// $Header$ #include "VSDCreator.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Reve; using namespace Alieve; using namespace std; //______________________________________________________________________ // VSDCreator // ClassImp(VSDCreator) VSDCreator::VSDCreator(const Text_t* name, const Text_t* title) : VSD(name, title), mKineType (KT_Standard), mDataDir ("."), mEvent (0), mTPCHitRes (2), mTRDHitRes (2), mDebugLevel (0), mGenInfoMap (), pRunLoader (0) { // Particles not in ROOT's PDG database occuring in ALICE AliPDG::AddParticlesToPdgDataBase(); { TDatabasePDG *pdgDB = TDatabasePDG::Instance(); // const Int_t kspe=50000000; const Int_t kion=10000000; const Double_t kAu2Gev=0.9314943228; const Double_t khSlash = 1.0545726663e-27; const Double_t kErg2Gev = 1/1.6021773349e-3; const Double_t khShGev = khSlash*kErg2Gev; const Double_t kYear2Sec = 3600*24*365.25; pdgDB->AddParticle("Deuteron","Deuteron",2*kAu2Gev+8.071e-3,kTRUE, 0,1,"Ion",kion+10020); pdgDB->AddParticle("Triton","Triton",3*kAu2Gev+14.931e-3,kFALSE, khShGev/(12.33*kYear2Sec),1,"Ion",kion+10030); pdgDB->AddParticle("Alpha","Alpha",4*kAu2Gev+2.424e-3,kTRUE, khShGev/(12.33*kYear2Sec),2,"Ion",kion+20040); pdgDB->AddParticle("HE3","HE3",3*kAu2Gev+14.931e-3,kFALSE, 0,2,"Ion",kion+20030); } // AliKalmanTrack::SetConvConst(1); } /**************************************************************************/ void VSDCreator::CreateVSD(const Text_t* data_dir, Int_t event, const Text_t* vsd_file) { static const Exc_t eH("VSDCreator::CreateVSD "); mDataDir = data_dir; mEvent = event; string galice_file (Form("%s/galice.root", mDataDir.Data())); if(mDebugLevel > 0) printf("%s opening %s \n", eH.Data(), galice_file.c_str()); if(gSystem->AccessPathName(galice_file.c_str(), kReadPermission)) { throw(eH + "Can not read file '" + galice_file + "'."); } pRunLoader = AliRunLoader::Open(galice_file.c_str()); if(pRunLoader == 0) throw(eH + "AliRunLoader::Open failed."); pRunLoader->LoadgAlice(); Int_t status = pRunLoader->GetEvent(mEvent); if(status) throw(eH + Form("GetEvent(%d) failed, exit code %s.", mEvent, status)); if(mDebugLevel > 0) printf("%s open seems ok. Now loading sim data.\n", eH.Data()); pRunLoader->LoadHeader(); pRunLoader->LoadKinematics(); pRunLoader->LoadTrackRefs(); pRunLoader->LoadHits(); // GledNS::PushFD(); if(mDebugLevel > 0) printf("%s opening output VSD.\n", eH.Data()); TFile* file = TFile::Open(vsd_file, "RECREATE", "ALICE VisualizationDataSummary"); mDirectory = new TDirectory("Event0", ""); if(mDebugLevel > 0) printf("%s creating trees now ...\n", eH.Data()); CreateTrees(); if(mDebugLevel > 0) printf("%s trees created, closing files.\n", eH.Data()); file->Write(); file->Close(); delete file; mDirectory =0; //GledNS::PopFD(); // clean after the VSD data was sucessfuly written mTreeK = 0; mTreeH = 0; //mTreeTR = 0; mTreeC = 0; mTreeV0 = 0; mTreeKK = 0; mTreeR = 0; mTreeGI = 0; pRunLoader->UnloadAll(); delete pRunLoader; if(gAlice) { delete gAlice; gAlice = 0; } pRunLoader = 0; if(mDebugLevel > 0) printf("%s all done.\n", eH.Data()); } void VSDCreator::CreateTrees() { static const Exc_t eH("VSDCreator::CreateTrees "); if(mDirectory == 0) throw(eH + "output directory not set."); try { if(mDebugLevel > 1) printf("%s ConvertKinematics.\n", eH.Data()); ConvertKinematics(); } catch(Exc_t& exc) { WarnCaller(exc); } try { if(mDebugLevel > 1) printf("%s ConvertHits.