// $Id$ // Main authors: Matevz Tadel & Alja Mrak-Tadel: 2006, 2007 /************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-2008, ALICE Experiment at CERN, all rights reserved. * * See http://aliceinfo.cern.ch/Offline/AliRoot/License.html for * * full copyright notice. * **************************************************************************/ #include "AliEveITSModuleStepper.h" #include "AliEveITSDigitsInfo.h" #include "AliEveITSScaledModule.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //______________________________________________________________________________ // // Display scaled ITS modules in a paged layout, also providing // GL-overaly control GUI. ClassImp(AliEveITSModuleStepper) AliEveITSModuleStepper::AliEveITSModuleStepper(AliEveITSDigitsInfo* di) : TEveElementList("ITS 2DStore", "AliEveITSModuleStepper", kTRUE), fDigitsInfo(di), fScaleInfo(0), fStepper(0), fModuleIDs(), fPosition(0), fSubDet(-1), fAxis(0), fMenuHeight(0.13), fTextSize(64), fTextCol(kGray+1), fActiveCol(kRed-4), fActiveID(-1) { // Constructor. SetMainColorPtr(&fTextCol); fAxis = new TGLAxis(); // override member from base TEveElementList fChildClass = AliEveITSScaledModule::Class(); fDigitsInfo->IncRefCount(); fStepper = new TEveGridStepper(); fStepper->SetNs(5, 4); fScaleInfo = new AliEveDigitScaleInfo(); fScaleInfo->IncRefCount(); gEve->GetGLViewer()->AddOverlayElement(this); } AliEveITSModuleStepper::~AliEveITSModuleStepper() { // Destructor. gEve->GetGLViewer()->RemoveOverlayElement(this); fScaleInfo->DecRefCount(); fDigitsInfo->DecRefCount(); delete fStepper; delete fAxis; } /******************************************************************************/ void AliEveITSModuleStepper::Capacity() { // Make sure we have just enough children (module representations) // to store as many modules as required by the grid-stepper // configuration. Int_t n = fStepper->GetNx()*fStepper->GetNy(); if (n != GetNChildren()) { DestroyElements(); for (Int_t m=0; m firstLastpage) first = firstLastpage; if (first < 0) first = 0; fPosition = first; Apply(); } void AliEveITSModuleStepper::Start() { // Go to first page. fPosition = 0; Apply(); } void AliEveITSModuleStepper::Next() { // Go to next page. SetFirst(fPosition + Nxy()); } void AliEveITSModuleStepper::Previous() { // Go to previous page. SetFirst(fPosition - Nxy()); } void AliEveITSModuleStepper::End() { // Go to last page. Int_t lastpage = fModuleIDs.size()/Nxy(); if (fModuleIDs.size() % Nxy()) lastpage++; fPosition = (lastpage - 1)*Nxy(); fStepper->Reset(); Apply(); } /******************************************************************************/ void AliEveITSModuleStepper::DisplayDet(Int_t det, Int_t layer) { // Select modules to display by sub-det type / layer. fSubDet = det; fModuleIDs.clear(); AliEveITSModuleSelection sel = AliEveITSModuleSelection(); sel.SetType (det); sel.SetLayer(layer); fDigitsInfo->GetModuleIDs(&sel, fModuleIDs); //in reder menu define a space between left and right pager Start(); } /******************************************************************************/ Int_t AliEveITSModuleStepper::GetCurrentPage() const { // Get number of current page. Int_t idx = fPosition + 1; Int_t n = idx/Nxy(); if (idx % Nxy()) n++; return n; } /******************************************************************************/ Int_t AliEveITSModuleStepper::GetPages() { // Get number of all pages. Int_t n = fModuleIDs.size()/Nxy(); if (fModuleIDs.size() % Nxy()) n++; return n; } /******************************************************************************/ void AliEveITSModuleStepper::Apply() { // Apply current settings to children modules. gEve->DisableRedraw(); Capacity(); UInt_t idx = fPosition; for(List_i childit=fChildren.begin(); childit!