT[part]; Float_t dr = TMath::Sqrt((etaj-eta)*(etaj-eta) + (phij-phi)*(phij-phi)); if (dr < fConeRadius) { fTrackList[part] = nj+2; nT++; } // < ConeRadius ? } // particle loop // Same for background event if available Int_t nTB = 0; if (fBackground) { for (Int_t part = 0; part < fNtB; part++) { Float_t phi = fPhiB[part]; Float_t eta = fEtaB[part]; Float_t dr = TMath::Sqrt((etaj-eta)*(etaj-eta) + (phij-phi)*(phij-phi)); fTrackListB[part] = 1; if (dr < fConeRadius) { fTrackListB[part] = nj+2; nTB++; } // < ConeRadius ? } // particle loop } // Background available ? Int_t nT0 = nT + nTB; printf("Total number of tracks %d\n", nT0); if (nT0 > 1000) nT0 = 1000; Float_t* ptT = new Float_t[nT0]; Float_t* etaT = new Float_t[nT0]; Float_t* phiT = new Float_t[nT0]; Int_t* pdgT = new Int_t[nT0]; Int_t iT = 0; Int_t j; for (Int_t part = 0; part < fNt; part++) { if (fTrackList[part] == nj+2) { Int_t index = 0; for (j=iT-1; j>=0; j--) { if (fPtT[part] > ptT[j]) { index = j+1; break; } } for (j=iT-1; j>=index; j--) { ptT [j+1] = ptT [j]; etaT[j+1] = etaT[j]; phiT[j+1] = phiT[j]; pdgT[j+1] = pdgT[j]; } ptT [index] = fPtT [part]; etaT[index] = fEtaT[part]; phiT[index] = fPhiT[part]; pdgT[index] = fPdgT[part]; iT++; } // particle associated if (iT > nT0) break; } // particle loop if (fBackground) { for (Int_t part = 0; part < fNtB; part++) { if (fTrackListB[part] == nj+2) { Int_t index = 0; for (j=iT-1; j>=0; j--) { if (fPtB[part] > ptT[j]) { index = j+1; break; } } for (j=iT-1; j>=index; j--) { ptT [j+1] = ptT [j]; etaT[j+1] = etaT[j]; phiT[j+1] = phiT[j]; pdgT[j+1] = pdgT[j]; } ptT [index] = fPtB [part]; etaT[index] = fEtaB[part]; phiT[index] = fPhiB[part]; pdgT[index] = fPdgB[part]; iT++; } // particle associated if (iT > nT0) break; } // particle loop } // Background available ? fJetT[nj]->SetTrackList(nT0, ptT, etaT, phiT, pdgT); delete[] ptT; delete[] etaT; delete[] phiT; delete[] pdgT; } // jet loop loop } Float_t AliEMCALJetFinder::PropagatePhi(Float_t pt, Float_t charge, Bool_t& curls) { // Propagates phi angle to EMCAL radius // static Float_t b = 0.0, rEMCAL = -1.0; // Get field in kGS b = gAlice->Field()->SolenoidField(); // Get EMCAL radius in cm rEMCAL = AliEMCALGeometry::GetInstance()->GetIPDistance(); Float_t dPhi = 0.; // // // bending radies // pt [Gev] // B [kG] // Float_t rB = 3335.6 * pt / TMath::Abs(b); // [cm] (case of |charge|=1) // // check if particle is curling below EMCAL if (2.*rB < rEMCAL) { curls = kTRUE; AliDebug(1, Form(" Low pt %f \n", pt)); return dPhi; } // // if not calculate delta phi Float_t phi = TMath::ACos(1.-rEMCAL*rEMCAL/(2.*rB*rB)); dPhi = TMath::ATan2(1.