// $Id$ // Main authors: Matevz Tadel & Alja Mrak-Tadel: 2006, 2007 /************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-2008, ALICE Experiment at CERN, all rights reserved. * * See http://aliceinfo.cern.ch/Offline/AliRoot/License.html for * * full copyright notice. * **************************************************************************/ #include "AliEvePMDModule.h" #include "AliPMDdigit.h" #include "AliPMDddldata.h" #include #include #include #include const Float_t AliEvePMDModule::fgkRad = 0.25; const Float_t AliEvePMDModule::fgkSqRoot3 = 1.732050808; const Float_t AliEvePMDModule::fgkZpos = 0.; Int_t AliEvePMDModule::fgPreTotPads = 0; Int_t AliEvePMDModule::fgCpvTotPads = 0; Int_t AliEvePMDModule::fgPreTotAdc = 0; Int_t AliEvePMDModule::fgCpvTotAdc = 0; //______________________________________________________________________________ // AliEvePMDModule // ClassImp(AliEvePMDModule) AliEvePMDModule::AliEvePMDModule(): fH1(0), fX(0.), fY(0.), fZ(0.), fNPads(0), fAdc(0) { // Constructor. } AliEvePMDModule::~AliEvePMDModule() { // Destructor. delete fH1; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // void AliEvePMDModule::DisplayInit(Int_t ism) { // Initialize display parameters for module ism. TString smodule = "Module"; smodule+= ism; Float_t xism =0, yism = 0; Float_t dxism =0, dyism = 0; GenerateBox(ism,xism,yism,dxism,dyism); TEveFrameBox *pmdModBox = new TEveFrameBox(); pmdModBox->SetAAQuadXY(xism, yism, 0, dxism, dyism); pmdModBox->SetFrameColor((Color_t) 31); pmdModBox->SetFrameFill(kTRUE); SetFrame(pmdModBox); SetName(smodule.Data()); SetOwnIds(kTRUE); Reset(TEveQuadSet::kQT_HexagonXY, kFALSE, 32); fH1 = new TH1F("fH1", smodule.Data(), 100, 0., 1000.); fH1->SetDirectory(0); fH1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Single Cell Edep (adc)"); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // void AliEvePMDModule::DisplayDigitsData(Int_t ism, TTree *pmdt) { // Populate internal structures with data from pmdt for module ism. DisplayInit(ism); Int_t det, smn, irow, icol, adc; Int_t xpad = 0, ypad = 0; Float_t xpos, ypos; TClonesArray *digits = new TClonesArray("AliPMDdigit", 0); TBranch *branch = pmdt->GetBranch("PMDDigit"); branch->SetAddress(&digits); AliPMDdigit *pmddigit; branch->GetEntry(ism); Int_t nentries = digits->GetLast(); //printf("%d\n", nentries); for (Int_t ient = 0; ient < nentries+1; ient++) { pmddigit = (AliPMDdigit*)digits->UncheckedAt(ient); det = pmddigit->GetDetector(); smn = pmddigit->GetSMNumber(); irow = pmddigit->GetRow(); icol = pmddigit->GetColumn(); adc = (Int_t) pmddigit->GetADC(); if(smn <12) { xpad = icol; ypad = irow; } else if(smn >=12 && smn < 24) { xpad = irow; ypad = icol; } RectGeomCellPos(smn, xpad, ypad, xpos, ypos); AddHexagon(xpos, ypos, fgkZpos, fgkRad); QuadValue(adc); QuadId(new AliPMDdigit(*pmddigit)); // new TNamed(Form("Quad with idx=%d", ient), // "This title is not confusing.")); ++fNPads; fAdc += adc; if (det == 0) { fgPreTotAdc += (Int_t) adc; ++fgPreTotPads; } if (det == 1) { fgCpvTotAdc += (Int_t) adc; ++fgCpvTotPads; } fH1->Fill((Float_t)adc); } RefitPlex(); RefMainTrans().SetPos(fX, fY, fZ); delete digits; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // void AliEvePMDModule::DisplayRawData(Int_t ism, TObjArray *ddlcont) { // Populate internal structures with data from ddlcont for module ism. DisplayInit(ism); if (ism > 23) ism -= 24; Int_t det, smn, irow, icol, adc; Int_t xpad = 0, ypad = 0; Float_t xpos, ypos; Int_t nentries = ddlcont->GetEntries(); //printf("%d\n", nentries); for (Int_t ient = 0; ient < nentries; ient++) { AliPMDddldata *pmdddl = (AliPMDddldata*)ddlcont->UncheckedAt(ient); det = pmdddl->GetDetector(); smn = pmdddl->GetSMN(); if (smn != ism) continue; irow = pmdddl->GetRow(); icol = pmdddl->GetColumn(); adc = pmdddl->GetSignal(); if(smn <12) { xpad = icol; ypad = irow; } else if(smn >=12 && smn < 24) { xpad = irow; ypad = icol; } RectGeomCellPos(smn, xpad, ypad, xpos, ypos); AddHexagon(xpos, ypos, fgkZpos, fgkRad); QuadValue(adc); QuadId(new AliPMDddldata(*pmdddl)); //new TNamed(Form("Quad with idx=%d", ient), // "This title is not confusing.")); ++fNPads; fAdc += adc; if (det == 0) { fgPreTotAdc += (Int_t) adc; ++fgPreTotPads; } if (det == 1) { fgCpvTotAdc += (Int_t) adc; ++fgCpvTotPads; } fH1->Fill((Float_t) adc); } RefitPlex(); RefMainTrans().SetPos(fX, fY, fZ); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // void AliEvePMDModule::RectGeomCellPos(Int_t ism, Int_t xpad, Int_t ypad, Float_t &xpos, Float_t &ypos) { // This routine finds the cell eta,phi for the new PMD rectangular // geometry in ALICE // Authors : Bedanga Mohanty and Dipak Mishra - 29.4.2003 // modified by B. K. Nandi for change of coordinate sys // // SMA ---> Supermodule Type A ( SM - 0) // SMAR ---> Supermodule Type A ROTATED ( SM - 1) // SMB ---> Supermodule Type B ( SM - 2) // SMBR ---> Supermodule Type B ROTATED ( SM - 3) // // ism : Serial module number from 0 to 23 for each plane // Corner positions (x,y) of the 24 unit moudles in ALICE PMD const Double_t kXcorner[24] = { 74.8833, 53.0045, 31.1255, //Type-A 74.8833, 53.0045, 31.1255, //Type-A -74.8833, -53.0044, -31.1255, //Type-AR -74.8833, -53.0044, -31.1255, //Type-AR 8.9165, -33.7471, //Type-B 8.9165, -33.7471, //Type-B 8.9165, -33.7471, //Type-B -8.9165, 33.7471, //Type-BR -8.9165, 33.7471, //Type-BR -8.9165, 33.7471, //Type-BR }; const Double_t kYcorner[24] = { 86.225, 86.225, 86.225, //Type-A 37.075, 37.075, 37.075, //Type-A -86.225, -86.225, -86.225, //Type-AR -37.075, -37.075, -37.075, //Type-AR 86.225, 86.225, //Type-B 61.075, 61.075, //Type-B 35.925, 35.925, //Type-B -86.225, -86.225, //Type-BR -61.075, -61.075, //Type-BR -35.925, -35.925 //Type-BR }; // const Float_t kSqroot3 = 1.732050808; // sqrt(3.); // const Float_t kCellRadius = 0.25; // //Every even row of cells is shifted and placed //in geant so this condition // Float_t shift = 0.0; if(ypad%2 == 0) { shift = 0.0; } else { shift = 0.25; } if(ism < 6) { ypos = kYcorner[ism] - (Float_t) xpad*fgkRad*2.0 - shift; xpos = kXcorner[ism] - (Float_t) ypad*fgkSqRoot3*fgkRad; } else if(ism >=6 && ism < 12) { ypos = kYcorner[ism] + (Float_t) xpad*fgkRad*2.0 + shift; xpos = kXcorner[ism] + (Float_t) ypad*fgkSqRoot3*fgkRad; } else if(ism >= 12 && ism < 18) { ypos = kYcorner[ism] - (Float_t) xpad*fgkRad*2.0 - shift; xpos = kXcorner[ism] - (Float_t) ypad*fgkSqRoot3*fgkRad; } else if(ism >= 18 && ism < 24) { ypos = kYcorner[ism] + (Float_t) xpad*fgkRad*2.0 + shift; xpos = kXcorner[ism] + (Float_t) ypad*fgkSqRoot3*fgkRad; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // void AliEvePMDModule::GenerateBox(Int_t ism, Float_t &xism, Float_t &yism, Float_t &dxism, Float_t &dyism) { // Generate bounding-box. const Float_t kDia = 0.50; const Double_t kXcorner[24] = { 74.8833, 53.0045, 31.1255, //Type-A 74.8833, 53.0045, 31.1255, //Type-A -74.8833, -53.0044, -31.1255, //Type-AR -74.8833, -53.0044, -31.1255, //Type-AR 8.9165, -33.7471, //Type-B 8.9165, -33.7471, //Type-B 8.9165, -33.7471, //Type-B -8.9165, 33.7471, //Type-BR -8.9165, 33.7471, //Type-BR -8.9165, 33.7471, //Type-BR }; const Double_t kYcorner[24] = { 86.225, 86.225, 86.225, //Type-A 37.075, 37.075, 37.075, //Type-A -86.225, -86.225, -86.225, //Type-AR -37.075, -37.075, -37.075, //Type-AR 86.225, 86.225, //Type-B 61.075, 61.075, //Type-B 35.925, 35.925, //Type-B -86.225, -86.225, //Type-BR -61.075, -61.075, //Type-BR -35.925, -35.925 //Type-BR }; if (ism > 23) ism -= 24; if (ism < 6) { xism = kXcorner[ism] + fgkRad; yism = kYcorner[ism] + fgkRad; dxism = -fgkRad*fgkSqRoot3*48.; dyism = -kDia*96. - fgkRad; } if (ism >= 6 && ism < 12) { xism = kXcorner[ism] - fgkRad; yism = kYcorner[ism] - fgkRad; dxism = fgkRad*fgkSqRoot3*48.; dyism = kDia*96. + fgkRad; } if (ism >= 12 && ism < 18) { xism = kXcorner[ism] + fgkRad; yism = kYcorner[ism] + fgkRad; dxism = -fgkRad*fgkSqRoot3*96.; dyism = -kDia*48. - fgkRad; } if (ism >= 18 && ism < 24) { xism = kXcorner[ism] - fgkRad; yism = kYcorner[ism] - fgkRad; dxism = fgkRad*fgkSqRoot3*96.; dyism = kDia*48. + fgkRad; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // void AliEvePMDModule::SetPosition(Float_t x, Float_t y, Float_t z) { // Set position of module. fX = x; fY = y; fZ = z; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- //