=fChildren.end(); ++childit) { if (idx < fModuleIDs.size()) { AliEveITSScaledModule* mod = dynamic_cast(*childit); mod->SetID(fModuleIDs[idx], kFALSE); TEveTrans& tr = mod->RefMainTrans(); tr.UnitTrans(); tr.RotateLF(3,2,TMath::PiOver2()); tr.RotateLF(1,3,TMath::PiOver2()); // scaling Float_t mz, mx; Float_t* fp = mod->GetFrame()->GetFramePoints(); // switch x,z it will be rotated afterwards mx = -2*fp[0]; mz = -2*fp[2]; // fit width first Double_t sx = fStepper->GetDx(); Double_t sy = (mx*fStepper->GetDx())/mz; if (sy > fStepper->GetDy()) { sy = fStepper->GetDy(); sx = (mz*fStepper->GetDx())/mx; } Float_t scale = (0.85*sx)/mz; tr.Scale(scale, scale, scale); Float_t p[3]; fStepper->GetPosition(p); tr.SetPos(p[0]+0.5*fStepper->GetDx(), p[1]+0.5*fStepper->GetDy(), p[2]+0.5*fStepper->GetDz()); if (mod->GetSubDetID() == 2) mod->SetName(Form("SSD %d", idx)); else if (mod->GetSubDetID() == 1) mod->SetName(Form("SDD %d", idx)); else mod->SetName(Form("SPD %d", idx)); mod->SetRnrSelf(kTRUE); mod->UpdateItems(); fStepper->Step(); idx++; } else { (*childit)->SetRnrSelf(kFALSE); } } fStepper->Reset(); ElementChanged(); gEve->EnableRedraw(); } /******************************************************************************/ // Virtual event handlers from TGLOverlayElement /******************************************************************************/ //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliEveITSModuleStepper::Handle(TGLRnrCtx & /*rnrCtx*/, TGLOvlSelectRecord & rec, Event_t * event) { // Handle overlay event. // Return TRUE if event was handled. switch (event->fType) { case kMotionNotify: { Int_t item = rec.GetN() < 2 ? -1 : (Int_t)rec.GetItem(1); if (fActiveID != item) { fActiveID = item; return kTRUE; } else { return kFALSE; } break; } case kButtonPress: { if (event->fCode != kButton1) { return kFALSE; } switch (rec.GetItem(1)) { case 1: Previous(); break; case 2: Start(); break; case 3: Next(); break; case 4: End(); break; case 5: { AliEveDigitScaleInfo* si = fScaleInfo; if (si->GetScale() < 5) { si->ScaleChanged(si->GetScale() + 1); ElementChanged(kTRUE, kTRUE); } break; } case 6: { AliEveDigitScaleInfo* si = fScaleInfo; if (si->GetScale() > 1) { si->ScaleChanged(si->GetScale() - 1); ElementChanged(kTRUE, kTRUE); } break; } case 7: gEve->GetEditor()->DisplayElement(*BeginChildren()); break; case 8: DisplayDet(0, -1); break; case 9: DisplayDet(1, -1); break; case 10: DisplayDet(2, -1); break; default: break; } return kTRUE; break; } default: break; } // end switch return kFALSE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliEveITSModuleStepper::MouseEnter(TGLOvlSelectRecord& /*rec*/) { // Mouse has entered overlay area. return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliEveITSModuleStepper::MouseLeave() { // Mouse has left overlay area. fActiveID = -1; } /******************************************************************************/ // Protected sub-renderers /******************************************************************************/ //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliEveITSModuleStepper::RenderText(const char* txt, Int_t id, const TGLFont &font, Float_t step) { // Render text for button id. Float_t llx, lly, llz, urx, ury, urz; font.BBox(txt, llx, lly, llz, urx, ury, urz); (fActiveID == id && id > 0) ? TGLUtil::Color(fActiveCol) :TGLUtil::Color(fTextCol); if (step > 0) { // center text in the step interval glPushMatrix(); if (step>urx) glTranslatef((step-urx+llx)*0.5f-llx, 0, 0); glLoadName(id); font.Render(txt); glPopMatrix(); glTranslatef(step, 0, 0); } else { glLoadName(id); glPushMatrix(); font.Render(txt); glPopMatrix(); glTranslatef(urx, 0, 0); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliEveITSModuleStepper::RenderPalette(TEveRGBAPalette* p) { // Render color palette with number axis. Float_t length = 7*fTextSize; Float_t x = 1.5*fTextSize; Float_t y = 0.2*fTextSize; glTranslatef(x, 0.8*fTextSize, 0); TGLCapabilitySwitch lights_off(GL_LIGHTING, kFALSE); glPushAttrib(GL_ENABLE_BIT | GL_POLYGON_BIT); glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL); glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glBegin(GL_QUAD_STRIP); TGLUtil::Color4ubv(p->ColorFromValue(p->GetMinVal())); glVertex2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(0, y); if (p->GetMaxVal() > p->GetMinVal() + 1) { Float_t xs = length/(p->GetMaxVal() - p->GetMinVal()); Float_t x0 = xs; for(Int_t i=p->GetMinVal() + 1; iGetMaxVal(); i++) { TGLUtil::Color4ubv(p->ColorFromValue(i)); glVertex2f(x0, 0); glVertex2f(x0, y); x0+=xs; } } TGLUtil::Color4ubv(p->ColorFromValue(p->GetMaxVal())); glVertex2f(length, 0); glVertex2f(length, y); glEnd(); glRotatef(-90, 1, 0, 0 ); Double_t v1[3] = {0., 0., 0.