// Author: Benjamin Hess 29/01/2010 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2009-2010, Alexandru Bercuci, Benjamin Hess. * * All rights reserved. * *************************************************************************/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // AliEveTRDTrackListEditor // // // // The AliEveTRDTrackListEditor provides the graphical functionality // // for the AliEveTRDTrackList. It creates the tabs and canvases, when // // they are needed and, as well, frees allocated memory on destruction // // (or if new events are loaded and thus some tabs are closed). // // The function DrawHistos() accesses the temporary file created by the // // AliEveTRDTrackList and draws the desired data (the file will be // // created within the call of ApplyMacros()). Have a look at this // // function to learn more about the structure of the file and how to // // access the data. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include "AliEveTRDTrackListEditor.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include ClassImp(AliEveTRDTrackListEditor) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////// AliEveTRDTrackListEditor ////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AliEveTRDTrackListEditor::AliEveTRDTrackListEditor(const TGWindow* p, Int_t width, Int_t height, UInt_t options, Pixel_t back) : TGedFrame(p, width, height, options, back), fM(0), fHistoCanvas(0), fHistoCanvasName(0), fInheritedMacroList(0), fInheritSettings(kFALSE), fStyleFrame(0), fMainFrame(0), fHistoFrame(0), fHistoSubFrame(0), fBrowseFrame(0), fbgStyleColor(0), fbgStyleTrack(0), frbColor(new TGRadioButton*[3]), frbTrack(new TGRadioButton*[3]), fbBrowse(0), fbNew(0), fbApplyMacros(0), fbRemoveMacros(0), fbDrawHisto(0), fteField(0), ftlMacroList(0), ftlMacroSelList(0), fFileInfo(0), fFileTypes(0), fLabel1(0), fLabel2(0), fLabel3(0), fLabel4(0), fLine1(0), fLine2(0), fLine3(0), fLine4(0), fLine5(0), fCheckButtons(0) { // Creates the AliEveTRDTrackListEditor. // Style stuff fLine5 = new TGHorizontal3DLine(this, 194, 8); AddFrame(fLine5, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsTop, 2, 2, 8, 8)); fStyleFrame = new TGHorizontalFrame(this); AddFrame(fStyleFrame); // Style - Track model fbgStyleTrack = new TGButtonGroup(fStyleFrame, "Track model"); fbgStyleTrack->SetMapSubwindows(kTRUE); fbgStyleTrack->Resize(194, 200); fStyleFrame->AddFrame(fbgStyleTrack); frbTrack[0] = new TGRadioButton(fbgStyleTrack, "Rieman", 0); frbTrack[0]->SetToolTipText("Set the track model to \"Rieman\" (i.e. the used fit method)"); frbTrack[1] = new TGRadioButton(fbgStyleTrack, "Kalman", 1); frbTrack[1]->SetToolTipText("Set the track model to \"Kalman\" (i.e. the used fit method)"); frbTrack[2] = new TGRadioButton(fbgStyleTrack, "Line", 2); frbTrack[2]->SetToolTipText("Set the track model to \"Line\" (i.e. the used fit method)"); // Style - Color model fbgStyleColor = new TGButtonGroup(fStyleFrame, "Color model"); fbgStyleColor->SetMapSubwindows(kTRUE); fbgStyleColor->Resize(194, 200); fStyleFrame->AddFrame(fbgStyleColor); frbColor[0] = new TGRadioButton(fbgStyleColor, "PID LQ", 0); frbColor[0]->SetToolTipText("Set color model to \"PID LQ\" -> 2 dimensional likelihood particle identification"); frbColor[1] = new TGRadioButton(fbgStyleColor, "PID NN", 1); frbColor[1]->SetToolTipText("Set color model to \"PID NN\" -> Neural network particle identification"); frbColor[2] = new TGRadioButton(fbgStyleColor, "ESD Source", 2); frbColor[2]->SetToolTipText("Set color model to \"ESD Source\" -> By source (TPC track prolongation or TRD stand alone)"); // Functionality for adding plugins fMainFrame = CreateEditorTabSubFrame("Process"); fLabel1 = new TGLabel(fMainFrame,"Add plugin(s):"); fMainFrame->AddFrame(fLabel1); fBrowseFrame = new TGHorizontalFrame(fMainFrame); fteField = new TGTextEntry(fBrowseFrame); fteField->SetToolTipText("Enter the pathname of the macro you want to add here and press \"Enter\""); fteField->Connect("ReturnPressed()","AliEveTRDTrackListEditor", this, "HandleMacroPathSet()"); fBrowseFrame->AddFrame(fteField); fbBrowse = new TGTextButton(fBrowseFrame, "Browse"); fbBrowse->SetToolTipText("Browse the macro you want to add"); fbBrowse->Connect("Clicked()", "AliEveTRDTrackListEditor", this, "BrowseMacros()"); fBrowseFrame->AddFrame(fbBrowse); fbNew = new TGTextButton(fBrowseFrame, "New"); fbNew->SetToolTipText("Start macro creation wizard"); fbNew->Connect("Clicked()", "AliEveTRDTrackListEditor", this, "NewMacros()"); fBrowseFrame->AddFrame(fbNew); fMainFrame->AddFrame(fBrowseFrame); fLine1 = new TGHorizontal3DLine(fMainFrame, 194, 8); fMainFrame->AddFrame(fLine1, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsTop, 2, 2, 8, 2)); fLabel2 = new TGLabel(fMainFrame,"Selection plugins:"); fMainFrame->AddFrame(fLabel2); ftlMacroSelList = new TGListBox(fMainFrame); ftlMacroSelList->Resize(194, 94); ftlMacroSelList->SetMultipleSelections(kTRUE); fMainFrame->AddFrame(ftlMacroSelList); fLine2 = new TGHorizontal3DLine(fMainFrame, 194, 8); fMainFrame->AddFrame(fLine2, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsTop, 2, 2, 8, 2)); fLabel3 = new TGLabel(fMainFrame,"Process plugins:"); fMainFrame->AddFrame(fLabel3); ftlMacroList = new TGListBox(fMainFrame); ftlMacroList->Resize(194, 