//THIS Also includes summing ALL cells in the jetcone towards the jet energy NOT just those above threshold!!!!! /************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Log$ Revision 1.2 2006/06/02 23:03:03 pavlinov ALICE numbering scheme Revision 1.1 2006/02/28 21:56:34 jklay moving jetfinder code to subdirectory Revision 1.16 2006/02/15 15:11:05 pavlinov update of Jenn and Marco Revision 1.15 2004/11/22 19:52:05 mhorner Make sure pi0 get through Revision 1.14 2004/04/02 17:11:33 mhorner Marco's bug - fixes implemented Revision 1.13 2004/03/26 01:00:38 mhorner Implementing Marco's optimisations Revision 1.12 2004/03/15 19:59:37 mhorner Pyhtia comparison extended Revision 1.11 2004/03/09 17:06:38 mhorner Made more robust Revision 1.10 2004/03/06 01:56:09 mhorner Pythai comp code Revision 1.9 2004/02/23 20:37:32 mhorner changed geometry call Revision 1.8 2004/01/29 23:28:44 mhorner Jet Finder - hard coded geom parameters removed Revision 1.7 2004/01/21 22:27:47 mhorner Cleaning up coding conventions Revision 1.6 2003/10/28 13:54:30 schutz Compilation warnings fixed Revision 1.5 2003/09/23 13:31:41 mhorner Changed coordinate system Revision 1.4 2003/09/19 13:16:20 mhorner Added additional jet energy info Revision 1.3 2003/09/04 12:49:56 mhorner Changed hadron correction and added saving EMCAL and track contributions */ //*--Author: Sarah Blyth (LBL) //*--Based on UA1 jet algorithm from LUND JETSET called from EMC-erj #include "TTask.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TParticle.h" #include "AliRun.h" #include "AliRunLoader.h" #include "AliEMCALJetFinderInput.h" #include "AliEMCALJetFinderOutput.h" #include "AliEMCALJetFinderAlgo.h" #include "AliEMCALJetFinderAlgoOmni.h" #include "AliEMCALJetFinderAlgoUA1Unit.h" #include "AliEMCALGeometry.h" #include "AliEMCALLoader.h" #include "AliEMCAL.h" #include "AliEMCALDigit.h" #include "AliEMCALJet.h" ClassImp(AliEMCALJetFinderAlgoOmni) AliEMCALJetFinderAlgoOmni::AliEMCALJetFinderAlgoOmni() : fUnit(0),fUnitNoCuts(0),fHadCorr(0),fBGType(kRatio),fNumIter(0), fNumUnits(0),fESeed(0.),fConeRad(0.),fJetEMin(0.),fEtMin(0.), fMinMove(0.),fMaxMove(0.),fBGMaxMove(0.),fPtCut(0.),fBGPar(0.), fEBGTotal(0.),fEBGTotalOld(0.),fEBGAve(0.),fEnergy(0.),fJetEta(0.), fJetPhi(0.),fEtaInit(0.),fPhiInit(0.),fEtaB(0.),fPhiB(0.),fJetESum(0.), fJetEtaSum(0.),fJetPhiSum(0.),fDEta(0.),fDPhi(0.),fDistP(0.),fDistI(0.), fTempE(0.),fRad(0.),fNumInCone(0),fNumJets(0),fArrayInitialised(0) { //Default constructor if (fDebug>0) Info("AliEMCALJetFinderAlgoOmni","Beginning Default Constructor"); AliEMCALGeometry * geom = AliEMCALGeometry::GetInstance("EMCAL_55_25","EMCAL"); fNumIter = 0; fNumUnits = geom->GetNTowers(); //Number of towers in EMCAL fESeed = 5.0; //Default value fConeRad = 0.3; //Default value fJetEMin = 10.0; //Default value fEtMin = 0.0; //Default value fMinMove = 0.05; //From original UA1 JetFinder fMaxMove = 0.15; //From original UA1 JetFinder fBGMaxMove = 0.035; //From original UA1 JetFinder fPtCut = 0; fHadCorr = 