}; Double_t v2[3] = {length, 0, 0.}; fAxis->SetTextColor(kGray+1); fAxis->SetLineColor(kGray+1); fAxis->PaintGLAxis(v1, v2, p->GetMinVal(), p->GetMaxVal(), 5); glPopAttrib(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliEveITSModuleStepper::RenderMenu(Int_t curP, Int_t maxP, Int_t scaleX, Int_t scaleZ) { // Make UI to set page in stepper and UI to scale in the AliEveITSScaledModule. TGLUtil::Color(fTextCol); fTextFont.PreRender(); glTranslatef(0, fTextSize*0.3, 0); { // pager glTranslatef(fTextSize*0.2, 0 , 0); RenderText("9", 2, fSymbolFont); // last page RenderText("3", 1, fSymbolFont);//last page RenderText(Form("%d/%d", curP, maxP),-1, fTextFont, 2.7*fTextSize); //status { // bugg in webdings font , bbox does not give realistic value Float_t llx, lly, llz, urx, ury, urz; fSymbolFont.BBox("4", llx, lly, llz, urx, ury, urz); glTranslatef(-llx, 0, 0); } RenderText("4", 3, fSymbolFont); // next page RenderText(":",4, fSymbolFont); // last page } { // scale glTranslatef(fTextSize,0, 0); RenderText(Form("Zoom:"), -1, fTextFont); RenderText("6", 6, fSymbolFont); RenderText("5", 5, fSymbolFont); RenderText(Form("%dx%d", scaleX, scaleZ), -1, fTextFont, 2*fTextSize); } { // detectors glTranslatef(fTextSize, 0, 0); RenderText("SPD ", 8, fTextFont); RenderText("SDD ", 9, fTextFont); RenderText("SSD ", 10, fTextFont); fTextFont.PostRender(); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliEveITSModuleStepper::RenderModuleIDs() { // Render module-ids. Double_t x, y, z; UInt_t idx = fPosition; Float_t llx, lly, llz, urx, ury, urz; fModuleFont.PreRender(); TGLUtil::Color(kWhite); for (List_i childit=fChildren.begin(); childit!=fChildren.end(); ++childit) { if (idx < fModuleIDs.size()) { AliEveITSScaledModule* mod = dynamic_cast(*childit); TEveTrans& tr = mod->RefMainTrans(); tr.GetPos(x,y,z); x += fStepper->GetDx()*0.5; y -= fStepper->GetDy()*0.5; z += 0.4; // !!! MT hack - cross check with overlay rendering. const char* txt = Form("%d",mod->GetID()); fModuleFont.BBox(txt, llx, lly, llz, urx, ury, urz); glRasterPos3f(x, y, z); glBitmap(0, 0, 0, 0,-urx, 0, 0); fModuleFont.Render(txt); idx++; } } fModuleFont.PostRender(); } /******************************************************************************/ void AliEveITSModuleStepper::Render(TGLRnrCtx& rnrCtx) { // Render the overlay elements. AliEveITSScaledModule* sm = dynamic_cast(*BeginChildren()); Int_t scale = fScaleInfo->GetScale() - 1; Int_t cnx = 0, cnz = 0; switch(sm->GetSubDetID()) { case 0: cnx = fDigitsInfo->fSPDScaleX[scale], cnz = fDigitsInfo->fSPDScaleZ[scale]; break; case 1: cnx = fDigitsInfo->fSDDScaleX[scale], cnz = fDigitsInfo->fSDDScaleZ[scale]; break; case 2: cnx = fDigitsInfo->fSSDScale[scale], cnz = 1; break; } // init fonts if (fTextFont.GetMode() == TGLFont::kUndef) { fTextFont = rnrCtx.GetFont(fTextSize, 4, TGLFont::kTexture); fSymbolFont = rnrCtx.GetFont(72, 31, TGLFont::kTexture); fModuleFont = rnrCtx.GetFont(14, 4, TGLFont::kPixmap); } { // toolbar glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glPushMatrix(); glLoadIdentity(); if (rnrCtx.Selection()) { TGLRect rect(*rnrCtx.GetPickRectangle()); rnrCtx.GetCamera()->WindowToViewport(rect); gluPickMatrix(rect.X(), rect.Y(), rect.Width(), rect.Height(), (Int_t*) rnrCtx.GetCamera()->RefViewport().CArr()); } glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPushMatrix(); glLoadIdentity(); glTranslatef(-1, -1, 0); // translate to lower left corner Float_t scale = fMenuHeight/fTextSize*0.5; // scale text glScalef(scale, scale, 1.); //menu glPushName(0); RenderMenu(GetCurrentPage(), GetPages(), cnx, cnz); glPopName(); //palette Double_t ls = 1.6*scale*fTextSize; fAxis->SetLabelsSize(ls); fAxis->SetLabelsOffset(ls*1.2); RenderPalette(sm->GetPalette()); glPopMatrix(); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glPopMatrix(); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); } RenderModuleIDs(); }