94); ftlMacroList->SetMultipleSelections(kTRUE); fMainFrame->AddFrame(ftlMacroList); fLine3 = new TGHorizontal3DLine(fMainFrame, 194, 8); fMainFrame->AddFrame(fLine3, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsTop, 2, 2, 8, 2)); fbApplyMacros = new TGTextButton(fMainFrame, "Apply plugin(s)"); fbApplyMacros->SetToolTipText("Apply all selected macros/class functins to the list of tracks -> A data file will be generated"); fbApplyMacros->Connect("Clicked()", "AliEveTRDTrackListEditor", this, "ApplyMacros()"); fbApplyMacros->SetRightMargin(12); fMainFrame->AddFrame(fbApplyMacros); fbRemoveMacros = new TGTextButton(fMainFrame, "Remove plugin(s)"); fbRemoveMacros->SetToolTipText("Remove the selected macros/class functions from the list(s)"); fbRemoveMacros->Connect("Clicked()", "AliEveTRDTrackListEditor", this, "RemoveMacros()"); fMainFrame->AddFrame(fbRemoveMacros); // Stuff for displaying histograms fHistoFrame = CreateEditorTabSubFrame("Results"); fHistoFrame->SetMapSubwindows(kTRUE); fLabel4 = new TGLabel(fHistoFrame,"Data from plugins:"); fHistoFrame->AddFrame(fLabel4); fHistoSubFrame = new TGVerticalFrame(fHistoFrame); fHistoSubFrame->SetMapSubwindows(kTRUE); fHistoSubFrame->Resize(194, 200); fHistoFrame->AddFrame(fHistoSubFrame); fLine4 = new TGHorizontal3DLine(fHistoFrame, 194, 8); fHistoFrame->AddFrame(fLine4, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsTop, 2, 2, 8, 2)); fbDrawHisto = new TGTextButton(fHistoFrame, "Draw projections"); fbDrawHisto->SetToolTipText("Uses the data file created by the last \"Apply selected plugin(s)\".\nClick here to display the data histograms of the selected macros.\nSelect multiple macros to create multi-dimensional plots.\nHisto macros cannot be used for multi-dimensional plots!"); fbDrawHisto->Connect("Clicked()", "AliEveTRDTrackListEditor", this, "DrawHistos()"); fHistoFrame->AddFrame(fbDrawHisto); // Set up file dialog fFileInfo = new TGFileInfo(); fFileInfo->SetMultipleSelection(kTRUE); fFileTypes = new Char_t*[6]; fFileTypes[0] = (Char_t*)"All files"; fFileTypes[1] = (Char_t*)"*"; fFileTypes[2] = (Char_t*)"ROOT macros"; fFileTypes[3] = (Char_t*)"*.C"; fFileTypes[4] = 0; fFileTypes[5] = 0; fFileInfo->fFileTypes = (const Char_t**)fFileTypes; fFileInfo->fFileTypeIdx = 2; fFileInfo->fMultipleSelection = kTRUE; fHistoCanvasName = new TGString(""); // Handle style changed signals: fbgStyleTrack->Connect("Clicked(Int_t)", "AliEveTRDTrackListEditor", this, "SetTrackModel(Int_t)"); fbgStyleColor->Connect("Clicked(Int_t)", "AliEveTRDTrackListEditor", this, "SetTrackColor(Int_t)"); // Handle the signal "Selected(Int_t ind)" ftlMacroList->Connect("Selected(Int_t)", "AliEveTRDTrackListEditor", this, "UpdateMacroListSelection(Int_t)"); ftlMacroSelList->Connect("Selected(Int_t)", "AliEveTRDTrackListEditor", this, "UpdateMacroListSelection(Int_t)"); // Handle the signal "NewEventLoaded" AliEveEventManager::GetMaster()->Connect("NewEventLoaded()", "AliEveTRDTrackListEditor", this, "HandleNewEventLoaded()"); // Handle the signal "Selected" (another tab has been selected) GetGedEditor()->GetTab()->Connect("Selected(Int_t)", "AliEveTRDTrackListEditor", this, "HandleTabChangedToIndex(Int_t)"); } //______________________________________________________ AliEveTRDTrackListEditor::~AliEveTRDTrackListEditor() { // Destructor: Closes all tabs created by this object and // frees the corresponding memory. if (fFileTypes != 0) { delete [] fFileTypes; fFileTypes = 0; } if (fFileInfo != 0) { delete fFileInfo; fFileInfo = 0; } // Close and delete all tabs that have been created by this class CloseTabs(); if (fHistoCanvasName != 0) { delete fHistoCanvasName; fHistoCanvasName = 0; } if (fInheritedMacroList != 0) { fInheritedMacroList->Delete(); delete fInheritedMacroList; fInheritedMacroList = 0; } } //______________________________________________________ void AliEveTRDTrackListEditor::AddMacro(const Char_t* name, const Char_t* path) { // Adds the macro path/name to the macro list. A warning is provided, if there is // something wrong, e.g. if the macro does not have the correct signature. Int_t result = fM->AddMacro(path, name); switch (result) { case SUCCESS: UpdateMacroList(); break; case WARNING: new TGMsgBox(gClient->GetRoot(), GetMainFrame(), "Warning", "Macro is already in list (won't be added again)!", kMBIconExclamation, kMBOk); break; case ERROR: new TGMsgBox(gClient->GetRoot(), GetMainFrame(), "Error", "Failed to load the macro (check messages in the terminal)!", kMBIconExclamation, kMBOk); break; case SIGNATURE_ERROR: new TGMsgBox(gClient->GetRoot(), GetMainFrame(), "Error", "Macro has not the signature of...