// $Id$ // Main authors: Matevz Tadel & Alja Mrak-Tadel: 2006, 2007 /************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-2008, ALICE Experiment at CERN, all rights reserved. * * See http://aliceinfo.cern.ch/Offline/AliRoot/License.html for * * full copyright notice. * **************************************************************************/ #include "AliEveJetPlaneGL.h" #include "AliEveJetPlane.h" #include #include #include #include "TGLUtil.h" #include "TGLAxis.h" #include #include #include //============================================================================== //============================================================================== // AliEveJetPlaneGL //============================================================================== //______________________________________________________________________________ // // GL renderer for AliEveJetPlane. ClassImp(AliEveJetPlaneGL) AliEveJetPlaneGL::AliEveJetPlaneGL() : TGLObject(), fM(0) { // Constructor. fDLCache = kFALSE; // Disable display list -- axis pain. } /******************************************************************************/ Bool_t AliEveJetPlaneGL::SetModel(TObject* obj, const Option_t* /*opt*/) { // Set model object. if(SetModelCheckClass(obj, AliEveJetPlane::Class())) { fM = dynamic_cast(obj); return kTRUE; } return kFALSE; } void AliEveJetPlaneGL::SetBBox() { // Set bounding box. SetAxisAlignedBBox(((AliEveJetPlane*)fExternalObj)->AssertBBox()); } /******************************************************************************/ void AliEveJetPlaneGL::DirectDraw(TGLRnrCtx& rnrCtx) const { // Render the object. Float_t minEta = (fM->fMinEta)*(fM->fEtaScale); Float_t maxEta = (fM->fMaxEta)*(fM->fEtaScale); Float_t minPhi = (fM->fMinPhi)*(fM->fPhiScale) - 350; Float_t maxPhi = (fM->fMaxPhi)*(fM->fPhiScale) - 350; Float_t phiCoord, etaCoord, dPhi, dEta; Double_t eta, phi, e, x, y; // Show frame for Eta-Phi coordinates glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); glVertex3f(minEta, minPhi, 0); glVertex3f(maxEta, minPhi, 0); glVertex3f(maxEta, maxPhi, 0); glVertex3f(minEta, maxPhi, 0); glEnd(); if (rnrCtx.Selection() == kFALSE && rnrCtx.Highlight() == kFALSE) { // Show grid in Eta-Phi coordinates dPhi = (maxPhi-minPhi)/(fM->fNPhiDiv - 1); dEta = (maxEta-minEta)/(fM->fNEtaDiv - 1); for (Int_t count = 1; count < fM->fNPhiDiv-1; ++count) { phiCoord = minPhi + count*dPhi; glBegin(GL_LINES); glVertex3f( minEta, phiCoord, 0); glVertex3f( maxEta, phiCoord, 0); glEnd(); } for (Int_t count = 1; count < fM->fNEtaDiv-1; ++count) { etaCoord = minEta + count*dEta; glBegin(GL_LINES); glVertex3f(etaCoord, minPhi, 0); glVertex3f(etaCoord, maxPhi, 0); glEnd(); } // Show axis tick marks and labels { TGLCapabilitySwitch lightsOff(GL_LIGHTING, false); TGLAxis ap; ap.SetLineColor(fM->fGridColor); ap.SetTextColor(fM->fGridColor); TGLVector3 start, end; start.Set(minEta, minPhi, 0); end.Set(maxEta, minPhi, 0); ap.PaintGLAxis(start.CArr(), end.CArr(), fM->fMinEta, fM->fMaxEta, 205); start.Set(maxEta, minPhi, 0); end.Set(maxEta, maxPhi, 0); ap.PaintGLAxis(start.CArr(), end.CArr(), fM->fMinPhi, fM->fMaxPhi, 205); } } // Finding the maximum energy std::vector::iterator k = fM->fTracks.begin(); std::vector::iterator j = fM->fJets.begin(); Double_t eJetMax = 0., eTrackMax = 0., eMax; while (j != fM->fJets.end()) { if (j->E() > eJetMax) eJetMax = j->E(); ++j; } while (k != fM->fTracks.end()) { if (k->E() > eTrackMax) eTrackMax = k->E(); ++k; } eMax = eJetMax > eTrackMax ? eJetMax : eTrackMax; // Rendering Jets and Tracks in the Eta-Phi plane Int_t nCol = gStyle->GetNumberOfColors(); Float_t col[4] = { 0., 0., 0., 0.75}; glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA,GL_ONE); TGLUtil::SetDrawQuality(6); glPushName(0); if (fM->fRnrJets) { glEnable(GL_BLEND); // Turn Blending On glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); // Turn Depth Testing Off UInt_t jetid = 0; j = fM->fJets.begin(); while (j != fM->fJets.end()) { eta = j->Eta(); phi = j->Phi(); e = j->E(); x = eta*(fM->fEtaScale); y = phi*(fM->fPhiScale) - 350; Int_t colBin = TMath::Min((Int_t) ((nCol-2)*e* TMath::Power(10.,fM->fEnergyColorScale)/(eMax)),nCol-2); Int_t colIdx = gStyle->GetColorPalette(colBin); TColor* c = gROOT->GetColor(colIdx); if(c) { col[0] = c->GetRed(); col[1] = c->GetGreen(); col[2] = c->GetBlue(); } glLoadName(jetid); TGLUtil::DrawLine(TGLVertex3(x,y,0.), TGLVector3(0.,0.,TMath::Log(e + 1.)*fM->fEnergyScale), TGLUtil::kLineHeadArrow, 25.0, col); ++j; ++jetid; } } col[3] = 1.0; glPushName(1); if(fM->fRnrTracks) { glDisable(GL_BLEND); // Turn Blending Off glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); // Turn Depth Testing On UInt_t trackid = 0; k = fM->fTracks.begin(); while (k != fM->fTracks.end()) { eta = k->Eta(); phi = k->Phi(); e = k->E(); if (e < 0.) { // printf(" WARNING: Particle with negative energy has been found.\n"); // printf(" PARTICLE NOT DISPLAYED. TrackID: %i\n", trackid); ++k; ++trackid; continue; } x = eta*(fM->fEtaScale); y = phi*(fM->fPhiScale) - 350; Int_t colBin = TMath::Min((Int_t) ((nCol-2)*e* TMath::Power(10.,fM->fEnergyColorScale)/(eMax)),nCol-2); Int_t colIdx = gStyle->GetColorPalette(colBin); TColor* c = gROOT->GetColor(colIdx); if(c) { col[0] = c->GetRed(); col[1] = c->GetGreen(); col[2] = c->GetBlue(); } glLoadName(trackid); TGLUtil::DrawLine( TGLVertex3(x,y,0.), TGLVector3(0.,0.,TMath::Log(e + 1.)*fM->fEnergyScale), TGLUtil::kLineHeadArrow, 5.0, col); ++k; ++trackid; } } glPopName(); TGLUtil::ResetDrawQuality(); } /******************************************************************************/ void AliEveJetPlaneGL::ProcessSelection(TGLRnrCtx & /*rnrCtx*/, TGLSelectRecord & rec) { // Process selection and print jet information. // printf("beep %u\n", rec.GetN()); // rec.Print(); static Int_t jet1State; static Int_t jet2State; static Int_t track1State; static Int_t track2State; if (fM->fOneSelection) { printf("\n"); if (rec.GetN() == 2) { AliAODJet v = fM->fJets[rec.GetItem(1)]; printf("Jet 4-momentum: %f, %f, %f, %f \n", v.Px(),v.Py(),v.Pz(),v.Pt() ); printf("Eta-Phi values: %f, %f\n", v.Eta(), v.Phi()); } if (rec.GetN() == 3) { AliAODTrack v = fM->fTracks[rec.GetItem(2)]; printf("AliEveTrack 4-momentum: %f, %f, %f, %f \n", v.Px(),v.Py(),v.Pz(),v.Pt() ); printf("Eta-Phi values: %f, %f\n", v.Eta(), v.Phi()); } } if (fM->fTwoSelection) { if ( fM->fSelectionFlag == 1) { if (rec.GetN() == 2) { fM->SetJet1(&(fM->fJets[rec.GetItem(1)])); jet1State = 1; track1State = 0; } if (rec.GetN() == 3) { fM->SetTrack1(&(fM->fTracks[rec.GetItem(1)])); jet1State = 0; track1State = 1; } fM->SetSelectionFlag(2); return; } if ( fM->fSelectionFlag == 2) { printf("\n"); if (rec.GetN() == 2) { fM->SetJet2(&(fM->fJets[rec.GetItem(1)])); jet2State = 1; track2State = 0; } if (rec.GetN() == 3) { fM->SetTrack2(&(fM->fTracks[rec.GetItem(1)])); jet2State = 0; track2State = 1; } printf("Jet: %i, AliEveTrack: %i \n", jet1State, track1State); printf("Jet: %i, AliEveTrack: %i \n\n", jet2State, track2State); if(jet1State && jet2State) { Double_t eta1, eta2, phi1, phi2, d; eta1 = (fM->GetJet1()).Eta(); eta2 = (fM->GetJet2()).Eta(); phi1 = (fM->GetJet1()).Phi(); phi2 = (fM->GetJet2()).Phi(); d = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Power(eta2-eta1,2) + TMath::Power(phi2-phi1,2)); printf("Eta-Phi: %f, %f\n", eta1, phi1); printf("Eta-Phi: %f, %f\n", eta2, phi2); printf("Eta-Phi Distance: %f\n", d); } fM->SetSelectionFlag(1); } } }