\n", eH.Data()); ConvertHits(); } catch(Exc_t& exc) { WarnCaller(exc); } try { if(mDebugLevel > 1) printf("%s ConvertClusters.\n", eH.Data()); ConvertClusters(); } catch(Exc_t& exc) { WarnCaller(exc); } try { if(mDebugLevel > 1) printf("%s ConvertRecTracks.\n", eH.Data()); ConvertRecTracks(); } catch(Exc_t& exc) { WarnCaller(exc + " Skipping V0 extraction."); goto end_esd_processing; } try { if(mDebugLevel > 1) printf("%s ConvertV0.\n", eH.Data()); ConvertV0(); } catch(Exc_t& exc) { WarnCaller(exc); } try { if(mDebugLevel > 1) printf("%s ConvertKinks.\n", eH.Data()); ConvertKinks(); } catch(Exc_t& exc) { WarnCaller(exc); } end_esd_processing: try { if(mDebugLevel > 1) printf("%s ConvertGenInfo.\n", eH.Data()); ConvertGenInfo(); } catch(Exc_t& exc) { WarnCaller(exc); } return; } /**************************************************************************/ // Kinematics /**************************************************************************/ void VSDCreator::ConvertKinematics() { static const Exc_t eH("VSDCreator::ConvertKinematics "); if(mTreeK != 0) throw (eH + "kinematics already converted"); AliStack* stack = pRunLoader->Stack(); if(stack == 0) throw(eH + "stack is null."); mDirectory->cd(); mTreeK = new TTree("Kinematics", "TParticles sorted by Label"); Int_t nentries = stack->GetNtrack(); vector vmc(nentries); for (Int_t idx=0; idxParticle(idx); vmc[idx] = *tp; vmc[idx].label = idx; } // read track refrences TTree* mTreeTR = pRunLoader->TreeTR(); if(mTreeTR == 0) { WarnCaller(eH + "no TrackRefs; some data will not be available."); } else { TClonesArray* RunArrayTR = 0; mTreeTR->SetBranchAddress("AliRun", &RunArrayTR); Int_t nPrimaries = (Int_t) mTreeTR->GetEntries(); for (Int_t iPrimPart = 0; iPrimPartGetEntry(%d) \n",iPrimPart); mTreeTR->GetEntry(iPrimPart); // printf("END mTreeTR->GetEntry(%d) \n",iPrimPart); for (Int_t iTrackRef = 0; iTrackRef < RunArrayTR->GetEntriesFast(); iTrackRef++) { AliTrackReference *trackRef = (AliTrackReference*)RunArrayTR->At(iTrackRef); Int_t track = trackRef->GetTrack(); if(track < nentries && track > 0){ MCTrack& mct = vmc[track]; if(trackRef->TestBit(kNotDeleted)) { mct.decayed = true; mct.t_decay = trackRef->GetTime(); mct.V_decay.x = trackRef->X(); mct.V_decay.y = trackRef->Y(); mct.V_decay.z = trackRef->Z(); mct.P_decay.x = trackRef->Px(); mct.P_decay.y = trackRef->Py(); mct.P_decay.z = trackRef->Pz(); if(TMath::Abs(mct.GetPdgCode()) == 11) mct.decayed = false; // a bug in TreeTR } } } } } mTreeK->Branch("K", "Reve::MCTrack", &mpK, fBuffSize); printf("sizeofvmc = %d\n", vmc.size()); for(vector::iterator k=vmc.begin(); k!=vmc.end(); ++k) { MCTrack& mct = *k; mK = mct; TParticle* m = &mct; Int_t mi = mct.label; int cnt = 0; while(m->GetMother(0) != -1) { if(cnt > 100) { printf("cnt %d mi=%d, mo=%d\n", cnt, mi, m->GetMother(0)); } mi = m->GetMother(0); m = &vmc[mi]; ++cnt; } mK.eva_label = mi; mTreeK->Fill(); } mTreeK->BuildIndex("label"); } /**************************************************************************/ // Hits /**************************************************************************/ namespace { struct Detector { const char* name; const char* hitbranch; unsigned char detidx; }; Detector detects[] = { { "ITS", "AliITShit", 0 }, { "TPC", "AliTPCTrackHitsV2", 1 }, { "TRD", "AliTRDhit", 2 }, { "TOF", "AliTOFhit", 3 } // { "HMPID", "AliHMPIDhit", 4 }, }; } /**************************************************************************/ void VSDCreator::ConvertHits() { static const Exc_t eH("VSDCreator::ConvertHits "); if(mTreeH != 0) throw(eH + "hits already converted."); mDirectory->cd(); mTreeH = new TTree("Hits", "Combined detector hits."); mTreeH->Branch("H", "Reve::Hit", &mpH, fBuffSize); map hmap; // parameters for ITS, TPC hits filtering Float_t x,y,z, x1,y1,z1; Float_t tpc_sqr_res = mTPCHitRes*mTPCHitRes; Float_t trd_sqr_res = mTRDHitRes*mTRDHitRes; int l=0; // load hits from the rest of detectors while(detects[l].name != 0) { Detector& det = detects[l++]; switch(det.detidx) { case 1: { Int_t count = 0; TTree* treeh = pRunLoader->GetTreeH(det.name, false); if(treeh == 0) { WarnCaller(eH + "no hits for "+ det.name +"."); continue; } AliTPCTrackHitsV2 hv2, *_hv2=&hv2; treeh->SetBranchAddress("TPC2", &_hv2); Int_t np = treeh->GetEntries(); for(Int_t i=0; iGetEntry(i); Int_t eva_idx = np -i -1; if (hv2.First() == 0) continue; x = y = z = 0; do { AliHit* ah = hv2.GetHit(); x1=ah->X();y1=ah->Y();z1=ah->Z(); if((x-x1)*(x-x1)+(y-y1)*(y-y1)+(z-z1)*(z-z1) > tpc_sqr_res) { mH.det_id = det.detidx; mH.subdet_id = 0; mH.label = ah->Track(); mH.eva_label = eva_idx; mH.V.x = x1; mH.V.y = y1; mH.V.z = z1; mTreeH->Fill(); hmap[mH.label]++; x = x1; y = y1; z = z1; count++; } } while (hv2.Next()); } // printf("%d entries in TPChits \n",count); break; } default: { TTree* treeh = pRunLoader->GetTreeH(det.name, false); if(treeh == 0) { WarnCaller(eH + "no hits for "+ det.name +"."); continue; } TClonesArray *arr = new TClonesArray(det.hitbranch); treeh->SetBranchAddress(det.name, &arr); Int_t np = treeh->GetEntries(); // in TreeH files hits are grouped in clones arrays // each eva particle has its own clone array for (Int_t i=0; iGetEntry(i); Int_t eva_idx = np -i -1; Int_t nh=arr->GetEntriesFast(); x = y = z = 0; // printf("%d entry %d hits for primary %d \n", i, nh, eva_idx); for (Int_t j=0; jUncheckedAt(j); mH.det_id = det.detidx; mH.subdet_id = 0; mH.label = ali_hit->GetTrack(); mH.eva_label = eva_idx; mH.V.Set(ali_hit->X(), ali_hit->Y(), ali_hit->Z()); if(det.detidx == 2) { x1=ali_hit->X();y1=ali_hit->Y();z1=ali_hit->Z(); if((x-x1)*(x-x1)+(y-y1)*(y-y1)+(z-z1)*(z-z1) < trd_sqr_res) continue; x=x1; y=y1; z=z1; } hmap[mH.label]++; mTreeH->Fill(); } } delete arr; break; } // end default } // end switch } // end while //set geninfo for(map::iterator j=hmap.begin(); j!=hmap.end(); ++j) { GetGeninfo(j->first)->n_hits += j->second; } } /**************************************************************************/ // Clusters /**************************************************************************/ void VSDCreator::ConvertClusters() { static const Exc_t eH("VSDCreator::ConvertClusters "); if(mTreeC != 0) throw(eH + "clusters already converted."); mDirectory->cd(); mTreeC = new TTree("Clusters", "rec clusters"); mTreeC->Branch("C", "Reve::Cluster", &mpC, fBuffSize); try { ConvertITSClusters(); } catch(Exc_t& exc) { WarnCaller(exc); } try { ConvertTPCClusters(); } catch(Exc_t& exc) { WarnCaller(exc); } } /**************************************************************************/ void VSDCreator::ConvertTPCClusters() { static const Exc_t eH("VSDCreator::ConvertTPCClusters "); auto_ptr f ( TFile::Open(Form("%s/TPC.RecPoints.root", mDataDir.Data())) ); if(!f.get()) throw(eH + "can not open 'TPC.RecPoints.root' file."); auto_ptr d ( (TDirectory*) f->Get(Form("Event%d", mEvent)) ); if(!d.get()) throw(eH + Form("event directory '%d' not found.", 0)); auto_ptr tree( (TTree*) d->Get("TreeR") ); if(!tree.get()) throw(eH + "'TreeR' not found."); auto_ptr par( GetTpcParam(eH) ); AliTPCClustersRow clrow, *_clrow=&clrow; AliTPCclusterMI *cl; _clrow->SetClass("AliTPCclusterMI"); tree->SetBranchAddress("Segment", &_clrow); // count clusters Int_t nClusters = 0; Int_t n_ent = tree->GetEntries(); for (Int_t n=0; nGetEntry(n); nClusters += _clrow->GetArray()->GetEntriesFast(); } // calculate xyz for a cluster and add it to container Double_t x,y,z; Float_t cs, sn, tmp; map cmap; for (Int_t n=0; nGetEntries(); n++) { tree->GetEntry(n); Int_t ncl = _clrow->GetArray()->GetEntriesFast(); if(ncl > 0) { Int_t sec,row; par->AdjustSectorRow(_clrow->GetID(),sec,row); while (ncl--) { if(_clrow->GetArray()) { // cl = new AliTPCclusterMI(*(AliTPCclusterMI*)_clrow->GetArray()->UncheckedAt(ncl)); cl = (AliTPCclusterMI*)_clrow->GetArray()->UncheckedAt(ncl); if(cl->GetLabel(0) >= 0){ x = par->GetPadRowRadii(sec,row); y = cl->GetY(); z = cl->GetZ(); par->AdjustCosSin(sec,cs,sn); tmp = x*cs-y*sn; y= x*sn+y*cs; x=tmp; mC.det_id = 1; mC.subdet_id = 0; mC.label[0] = cl->GetLabel(0); mC.label[1] = cl->GetLabel(1); mC.label[2] = cl->GetLabel(2); mC.V.Set(x, y, z); mTreeC->Fill(); { int i = 0; while(i < 3 && mC.label[i]) cmap[mC.label[i++]]++; } } } } } } //set geninfo for(map::iterator j=cmap.begin(); j!=cmap.end(); ++j) { GetGeninfo(j->first)->n_clus += j->second; } } /**************************************************************************/ void VSDCreator::ConvertITSClusters() { static const Exc_t eH("VSDCreator::ConvertITSClusters "); auto_ptr f ( TFile::Open(Form("%s/ITS.RecPoints.root", mDataDir.Data())) ); if(!f.get()) throw(eH + "can not open 'ITS.RecPoints.root' file."); auto_ptr d ( (TDirectory*) f->Get(Form("Event%d", mEvent)) ); if(!d.get()) throw(eH + Form("event directory '%d' not found.", 0)); auto_ptr tree( (TTree*) d->Get("TreeR") ); if(!tree.get()) throw(eH + "'TreeR' not found."); AliITSLoader* ITSld = (AliITSLoader*) pRunLoader->GetLoader("ITSLoader"); //AliITS* pITS = ITSld->GetITS(); AliITSgeom* geom = ITSld->GetITSgeom(); //AliITSgeom* geom = new AliITSgeom(); //geom->ReadNewFile("/home/aljam/ITSgeometry.det"); //printf("alice ITS geom %p \n",geom ); if(!geom) throw(eH + "can not find ITS geometry"); TClonesArray *arr = new TClonesArray("AliITSclusterV2"); tree->SetBranchAddress("Clusters", &arr); Int_t nmods = tree->GetEntries(); Float_t gc[3]; map cmap; for (Int_t mod=0; modGetEntry(mod); Int_t nc=arr->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t j=0; jUncheckedAt(j); Double_t rot[9]; geom->GetRotMatrix(mod,rot); Int_t lay,lad,det; geom->GetModuleId(mod,lay,lad,det); Float_t tx,ty,tz; geom->GetTrans(lay,lad,det,tx,ty,tz); Double_t alpha=TMath::ATan2(rot[1],rot[0])+TMath::Pi(); Double_t phi1=TMath::Pi()/2+alpha; if(lay==1) phi1+=TMath::Pi(); Float_t cp=TMath::Cos(phi1), sp=TMath::Sin(phi1); Float_t r=tx*cp+ty*sp; gc[0]= r*cp - recp->GetY()*sp; gc[1]= r*sp + recp->GetY()*cp; gc[2]= recp->GetZ(); mC.det_id = 0; mC.subdet_id = 0; mC.label[0] = recp->GetLabel(0); mC.label[1] = recp->GetLabel(1); mC.label[2] = recp->GetLabel(2); mC.V.x = r*cp - recp->GetY()*sp; mC.V.y = r*sp + recp->GetY()*cp; mC.V.z = recp->GetZ(); mTreeC->Fill(); { int i = 0; while(i < 3 && mC.label[i]) cmap[mC.label[i++]]++; } } for(map::iterator j=cmap.begin(); j!