\n...a single track selection macro: Bool_t YourMacro(const AliTRDtrackV1*)\n...a correlated tracks selection macro: Bool_t YourMacro(const AliTRDtrackV1*, const AliTRDtrackV1*)\n...a single track analyse macro: void YourMacro(const AliTRDtrackV1*, Double_t*&, Int_t&)\n...a correlated tracks analyse macro: void YourMacro(const AliTRDtrackV1*, const AliTRDtrackV1*, Double_t*&, Int_t&)\n...a single track histo macro: TH1* YourMacro(const AliTRDtrackV1*)\n...a correlated tracks histo macro: TH1* YourMacro(const AliTRDtrackV1*, const AliTRDtrackV1*)", kMBIconExclamation, kMBOk); break; case NOT_EXIST_ERROR: new TGMsgBox(gClient->GetRoot(), GetMainFrame(), "Error", "File does not exist or you do not have read permission!", kMBIconExclamation, kMBOk); break; default: new TGMsgBox(gClient->GetRoot(), GetMainFrame(), "Error", Form("AliEveTRDTrackList::AddMacro exited with unknown return value: %d", result), kMBIconExclamation, kMBOk); break; } } //______________________________________________________ void AliEveTRDTrackListEditor::ApplyMacros() { // Applies the selected macros and updates the view. Bool_t success = kFALSE; // First apply the single track selection macros TList* selIterator = new TList(); ftlMacroSelList->GetSelectedEntries(selIterator); fM->ApplySTSelectionMacros(selIterator); // Update view gEve->Redraw3D(); // Now apply the process macros TList* procIterator = new TList(); ftlMacroList->GetSelectedEntries(procIterator); success = fM->ApplyProcessMacros(selIterator, procIterator); // Update histogram tab (data has to be reloaded) SetModel(fM); Update(); // AlieveTRDTrackList::ApplyProcessMacros() automatically selects a macro -> Draw the histogram for it, // if a process macro has been applied if (success && procIterator->GetEntries() > 0) { // Set focus on "Histograms" tab GetGedEditor()->GetTab()->SetTab("Results"); DrawHistos(); } delete selIterator; delete procIterator; if (!success) { new TGMsgBox(gClient->GetRoot(), GetMainFrame(), "Error", "AliEveTRDTrackList::ApplyProcessMacros experienced an error (cf. CINT-output)!", kMBIconExclamation, kMBOk); } } //______________________________________________________ void AliEveTRDTrackListEditor::NewMacros() { // Start the macro creation wizard. // thanks to Jacek Otwinowski for this suggestion AliEveTRDMacroWizard *wizz = new AliEveTRDMacroWizard(); wizz->Connect("Create(Char_t*)", "AliEveTRDTrackListEditor", this, "AddMacro(Char_t*)"); } //______________________________________________________ void AliEveTRDTrackListEditor::BrowseMacros() { // Creates a file-dialog. The selected files will be added to the macro list // via AddMacro(...). new TGFileDialog(gClient->GetRoot(), GetMainFrame(), kFDOpen, fFileInfo); if (fFileInfo->fIniDir != 0 && fFileInfo->fFileNamesList != 0) { // Extract filenames TObject* iter = fFileInfo->fFileNamesList->First(); Char_t* name = 0; while (iter != 0) { // NOTE: fileInfo->fFileNamesList will be changed by that, too! name = (Char_t*)strrchr(iter->GetName(), '/'); // Delete '"' at the end name[strlen(name)] = '\0'; AddMacro(name + 1, fFileInfo->fIniDir); iter = (TObjString*)fFileInfo->fFileNamesList->After(iter); } } // -> The following problem has been fixed (trunk -> Changes according to 03 September 2008): // Some error occurs, when one ends the filedialog with "cancel": fileInfo->fFileNamesList is set to 0x0, but // in the next launch no new memory is allocated. So do this manually. //if (fileInfo->fFileNamesList == 0) fileInfo->fFileNamesList = new TList(); } //______________________________________________________ void AliEveTRDTrackListEditor::CloseTabs() { // Closes + deletes the tabs created by this object if (fHistoCanvas != 0) { // Close the created tab, if it exists if (fHistoCanvasName != 0) { if (gEve->GetBrowser()->GetTab(1)->SetTab(fHistoCanvasName->GetString())) { // Now the created tab is the current one and can be deleted gEve->GetBrowser()->GetTab(1)->RemoveTab(); } } // With the tab removal, the canvas will be deleted automatically! fHistoCanvas = 0; } } //______________________________________________________ void AliEveTRDTrackListEditor::DrawHistos() { // Accesses the temporary data file created by the last call of ApplyMacros() and draws // histograms according to the selection in the "Histograms"-tab. Int_t nHistograms = GetNSelectedHistograms(); if (nHistograms <= 0) { new TGMsgBox(gClient->GetRoot(), GetMainFrame(), "Error", "No data selected. Please select the data you want to plot!", kMBIconExclamation, kMBOk); return; } if (nHistograms > 3) { new TGMsgBox(gClient->GetRoot(), GetMainFrame(), "Error", "Only histograms with up to 3 dimensions supported. Please select 1,2 or 3 data macros!", kMBIconExclamation, kMBOk); return; } // Check, if a histo macro shall be drawn Int_t indexOfHistoMacro = -1; Int_t selectedChecked = 0; for (Int_t j = 0; j < fM->fDataFromMacroList->GetEntries(); j++) { if (fCheckButtons[j]->TGButton::GetState() == kButtonDown) { selectedChecked++; // Histo macro? -> To check this, look for the substring "(histo macro)" if (strstr(fM->fDataFromMacroList->At(j)->GetName(), "(histo macro)") != 0) { // Is also another macro selected? if (nHistograms > 1) { // Histo macros cannot(!) be correlated! new TGMsgBox(gClient->GetRoot(), GetMainFrame(), "Error - Draw histograms", "Histo macros (return value \"TH1*\") cannot be combined with other macros", kMBIconExclamation, kMBOk); return; } // Mark this histo macro for drawing indexOfHistoMacro = j; // Have all selected macros been checked? -> If yes, we are done with this if (selectedChecked == nHistograms) break; } } } TFile* file = new TFile(Form("/tmp/TRD.TrackListMacroData_%s.root", gSystem->Getenv("USER")), "READ"); if (!file) { Error("Draw histograms", "Cannot open file \"/tmp/TRD.TrackListMacroData_%s.root\"", gSystem->Getenv("USER")); new TGMsgBox(gClient->GetRoot(), GetMainFrame(), "Error - Draw histograms", Form("Cannot open file \"/tmp/TRD.TrackListMacroData_%s.root\"", gSystem->Getenv("USER")), kMBIconExclamation, kMBOk); return; } TTree* t = 0; TTree* tFriend1 = 0; TTree* tFriend2 = 0; Int_t indexOfMacro1 = 0; Int_t indexOfMacro2 = 0; Int_t indexOfMacro3 = 0; // Variable for the loop below -> Will be set to aborting value, if a histo macro is drawn Int_t i = 0; // Draw histo macro? if (indexOfHistoMacro >= 0) { if ((t = (TTree*)file->Get(Form("TrackData%d", indexOfHistoMacro)))) { SetDrawingToHistoCanvasTab(); TH1* myHist = 0; t->SetBranchAddress(Form("Macro%d", indexOfHistoMacro), &myHist); t->GetEntry(0); if (myHist != 0) myHist->Draw(); else { Error("Draw histograms", "No histogram for histo macro \"%s\" found!", fM->fDataFromMacroList->At(indexOfHistoMacro)->GetName()); new TGMsgBox(gClient->GetRoot(), GetMainFrame(), "Error - Draw histograms", Form("No histogram for histo macro \"%s\" found!", fM->fDataFromMacroList->At(indexOfHistoMacro)->GetName()), kMBIconExclamation, kMBOk); } UpdateHistoCanvasTab(); } else { Error("Draw histograms", "No data for histo macro \"%s\" found!\nMaybe no tracks have been selected.", fM->fDataFromMacroList->At(indexOfHistoMacro)->GetName()); new TGMsgBox(gClient->GetRoot(), GetMainFrame(), "Error - Draw histograms", Form("No data for histo macro \"%s\" found!\nMaybe no tracks have been selected.", fM->fDataFromMacroList->At(indexOfHistoMacro)->GetName()), kMBIconExclamation, kMBOk); } // Skip the loop below i = fM->fDataFromMacroList->GetEntries(); } // Load the trees in succession and remember the entries -> Plot the analyse macros for ( ; i < fM->fDataFromMacroList->GetEntries(); i++) { if (fCheckButtons[i]->TGButton::GetState() == kButtonDown) { if (t == 0) { indexOfMacro1 = i; if (!(t = (TTree*)file->Get(Form("TrackData%d", i)))) { Error("Draw histograms", "No data for macro \"%s\" found!\nMaybe no tracks have been selected.", fM->fDataFromMacroList->At(i)->GetName()); new TGMsgBox(gClient->GetRoot(), GetMainFrame(), "Error - Draw histograms", Form("No data for macro \"%s\" found!\nMaybe no tracks have been selected.", fM->fDataFromMacroList->At(i)->GetName()), kMBIconExclamation, kMBOk); break; } // 1d histogram if (nHistograms == 1) { SetDrawingToHistoCanvasTab(); t->Draw(Form("Macro%d", indexOfMacro1), "1"); ((TH1*)gPad->GetPrimitive("htemp"))->SetTitle(Form("%s;%s", fM->fDataFromMacroList->At(indexOfMacro1)->GetName(), fM->fDataFromMacroList->At(indexOfMacro1)->GetName())); UpdateHistoCanvasTab(); break; } } else if (tFriend1 == 0) { indexOfMacro2 = i; if (!(tFriend1 = (TTree*)file->Get(Form("TrackData%d", i)))) { Error("Draw histograms", "No data for macro \"%s\" found!\nMaybe no tracks have been selected.", fM->fDataFromMacroList->At(i)->GetName()); new TGMsgBox(gClient->GetRoot(), GetMainFrame(), "Error - Draw histograms", Form("No data for macro \"%s\" found!\nMaybe no tracks have been selected.", fM->fDataFromMacroList->At(i)->GetName()), kMBIconExclamation, kMBOk); break; } // 2d histogram if (nHistograms == 2) { SetDrawingToHistoCanvasTab(); t->AddFriend(tFriend1); t->Draw(Form("Macro%d:Macro%d", indexOfMacro1, indexOfMacro2), "1"); ((TH1*)gPad->GetPrimitive("htemp"))->SetTitle(Form("%s - %s;%s;%s", fM->fDataFromMacroList->At(indexOfMacro2)->GetName(), fM->fDataFromMacroList->At(indexOfMacro1)->GetName(), fM->fDataFromMacroList->At(indexOfMacro2)->GetName(), fM->fDataFromMacroList->At(indexOfMacro1)->GetName())); UpdateHistoCanvasTab(); break; } } // 3d histogram else { indexOfMacro3 = i; if (!(tFriend2 = (TTree*)file->Get(Form("TrackData%d", i)))) { Error("Draw histograms", "No data for macro \"%s\" found!\nMaybe no tracks have been selected.", fM->fDataFromMacroList->At(i)->GetName()); new TGMsgBox(gClient->GetRoot(), GetMainFrame(), "Error - Draw histograms", Form("No data for macro \"%s\" found!\nMaybe no tracks have been selected.", fM->fDataFromMacroList->At(i)->GetName()), kMBIconExclamation, kMBOk); break; } SetDrawingToHistoCanvasTab(); t->AddFriend(tFriend1); t->AddFriend(tFriend2); t->Draw(Form("Macro%d:Macro%d:Macro%d", indexOfMacro1, indexOfMacro2, indexOfMacro3), "1"); ((TH1*)gPad->GetPrimitive("htemp"))->SetTitle(Form("%s - %s - %s;%s;%s;%s", fM->fDataFromMacroList->At(indexOfMacro3)->GetName(), fM->fDataFromMacroList->At(indexOfMacro2)->GetName(), fM->fDataFromMacroList->At(indexOfMacro1)->GetName(), fM->fDataFromMacroList->At(indexOfMacro3)->GetName(), fM->fDataFromMacroList->At(indexOfMacro2)->GetName(), fM->fDataFromMacroList->At(indexOfMacro1)->GetName())); UpdateHistoCanvasTab(); break; } } } if (t != 0) delete t; t = 0; if (tFriend1 != 0) delete tFriend1; tFriend1 = 0; if (tFriend2 != 0) delete tFriend2; tFriend2 = 0; file->Close("R"); delete file; file = 0; } //______________________________________________________ Int_t AliEveTRDTrackListEditor::GetNSelectedHistograms() const { // Returns the number of selected macros (or rather: of their selected data) in the "Histograms"-tab Int_t count = 0; for (Int_t i = 0; i < fM->fDataFromMacroList->GetEntries(); i++) { if (fCheckButtons[i]->TGButton::GetState() == kButtonDown) count++; } return count; } //______________________________________________________ void AliEveTRDTrackListEditor::HandleMacroPathSet() { // Takes the input of the text field (adding a macro), checks if the macro can be // accessed (and that it exists) and adds the macro to the macro list via AddMacro(...). // You can use environment variables in the text field, e.g. "$ALICE_ROOT/Eve/alice-macro/myMacro.C". Char_t