/* Simple macro to test EMCAL Reconstruction J.L. Klay LLNL */ void TestEMCALReconstruction(Int_t nev =-1) { // AliLog::SetModuleDebugLevel("EMCAL",100); AliReconstruction rec; rec.SetRunTracking(""); rec.SetRunVertexFinder(kFALSE); //calls local reconstruction of EMCAL and filling of ESD rec.SetRunLocalReconstruction("EMCAL"); //only do emcal rec.SetFillESD("EMCAL"); rec.SetEventRange(0,nev); rec.SetRunQA(":"); // Decomment this line in case of real data, // add the proper name of the file //rec.SetInput("raw.root"); //OCDB settings rec.SetDefaultStorage("local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB"); // Decommetn this line in case of anchored MC runs or data, // with the appropriate year //rec.SetDefaultStorage("alien://Folder=/alice/data/2011/OCDB"); rec.SetSpecificStorage("GRP/GRP/Data", Form("local://%s",gSystem->pwd())); TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); rec.Run(); timer.Stop(); timer.Print(); gObjectTable->Print(); }