0; fEBGTotal = 1.0; //Set to 1 so that no div by zero in first FindJets() loop fEBGTotalOld = 0.0; fEBGAve = 0.0; fEnergy = 0.0; fJetEta = 0.0; fJetPhi = 0.0; fEtaInit = 0.0; fPhiInit = 0.0; fEtaB = 0.0; fPhiB = 0.0; fJetESum = 0.0; fJetEtaSum = 0.0; fJetPhiSum = 0.0; fDEta = 0.0; fDPhi = 0.0; fDistP = 0.0; fDistI = 0.0; fTempE = 0.0; fRad = 2.0; //Set to 2 to start fNumInCone = 0; fNumJets = 0; fArrayInitialised = 0; //Set to FALSE to start fBGType = kRatio; //Set Ratio method as default BG subtraction method fBGPar = -1.0; //Set to 1 to start } AliEMCALJetFinderAlgoOmni::AliEMCALJetFinderAlgoOmni(const AliEMCALJetFinderAlgoOmni& jfao) : AliEMCALJetFinderAlgo(jfao), fUnit(jfao.fUnit),fUnitNoCuts(jfao.fUnitNoCuts),fHadCorr(jfao.fHadCorr), fBGType(jfao.fBGType),fNumIter(jfao.fNumIter),fNumUnits(jfao.fNumUnits), fESeed(jfao.fESeed),fConeRad(jfao.fConeRad),fJetEMin(jfao.fJetEMin), fEtMin(jfao.fEtMin), fMinMove(jfao.fMinMove),fMaxMove(jfao.fMaxMove), fBGMaxMove(jfao.fBGMaxMove),fPtCut(jfao.fPtCut),fBGPar(jfao.fBGPar), fEBGTotal(jfao.fEBGTotal),fEBGTotalOld(jfao.fEBGTotalOld),fEBGAve(jfao.fEBGAve), fEnergy(jfao.fEnergy),fJetEta(jfao.fJetEta), fJetPhi(jfao.fJetPhi),fEtaInit(jfao.fEtaInit), fPhiInit(jfao.fPhiInit),fEtaB(jfao.fEtaB),fPhiB(jfao.fPhiB),fJetESum(jfao.fJetESum), fJetEtaSum(jfao.fJetEtaSum),fJetPhiSum(jfao.fJetPhiSum),fDEta(jfao.fDEta),fDPhi(jfao.fDPhi), fDistP(jfao.fDistP),fDistI(jfao.fDistI),fTempE(jfao.fTempE),fRad(jfao.fRad), fNumInCone(jfao.fNumInCone),fNumJets(jfao.fNumJets),fArrayInitialised(jfao.fArrayInitialised) { //copy ctor } AliEMCALJetFinderAlgoOmni::~AliEMCALJetFinderAlgoOmni() { //Destructor if (fDebug>0) Info("AliEMCALJetFinderAlgoOmni","Beginning Destructor"); delete[] fUnit; delete[] fUnitNoCuts; } void AliEMCALJetFinderAlgoOmni::SetJetFindingParameters (Int_t numUnits, Float_t eSeed, Float_t coneRad, Float_t jetEMin, Float_t etMin, Float_t minMove, Float_t maxMove, Float_t bgMaxMove) { //Sets parameters for the JetFinding algorithm if (fDebug>1) Info("SetJetFindingParameters","Setting parameters for JetFinding"); SetNumUnits(numUnits); SetJetESeed(eSeed); SetConeRad(coneRad); SetJetEMin(jetEMin); SetEtMin(etMin); SetMinMove(minMove); SetMaxMove(maxMove); SetBGMaxMove(bgMaxMove); } void AliEMCALJetFinderAlgoOmni::SetJetFindingParameters (Int_t numUnits, Float_t eSeed, Float_t coneRad, Float_t jetEMin, Float_t etMin) { //Sets fewer parameters for the JetFinding algorithm if (fDebug>1) Info("SetJetFindingParameters","Setting parameters for JetFinding"); SetNumUnits(numUnits); SetJetESeed(eSeed); SetConeRad(coneRad); SetJetEMin(jetEMin); SetEtMin(etMin); SetMinMove(fMinMove); SetMaxMove(fMaxMove); SetBGMaxMove(fBGMaxMove); } void AliEMCALJetFinderAlgoOmni::InitUnitArray() { //Initialises unit arrays if(fArrayInitialised) delete [] fUnit; if(fArrayInitialised) delete [] fUnitNoCuts; fUnit = new AliEMCALJetFinderAlgoUA1Unit[fNumUnits]; fUnitNoCuts = new AliEMCALJetFinderAlgoUA1Unit[fNumUnits]; fArrayInitialised = 1; } void