bname[AliEveTRDTrackList::fkMaxMacroNameLength]; // allocate buffers if (strlen(fteField->GetText()) != 0) { // Expand the pathname Char_t* systemPath = gSystem->ExpandPathName(fteField->GetText()); fteField->SetText(systemPath); delete systemPath; systemPath = 0; // Check if file exists FILE* fp = NULL; fp = fopen(fteField->GetText(), "rb"); if (fp != NULL) { fclose(fp); // Extract filename Char_t* name = (Char_t*)strrchr(fteField->GetText(), '/'); // Current path if (!name) { name= bname; memset(name, '\0', sizeof(Char_t) * AliEveTRDTrackList::fkMaxMacroNameLength); snprintf(name, AliEveTRDTrackList::fkMaxMacroNameLength, "%s", fteField->GetText()); // Add path to textfield -> Path is "./" -> Use length for the name + 2 Char_t pathname[AliEveTRDTrackList::fkMaxMacroNameLength + 2]; memset(pathname, '\0', sizeof(Char_t) * (AliEveTRDTrackList::fkMaxMacroNameLength + 2)); snprintf(pathname, AliEveTRDTrackList::fkMaxMacroNameLength + 2, "./%s", fteField->GetText()); fteField->SetText(pathname); AddMacro(name); } // Different path else { // Extract path Char_t path[AliEveTRDTrackList::fkMaxMacroPathLength]; memset(path, '\0', sizeof(Char_t) * AliEveTRDTrackList::fkMaxMacroPathLength); snprintf(path, strlen(fteField->GetText()) - strlen(name), "%s", fteField->GetText()); // Ignore the slash "/" in name AddMacro(name + 1, path); } } else { new TGMsgBox(gClient->GetRoot(), GetMainFrame(), "Error", "File does not exist or you do not have read permission!", kMBIconExclamation, kMBOk); } } } //______________________________________________________ void AliEveTRDTrackListEditor::HandleNewEventLoaded() { // Closes the tabs created by this object and sets a flag that will // cause the function SetModel() to inherit the macro lists + style // for the next AliEveTRDTrackList from the current one. // Inherit the macro list and track style for the next track list! fInheritSettings = kTRUE; // Close the tabs CloseTabs(); } //______________________________________________________ void AliEveTRDTrackListEditor::HandleTabChangedToIndex(Int_t index) { // Saves the current tab in the current AliEveTRDTrackList. fM->SetSelectedTab(index); } //______________________________________________________ void AliEveTRDTrackListEditor::InheritMacroList() { // The old macro list is possibly stored in the corresponding interior map. This function will // use this interior map to move the data from the interior map to the newly loaded AliEveTRDTrackList. // Then the interior map will be cleaned up. With this, the settings will be inherited from the previously // loaded AliEveTRDTrackList. if (fInheritedMacroList == 0) return; // Clear list fM->fMacroList->Delete(); // Store data from interior list in the track list's map TMapIter* iter = (TMapIter*)fInheritedMacroList->MakeIterator(); TObject* key = 0; TMacroData* macro = 0; while ((key = iter->Next()) != 0) { macro = (TMacroData*)fInheritedMacroList->GetValue(key); if (macro != 0) fM->fMacroList->Add(new TObjString(key->GetName()), new TMacroData(macro->GetName(), macro->GetPath(), macro->GetType())); else { Error("AliEveTRDTrackListEditor::InheritMacroList", "Failed to inherit the macro \"%s\"!", key->GetName()); } } fInheritedMacroList->Delete(); delete fInheritedMacroList; fInheritedMacroList = 0; } //______________________________________________________ void AliEveTRDTrackListEditor::InheritStyle() { // The old styles are stored in the corresponding button groups. This function will replace // the style settings of the newly loaded AliEveTRDTrackList with the old styles. With this, the settings // will be inherited from the previously loaded AliEveTRDTrackList. for (Int_t ind = 0; ind < 3; ind++) { if (fbgStyleTrack->GetButton(ind)->IsOn()) { SetTrackModel(ind); break; } } for (Int_t ind = 0; ind < 3; ind++) { if (fbgStyleColor->GetButton(ind)->IsOn()) { SetTrackColor(ind); break; } } } //______________________________________________________ void AliEveTRDTrackListEditor::RemoveMacros() { // Removes the selected macros from the corresponding list. TList iterator; ftlMacroList->GetSelectedEntries(&iterator); fM->RemoveSelectedMacros(&iterator); iterator.Clear(); ftlMacroSelList->GetSelectedEntries(&iterator); fM->RemoveSelectedMacros(&iterator); // Selected macros are deleted from the list -> No selected entries left fM->fMacroListSelected = 0; UpdateMacroList(); } //______________________________________________________ void AliEveTRDTrackListEditor::SaveMacroList(TMap* list) { // Saves the provided macro list in an interior list. This list will be used by // InheritMacroList() to restore the data in "list". With this method one is able // to inherit the macro list from track list to track list (i.e. from event to event). if (fInheritedMacroList != 0) { fInheritedMacroList->Delete(); delete fInheritedMacroList; } fInheritedMacroList = new TMap(); fInheritedMacroList->SetOwnerKeyValue(kTRUE, kTRUE); TMapIter* iter = (TMapIter*)list->MakeIterator(); TObject* key = 0; TMacroData* macro = 0; while ((key = iter->Next()) != 0) { macro = (TMacroData*)fM->fMacroList->GetValue(key); if (macro != 0) fInheritedMacroList->Add(new TObjString(key->GetName()), new TMacroData(macro->GetName(), macro->GetPath(), macro->GetType())); else { Error("AliEveTRDTrackListEditor::SaveMacroList", "Failed to inherit the macro \"%s\"!", key->GetName()); } } } //______________________________________________________ void AliEveTRDTrackListEditor::SetDrawingToHistoCanvasTab() { // Sets gPad to the tab with the name of the current AliEveTRDTrackList. If this tab does // not exist, it will be created. Otherwise, it is re-used. // If the tab with the canvas has been closed, the canvas will be deleted. // So, if there is no tab, set the canvas pointer to zero and recreate it in a new tab. if (fHistoCanvas != 0) { if (gEve->GetBrowser()->GetTab(1)->SetTab(fHistoCanvasName->GetString()) == 0) { fHistoCanvas = 0; } } if (!fHistoCanvas) { fHistoCanvas = gEve->AddCanvasTab(fM->GetName()); } gPad = fHistoCanvas; } //______________________________________________________ void AliEveTRDTrackListEditor::SetModel(TObject* obj) { // Sets the model object, updates the related data in the GUI and // inherits settings (cf. Inherit*(...)), if the flag fInheritSettings is set to kTRUE. fM = dynamic_cast(obj); if (fM == 0) { Error("SetModel", "Parameter is zero pointer"); return; } // Provide a pointer to this editor fM->fEditor = this; // If macro list + track style shall be inherited from previously loaded track list, do so if (fInheritSettings) { InheritMacroList(); InheritStyle(); fInheritSettings = kFALSE; } // Select the correct styles Int_t b = 0; UChar_t style = fM->GetSelectedTrackStyle(); if (TESTBIT(style, AliEveTRDTrack::kSource)) b = 2; else { if (TESTBIT(style, AliEveTRDTrack::kPID)) b = 1; else b = 0; } fbgStyleColor->SetButton(b, kTRUE); if (TESTBIT(style, AliEveTRDTrack::kTrackCosmics)) b = 2; else { if (TESTBIT(style, AliEveTRDTrack::kTrackModel)) b = 1; else b = 0; } fbgStyleTrack->SetButton(b, kTRUE); UpdateMacroList(); UpdateHistoList(); // View correct tab GetGedEditor()->GetTab()->SetTab(fM->GetSelectedTab()); } //______________________________________________________ void AliEveTRDTrackListEditor::SetTrackColor(Int_t ind) { // Sets the color model for the tracks, updates the tracks with this model and // redraws the scene. switch(ind) { case AliTRDpidUtil::kLQ: fM->UpdateTrackStyle(AliEveTRDTrack::kPID, AliTRDpidUtil::kLQ); break; case AliTRDpidUtil::kNN: fM->UpdateTrackStyle(AliEveTRDTrack::kPID, AliTRDpidUtil::kNN); break; default: fM->UpdateTrackStyle(AliEveTRDTrack::kSource); break; } gEve->Redraw3D(); } //______________________________________________________ void AliEveTRDTrackListEditor::SetTrackModel(Int_t ind) { // Sets the track model for the tracks, updates the tracks with this model and // redraws the scene. switch(ind) { case AliEveTRDTrack::kRieman: fM->UpdateTrackStyle(AliEveTRDTrack::kTrackModel, AliEveTRDTrack::kRieman); break; case AliEveTRDTrack::kKalman: fM->UpdateTrackStyle(AliEveTRDTrack::kTrackModel, AliEveTRDTrack::kKalman); break; default: fM->UpdateTrackStyle(AliEveTRDTrack::kTrackCosmics); break; } gEve->Redraw3D(); } //______________________________________________________ void AliEveTRDTrackListEditor::UpdateDataFromMacroListSelection() { // Saves the current selection in the "Histograms"-tab to the current // AliEveTRDTrackList. This means that the selection is updated and won't // get lost, if another editor is loaded in Eve. for (Int_t i = 0; i < fM->fDataFromMacroList->GetEntries(); i++) { fM->SetHistoDataSelection(i, fCheckButtons[i]->IsOn()); } } //______________________________________________________ void AliEveTRDTrackListEditor::UpdateHistoCanvasTab() { // Updates the histogram and the corresponding tab (including titles). // Update name of the tab (tab has been set to current tab!) fHistoCanvasName->SetString(fM->GetName()); // Use a copy of fHistoCanvasName!! -> If the user closes a tab manually, the TGString // will be deleted -> Error might occur, when accessing the pointer gEve->GetBrowser()->GetTab(1)->GetCurrentTab()->SetText(new TGString(fHistoCanvasName)); // Switch tabs to force redrawing gEve->GetBrowser()->GetTab(1)->SetTab(0); gEve->GetBrowser()->GetTab(1)->SetTab(fHistoCanvasName->GetString()); fHistoCanvas->Update(); } //______________________________________________________ void AliEveTRDTrackListEditor::UpdateHistoList() { // Reloads (updates) the buttons in the "Histograms"-tab via // the current AliEveTRDTrackList (data). fHistoSubFrame->TGCompositeFrame::Cleanup(); // Set buttons for histograms if (fCheckButtons != 0) delete fCheckButtons; fCheckButtons = new TGCheckButton*[fM->fDataFromMacroList->GetEntries()]; TObjString* iter = (TObjString*)fM->fDataFromMacroList->First(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < fM->fDataFromMacroList->GetEntries() && iter != 0; i++) { fCheckButtons[i] = new TGCheckButton(fHistoSubFrame, iter->GetName()); fHistoSubFrame->AddFrame(fCheckButtons[i]); fCheckButtons[i]->SetState(kButtonUp, kFALSE); fCheckButtons[i]->MapRaised(); fCheckButtons[i]->SetOn(fM->HistoDataIsSelected(i)); fCheckButtons[i]->Connect("Clicked()", "AliEveTRDTrackListEditor", this, "UpdateDataFromMacroListSelection()"); iter = (TObjString*)fM->fDataFromMacroList->After(iter); } } //______________________________________________________ void AliEveTRDTrackListEditor::UpdateMacroList() { // Reloads (updates) the macro list (selection AND process macros) via // the current AliEveTRDTrackList (data). ftlMacroList->RemoveAll(); ftlMacroSelList->RemoveAll(); TMapIter* iter = (TMapIter*)fM->fMacroList->MakeIterator(); TObject* key = 0; TMacroData* macro = 0; Int_t ind = 0; while ((key = iter->Next()) != 0) { macro = (TMacroData*)fM->fMacroList->GetValue(key); if (macro != 0) { if (macro->IsProcessMacro()) { ftlMacroList->AddEntry(macro->GetName(), ind); // Select, what has been selected before ftlMacroList->Select(ind, fM->MacroListIsSelected(ind)); ind++; } else if (macro->IsSelectionMacro()) { ftlMacroSelList->AddEntry(macro->GetName(), ind); // Select, what has been selected before ftlMacroSelList->Select(ind, fM->MacroListIsSelected(ind)); ind++; } else { Error("AliEveTRDTrackListEditor::UpdateMacroList()", "Macro \"%s/%s.C\" is neither a selection macro nor a process macro!", macro->GetPath(), macro->GetName()); } } else { Error("AliEveTRDTrackListEditor::UpdateMacroList()", "Macro list is corrupted: Macro \"%s\" not found!", key->GetName()); } } ftlMacroList->SortByName(); ftlMacroSelList->SortByName(); } //______________________________________________________ void AliEveTRDTrackListEditor::UpdateMacroListSelection(Int_t ind) { // Saves the current selection in the macro listS to the current // AliEveTRDTrackList. This means that the selection is updated and won't // get lost, if another editor is loaded in Eve. // NOTE: The indices in BOTH lists will be unique! // Toggle selected item fM->SetMacroListSelection(ind, !fM->MacroListIsSelected(ind)); } //______________________________________________________ //______________________________________________________ //______________________________________________________ ///////////////////////////////////////////////// ClassImp(AliEveTRDMacroWizard) ///////////////////////////////////////////////// //______________________________________________________ AliEveTRDMacroWizard::AliEveTRDMacroWizard(const TGWindow* p) :TGMainFrame(p ? p : gClient->GetRoot(), 10, 10, kMainFrame | kVerticalFrame) ,fText(0x0) ,fCombo(0x0) ,fTextEdit(0x0) ,fbCreate(0x0) ,fbCancel(0x0) { // Creates the macro wizard. const Int_t width = 300; // horizontal frame TGHorizontalFrame *fFrameName = new TGHorizontalFrame(this, 10, 10, kHorizontalFrame); TGLabel *fLabel = new TGLabel(fFrameName, "Name*"); fLabel->SetTextJustify(36); fLabel->SetMargins(0,0,0,0); fLabel->SetWrapLength(-1); fFrameName->AddFrame(fLabel, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsTop,2,2,2,2)); fText = new TGTextEntry(fFrameName); fText->SetMaxLength(255); fText->SetAlignment(kTextLeft); fText->SetText(""); fText->Resize(width, fText->GetDefaultHeight()); fFrameName->AddFrame(fText, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight | kLHintsTop,2,2,2,2)); // horizontal frame TGHorizontalFrame *fFrameComment = new TGHorizontalFrame(this,10,10,kHorizontalFrame); fLabel = new TGLabel(fFrameComment, "Comment"); fLabel->SetTextJustify(36); fLabel->SetMargins(0,0,0,0); fLabel->SetWrapLength(-1); fFrameComment->AddFrame(fLabel, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsTop,2,2,2,2)); fTextEdit = new TGTextEdit(fFrameComment, width, 5*fText->GetDefaultHeight()); fFrameComment->AddFrame(fTextEdit, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight | kLHintsTop,2,2,2,2)); // horizontal frame TGHorizontalFrame *fFrameType = new TGHorizontalFrame(this,10,10,kHorizontalFrame); fLabel = new TGLabel(fFrameType, "Type*"); fLabel->SetTextJustify(36); fLabel->SetMargins(0,0,0,0); fLabel->SetWrapLength(-1); fFrameType->AddFrame(fLabel, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsTop,2,2,2,2)); fCombo = new TGComboBox(fFrameType, -1, kHorizontalFrame | kSunkenFrame | kDoubleBorder | kOwnBackground); fCombo->AddEntry("Single Track Selection", AliEveTRDTrackList::kSingleTrackSelect); fCombo->AddEntry("Pair Tracks Selection", AliEveTRDTrackList::kCorrelTrackSelect); fCombo->AddEntry("Single Track Analyse", AliEveTRDTrackList::kSingleTrackAnalyse); fCombo->AddEntry("Single Track Histo", AliEveTRDTrackList::kSingleTrackHisto); fCombo->AddEntry("Pair Tracks Analyse", AliEveTRDTrackList::kCorrelTrackAnalyse); fCombo->AddEntry("Pair Tracks Histo", AliEveTRDTrackList::kCorrelTrackHisto); fCombo->Select(-1); fCombo->Resize(width, fText->GetDefaultHeight()); fFrameType->AddFrame(fCombo, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight | kLHintsTop,2,2,2,2)); // horizontal frame TGHorizontalFrame *fFrameAction = new TGHorizontalFrame(this,10,10,kHorizontalFrame); fbCancel = new TGTextButton(fFrameAction, "Cancel"); fbCancel->SetToolTipText("Exit macro creation wizard"); fFrameAction->AddFrame(fbCancel, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight | kLHintsTop,2,2,2,2)); fbCreate = new TGTextButton(fFrameAction, "Done"); fbCreate->SetToolTipText("Use settings to create the macro"); fFrameAction->AddFrame(fbCreate, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight | kLHintsTop,2,2,2,2)); // horizontal frame TGHorizontalFrame *fFrameText = new TGHorizontalFrame(this,10,10,kHorizontalFrame); fLabel = new TGLabel(fFrameText, "(*) Mandatory fields"); fLabel->SetTextJustify(36); fLabel->SetMargins(0,0,0,0); fLabel->SetWrapLength(-1); fFrameText->AddFrame(fLabel, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsTop,2,2,2,2)); // put things together AddFrame(fFrameName, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsTop | kLHintsExpandX,2,2,2,2)); AddFrame(fFrameComment, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsTop | kLHintsExpandX,2,2,2,2)); AddFrame(fFrameType, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsTop | kLHintsExpandX,2,2,2,2)); AddFrame(fFrameAction, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight | kLHintsTop | kLHintsExpandX,2,2,2,2)); TGHorizontal3DLine *fLine = new TGHorizontal3DLine(this, 281, 2); AddFrame(fLine, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsTop | kLHintsExpandX,2,2,2,2)); AddFrame(fFrameText, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsTop | kLHintsExpandX,2,2,2,2)); SetWindowName("TRD Macro Wizard"); SetMWMHints(kMWMDecorAll, kMWMFuncAll, kMWMInputModeless); MapSubwindows(); Resize(GetDefaultSize()); MapWindow(); // Do the linking //fCombo->Connect("Selected(Int_t)", "AliEveTRDMacroWizard", this, "Create(Int_t)"); fbCreate->Connect("Clicked()", "AliEveTRDMacroWizard", this, "HandleCreate()"); fbCancel->Connect("Clicked()", "AliEveTRDMacroWizard", this, "CloseWindow()"); // Standard choice fCombo->Select(1, kFALSE); } const Char_t *fIncludes = "#if !defined(__CINT__) || defined(__MAKECINT__)\n" "#include \n" "#include \n" "#include \n" "#include \n" "#include \n" "#include \n" "#endif\n"; const Char_t *fMacroTemplate[7] = { "" ," if (!track) return kFALSE;\n" ," n = 0;\n" " r = 0x0;\n" " if (!track) return;\n" ," if (!track) return 0x0;\n" " TH1* h = 0x0;\n\n" "// Set bins, xmin and xmax here\n" " Int_t n = 1;\n" " Double_t xmin = 0;\n" " Double_t xmax = 100;\n\n" " if(!(h = (TH1*)gROOT->FindObject(\"h\"))){\n" " h = new TH1(\"h\", \"Title\", n, xmin, xmax);\n" " h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("");\n" " h->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("");\n" " } else h->Reset();\n" ," if (!track) return kFALSE;\n" " if (!track2) return kFALSE;\n" ," n = 0;\n" " r = 0x0;\n" " if (!track) return;\n" " if (!track2) return;\n" ," if (!track) return 0x0;\n" " if (!track2) return 0x0;\n" " TH1* h = 0x0;\n\n" "// Set bins, xmin and xmax here\n" " Int_t n = 1;\n" " Double_t xmin = 0;\n" " Double_t xmax = 100;\n\n" " if(!(h = (TH1*)gROOT->FindObject(\"h\"))){\n" " h = new TH1(\"h\", \"Title\", n, xmin, xmax);\n" " h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("");\n" " h->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("");\n" " } else h->Reset();\n" }; //______________________________________________________ void AliEveTRDMacroWizard::Create(Int_t type) { // Creates the macro with the selected type (combo box). const Char_t *name = fText->GetText(); if(strcmp(name,"")==0){ AliInfo("Please specify a name for your macro."); new TGMsgBox(gClient->GetRoot(), GetMainFrame(), "Error", "Please specify a name for your macro.", kMBIconExclamation, kMBOk); //fCombo->Select(-1); return; } // Note: gSystem->AccessPathName(...) returns kTRUE, if the access FAILED! if(!gSystem->AccessPathName(Form("./%s.C", name))){ // If there is already a file with this name -> Error AliInfo(Form("A macro \"%s.C\" already exists in the current directory!\nPlease choose another name!", name)); new TGMsgBox(gClient->GetRoot(), GetMainFrame(), "Error", Form("A macro \"%s.C\" already exists in the current directory!\nPlease choose another name!", name), kMBIconExclamation, kMBOk); //fCombo->Select(-1); return; } FILE* fp = 0x0; if(!(fp = fopen(Form("%s.C", name), "wt"))){ AliInfo("Couldn't create macro file."); new TGMsgBox(gClient->GetRoot(), GetMainFrame(), "Error", "Couldn't create macro file.", kMBIconExclamation, kMBOk); //fCombo->Select(-1); return; } TGText *comment = fTextEdit->GetText(); Char_t *line = 0x0; Int_t iline = 0; while((line = comment->GetLine(TGLongPosition(0,iline++), 200))) fprintf(fp, "// %s\n", line); fprintf(fp, "\n%s\n", fIncludes); switch(type){ case AliEveTRDTrackList::kSingleTrackSelect: fprintf(fp, "Bool_t %s(const AliTRDtrackV1 *track)\n", name); break; case AliEveTRDTrackList::kCorrelTrackSelect: fprintf(fp, "Bool_t %s(const AliTRDtrackV1 *track, const AliTRDtrackV1 *track2)\n", name); break; case AliEveTRDTrackList::kSingleTrackAnalyse: fprintf(fp, "void %s(const AliTRDtrackV1 *track, Double_t*& r, Int_t& n)\n", name); break; case AliEveTRDTrackList::kSingleTrackHisto: fprintf(fp, "TH1* %s(const AliTRDtrackV1 *track)\n", name); break; case AliEveTRDTrackList::kCorrelTrackAnalyse: fprintf(fp, "void %s(const AliTRDtrackV1 *track, const AliTRDtrackV1 *track2, Double_t*& r, Int_t& n)\n", name); break; case AliEveTRDTrackList::kCorrelTrackHisto: fprintf(fp, "TH1* %s(const AliTRDtrackV1 *track, const AliTRDtrackV1 *track2)\n", name); break; default: AliInfo(Form("Unknown type[%d]", type)); new TGMsgBox(gClient->GetRoot(), GetMainFrame(), "Error", Form("Unknown type[%d]", type), kMBIconExclamation, kMBOk); fclose(fp); gSystem->Exec(Form("rm -f %s.C", name)); //fCombo->Select(-1); return; } fprintf(fp, "{\n%s\n", fMacroTemplate[type]); fprintf(fp, "// add your own code here\n\n\n}\n"); fclose(fp); Emit("Create(Int_t)", type); Create((Char_t*)name); CloseWindow(); } //______________________________________________________ void AliEveTRDMacroWizard::Create(Char_t *name) { // Emits the creation signal. Emit("Create(Char_t*)", Form("%s.C", name)); } //______________________________________________________ void AliEveTRDMacroWizard::HandleCreate() { // Handles the signal, when the creation button is pressed. Create(fCombo->GetSelected()); }