// $Id$ // Main authors: Matevz Tadel & Alja Mrak-Tadel: 2006, 2007 /************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-2008, ALICE Experiment at CERN, all rights reserved. * * See http://aliceinfo.cern.ch/Offline/AliRoot/License.html for * * full copyright notice. * **************************************************************************/ #ifndef AliEveEventManager_H #define AliEveEventManager_H #include #include #include #include class AliEveMacroExecutor; class AliEveEventSelector; class AliRunLoader; class AliESDEvent; class AliESDfriend; class AliAODEvent; class AliRawReader; class AliGRPObject; class AliRecoParam; class AliMagF; class TEveElement; class TFile; class TTree; class TGeoManager; class TString; class TMap; //============================================================================== // // AliEveEventManager // // Interface to ALICE event-data (RunLoader, ESD), magnetic field and // geometry. // class AliEveEventManager : public TEveEventManager, public TQObject { public: static void SetESDFileName(const TString& esd); static void SetAODFileName(const TString& aod); static void AddAODfriend (const TString& friendFileName); static void SetRawFileName(const TString& raw); static void SetCdbUri (const TString& cdb); static void SetAssertElements(Bool_t assertRunloader, Bool_t assertEsd, Bool_t assertAod, Bool_t assertRaw); static void SearchRawForCentralReconstruction(); AliEveEventManager(const TString& name="Event"); AliEveEventManager(const TString& name, const TString& path, Int_t ev=0); virtual ~AliEveEventManager(); virtual void Open(); void SetEvent(AliRunLoader *runLoader, AliRawReader *rawReader, AliESDEvent *esd, AliESDfriend *esdf); virtual Int_t GetMaxEventId(Bool_t refreshESD=kFALSE) const; virtual void GotoEvent(Int_t event); virtual void NextEvent(); virtual void PrevEvent(); virtual void Close(); void Timeout(); // * SIGNAL* Int_t GetEventId() const { return fEventId; } AliRunLoader* GetRunLoader() const { return fRunLoader; } TFile* GetESDFile() const { return fESDFile; } TTree* GetESDTree() const { return fESDTree; } AliESDEvent* GetESD() const { return fESD; } AliESDfriend* GetESDfriend() const { return fESDfriend; } Bool_t GetESDfriendExists() const { return fESDfriendExists; } TFile* GetAODFile() const { return fAODFile; } TTree* GetAODTree() const { return fAODTree; } AliAODEvent* GetAOD() const { return fAOD; } virtual const Text_t* GetTitle() const { return fPath.Data(); } AliEveEventSelector* GetEventSelector() const { return fPEventSelector; } TString GetEventInfoHorizontal() const; TString GetEventInfoVertical() const; const AliEventInfo* GetEventInfo(); static Int_t CurrentEventId(); static Bool_t HasRunLoader(); static Bool_t HasESD(); static Bool_t HasESDfriend(); static Bool_t HasAOD(); static Bool_t HasRawReader(); static AliRunLoader* AssertRunLoader(); static AliESDEvent* AssertESD(); static AliESDfriend* AssertESDfriend(); static AliAODEvent* AssertAOD(); static AliRawReader* AssertRawReader(); static AliMagF* AssertMagField(); static TGeoManager* AssertGeometry(); static AliRecoParam* AssertRecoParams(); static AliEveEventManager* AddDependentManager(const TString& name, const TString& path); static AliEveEventManager* GetDependentManager(const TString& name); static AliEveEventManager* GetMaster(); static AliEveEventManager* GetCurrent(); static void RegisterTransient (TEveElement* element); static void RegisterTransientList(TEveElement* element); Double_t GetAutoLoadTime() const { return fAutoLoadTime; } Bool_t GetAutoLoad() const { return fAutoLoad; } void SetAutoLoadTime(Float_t time); void SetAutoLoad(Bool_t autoLoad); void