AliEMCALJetFinderAlgoOmni::FillUnitArray(AliEMCALJetFinderAlgoUA1FillUnitFlagType_t flag) { // Fill the unit array if (fDebug>1) Info("FillUnitArray","Beginning FillUnitArray"); // AliEMCAL* pEMCAL = (AliEMCAL*) gAlice->GetModule("EMCAL"); // if (pEMCAL){ // AliEMCALGeometry* geom = AliEMCALGeometry::GetInstance(pEMCAL->GetTitle(), ""); // }else // { AliEMCALGeometry * geom = AliEMCALGeometry::GetInstance(); if (geom == 0) geom = AliEMCALGeometry::GetInstance("EMCAL_55_25","EMCAL"); // } AliEMCALJetFinderAlgoUA1FillUnitFlagType_t option = flag; Int_t numTracks, numDigits; //Loops over all elements in the AliEMCALJetFinderAlgoUA1Unit array and //fills the objects with relevant values from the Data Input object if (fDebug>10) Info("FillUnitArray","Filling array with Unit objects"); if (fDebug>15) Info("FillUnitArray","NTracks %i NDigits %i",fInputPointer->GetNTracks(),fInputPointer->GetNDigits()); numTracks = fInputPointer->GetNTracks(); numDigits = fInputPointer->GetNDigits(); TParticle *myPart; AliEMCALDigit *myDigit; if (!fPythiaComparison) { //Fill units with Track info if appropriate if(option==kFillTracksOnly || option ==kFillAll) { for(Int_t j=0; jGetTrack(j); Float_t eta = myPart->Eta(); // have to be tune for TRD1; May 31,06 // Float_t phi = myPart->Phi(); // Int_t towerID = geom->TowerIndexFromEtaPhi(eta,180.0/TMath::Pi()*phi); Int_t towerID = 0; Float_t pT = myPart->Pt(); Float_t unitEnergy = fUnit[towerID-1].GetUnitEnergy(); Float_t unitEnergyNoCuts = fUnitNoCuts[towerID-1].GetUnitEnergy(); //OLD WAY: //Do Hadron Correction if(fHadCorr != 0) { Double_t fullP = myPart->P(); Double_t hCEnergy = fHadCorr->GetEnergy(fullP, (Double_t)eta); unitEnergy -= hCEnergy*TMath::Sin(myPart->Theta()); unitEnergyNoCuts -= hCEnergy*TMath::Sin(myPart->Theta()); fUnit[towerID-1].SetUnitEnergy(unitEnergy); fUnitNoCuts[towerID-1].SetUnitEnergy(unitEnergyNoCuts); } //end Hadron Correction loop /* //Do Hadron Correction with propagate phi for the track if(fHadCorr != 0) { Bool_t curl = 1; Float_t deltaPhi; TParticlePDG *pdg = myPart->GetPDG(); if(pdg->Charge() < 0) { deltaPhi = PropagatePhi(myPart->Pt(), -1.0, curl); } else{ deltaPhi = PropagatePhi(myPart->Pt(), 1.0, curl); } phi += deltaPhi; //Get new tower id for cell that track would curve into Int_t towerID2; if(phi>(TMath::Pi()/180.0)*geom->GetArm1PhiMax() || phi<(TMath::Pi()/180.0)*geom->GetArm1PhiMin()) { towerID2 = -1; } else{ towerID2 = geom->TowerIndexFromEtaPhi(eta,180.0/TMath::Pi()*phi); } if(towerID2 != -1) { //Find unit energy of new tower Float_t unitEnergy2 = fUnit[towerID2-1].GetUnitEnergy(); Float_t unitEnergy2NoCuts = fUnitNoCuts[towerID2-1].GetUnitEnergy(); Double_t fullP = myPart->P(); Double_t hCEnergy = fHadCorr->GetEnergy(fullP, (Double_t)eta); unitEnergy2 -= hCEnergy*TMath::Sin(myPart->Theta()); unitEnergy2NoCuts -= hCEnergy*TMath::Sin(myPart->Theta()); fUnit[towerID2-1].SetUnitEnergy(unitEnergy2); fUnitNoCuts[towerID2-1].SetUnitEnergy(unitEnergy2NoCuts); }//end if for towerID2 }//end Hadron Correction loop */ fUnitNoCuts[towerID-1].SetUnitEnergy(unitEnergyNoCuts + pT); //Do Pt cut on tracks if(fPtCut != 0 && pT < fPtCut) continue; fUnit[towerID-1].SetUnitEnergy(unitEnergy+pT); }//end tracks loop }//end Tracks condition //Fill units with Digit info if appropriate if(option ==kFillDigitsOnly || option ==kFillAll) { for(Int_t k=0; kGetDigit(k); if (fDebug>10) Info("FillUnitArray","getting digits %i %i numdigits",k,numDigits ); Int_t towerID = myDigit->GetId(); Int_t amplitude = myDigit->GetAmp(); //Gets the integer valued amplitude of the digit Float_t amp = (Float_t)amplitude; //Need to typecast to Float_t before doing real energy conversion Float_t digitEnergy = amp/10000000.0; //Factor of 10 million needed to convert! Float_t unitEnergy = fUnit[towerID-1].GetUnitEnergy() + digitEnergy; Float_t unitEnergyNoCuts = fUnitNoCuts[towerID-1].GetUnitEnergy() + digitEnergy; fUnit[towerID-1].SetUnitEnergy(unitEnergy); fUnitNoCuts[towerID-1].SetUnitEnergy(unitEnergyNoCuts); }//end digits loop }//end digits condition //Set all unit flags, Eta, Phi for(Int_t i=0; i10) Info("FillUnitArray","Setting all units outside jets"); //Set all units to be outside a jet initially fUnit[i].SetUnitFlag(kOutJet); fUnit[i].SetUnitID(i+1); Float_t eta; Float_t phi; geom->EtaPhiFromIndex(fUnit[i].GetUnitID(), eta, phi); fUnit[i].SetUnitEta(eta); fUnit[i].SetUnitPhi(phi*TMath::Pi()/180.0); //Set all units to be outside a jet initially fUnitNoCuts[i].SetUnitFlag(kOutJet); fUnitNoCuts[i].SetUnitID(i+1); eta = 0.0; phi = 0.0; geom->EtaPhiFromIndex(fUnitNoCuts[i].GetUnitID(), eta, phi); fUnitNoCuts[i].SetUnitEta(eta); fUnitNoCuts[i].SetUnitPhi(phi*TMath::Pi()/180.0); // if(i>13000) cout<<"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!For unit0, eta="<111) Info("QS","QuickSorting Unit objects"); Int_t i; Int_t j; AliEMCALJetFinderAlgoUA1Unit unitFirst; AliEMCALJetFinderAlgoUA1Unit unitSecond; i = left; j = right; unitFirst = unit[(left+right)/2]; do { while( (unit[i].GetUnitEnergy() > unitFirst.GetUnitEnergy()) && (i < right)) i++; while( (unitFirst.GetUnitEnergy() > unit[j].GetUnitEnergy()) && (j > left)) j--; if(i <= j) { unitSecond = unit[i]; unit[i] = unit[j]; unit[j] = unitSecond; i++; j--; }//end if }while(i <= j); if(left < j) QS(unit, left, j); if(i < right) QS(unit, i, right); } void AliEMCALJetFinderAlgoOmni::FindBG() { if(fBGType == kRatio) RatioBG(); else if(fBGType == kCone) ConeBG(); else if(fBGType == kConstant) ConstantBG(); } void AliEMCALJetFinderAlgoOmni::RatioBG() { //Finds the background energy for the iteration //using the Ratio method if (fDebug>1) Info("FindBG","Finding Average Background"); //Store BGEperCell from previous iteration! fEBGTotalOld = fEBGTotal; fEBGTotal = 0.0; Int_t numCone = 0; //If user has not set fBGPar, set it to the default //for TPC = 90% efficiency, PtCut = 2GeV/c, timecut = 30ns if(fBGPar == -1) fBGPar = 0.4685; //Loop over all unit objects in the Unit array and link to same //unit ID in NoCuts Unit array for(Int_t i=0; i5) Info("FindBG","Average BG is %f: ",fEBGAve); for(Int_t