-TMath::Cos(phi), TMath::Sin(phi)); dPhi = -TMath::Sign(dPhi, charge); // AliDebug(1, Form(" B %7.3f kG : rEMCAL %7.2f : dphi %7.5f(%7.5f)\n", b, rEMCAL, dPhi,dPhi*TMath::RadToDeg())); return dPhi; } void hf1(Int_t& , Float_t& , Float_t& ) { // dummy for hbook calls ; } void AliEMCALJetFinder::DrawLego(const char *opt) { // Draw lego if(fLego) fLego->Draw(opt); } void AliEMCALJetFinder::DrawLegoBackground(const char *opt) { // Draw background lego if(fLegoB) fLegoB->Draw(opt); } void AliEMCALJetFinder::DrawLegoEMCAL(const char *opt) { // Draw EMCAL Lego if(fhLegoEMCAL) fhLegoEMCAL->Draw(opt); } void AliEMCALJetFinder::DrawHistsForTuning(Int_t mode) { // Draw all hists static TPaveText *varLabel=0; if(!fC1) { fC1 = new TCanvas("C1","Hists. for tunning", 0,25,600,800); } fC1->Clear(); fC1->Divide(2,2); fC1->cd(1); gPad->SetLogy(1); fhCellEt->Draw(); fC1->cd(2); gPad->SetLogy(1); fhCellEMCALEt->Draw(); fC1->cd(3); gPad->SetLogy(1); fhTrackPt->Draw(); fhTrackPtBcut->SetLineColor(2); fhTrackPtBcut->Draw("same"); fC1->cd(4); if(!varLabel) { PrintParameters(1); varLabel = new TPaveText(0.05,0.5,0.95,0.95,"NDC"); varLabel->SetTextAlign(12); varLabel->SetFillColor(19); // see TAttFill TString tmp(GetTitle()); varLabel->ReadFile(GetFileNameForParameters()); } varLabel->Draw(); fC1->Update(); if(mode) { // for saving picture to the file TString stmp(GetFileNameForParameters()); stmp.ReplaceAll("_Par.txt",".ps"); fC1->Print(stmp.Data()); } } void AliEMCALJetFinder::PrintParameters(Int_t mode) { // Print all parameters out FILE *file=0; if(mode==0) file = stdout; // output to terminal else { file = fopen(GetFileNameForParameters(),"w"); if(file==0) file = stdout; } fprintf(file,"==== Filling lego ==== \n"); fprintf(file,"Sampling fraction %6.3f ", fSamplingF); fprintf(file,"Smearing %6i ", fSmear); fprintf(file,"Efficiency %6i\n", fEffic); fprintf(file,"Hadr.Correct. %6i ", fHCorrection); fprintf(file,"P_{T} Cut of ch.par. %6.2f\n", fPtCut); fprintf(file,"==== Jet finding ==== \n"); fprintf(file,"Cone radius %6.2f ", fConeRadius); fprintf(file,"Seed E_{T} %6.1f\n", fEtSeed); fprintf(file,"Min E_{T} of cell %6.1f ", fMinCellEt); fprintf(file,"Min E_{T} of jet %6.1f\n", fMinJetEt); if(fMode) { fprintf(file,"==== Bg subtraction ==== \n"); fprintf(file,"BG subtraction %6i ", fMode); fprintf(file,"Min cone move %6.2f\n", fMinMove); fprintf(file,"Max cone move %6.2f ", fMaxMove); fprintf(file,"%% change for BG %6.4f\n", fPrecBg); } else fprintf(file,"==== No Bg subtraction ==== \n"); // printf("BG file name is %s \n", fBGFileName.Data()); if(file != stdout) fclose(file); } void AliEMCALJetFinder::DrawLegos() { // Draw all legos if(!fC1) { fC1 = new TCanvas("C1","Hists. for tunning", 0,25,600,800); } fC1->Clear(); fC1->Divide(2,2); gStyle->SetOptStat(111111); Int_t nent1, nent2, nent3, nent4; Double_t int1, int2, int3, int4; nent1 = (Int_t)fLego->GetEntries(); int1 = fLego->Integral(); fC1->cd(1); if(int1) fLego->Draw("lego"); nent2 = (Int_t)fhLegoTracks->GetEntries(); int2 = fhLegoTracks->Integral(); fC1->cd(2); if(int2) fhLegoTracks->Draw("lego"); nent3 = (Int_t)fhLegoEMCAL->GetEntries(); int3 = fhLegoEMCAL->Integral(); fC1->cd(3); if(int3) fhLegoEMCAL->Draw("lego"); nent4 = (Int_t)fhLegoHadrCorr->GetEntries(); int4 = fhLegoHadrCorr->Integral(); fC1->cd(4); if(int4) fhLegoHadrCorr->Draw("lego"); // just for checking printf(" Integrals \n"); printf("lego %10.3f \ntrack %10.3f \nhits %10.3f \nHCorr %10.3f\n-- %10.3f(must be 0)\n", int1, int2, int3, int4, int1 - (int2 + int3 - int4)); } const Char_t* AliEMCALJetFinder::GetFileNameForParameters(const char* dir) { // Get paramters from a file static TString tmp; if(strlen(dir)) tmp = dir; tmp += GetTitle(); tmp += "_Par.txt"; return tmp.Data(); } void AliEMCALJetFinder::RearrangeParticlesMemory(Int_t npart) { // See FillFromTracks() - npart must be positive if (fTrackList) delete[] fTrackList; if (fPtT) delete[] fPtT; if (fEtaT) delete[] fEtaT; if (fPhiT) delete[] fPhiT; if (fPdgT) delete[] fPdgT; if(npart>0) { fTrackList = new Int_t [npart]; fPtT = new Float_t[npart]; fEtaT = new Float_t[npart]; fPhiT = new Float_t[npart]; fPdgT = new Int_t[npart]; } else { printf("AliEMCALJetFinder::RearrangeParticlesMemory : npart = %d\n", npart); } } Bool_t AliEMCALJetFinder::IsThisPartonsOrDiQuark(Int_t pdg) { // Return quark info Int_t absPdg = TMath::Abs(pdg); if(absPdg<=6) return kTRUE; // quarks if(pdg == 21) return kTRUE; // gluon if(pdg == 92) return kTRUE; // string // see p.51 of Pythia Manual // Not include diquarks with c and b quark - 4-mar-2002 // ud_0,sd_0,su_0; dd_1,ud_1,uu_1; sd_1,su_1,ss_1 static Int_t diquark[9]={2101,3101,3201, 1103,2103,2203, 3103,3203,3303}; for(Int_t i=0; i<9; i++) if(absPdg == diquark[i]) return kTRUE; // diquarks return kFALSE; } void AliEMCALJetFinder::FindChargedJet() { // // Find jet from charged particle information only // // // Look for seeds // Int_t njets = 0; Int_t part = 0; Int_t nseed = 0; // // ResetJets(); // for (part = 0; part < fNt; part++) { if (!fTrackList[part]) continue; if (fPtT[part] > fEtSeed) nseed++; } printf("\nThere are %d seeds (%d)\n", nseed, fNtS); Int_t* iSeeds = new Int_t[nseed]; nseed = 0; for (part = 0; part < fNt; part++) { if (!fTrackList[part]) continue; if (fPtT[part] > fEtSeed) iSeeds[nseed++] = part; } // // Loop over seeds // Int_t seed = 0; Float_t pt; while(1){ // // Find seed with highest pt // Float_t ptmax = -1.; Int_t index = -1; Int_t jndex = -1; for (seed = 0; seed < nseed; seed++) { if ((pt = fPtT[iSeeds[seed]]) > ptmax && iSeeds[seed] != -1) { ptmax = pt; index = seed; } // ptmax ? } // seeds if (ptmax < 0.) break; jndex = iSeeds[index]; // // Remove from the list iSeeds[index] = -1; printf("\n Next Seed %d %f", jndex, ptmax); // // Find tracks in cone around seed // Float_t phiSeed = fPhiT[jndex]; Float_t etaSeed = fEtaT[jndex]; Float_t eT = 0.; Float_t pxJ = 0.; Float_t pyJ = 0.; Float_t pzJ = 0.; for (part = 0; part < fNt; part++) { if (!fTrackList[part]) continue; Float_t deta = fEtaT[part] - etaSeed; Float_t dphi = fPhiT[part] - phiSeed; Float_t dR = TMath::Sqrt(deta * deta + dphi * dphi); if (dR < fConeRadius) { eT += fPtT[part]; Float_t theta = 2. * TMath::ATan(TMath::Exp(-fEtaT[part])); Float_t px = fPtT[part] * TMath::Cos(fPhiT[part]); Float_t py = fPtT[part] * TMath::Sin(fPhiT[part]); Float_t pz = fPtT[part] / TMath::Tan(theta); pxJ += px; pyJ += py; pzJ += pz; // // if seed, remove it // for (seed = 0; seed < nseed; seed++) { if (part == iSeeds[seed]) iSeeds[seed] = -1; } // seed ? } // < cone radius } // particle loop // // Estimate of jet direction Float_t phiJ = TMath::ATan2(pyJ, pxJ); Float_t thetaJ = TMath::ATan2(TMath::Sqrt(pxJ * pxJ + pyJ * pyJ), pzJ); Float_t etaJ = TMath::Log(TMath::Tan(thetaJ / 2.)); // Float_t ptJ = TMath::Sqrt(pxJ * pxJ + pyJ * pyJ); // // Sum up all energy // Int_t iPhi0 = Int_t((phiJ - fPhiMin) / fDphi); Int_t iEta0 = Int_t((etaJ - fEtaMin) / fDeta); Int_t dIphi = Int_t(fConeRadius / fDphi); Int_t dIeta = Int_t(fConeRadius / fDeta); Int_t iPhi, iEta; Float_t sumE = 0; for (iPhi = iPhi0 -dIphi; iPhi < iPhi0 + dIphi; iPhi++) { for (iEta = iEta0 - dIeta; iEta < iEta0 + dIeta; iEta++) { if (iPhi < 0 || iEta < 0) continue; Float_t dPhi = fPhiMin + iPhi * fDphi; Float_t dEta = fEtaMin + iEta * fDeta; if (TMath::Sqrt(dPhi * dPhi + dEta * dEta) < fConeRadius) continue; sumE += fLego->GetBinContent(iEta, iPhi); } // eta } // phi // // // fJetT[njets++] = new AliEMCALJet(sumE, phiJ, etaJ); FindTracksInJetCone(); printf("\n Jet Energy %f %f %f %f %d\n", eT, sumE, fPtT[6], fPtT[7], njets); printf("\n Jet Phi %f %f %f \n", phiJ, fPhiT[6], fPhiT[7]); printf("\n Jet Eta %f %f %f \n", etaJ, fEtaT[6], fEtaT[7]); } // while(1) EMCALJETS.njet = njets; if (fWrite) WriteJets(); fEvent++; } // 16-jan-2003 - just for convenience void AliEMCALJetFinder::Browse(TBrowser* b) { // Add to browser if(fHistsList) b->Add((TObject*)fHistsList); } Bool_t AliEMCALJetFinder::IsFolder() const { // Return folder status if(fHistsList) return kTRUE; else return kFALSE; } const Char_t* AliEMCALJetFinder::GetNameOfVariant() { // generate the literal string with info about jet finder Char_t name[200]; sprintf(name, "jF_R%3.2fMinCell%4.1fPtCut%4.1fEtSeed%4.1fMinEt%4.1fBGSubtr%iSF%4.1f", fConeRadius,fMinCellEt,fPtCut,fEtSeed,fMinJetEt, fMode, fSamplingF); TString nt(name); nt.ReplaceAll(" ",""); if(fBGFileName.Length()) { Int_t i1 = fBGFileName.Index("kBackground"); Int_t i2 = fBGFileName.Index("/0000") - 1; if(i1>=0 && i2>=0) { TString bg(fBGFileName(i1,i2-i1+1)); nt += bg; } } printf(" Name of variant %s \n", nt.Data()); return nt.Data(); }