=cmap.end(); ++j) { GetGeninfo(j->first)->n_clus += j->second; } } delete arr; } /**************************************************************************/ // ESD /**************************************************************************/ void VSDCreator::ConvertRecTracks() { static const Exc_t eH("VSDCreator::ConvertRecTracks "); if(mTreeR != 0) throw(eH + "tracks already converted."); mDirectory->cd(); mTreeR = new TTree("RecTracks", "rec tracks"); mTreeR->Branch("R", "Reve::RecTrack", &mpR, 512*1024,1); TFile f(Form("%s/AliESDs.root", mDataDir.Data())); if(!f.IsOpen()) throw(eH + "no AliESDs.root file."); TTree* tree = (TTree*) f.Get("esdTree"); if (tree == 0) throw(eH + "no esdTree."); AliESDEvent *fEvent= new AliESDEvent(); fEvent->ReadFromTree(tree); tree->GetEntry(mEvent); if(fEvent->GetAliESDOld())fEvent->CopyFromOldESD(); // reconstructed tracks AliESDtrack* esd_t; Double_t dbuf[3]; for (Int_t n=0; nGetNumberOfTracks(); n++) { esd_t = fEvent->GetTrack(n); mR.label = esd_t->GetLabel(); mR.status = (Int_t) esd_t->GetStatus(); mR.sign = (Int_t) esd_t->GetSign(); esd_t->GetXYZ(dbuf); mR.V.Set(dbuf); esd_t->GetPxPyPz(dbuf); mR.P.Set(dbuf); Double_t ep = esd_t->GetP(); mR.beta = ep/TMath::Sqrt(ep*ep + TMath::C()*TMath::C()*esd_t->GetMass()*esd_t->GetMass()); mTreeR->Fill(); } mTreeR->BuildIndex("label"); delete fEvent; } /**************************************************************************/ void VSDCreator::ConvertV0() { static const Exc_t eH("VSDCreator::ConvertV0 "); if(mTreeV0 != 0) throw(eH + "V0 already converted."); mDirectory->cd(); mTreeV0 = new TTree("V0", "V0 points"); mTreeV0->Branch("V0", "Reve::RecV0", &mpV0, 512*1024,1); TFile f(Form("%s/AliESDs.root", mDataDir.Data())); if(!f.IsOpen()){ throw(eH + "no AliESDs.root file."); } TTree* tree = (TTree*) f.Get("esdTree"); if (tree == 0) throw(eH + "no esdTree."); AliESDEvent *fEvent= new AliESDEvent(); fEvent->ReadFromTree(tree); tree->GetEntry(mEvent); if(fEvent->GetAliESDOld())fEvent->CopyFromOldESD(); for (Int_t n =0; n< fEvent->GetNumberOfV0s(); n++) { AliESDv0 *av = fEvent->GetV0(n); AliESDtrack *trackN = fEvent->GetTrack(av->GetNindex()); // negative daughter AliESDtrack *trackP = fEvent->GetTrack(av->GetPindex()); // positive daughter Double_t pos[3]; mV0.status = av->GetStatus(); // Point of closest approach av->GetXYZ(pos[0],pos[1],pos[2]); mV0.V_ca.x = pos[0]; mV0.V_ca.y = pos[1]; mV0.V_ca.z = pos[2]; // set birth vertex of neutral particle av->GetXYZ(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]); mV0.V0_birth.Set(pos); // momentum and position of negative particle av->GetParamN()->GetPxPyPz(pos); mV0.P_neg.Set(pos); av->GetParamN()->GetXYZ(pos); mV0.V_neg.Set(pos); // momentum and position of positive particle av->GetParamP()->GetPxPyPz(pos); mV0.P_pos.Set(pos); av->GetParamP()->GetXYZ(pos); mV0.V_pos.Set(pos); mV0.label = 0; // !!!! mother label unknown mV0.pdg = av->GetPdgCode(); // daughter indices mV0.d_label[0] = TMath::Abs(trackN->GetLabel()); mV0.d_label[1] = TMath::Abs(trackP->GetLabel()); // printf("V0 convert labels(%d,%d) index(%d,%d)\n", // mV0.d_label[0], mV0.d_label[1], // av->GetNIndex(), av->GetPIndex()); mTreeV0->Fill(); } // if(fEvent->GetNumberOfV0s()) mTreeV0->BuildIndex("label"); delete fEvent; } /**************************************************************************/ void VSDCreator::ConvertKinks() { static