// $Header$ #include "Track.h" #include "MCHelixLine.hi" #include "PointSet.h" #include #include #include // Updates #include #include #include using namespace Reve; //______________________________________________________________________ // Track // ClassImp(Reve::Track) Track::Track() : Line(), fV(), fP(), fBeta(0), fCharge(0), fLabel(-1), fIndex(-1), fPathMarks(), fRnrStyle(0) {} Track::Track(TParticle* t, Int_t label, TrackRnrStyle* rs): Line(), fV(t->Vx(), t->Vy(), t->Vz()), fP(t->Px(), t->Py(), t->Pz()), fBeta(t->P()/t->Energy()), fCharge(0), fLabel(label), fIndex(-1), fPathMarks(), fRnrStyle(rs) { fLineColor = fRnrStyle->GetColor(); fMainColorPtr = &fLineColor; TParticlePDG* pdgp = t->GetPDG(); if (pdgp) fCharge = (Int_t) TMath::Nint(pdgp->Charge()/3); SetName(t->GetName()); } Track::Track(Reve::MCTrack* t, TrackRnrStyle* rs): Line(), fV(t->Vx(), t->Vy(), t->Vz()), fP(t->Px(), t->Py(), t->Pz()), fBeta(t->P()/t->Energy()), fCharge(0), fLabel(t->label), fIndex(t->index), fPathMarks(), fRnrStyle(rs) { fLineColor = fRnrStyle->GetColor(); fMainColorPtr = &fLineColor; TParticlePDG* pdgp = t->GetPDG(); if(pdgp == 0) { t->ResetPdgCode(); pdgp = t->GetPDG(); } fCharge = (Int_t) TMath::Nint(pdgp->Charge()/3); SetName(t->GetName()); } Track::Track(Reve::RecTrack* t, TrackRnrStyle* rs) : Line(), fV(t->V), fP(t->P), fBeta(t->beta), fCharge(t->sign), fLabel(t->label), fIndex(t->index), fPathMarks(), fRnrStyle(rs) { fLineColor = fRnrStyle->GetColor(); fMainColorPtr = &fLineColor; SetName(t->GetName()); } Track::~Track() { for (vpPathMark_i i=fPathMarks.begin(); i!=fPathMarks.end(); ++i) delete *i; } /* void Track::Reset(Int_t n_points) { delete [] TPolyLine3D::fP; TPolyLine3D::fP = 0; fN = n_points; if(fN) TPolyLine3D::fP = new Float_t [3*fN]; memset(TPolyLine3D::fP, 0, 3*fN*sizeof(Float_t)); fLastPoint = -1; } */ /**************************************************************************/ void Track::MakeTrack() { TrackRnrStyle& RS((fRnrStyle != 0) ? *fRnrStyle : TrackRnrStyle::fgDefStyle); Float_t px = fP.x, py = fP.y, pz = fP.z; MCVertex mc_v0; mc_v0.x = fV.x; mc_v0.y = fV.y; mc_v0.z = fV.z; mc_v0.t = 0; std::vector track_points; Bool_t decay = kFALSE; if ((TMath::Abs(fV.z) > RS.fMaxZ) || (fV.x*fV.x + fV.y*fV.y > RS.fMaxR*RS.fMaxR)) goto make_polyline; if (fCharge != 0 && TMath::Abs(RS.fMagField) > 1e-5) { // Charged particle in magnetic field Float_t a = RS.fgkB2C * RS.fMagField * fCharge; MCHelix helix(fRnrStyle, &mc_v0, TMath::C()*fBeta, &track_points, a); //m->cm helix.Init(TMath::Sqrt(px*px+py*py), pz); if(!fPathMarks.empty()) { for(std::vector::iterator i=fPathMarks.begin(); i!=fPathMarks.end(); ++i) { Reve::PathMark* pm = *i; if (RS.fFitReferences && pm->type == Reve::PathMark::Reference) { if(TMath::Abs(pm->V.z) > RS.fMaxZ || TMath::Sqrt(pm->V.x*pm->V.x + pm->V.y*pm->V.y) > RS.fMaxR ) goto helix_bounds; // printf("%s fit reference \n", fName.Data()); helix.LoopToVertex(px, py, pz, pm->V.x, pm->V.y, pm->V.z); px = pm->P.x; py = pm->P.y; pz = pm->P.z; } else if(RS.fFitDaughters && pm->type == Reve::PathMark::Daughter) { if(TMath::Abs(pm->V.z) > RS.fMaxZ || TMath::Sqrt(pm->V.x*pm->V.x + pm->V.y*pm->V.y) > RS.fMaxR ) goto helix_bounds; // printf("%s fit daughter \n", fName.Data()); helix.LoopToVertex(px, py, pz, pm->V.x, pm->V.y, pm->V.z); px -= pm->P.x; py -= pm->P.y; pz -= pm->P.z; } else if(RS.fFitDecay && pm->type == Reve::PathMark::Decay) { if(TMath::Abs(pm->V.z) > RS.fMaxZ || TMath::Sqrt(pm->V.x*pm->V.x + pm->V.y*pm->V.y) > RS.fMaxR ) goto helix_bounds; helix.LoopToVertex(px, py, pz, pm->V.x, pm->V.y, pm->V.z); decay = true; break; } } } helix_bounds: // go to bounds if(!decay || RS.fFitDecay == kFALSE){ helix.LoopToBounds(px,py,pz); // printf("%s loop to bounds \n",fName.Data() ); } } else { // Neutral particle or no field MCLine line(fRnrStyle, &mc_v0, TMath::C()*fBeta, &track_points); if(!fPathMarks.empty()){ for(std::vector::iterator i=fPathMarks.begin(); i!