SetTrigSel(Int_t trig); void AutoLoadNextEvent(); Bool_t AreEventFilesOpened() const { return fIsOpen; } Bool_t IsEventAvailable() const { return fHasEvent; } Bool_t IsUnderExternalControl() const { return fExternalCtrl; } Bool_t InsertGlobal(const TString& tag, TEveElement* model); Bool_t InsertGlobal(const TString& tag, TEveElement* model, Bool_t replace, Bool_t update); TEveElement* FindGlobal(const TString& tag); virtual void AfterNewEventLoaded(); void NewEventDataLoaded(); // *SIGNAL* void NewEventLoaded(); // *SIGNAL* AliEveMacroExecutor* GetExecutor() const { return fExecutor; } protected: TString fPath; // URL to event-data. Int_t fEventId; // Id of current event. AliRunLoader* fRunLoader; // Run loader. TFile *fESDFile; // ESD file. TTree *fESDTree; // ESD tree. AliESDEvent *fESD; // ESDEvent object. AliESDfriend *fESDfriend; // ESDfriend object. Bool_t fESDfriendExists; // Flag specifying if ESDfriend was found during opening of the event-data. TFile *fAODFile; // AOD file. TTree *fAODTree; // AOD tree. AliAODEvent *fAOD; // AODEvent object. AliRawReader *fRawReader; // Raw-data reader. AliEventInfo fEventInfo; // Current Event Info Bool_t fAutoLoad; // Automatic loading of events (online) Float_t fAutoLoadTime; // Auto-load time in seconds TTimer *fAutoLoadTimer; // Timer for automatic event loading Bool_t fIsOpen; // Are event-files opened. Bool_t fHasEvent; // Is an event available. Bool_t fExternalCtrl; // Are we under external event-loop. TMap* fGlobal; Bool_t fGlobalReplace; // Are global replace Bool_t fGlobalUpdate; // Are global updates AliEveMacroExecutor *fExecutor; // Executor for std macros TEveElementList *fTransients; // Container for additional transient (per event) elements. TEveElementList *fTransientLists; // Container for lists of transient (per event) elements. AliEveEventSelector* fPEventSelector; // Event filter TList *fSubManagers; // Dependent event-managers, used for event embedding. static TString fgESDFileName; // Name by which to open ESD. static TString fgAODFileName; // Name by which to open AOD. static TString fgRawFileName; // Name by which to open raw-data file. static TString fgCdbUri; // Global URI to CDB. static Bool_t fgAssertRunLoader; // Global flag specifying if AliRunLoader must be asserted during opening of the event-data. static Bool_t fgAssertESD; // Global flag specifying if ESDEvent must be asserted during opening of the event-data. static Bool_t fgAssertAOD; // Global flag specifying if AODEvent must be asserted during opening of the event-data. static Bool_t fgAssertRaw; // Global flag specifying if raw-data presence must be asserted during opening of the event-data. static TList *fgAODfriends; // Global list of AOD friend names to be attached during opening of the event-data (empty by default). static Bool_t fgRawFromStandardLoc; // Global flag to enable looking for raw data in ../../../raw/, as it is stored for central reco. static Bool_t fgGRPLoaded; // Global run parameters loaded? static AliMagF *fgMagField; // Global pointer to magnetic field. static AliRecoParam* fgRecoParam; static Bool_t fgUniformField; // Track with uniform field. private: AliEveEventManager(const AliEveEventManager&); // Not implemented AliEveEventManager& operator=(const AliEveEventManager&); // Not implemented void InitInternals(); void StartAutoLoadTimer(); void StopAutoLoadTimer(); static Bool_t InitGRP(); static Bool_t InitRecoParam(); Bool_t fAutoLoadTimerRunning; // State of auto-load timer. static AliEveEventManager* fgMaster; static AliEveEventManager* fgCurrent; ClassDef(AliEveEventManager, 0); // Interface for getting all event components in a uniform way. }; #endif