// $Id$ // Main authors: Matevz Tadel & Alja Mrak-Tadel: 2006, 2007 /************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-2008, ALICE Experiment at CERN, all rights reserved. * * See http://aliceinfo.cern.ch/Offline/AliRoot/License.html for * * full copyright notice. * **************************************************************************/ #include "AliEveCosmicRayFitter.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "TEveTrack.h" #include "TEveTrackPropagator.h" #include "TEveVSDStructs.h" #include "TEveManager.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TPad.h" #include "TGraph.h" #include "TGraph2D.h" #include "TGraphErrors.h" #include "TLinearFitter.h" #include //______________________________________________________________________ // AliEveCosmicRayFitter // // Same schema used in AliEveTrackFitter class. // // AliEveCosmicRayFitter is a TEvePointSet interface to allow // straight line fit. It creates a set of points by listening to // selection signal of any TEvePointSet object. After selection, the // list is feeded to TVirtualFitter class, which returns straight // line parameters. The fit result is visualized with a TEveLine // object. // // Thanks to L. Moneta for the algorithm prepared to make a 3D // straight line fit. // // Author: A. De Caro // ClassImp(AliEveCosmicRayFitter) AliEveCosmicRayFitter::AliEveCosmicRayFitter(const Text_t* name, Int_t n_points) : TEvePointSet (name, n_points), fLineFitter1 (0), fLineFitter2 (0), fConnected (kFALSE), fSPMap (), fTrackList (0), fGraphPicked1 (0), fGraphLinear1 (0), fGraphPicked2 (0), fGraphLinear2 (0) { // Constructor. SetMarkerColor(3); SetOwnIds(kFALSE); fTrackList = new TEveTrackList("Cosmic ray"); fTrackList->SetTitle("muons"); fTrackList->SetMainColor(8); gEve->AddElement(fTrackList); fGraphPicked1 = new TGraph(); fGraphPicked1->SetName("Selected points"); fGraphPicked1->SetMarkerColor(4); fGraphPicked1->SetMarkerStyle(4); fGraphPicked1->SetMarkerSize(2); fGraphLinear1 = new TGraphErrors(); fGraphLinear1->SetName("Fitted points"); fGraphLinear1->SetMarkerColor(2); fGraphPicked2 = new TGraph(); fGraphPicked2->SetName("Selected points"); fGraphPicked2->SetMarkerColor(4); fGraphPicked2->SetMarkerStyle(4); fGraphPicked2->SetMarkerSize(2); fGraphLinear2 = new TGraphErrors(); fGraphLinear2->SetName("Fitted points"); fGraphLinear2->SetMarkerColor(2); } AliEveCosmicRayFitter::~AliEveCosmicRayFitter() { // Destructor. if(fLineFitter1) delete fLineFitter1; if(fLineFitter2) delete fLineFitter2; fTrackList->DecDenyDestroy(); delete fTrackList; } /**************************************************************************/ void AliEveCosmicRayFitter::Start() { // Clear existing point selection and maintain connection to the // TEvePointSet signal. Reset(); if(fConnected == kFALSE) { TQObject::Connect("TEvePointSet", "PointSelected(Int_t)", "AliEveCosmicRayFitter", this, "AddFitPoint(Int_t)"); fConnected = kTRUE; } } /**************************************************************************/ void AliEveCosmicRayFitter::Stop() { // Stop selection of points. if(fConnected) { TQObject::Disconnect("TEvePointSet", "AddFitPoint(Int_t)"); fConnected = kFALSE; } } /**************************************************************************/ void AliEveCosmicRayFitter::Reset(Int_t /*n*/, Int_t /*ids*/) { // Reset selection. TEvePointSet::Reset(); fSPMap.clear(); if(fLineFitter1) fLineFitter1->Clear(); if(fLineFitter2) fLineFitter2->Clear(); } /**************************************************************************/ void AliEveCosmicRayFitter::AddFitPoint(Int_t n) { // Add/remove given point depending if exists in the fSPMap. Float_t x, y, z; TEvePointSet* ps = dynamic_cast((TQObject*) gTQSender); std::map::iterator g = fSPMap.find(Point_t(ps, n)); if(g != fSPMap.end()) { Int_t idx = g->second; if(idx != fLastPoint) { GetPoint(fLastPoint, x, y, z); SetPoint(idx, x, y, z); } fSPMap.erase(g); fLastPoint--; } else { fSPMap[Point_t(ps, n)] = Size(); ps->GetPoint(n, x, y, z); SetNextPoint(x, y, z); } ComputeBBox(); ElementChanged(kTRUE, kTRUE); } /**************************************************************************/ void AliEveCosmicRayFitter::FitTrack() { // Fit selected points with TLinearFitter fitter. static const TEveException eH("CosmicRayFitter::FitTrack "); if(fLineFitter1) delete fLineFitter1; if(fLineFitter2) delete fLineFitter2; fLineFitter1 = new TLinearFitter(1, "hyp1"); fLineFitter2 = new TLinearFitter(1, "hyp1"); AliDebug(2, Form(" Selected %3d points:\n", fLastPoint+1)); Double_t *posXpoint = new Double_t[fLastPoint+1]; Double_t *posYpoint = new Double_t[fLastPoint+1]; Double_t *posZpoint = new Double_t[fLastPoint+1]; Double_t *errYpoint = new Double_t[fLastPoint+1]; Double_t *errZpoint = new Double_t[fLastPoint+1]; Double_t x, y, z; for (Int_t i=0; i<=fLastPoint; i++) { x=0., y=0., z=0.; GetPoint(i, x, y, z); posXpoint[i] = x; posYpoint[i] = y; posZpoint[i] = z; errYpoint[i] = 10.;//0.05*posYpoint[i];//arbitrary errZpoint[i] = 10.;//0.05*posZpoint[i];//arbitrary AliDebug(2, Form("(%f, %f, %f) \n", posXpoint[i], posYpoint[i], posZpoint[i])); } fLineFitter1->AssignData(fLastPoint+1, 1, posXpoint, posYpoint, errYpoint); fLineFitter2->AssignData(fLastPoint+1, 1, posXpoint, posZpoint, errZpoint); Int_t fitResult1 = fLineFitter1->Eval(); Int_t fitResult2 = fLineFitter2->Eval(); if (fitResult1 || fitResult2) throw(eH + Form(" linear fit result is not ok (%1i, %1i)", fitResult1, fitResult2)); delete [] posXpoint; delete [] posYpoint; delete [] posZpoint; delete [] errYpoint; delete [] errZpoint; // make track TVectorD params1; TVectorD params2; fLineFitter1->GetParameters(params1); fLineFitter2->GetParameters(params2); TEveRecTrack rc; GetPoint(0, x, y, z); y = params1(0) + x*params1(1); z = params2(0) + x*params2(1); rc.fV.Set(x, y, z); rc.fP.Set(1, params1(1), params2(1)); TEveTrack* track = new TEveTrack(&rc, fTrackList->GetPropagator()); track->SetAttLineAttMarker(fTrackList); TEveTrackPropagator* tp = fTrackList->GetPropagator(); tp->InitTrack(rc.fV, 0); tp->GoToBounds(rc.fP); rc.fP.Set(-1, -params1(1), -params2(1)); tp->InitTrack(rc.fV, 0); tp->GoToBounds(rc.fP); tp->FillPointSet(track); tp->ResetTrack(); fTrackList->AddElement(track); } /**************************************************************************/ void AliEveCosmicRayFitter::DestroyElements() { // Virtual method of base class Reve::RenderElement. // It preserves track list to have coomon track propagator