=fPathMarks.end(); ++i) { Reve::PathMark* pm = *i; if(RS.fFitDaughters && pm->type == Reve::PathMark::Daughter){ if(TMath::Abs(pm->V.z) > RS.fMaxZ || TMath::Sqrt(pm->V.x*pm->V.x + pm->V.y*pm->V.y) > RS.fMaxR ) goto line_bounds; line.GotoVertex(pm->V.x, pm->V.y, pm->V.z); fP.x -= pm->P.x; fP.y -= pm->P.y; fP.z -= pm->P.z; } if(RS.fFitDecay && pm->type == Reve::PathMark::Decay){ if(TMath::Abs(pm->V.z) > RS.fMaxZ || TMath::Sqrt(pm->V.x*pm->V.x + pm->V.y*pm->V.y) > RS.fMaxR ) goto line_bounds; line.GotoVertex(pm->V.x, pm->V.y, pm->V.z); decay = true; break; } } } line_bounds: if(!decay || RS.fFitDecay == kFALSE) line.GotoBounds(px,py,pz); } make_polyline: Reset(track_points.size()); for(std::vector::iterator i=track_points.begin(); i!=track_points.end(); ++i) SetNextPoint(i->x, i->y, i->z); } /**************************************************************************/ void Track::ImportHits() { Reve::LoadMacro("hits_from_label.C"); gROOT->ProcessLine(Form("hits_from_label(%d);", fLabel)); } void Track::ImportClusters() { Reve::LoadMacro("clusters_from_label.C"); gROOT->ProcessLine(Form("clusters_from_label(%d);", fLabel)); } void Track::ImportClustersFromIndex() { static const Exc_t eH("Track::ImportClustersFromIndex "); if (fIndex < 0) throw(eH + "index not set."); Reve::LoadMacro("clusters_from_index.C"); gROOT->ProcessLine(Form("clusters_from_index(%d);", fIndex)); } void Track::ImportDaughters() { static const Exc_t eH("Track::ImportDaughters "); if (fLabel < 0) throw(eH + "label not set."); Reve::LoadMacro("kine_daughter_tracks.C"); gROOT->ProcessLine(Form("kine_daughter_tracks(%d);", fLabel)); } /**************************************************************************/ void Track::PrintKineStack() { Reve::LoadMacro("print_kine_from_label.C"); gROOT->ProcessLine(Form("print_kine_from_label(%d);", fLabel)); } void Track::PrintPathMarks() { static const Exc_t eH("Track::PrintPathMarks "); if (fLabel < 0) throw(eH + "label not set."); printf("Number of path marks %d label %d\n", fPathMarks.size(), fLabel); PathMark* pm; for(vpPathMark_i i=fPathMarks.begin(); i!=fPathMarks.end(); i++) { pm = *i; printf("Reve::PathMark: %-9s p: %8f %8f %8f Vertex: %8e %8e %8e %g \n", pm->type_name(), pm->P.x, pm->P.y, pm->P.z, pm->V.x, pm->V.y, pm->V.z, pm->time); } } /**************************************************************************/ void Track::CtrlClicked(Reve::Track* track) { Emit("CtrlClicked(Reve::Track*)", (Long_t)track); } /**************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************/ //______________________________________________________________________ // TrackRnrStyle // ClassImp(Reve::TrackRnrStyle) Float_t TrackRnrStyle::fgDefMagField = 5; const Float_t TrackRnrStyle::fgkB2C = 0.299792458e-3; TrackRnrStyle TrackRnrStyle::fgDefStyle; TrackRnrStyle::TrackRnrStyle() : TObject(), fColor(1), fWidth(1), fMagField(fgDefMagField), fMaxR (350), fMaxZ (450), fMaxOrbs (0.5), fMinAng (45), fDelta (0.1), fFitDaughters (kTRUE), fFitReferences (kTRUE), fFitDecay (kTRUE), fRnrDaughters (kTRUE), fRnrReferences (kTRUE), fRnrDecay (kTRUE) {} /**************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************/ //______________________________________________________________________ // TrackList // ClassImp(Reve::TrackList) void TrackList::Init() { fMarkerStyle = 5; fMarkerColor = 5; // fMarker->SetMarkerSize(0.05); if (fRnrStyle== 0) fRnrStyle = new TrackRnrStyle; SetMainColorPtr(&fRnrStyle->fColor); } TrackList::TrackList(Int_t n_tracks, TrackRnrStyle* rs) : RenderElementListBase(), TPolyMarker3D(n_tracks), fTitle(), fRnrStyle (rs), fRnrTracks (kTRUE), fEditPathMarks (kFALSE) { Init(); } TrackList::TrackList(const Text_t* name, Int_t n_tracks, TrackRnrStyle* rs) : RenderElementListBase(), TPolyMarker3D(n_tracks), fTitle(), fRnrStyle (rs), fRnrTracks (kTRUE) { Init(); SetName(name); } void TrackList::Reset(Int_t n_tracks) { delete [] fP; fP = 0; fN = n_tracks; if(fN) fP = new Float_t [3*fN]; memset(fP, 0, 3*fN*sizeof(Float_t)); fLastPoint = -1; } /**************************************************************************/ void TrackList::Paint(Option_t* option) { if(fRnrElement) { if(fRnrMarkers) { TPolyMarker3D::Paint(option); } if(fRnrTracks) { for(List_i i=fChildren.begin(); i!=fChildren.end(); ++i) { if((*i)->GetRnrElement()) (*i)->GetObject()->Paint(option); } } } } /**************************************************************************/ void TrackList::AddElement(RenderElement* el) { static const Exc_t eH("TrackList::AddElement "); if (dynamic_cast(el) == 0) throw(eH + "new element not a Track."); RenderElementListBase::AddElement(el); } /**************************************************************************/ void TrackList::MakeTracks() { for(List_i i=fChildren.begin(); i!=fChildren.end(); ++i) { ((Track*)(*i))->MakeTrack(); } gReve->Redraw3D(); } void TrackList::MakeMarkers() { Reset(fChildren.size()); for(List_i i=fChildren.begin(); i!=fChildren.end(); ++i) { Track& t = *((Track*)(*i)); if(t.GetN() > 0) SetNextPoint(t.fV.x, t.fV.y, t.fV.z); } gReve->Redraw3D(); } /**************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************/ void TrackList::SetWidth(Width_t w) { Width_t oldw = fRnrStyle->fWidth; fRnrStyle->fWidth = w; for (List_i i=fChildren.begin(); i!=fChildren.end(); ++i) { Track& t = *((Track*)(*i)); if (t.GetLineWidth() == oldw) t.SetLineWidth(w); } } void TrackList::SetMaxR(Float_t x) { fRnrStyle->fMaxR = x; MakeTracks(); MakeMarkers(); } void TrackList::SetMaxZ(Float_t x) { fRnrStyle->fMaxZ = x; MakeTracks(); MakeMarkers(); } void TrackList::SetMaxOrbs(Float_t x) { fRnrStyle->fMaxOrbs = x; MakeTracks(); } void TrackList::SetMinAng(Float_t x) { fRnrStyle->fMinAng = x; MakeTracks(); } void TrackList::SetDelta(Float_t x) { fRnrStyle->fDelta = x; MakeTracks(); } void TrackList::SetFitDaughters(Bool_t x) { fRnrStyle->fFitDaughters = x; MakeTracks(); } void TrackList::SetFitReferences(Bool_t x) { fRnrStyle->fFitReferences = x; MakeTracks(); } void TrackList::SetFitDecay(Bool_t x) { fRnrStyle->fFitDecay = x; MakeTracks(); } void TrackList::SetRnrDecay(Bool_t rnr) { fRnrStyle->fRnrDecay = rnr; MakeTracks(); } void TrackList::SetRnrDaughters(Bool_t rnr) { fRnrStyle->fRnrDaughters = rnr; MakeTracks(); } void TrackList::SetRnrReferences(Bool_t rnr) { fRnrStyle->fRnrReferences = rnr; MakeTracks(); } void TrackList::SetRnrMarkers(Bool_t rnr) { fRnrMarkers = rnr; gReve->Redraw3D(); } void TrackList::SetRnrTracks(Bool_t rnr) { fRnrTracks = rnr; gReve->Redraw3D(); } /**************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************/ void TrackList::SelectByPt(Float_t min_pt, Float_t max_pt) { Float_t minptsq = min_pt*min_pt; Float_t maxptsq = max_pt*max_pt; Float_t ptsq; for(List_i i=fChildren.begin(); i!