const Exc_t eH("VSDCreator::ConvertKinks "); if(mTreeKK != 0) throw(eH + "Kinks already converted."); mDirectory->cd(); mTreeKK = new TTree("Kinks", "ESD Kinks"); mTreeKK->Branch("KK", "Reve::RecKink", &mpKK, fBuffSize); TFile f(Form("%s/AliESDs.root", mDataDir.Data())); if(!f.IsOpen()){ throw(eH + "no AliESDs.root file."); } TTree* tree = (TTree*) f.Get("esdTree"); if (tree == 0) throw(eH + "no esdTree."); AliESDEvent *fEvent= new AliESDEvent(); fEvent->ReadFromTree(tree); tree->GetEntry(mEvent); if(fEvent->GetAliESDOld())fEvent->CopyFromOldESD(); // printf("CONVERT KINK Read %d entries in tree kinks \n", fEvent->GetNumberOfKinks()); for (Int_t n =0; n< fEvent->GetNumberOfKinks(); n++) { AliESDkink* kk = fEvent->GetKink(n); Double_t pos[3]; mKK.label = kk->GetLabel(0); mKK.status = Int_t(kk->GetStatus(1) << 8 + kk->GetStatus(2)); // reconstructed kink position mKK.label_sec = kk->GetLabel(1); mKK.V_kink.Set(kk->GetPosition()); const AliExternalTrackParam& tp_mother = kk->RefParamMother(); // momentum and position of mother tp_mother.GetPxPyPz(pos); mKK.P.Set(pos); tp_mother.GetXYZ(pos); mKK.V.Set(pos); const Double_t* par = tp_mother.GetParameter(); // printf("KINK Pt %f, %f \n",1/tp_mother.Pt(),par[4] ); mKK.sign = (par[4] < 0) ? -1 : 1; const AliExternalTrackParam& tp_daughter = kk->RefParamDaughter(); // momentum and position of daughter tp_daughter.GetPxPyPz(pos); mKK.P_sec.Set(pos); tp_daughter.GetXYZ(pos); mKK.V_end.Set(pos); mTreeKK->Fill(); } if(fEvent->GetNumberOfKinks()) mTreeKK->BuildIndex("label"); delete fEvent; } /**************************************************************************/ // GenInfo /**************************************************************************/ void VSDCreator::ConvertGenInfo() { static const Exc_t eH("VSDCreator::ConvertGenInfo "); if(mTreeGI != 0) throw(eH + "GI already converted."); mDirectory->cd(); mTreeGI = new TTree("GenInfo", "Objects prepared for cross querry"); GenInfo::Class()->IgnoreTObjectStreamer(true); mTreeGI->Branch("GI", "Reve::GenInfo", &mpGI, fBuffSize); mTreeGI->Branch("K.", "Reve::MCTrack", &mpK); mTreeGI->Branch("R.", "Reve::RecTrack", &mpR); for(map::iterator j=mGenInfoMap.begin(); j!=mGenInfoMap.end(); ++j) { mGI = *(j->second); mGI.label = j->first; mTreeK->GetEntry(j->first); if(mTreeR) { Int_t re = mTreeR->GetEntryNumberWithIndex(j->first); if(re != -1) mGI.is_rec = true; } // Int_t has_v0 = mTreeV0->GetEntryNumberWithIndex(j->first); //if (has_v0 != -1) // mGI.has_V0 = true; if (mTreeKK) { Int_t has_kk = mTreeKK->GetEntryNumberWithIndex(j->first); if (has_kk != -1) mGI.has_kink = true; } mTreeGI->Fill(); } mGenInfoMap.clear(); } /**************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************/ // Protected methods /**************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************/ AliTPCParam* VSDCreator::GetTpcParam(const Exc_t& eh) { auto_ptr fp( TFile::Open(Form("%s/galice.root", mDataDir.Data())) ); if(!fp.get()) throw(eh + "can not open 'galice.root' file."); AliTPCParam* par = (AliTPCParam *) fp->Get("75x40_100x60_150x60"); if(!par) throw(eh + "TPC data not found."); return par; } GenInfo* VSDCreator::GetGeninfo(Int_t label) { // printf("get_geninfo %d\n", label); GenInfo* gi; map::iterator i = mGenInfoMap.find(label); if(i == mGenInfoMap.end()) { gi = new GenInfo(); mGenInfoMap[label] = gi; } else { gi = i->second; } return gi; }