attributes. TEveElement::DestroyElements(); gEve->AddElement(fTrackList, this); fTrackList->DestroyElements(); } /**************************************************************************/ void AliEveCosmicRayFitter::SumDistance3D(Int_t &, Double_t *, Double_t & sum, Double_t * par, Int_t ) { // // Square sum of distances // TGraph2D * gr = dynamic_cast((TVirtualFitter::GetFitter())->GetObjectFit() ); assert(gr != 0); Double_t * x = gr->GetX(); Double_t * y = gr->GetY(); Double_t * z = gr->GetZ(); Int_t npoints = gr->GetN(); sum = 0; Double_t d = 0; for (Int_t i = 0; i < npoints; ++i) { d = Distance3D(x[i],y[i],z[i],par); sum += d; // printf("%d (%f, %f, %f) dist:%d", i, x[i], y[i], z[i], TMath::Sqrt(d)); } // printf("Total sum %f\n", sum); } /**************************************************************************/ Double_t AliEveCosmicRayFitter::Distance3D(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Double_t *p) { // // distance line point is D = | (xp-x0) cross ux | // where ux is direction of line and x0 is a point in the line (like t = 0) // using namespace ROOT::Math; XYZVector xp(x,y,z); XYZVector x0(0., p[0], p[2]); XYZVector x1(1., p[0] + p[1], p[2] + p[3]); XYZVector u = (x1-x0).Unit(); Double_t d2 = ((xp-x0).Cross(u)) .Mag2(); return d2; } /**************************************************************************/ void AliEveCosmicRayFitter::DrawDebugGraph() { // // Draw graph of Line fit. // static const TEveException eH("CosmicRayFitter::DrawDebugGraph "); if(fLineFitter1 == 0 || fLineFitter2 == 0) throw(eH + "fitter not set."); TVectorD params1; TVectorD params2; fLineFitter1->GetParameters(params1); fLineFitter2->GetParameters(params2); // fill graphs Int_t nR = fLastPoint+1; Double_t *x = new Double_t[nR]; Double_t *y = new Double_t[nR]; Double_t *z = new Double_t[nR]; Float_t xx=0., yy=0., zz=0.; for (Int_t i=0; iSet(nR); fGraphLinear1->Set(nR); fGraphPicked2->Set(nR); fGraphLinear2->Set(nR); Double_t yCoor = 0.; Double_t zCoor = 0.; for (Int_t i=0; iSetPoint(i, x[i], y[i]); fGraphLinear1->SetPoint(i, x[i], yCoor); fGraphLinear1->SetPointError(i, TMath::Abs(x[i])*0.001, TMath::Abs(yCoor)*0.05); fGraphPicked2->SetPoint(i, x[i], z[i]); fGraphLinear2->SetPoint(i, x[i], zCoor); fGraphLinear2->SetPointError(i, TMath::Abs(x[i])*0.001, TMath::Abs(zCoor)*0.05); } delete [] x; delete [] y; delete [] z; // draw graphs TCanvas * canvas = 0; if (gPad) gPad->Clear(); else if (gPad==0 || gPad->GetCanvas()->IsEditable() == kFALSE) { canvas = new TCanvas("canvas", "CosmicRayFitter", 800, 400); canvas->Clear(); } canvas->SetHighLightColor(2); canvas->Range(0,0,1,1); canvas->SetFillColor(0); canvas->SetBorderMode(0); canvas->SetBorderSize(2); TPad *canvas_1 = new TPad("canvas_1", "canvas_1",0.01,0.01,0.49,0.99); canvas_1->Draw(); canvas_1->cd(); canvas_1->SetFillColor(0); canvas_1->SetBorderSize(2); canvas_1->SetFrameBorderMode(0); fGraphPicked1->Draw("AP"); fGraphLinear1->Draw("SAME P"); canvas_1->Modified(); canvas->cd(); TPad *canvas_2 = new TPad("canvas_2", "canvas_2",0.51,0.01,0.99,0.99); canvas_2->Draw(); canvas_2->cd(); canvas_2->SetFillColor(0); canvas_2->SetBorderSize(2); canvas_2->SetFrameBorderMode(0); fGraphPicked2->Draw("AP"); fGraphLinear2->Draw("SAME P"); canvas_2->Modified(); canvas->cd(); }