=fChildren.end(); ++i) { ptsq = ((Track*)(*i))->fP.Perp2(); (*i)->SetRnrElement(ptsq >= minptsq && ptsq <= maxptsq); } } /**************************************************************************/ void TrackList::ImportHits() { for(List_i i=fChildren.begin(); i!=fChildren.end(); ++i) { ((Track*)(*i))->ImportHits(); } } void TrackList::ImportClusters() { for(List_i i=fChildren.begin(); i!=fChildren.end(); ++i) { ((Track*)(*i))->ImportClusters(); } } /**************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************/ #include "RGEditor.h" //______________________________________________________________________ // TrackCounter // ClassImp(TrackCounter) TrackCounter* TrackCounter::fgInstance = 0; TrackCounter::TrackCounter(const Text_t* name, const Text_t* title) : RenderElement(), TNamed(name, title), fBadLineStyle (6), fClickAction (CA_ToggleTrack), fAllTracks (0), fGoodTracks (0), fTrackLists () { if (fgInstance == 0) fgInstance = this; TQObject::Connect("Reve::Track", "CtrlClicked(Reve::Track*)", "Reve::TrackCounter", this, "DoTrackAction(Reve::Track*)"); } TrackCounter::~TrackCounter() { TQObject::Disconnect("Reve::Track", "DoTrackAction(Reve::Track*)"); if (fgInstance == this) fgInstance = 0; } /**************************************************************************/ void TrackCounter::Reset() { printf("TrackCounter::Reset()\n"); fAllTracks = 0; fGoodTracks = 0; TIter next(&fTrackLists); TrackList* tlist; while ((tlist = dynamic_cast(next()))) tlist->RemoveParent(this); fTrackLists.Clear(); } void TrackCounter::RegisterTracks(TrackList* tlist, Bool_t goodTracks) { // printf("TrackCounter::RegisterTracks '%s', %s\n", // tlist->GetObject()->GetName(), goodTracks ? "good" : "bad"); tlist->AddParent(this); fTrackLists.Add(tlist); List_i i = tlist->BeginChildren(); while (i != tlist->EndChildren()) { Track* t = dynamic_cast(*i); if (t != 0) { if (goodTracks) { ++fGoodTracks; } else { t->SetLineStyle(fBadLineStyle); } ++fAllTracks; } ++i; } } void TrackCounter::DoTrackAction(Track* track) { // !!!! No check done if ok. // !!!! Should also override RemoveElementLocal // !!!! But then ... should also sotre local information if track is ok. switch (fClickAction) { case CA_PrintTrackInfo: { printf("Track '%s'\n", track->GetObject()->GetName()); Vector &v = track->fV, &p = track->fP; printf(" Vx=%f, Vy=%f, Vz=%f; Pt=%f, Pz=%f, phi=%f)\n", v.x, v.y, v.z, p.Perp(), p.z, TMath::RadToDeg()*p.Phi()); printf(" \n"); break; } case CA_ToggleTrack: { if (track->GetLineStyle() == 1) { track->SetLineStyle(fBadLineStyle); --fGoodTracks; } else { track->SetLineStyle(1); ++fGoodTracks; } gReve->Redraw3D(); printf("TrackCounter::CountTrack All=%d, Good=%d, Bad=%d\n", fAllTracks, fGoodTracks, fAllTracks-fGoodTracks); if (gReve->GetEditor()->GetModel() == GetObject()) gReve->EditRenderElement(this); break; } } // end switch fClickAction } /**************************************************************************/ void TrackCounter::OutputEventTracks(FILE* out) { if (out == 0) { out = stdout; fprintf(out, "TrackCounter::FinalizeEvent()\n"); } fprintf(out, "Event = %d Ntracks = %d\n", fEventId, fGoodTracks); TIter tlists(&fTrackLists); TrackList* tlist; Int_t cnt = 0; while ((tlist = (TrackList*) tlists()) != 0) { List_i i = tlist->BeginChildren(); while (i != tlist->EndChildren()) { Track* t = dynamic_cast(*i); if (t != 0 && t->GetLineStyle() == 1) { ++cnt; fprintf(out, " %2d: chg=%+2d pt=%8.5f eta=%+8.5f\n", cnt, t->fCharge, t->fP.Perp(), t->fP.Eta()); } ++i; } } }