count=0; count1) Info("FindBG","Finding Average Background"); //Store old value of BGEperCell! fEBGTotalOld = fEBGTotal; fEBGTotal = 0.0; Int_t numCone = 0; //Loop over all unit objects in the array and sum the energy of those not in a jet for(Int_t i=0; i5) Info("FindBG","Average BG is %f: ",fEBGAve); for(Int_t count=0; count1) Info("FindBG","Finding Average Background"); //If user has not set fBGPar, set it to the default //for TPC = 90% efficiency, PtCut = 2GeV/c, timecut = 30ns if(fBGPar == -1) fBGPar = 0.03378; fEBGAve = fBGPar; if (fDebug>5) Info("FindBG","Average BG is %f: ",fEBGAve); fEBGTotal = 0.0; Int_t numCone = 0; for(Int_t count=0; count10) Info("FindJetEtaPhi","Finding Jet Eta and Phi"); fDEta = fUnit[counter].GetUnitEta() - fEtaInit; fDPhi = fUnit[counter].GetUnitPhi() - fPhiInit; fEnergy = fUnit[counter].GetUnitEnergy() - fEBGAve; fJetEtaSum += fEnergy * fDEta; fJetPhiSum += fEnergy * fDPhi; fJetESum += fEnergy; if (fJetESum >1.0e-7) { fJetEta = fEtaInit + (fJetEtaSum / fJetESum); fJetPhi = fPhiInit + (fJetPhiSum / fJetESum); } } void AliEMCALJetFinderAlgoOmni::FindJetEnergy() { //Finds the energy of the jet after the final axis has been found if (fDebug>1) Info("FindJetEnergy","Finding Jet Energy"); for(Int_t i=0; i1.e-7) { rad = TMath::Sqrt( (dEta*dEta) + (dPhi*dPhi) ); }else { rad=0.0; } if(fUnit[i].GetUnitFlag()==kOutJet && rad<= fConeRad) { fUnit[i].SetUnitFlag(kInCurrentJet); Float_t energy = fUnit[i].GetUnitEnergy() - fEBGAve; fJetESum += energy; fJetEtaSum += energy * dEta; fJetPhiSum += energy * dPhi; fNumInCone++; //Increment the number of cells in the jet cone }//end if }//end for } void AliEMCALJetFinderAlgoOmni::StoreJetInfo() { //Stores the resulting jet information in appropriate storage structure (TO BE DECIDED!!!!) if (fDebug>1) Info("StoreJetInfo","Storing Jet Information"); AliEMCALGeometry * geom = AliEMCALGeometry::GetInstance(); if (geom == 0) geom = AliEMCALGeometry::GetInstance("EMCAL_55_25","EMCAL"); //Store: //fJetESum is the final jet energy (background has been subtracted) //fJetEta is the final jet Eta //fJetPhi is the final jet Phi //fNumInCone is the final number of cells included in the jet cone //fEtaInit is the eta of the initiator cell //fPhiInit is the phi of the initiator cell AliEMCALJet jet(fJetESum,fJetPhi,fJetEta); cout<<"For iteration "<" <" <GetNTracks(); Int_t numberDigits = fInputPointer->GetNDigits(); AliEMCALDigit *myD; TParticle *myP; Int_t numTracksInCone = 0; Float_t trackEnergy = 0.0; Float_t trackEnergyPtCut =0.0; Float_t emcalEnergy = 0.0; Float_t emcalEnergyBGSub = 0.0; for(Int_t counter=0; counterGetTrack(counter); Float_t eta = myP->Eta(); Float_t phi = myP->Phi(); Float_t deta = fJetEta-eta; Float_t dphi = fJetPhi -phi; Float_t rad = TMath::Sqrt( (deta*deta) + (dphi*dphi)); if(rad<=fConeRad) numTracksInCone++; }//end for Float_t *pTArray = new Float_t[numTracksInCone]; Float_t *etaArray = new Float_t[numTracksInCone]; Float_t *phiArray = new Float_t[numTracksInCone]; Int_t *pdgArray = new