void AliEMCALCalibHistoProducer(const char* file="EMCAL.raw.root") { // Script is to be run at DAQ computers (LDC, GDC or HLT); // it fills the histograms with amplitudes per channel. // These histograms will be processed in the Shuttle preprocessor // e.g., to extract mean amplitudes needed for relative channel calibration // // This example assumes that the input data is supplied from the // raw data file in the ROOT format. // // Gustavo Conesa Balbastre, December 2006 // Load EMCAL shuttle library as it is not linked to aliroot gSystem->Load("libEMCALshuttle"); AliRawReaderRoot* rf = new AliRawReaderRoot(file); AliEMCALCalibHistoProducer hp(rf); // hp.SetSMInstalled(10,kFALSE); //Supermodule not installed // hp.SetSMInstalled(11,kFALSE); hp.Run(); }