/*********************************************************************** * This code defines the reconstructed cascades visualized with EVE * * Ludovic Gaudichet (gaudichet@to.infn.it) ************************************************************************/ #ifndef REVE_CASCADE_H #define REVE_CASCADE_H #include #include #include #include #include class TH1F; class TH2F; namespace Reve { class CascadeList; class Cascade : public RenderElement, public TPolyMarker3D { public: typedef std::vector vpPathMark_t; private: friend class CascadeList; Cascade(const Cascade&); // Not implemented Cascade& operator=(const Cascade&); // Not implemented protected: typedef std::vector::iterator vpPathMark_i; Reve::Vector fV_neg; // Vertex of negative track Reve::Vector fP_neg; // Momentum of negative track Reve::Vector fV_pos; // Vertex of positive track Reve::Vector fP_pos; // Momentum of positive track Reve::Vector fV_bach; // Vertex of positive track Reve::Vector fP_bach; // Momentum of positive track Reve::Vector fV_decay; //decay point of the cascade Reve::Vector fV_birth; // Reconstructed birth point of neutral particle vpPathMark_t fPathMarksNeg; vpPathMark_t fPathMarksPos; vpPathMark_t fPathMarksBach; TrackRnrStyle* fRnrStyle; TPolyLine3D fPolyLineNeg; TPolyLine3D fPolyLinePos; TPolyLine3D fPolyLineBach; TPolyLine3D fPolyLineV0; // line of V0 travel TPolyLine3D fPolyLineCas; // line of cascade travel Float_t fBeta_neg; Float_t fBeta_pos; Float_t fBeta_bach; Int_t fESDIndex; Float_t fDCA_v0_Bach; Float_t fCasCosPointingAngle; Float_t fCasDecayLength; static const Float_t fgkMassPion2; static const Float_t fgkMassKaon2; static const Float_t fgkMassProton2; static const Float_t fgkMassLambda2; public: Cascade(); Cascade(TrackRnrStyle* rs); virtual ~Cascade(); virtual void SetESDIndex(Int_t ind) { fESDIndex = ind;} virtual void SetMainColor(Color_t col) { fMarkerColor = col; fMainColorPtr = &fMarkerColor; fPolyLineV0.SetLineColor(fMarkerColor);} virtual void SetTracksColor(Color_t cNeg, Color_t cPos, Color_t cBach) { fPolyLineNeg.SetLineColor(cNeg); fPolyLinePos.SetLineColor(cPos); fPolyLineBach.SetLineColor(cBach); } void SetRnrStyle(TrackRnrStyle* rs) { fRnrStyle = rs; } void AddPathMarkPos(Reve::PathMark* pm) { fPathMarksPos.push_back(pm); } void AddPathMarkNeg(Reve::PathMark* pm) { fPathMarksNeg.push_back(pm); } void AddPathMarkBach(Reve::PathMark* pm) { fPathMarksBach.push_back(pm); } virtual void PaintV0Daughters(Option_t* option="") { if(fRnrSelf) {fPolyLineNeg.Paint(option);fPolyLinePos.Paint(option); } } virtual void PaintBachelor(Option_t* option="") { if(fRnrSelf) fPolyLineBach.Paint(option); } virtual void Paint(Option_t* option="") { if(fRnrSelf) TPolyMarker3D::Paint(option);} virtual void PaintV0Path(Option_t* option="") { if(fRnrSelf) fPolyLineV0.Paint(option);} virtual void PaintCasPath(Option_t* option="") { if(fRnrSelf) fPolyLineCas.Paint(option);} void Reset(TPolyLine3D* polyLine); void MakeTrack(vpPathMark_t& pathMark, Reve::Vector& vtx, Reve::Vector& p, Int_t charge, Float_t beta, TPolyLine3D& polyLine); void MakeV0path(); void MakeCasPath(); void MakeCascade(); void SetBeta(Float_t betaNeg, Float_t betaPos, Float_t betaBach); void SetDCA_v0_Bach(Float_t dca) {fDCA_v0_Bach = dca;} void SetCasCosPointingAngle(Float_t cos) {fCasCosPointingAngle = cos;} void SetNegP(Float_t px, Float_t py, Float_t pz) {fP_neg.x = px; fP_neg.y = py; fP_neg.z = pz;} void SetPosP(Float_t px, Float_t py, Float_t pz) {fP_pos.x = px; fP_pos.y = py; fP_pos.z = pz;} void SetBachP(Float_t px, Float_t py, Float_t pz) {fP_bach.x = px; fP_bach.y = py; fP_bach.z = pz;} void SetV0vtx(Float_t vx, Float_t vy, Float_t vz) { fV_neg.x = vx; fV_neg.y = vy; fV_neg.z = vz; fV_pos.x = vx; fV_pos.y = vy; fV_pos.z = vz; } void SetCascadeVtx(Float_t vx, Float_t vy, Float_t vz) { fV_decay.x = vx; fV_decay.y = vy; fV_decay.z = vz; } void SetDecayLength(Float_t primx, Float_t primy, Float_t primz); Int_t GetESDIndex() const { return fESDIndex; } virtual const Text_t* GetName() const { return Form("ESDcascade_%i",fESDIndex); } virtual const Text_t* GetTitle() const { return Form("ESDcascade_%i",fESDIndex); } Float_t GetDCA_v0_Bach() const; Float_t GetCasCosPointingAngle() const; Float_t GetRadius() const; Float_t GetPseudoRapidity() const; Float_t GetPt2() const; Float_t GetPt() const; Float_t GetP2() const; Float_t GetMomentum() const; Float_t GetPx() const; Float_t GetPy() const; Float_t GetPz() const; Float_t GetCasAlphaArmenteros() const; Float_t GetCasPtArmenteros() const; Float_t GetPosP2() const; Float_t GetPosP() const; Float_t GetPosPt() const; Float_t GetPosPseudoRapidity() const; Float_t GetNegP2() const; Float_t GetNegP() const; Float_t GetNegPt() const; Float_t GetNegPseudoRapidity() const; Float_t GetBachP2() const; Float_t GetBachP() const; Float_t GetBachPt() const; Float_t GetBachPseudoRapidity() const; Float_t GetV0P2() const; Float_t GetLambdaE() const; Float_t GetXiE() const; Float_t GetOmegaE() const; Float_t GetXiMass() const; Float_t GetAntiXiMass() const; Float_t GetOmegaMass() const; Float_t GetAntiOmegaMass() const; ClassDef(Cascade, 1) }; // endclass Cascade //______________________________________________________________________ inline void Cascade::SetBeta(Float_t betaNeg, Float_t betaPos, Float_t betaBach) { fBeta_neg = betaNeg; fBeta_pos = betaPos; fBeta_bach = betaBach; } //______________________________________________________________________ inline Float_t Cascade::GetV0P2() const { Float_t px = fP_neg.x + fP_pos.x, py = fP_neg.y + fP_pos.y, pz = fP_neg.z+fP_pos.z; return px*px + py*py + pz*pz; } inline Float_t Cascade::GetLambdaE() const { return sqrt(fgkMassLambda2+GetV0P2()); } inline Float_t Cascade::GetXiE() const { Float_t e = GetLambdaE() + sqrt(fgkMassPion2 + fP_bach.x*fP_bach.x + fP_bach.y*fP_bach.y + fP_bach.z*fP_bach.z); return e; } inline Float_t Cascade::GetOmegaE() const { Float_t e = GetLambdaE() + sqrt(fgkMassKaon2 + fP_bach.x*fP_bach.x + fP_bach.y*fP_bach.y + fP_bach.z*fP_bach.z); return e; } inline Float_t Cascade::GetXiMass() const { Float_t e = GetXiE(); return sqrt(e*e - GetP2()); } inline Float_t Cascade::GetAntiXiMass() const { return GetXiMass();} inline Float_t Cascade::GetOmegaMass() const { Float_t e = GetOmegaE(); return sqrt(e*e - GetP2()); } inline Float_t Cascade::GetAntiOmegaMass() const { return GetOmegaMass();} //______________________________________________________________________ inline Float_t Cascade::GetDCA_v0_Bach() const { return fDCA_v0_Bach; } inline Float_t Cascade::GetCasCosPointingAngle() const { return fCasCosPointingAngle; } inline Float_t Cascade::GetRadius() const { return sqrt(fV_birth.x*fV_birth.x + fV_birth.y*fV_birth.y); } //inline Float_t Cascade::GetDecayLength() const { //return fDecayLength; //} inline Float_t Cascade::GetPseudoRapidity() const { Float_t theta = acos( GetPz()/GetMomentum() ); return ( -log(tan(theta/2.)) ); } //______________________________________________________________________ inline Float_t Cascade::GetPt2() const { Float_t px = GetPx(), py = GetPy(); return (px*px+py*py); } inline Float_t Cascade::GetP2() const { Float_t px = GetPx(), py = GetPy(), pz = GetPz(); return (px*px+py*py+pz*pz); } inline Float_t Cascade::GetPt() const { return sqrt(GetPt2()); } inline Float_t Cascade::GetMomentum() const { return sqrt(GetP2()); } inline Float_t Cascade::GetPx() const { return (fP_neg.x + fP_pos.x + fP_bach.x); } inline Float_t Cascade::GetPy() const { return (fP_neg.y + fP_pos.y + fP_bach.y); } inline Float_t Cascade::GetPz() const { return (fP_neg.z + fP_pos.z + fP_bach.z); } //______________________________________________________________________ inline Float_t Cascade::GetPosP2() const { return (fP_pos.x*fP_pos.x + fP_pos.y*fP_pos.y + fP_pos.z*fP_pos.z); } inline Float_t Cascade::GetPosP() const { return sqrt(GetPosP2()); } inline Float_t Cascade::GetPosPt() const { return sqrt(fP_pos.x*fP_pos.x + fP_pos.y*fP_pos.y); } inline Float_t Cascade::GetPosPseudoRapidity() const { Float_t theta = acos( fP_pos.z/GetPosP() ); return ( -log(tan(theta/2.)) ); } //______________________________________________________________________ inline Float_t Cascade::GetNegP2() const { return (fP_neg.x*fP_neg.x + fP_neg.y*fP_neg.y + fP_neg.z*fP_neg.z); } inline Float_t Cascade::GetNegP() const { return sqrt(GetNegP2()); } inline Float_t Cascade::GetNegPt() const { return sqrt(fP_neg.x*fP_neg.x + fP_neg.y*fP_neg.y); } inline Float_t Cascade::GetNegPseudoRapidity() const { Float_t theta = acos( fP_neg.z/GetNegP() ); return ( -log(tan(theta/2.)) ); } //______________________________________________________________________ inline Float_t Cascade::GetBachP2() const { return (fP_bach.x*fP_bach.x + fP_bach.y*fP_bach.y + fP_bach.z*fP_bach.z); } inline Float_t Cascade::GetBachP() const { return sqrt(GetBachP2()); } inline Float_t Cascade::GetBachPt() const { return sqrt(fP_bach.x*fP_bach.x + fP_bach.y*fP_bach.y); } inline Float_t Cascade::GetBachPseudoRapidity() const { Float_t theta = acos( fP_bach.z/GetBachP() ); return ( -log(tan(theta/2.)) ); } /*********************************************************************** * * CascadeList class * ************************************************************************/ class CascadeList : public TNamed, public RenderElement { CascadeList(const CascadeList&); // Not implemented CascadeList& operator=(const CascadeList&); // Not implemented private: void Init(); protected: TString fTitle; TrackRnrStyle* fRnrStyle; Bool_t fRnrBach; Bool_t fRnrV0Daughters; Bool_t fRnrV0vtx; Bool_t fRnrV0path; Bool_t fRnrCasVtx; Bool_t fRnrCasPath; Color_t fNegColor; Color_t fPosColor; Color_t fBachColor; static const Int_t fgkNcutVar = 14; TH1F *fHist[fgkNcutVar]; Float_t fMin[fgkNcutVar]; Float_t fMax[fgkNcutVar]; static const Int_t fgkNcutVar2D = 1; TH2F *fHist2D[fgkNcutVar2D]; Float_t fMinX[fgkNcutVar2D]; Float_t fMinY[fgkNcutVar2D]; Float_t fMaxX[fgkNcutVar2D]; Float_t fMaxY[fgkNcutVar2D]; public: CascadeList(TrackRnrStyle* rs=0); CascadeList(const Text_t* name, TrackRnrStyle* rs=0); virtual const Text_t* GetTitle() const { return fTitle; } virtual void SetTitle(const Text_t* t) { fTitle = t; } virtual void SetTracksColor(Color_t cNeg, Color_t cPos, Color_t cBach) { fNegColor = cNeg; fPosColor = cPos; fBachColor = cBach;} virtual Bool_t CanEditMainColor() { return kTRUE; } virtual void Paint(Option_t* option=""); virtual void AddElement(RenderElement* el); void SetRnrStyle(TrackRnrStyle* rst) { fRnrStyle= rst; } TrackRnrStyle* GetRnrStyle() { return fRnrStyle; } Bool_t GetRnrCasVtx() const { return fRnrCasVtx; } Bool_t GetRnrCasPath() const { return fRnrCasPath; } Bool_t GetRnrV0vtx() const { return fRnrV0vtx; } Bool_t GetRnrV0path() const { return fRnrV0path; } Bool_t GetRnrV0Daughters() const { return fRnrV0Daughters; } Bool_t GetRnrBachelor() const { return fRnrBach; } void SetRnrV0vtx(Bool_t); void SetRnrV0path(Bool_t); void SetRnrV0Daughters(Bool_t); void SetRnrBachelor(Bool_t); void SetRnrCasPath(Bool_t); void SetRnrCasVtx(Bool_t); void SetMin(Int_t i, Float_t val) { if ((i>=0)&&(i=0)&&(i=0)&&(i=0)&&(i=0)&&(i=0)&&(i