Int_t[numTracksInCone]; Int_t index = 0; for(Int_t counter2=0; counter2GetTrack(counter2); Float_t eta = myP->Eta(); Float_t phi = myP->Phi(); Float_t deta = fJetEta-eta; Float_t dphi = fJetPhi -phi; Float_t rad ; if ((deta*deta) + (dphi*dphi)>1.e-7) { rad = TMath::Sqrt( (deta*deta) + (dphi*dphi) ); }else { rad=0.0; } if(rad<=fConeRad) { pTArray[index] = myP->Pt(); //Calculate track contribution within jetcone trackEnergy += myP->Pt(); if(myP->Pt() >= fPtCut) trackEnergyPtCut += myP->Pt(); etaArray[index] = eta; phiArray[index] = phi; pdgArray[index] = myP->GetPdgCode(); index++; if(fHadCorr != 0) { Double_t fullP = myP->P(); Double_t hCEnergy = fHadCorr->GetEnergy(fullP, (Double_t)eta); emcalEnergy -= hCEnergy*TMath::Sin(myP->Theta()); emcalEnergyBGSub -= hCEnergy*TMath::Sin(myP->Theta()); } //end Hadron Correction loop }//end if }//end for //Loop over digits to find EMCal contribution within jetcone for(Int_t counter3=0; counter3GetDigit(counter3); //GET DIGIT ETA, PHI so that can check if inside R! Float_t eta = 0.0; Float_t phi = 0.0; Int_t iID = myD->GetId(); geom->EtaPhiFromIndex(iID, eta, phi); Float_t deta = fJetEta-eta; Float_t dphi = fJetPhi -(TMath::Pi()/180.0)*phi; //Float_t rad = TMath::Sqrt( (deta*deta) + (dphi*dphi)); Float_t rad ; if ((deta*deta) + (dphi*dphi)>1.e-7) { rad = TMath::Sqrt( (deta*deta) + (dphi*dphi) ); }else { rad=0.0; } if(rad<=fConeRad) { Int_t amplitude = myD->GetAmp(); //Gets the integer valued amplitude of the digit Float_t amp = (Float_t)amplitude; //Need to typecast to Float_t before doing real energy conversion Float_t digitEnergy = amp/10000000.0; //Factor of 10 million needed to convert! emcalEnergy += digitEnergy; emcalEnergyBGSub += (digitEnergy - fEBGAve); }//end if }//end count3 for //Save in JET object jet.SetTrackList(numTracksInCone,pTArray, etaArray, phiArray, pdgArray); jet.SetEMCALEnergy(emcalEnergy); jet.SetEMCALEnergyBGSub(emcalEnergyBGSub); jet.SetTrackEnergy(trackEnergy); jet.SetTrackEnergyPtCut(trackEnergyPtCut); fOutputPointer->AddJet(&jet); delete[] pTArray; delete[] etaArray; delete[] phiArray; delete[] pdgArray; } void AliEMCALJetFinderAlgoOmni::FindJets() { //Runs the complete UA1 JetFinding algorithm to find jets! if (fDebug>1) Info("FindJets","Starting Jet Finding!!!"); //If the array of JetFinderUnit objects has not been initialised then initialise with default settings if(!fArrayInitialised) { InitUnitArray(); FillUnitArray(kFillAll); }//end if if (fDebug>1) Info("FindJets","Unit array filled"); //Step 1. Sort the array in descending order of Energy Sort(fUnit,fNumUnits); //Step 2. Set the number of iterations and Number of jets found to zero to start fNumIter = 0; fNumJets = 0; //Step 3. Begin the iteration loop to find jets //Need to iterate the algorithm while number of iterations<2 OR number of iterations<10 AND //the value of the average background has changed more than specified amount //Min iterations = 2, Max iterations = 10 //while(fNumIter<2 || (fNumIter <10 && ( (fEBGTotal-fEBGTotalOld)/fEBGTotal) > fBGMaxMove) ) while(fNumIter<2 || (fNumIter <10 && ( fEBGTotal-fEBGTotalOld) > fEBGTotal*fBGMaxMove) ) { if (fDebug>1) Info("FindJets","Starting BIG iteration ---> %i",fNumIter); //Step 4. Find the value of the average background energy FindBG(); fOutputPointer->Reset(kResetJets); //Reset output object to store info for new iteration fNumJets=0; //Loop over the array of unit objects and flag those with energy below MinCellEt Int_t numbelow = 0; for(Int_t j=0; j5) Info("FindJets","Beginning JET SEED LOOP"); for(Int_t count=0; countfESeed????????????????????????????? if(fUnit[count].GetUnitEnergy()>=fESeed && fUnit[count].GetUnitFlag()==kOutJet) { fEnergy = fUnit[count].GetUnitEnergy() - fEBGAve; fJetEta = fUnit[count].GetUnitEta(); fJetPhi = fUnit[count].GetUnitPhi(); Int_t seedID = fUnit[count].GetUnitID(); if (fDebug>5) Info("FindJets","Inside first candidate jet seed loop for time : %i", count); if (fDebug>5) Info("FindJets","Found candidate energy %f ",fEnergy); if (fDebug>5) Info("FindJets","Found candidate eta %f ", fJetEta); if (fDebug>5) Info("FindJets","Found candidate phi %f ", fJetPhi); if (fDebug>5) Info("FindJets","Found candidate ID %i", seedID); fEtaInit = fJetEta; fPhiInit = fJetPhi; fEtaB = fJetEta; fPhiB = fJetPhi; Int_t testflag = 1; do { fJetESum = 0.0; fJetEtaSum = 0.0; fJetPhiSum = 0.0; //Step 6. Find Jet Eta and Phi //Loop over all units in the array to find the ones in the jet cone and determine contrib to Jet eta, phi for(Int_t count1=0; count11.e-7) { fRad = TMath::Sqrt( (fDEta*fDEta) + (fDPhi*fDPhi) ); }else { fRad=0.000; } if(fRad <= fConeRad) { FindJetEtaPhi(count1); }//end if }//end if }//end for (Jet Eta, Phi LOOP) //Find the distance cone centre moved from previous cone centre if (fDebug>10) Info("FindJets","Checking if cone move small enough"); if (((fJetEta-fEtaB)*(fJetEta-fEtaB)) + ((fJetPhi-fPhiB)*(fJetPhi-fPhiB)) >1.e-7) { fDistP = TMath::Sqrt( ((fJetEta-fEtaB)*(fJetEta-fEtaB)) + ((fJetPhi-fPhiB)*(fJetPhi-fPhiB)) ); }else { fDistP = 0.00; } // if(fDistP <= fMinMove) break; //Find the distance cone centre is from initiator cell if (fDebug>10) Info("FindJets","Checking if cone move too large"); if ( ((fJetEtaSum)*(fJetEtaSum))+((fJetPhiSum)*(fJetPhiSum)) >1.e-7) { fDistI = TMath::Sqrt( ((fJetEtaSum/fJetESum)*(fJetEtaSum/fJetESum)) + ((fJetPhiSum/fJetESum)* (fJetPhiSum/fJetESum))); }else { fDistI = 0.00; } if(fDistP>fMinMove && fDistIfMinMove && fDistI1) Info("FindJets","Looking for Jet energy"); fJetESum = 0.0; fJetEtaSum = 0.0; fJetPhiSum = 0.0; fNumInCone = 0; FindJetEnergy(); //cout<<"Number of cells in jet cone is: "< NEED TO CHECK WHICH COMPARISON IS BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if (fDebug>5) Info("FindJets","Checking cluster is valid jet"); if(fJetESum < fJetEMin) { for(Int_t count2=0; count210) Info("FindJets","NOT a valid jet cell"); }else { for(Int_t count2=0; count25) Info("FindJets","End of BIG iteration number %i",fNumIter); // this->Dump(); fNumIter++; }//end 10 iteration WHILE LOOP }